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Just a topic to speak more about the Gamecube, *devil* *devil*

I had bought the game one week ago, but because of my tests the week next this, I just played enough to finish the game in single player :| :-D

I played when i had the occasion to the N64 version and I think that this version is better than the old one on some points and worse on others, by examples mini games and gadget courts that I find not so well thought that they could have been. Well, it's just a bonus but they could have developped more players by example or I don't know they imagined so much things :D

But it's a very good game and very very very funny to play with friends (like mario kart or super smash bros or so on...)

So if you have the cube you know what to do ;)


I'm sure this game is lots of fun, but quite boring after a while in sigle player (like Mario Kart).

All my friends have PS2s, so I'll pass this one.

How can you compare MPT and GT4? Both are great game so I have to say 15/15 :P

I cannot wait for the new Zelda though.


I do not agree entirely with you Jipay about the PS2 ;)

Ok there are less "fun games" than the Cube, but it has for me the two best games ever made (of course there is Zelda on the cube):

- Gran Turismo series

- Metal Gear Solid (OK the first opus is on the Cube ;) )

For the rest it depends, and to tell you the truth I dont' care because I have both :-D :P

Also, (for the non exclusives licences) some games are better on the Cube and some games are better on the PS2. I guess it all depends... For instance Soul Calibur is much better on the Cube!!!


I just looked at it, it seems very funny *satis*

But unluckely I think i won't be able to participate cause I'm student so

- I must have time to work (especially I have tests next week)

- I come back to my house the week ends ...


BUT I'll see if it can fit

thank you for the information ^^


No problem Luigi ;)

Always a pleasure to give info :-D

Good luck for your exams (always a pain in the neck *wacko* ).

Keep us informed if you do participate ;)

PS MPT 15 - 30 GT4 ;)


I have do disagree... technicaly speaking the game cube is better all the way, and most important : the games on game cube are made for it and works perfectly on it whereas some playstation games are coming from pc and are just thrown into the ps2. Who never experienced a lag with the ps2 ?

Anyway, I think the people who wants a console need a game cube because it's fun, it's 4 players and inovative (every machine has guns, the game cube got bongos). If you want nice action games, the real ones are not on PS2 but on computer. My rother in law has a ps2. He tested once a game on both : there is no comparasion, even with a medium powered graphic cards.

And by the way for me the ps2 has always been a 'racaille' (only french should understand *twisted* ) console :P The entraineur, pro evolution soccer, rap games. not to mention their sudden move to the star accademy *glasses*


Jipay, I never said that the PS2 is far better than the Cube.

Some games like GT4 are only available on PS2 due to licences. GT is the BEST game ever in the car races category. I also have to mention one of the best game EVER: GTA licences *satis*

I love your term "racaille" :-D Because the PS2 is supposed to be for a more mature audience, we have all those crappy *sick* (and I'm being nice here) games for a specific market.

The Cube, on the other hand, is supposed to be for a younger market so it has a lot more fune games (mario Kart, MPT...). Now all great games come out like the new Zelda, Resident Evil4...

If I had to choose only one, I would go for a Cube, that's for sure ;) (and its cheaper, no stupid long loading times...)


I can't say ps2 is bad, gamecube is great for my part ...

They have different type of games, more from or like Pc for Ps2 it's sure (that's why I choose the cube I had a Pc and it's a lot more opened (rpg, rts ...) But it's not a "racaille" console because of "The entraineur, pro evolution soccer" These games are football games and the terme does not fit (I played football and football games like Fifa on Pc and i'm not considering myself as a racaille, far from it ^^) The games are for people who don't spend a lot of time on their consoles (except SOME games like GT4 (i tested GT3 and turning around a circle during 3 hours or having no crash no speed *sick* Burnout rocks (just my opinion, I know a lot of people consider it like a great game) or the Tomb Raider series or I can't find more *devil* but I know there are I blamed a lot of time people who created games on X box, Gba, Ps2 and never never on Gamecube (burnout 3 for exemple is not (yet) here) .)

Gamecube (and Nintendo) provide a lot of game with long-during time of playing, Zelda, Mario, Metroid primes or multiplayers (infinity of time :D) The appearance of the "younger market " HAS to be put off minds because even if it seems like this it's not. (Indeed there is a lot of technic). If I could I'll have two because ps2 brings us some things different. (the analogic joystick is from Sony so at least for that ...)

Love each other *wub*


GTA is also available for pc.

When i said racaille (ah ah love that word), it's because some guys are spending all their time on the ps2 playing ONLY soccer games. It's incredible. I just wander how they will look like in 10 years :|



you really don't want to know :-D


I have both systems and I love them both ;) After, its a question of what games you like and how well they perform on each system (when no exclusive licences are involved).

I said the Cube is "supposed to be for a younger market" because of the licences such as Mario, Pokemon... But of course its not true!!! I wouldn't want my young child to play Resident Evil4 :-D

Concerning races games, you have the option of the fast and wreckable Burnout 3 which is fun, but I really LOVE GT4 for its realism (actual cars, handling, braking....not to mention that the latest version is much faster *satis* ). On the Cube I have the US version of Racing Evolution (Namco) which is really good but nothing compared to GT4.

BY the way guys, its the only 100% French forum :-D


Well there was definitly one needed :-D And what kind of job do you do to have so much free time in your hands ?

I also have one question : have you guys tried metaboli.fr ? This is so great ! I already tried many games and its working so fine ! :)


I work in the legal department of a company where my boss only gives me crappy stuff do do: files reporting.... Between reviewing contracts I check out new posts (its a post/coffee brake :-D ).

I am looking for another job less boring. I am not Bac+6 to be a secretary *wacko*

I will visit the site you mentionned ;)


So I choose the character of a Us Multinational Company president to buy your little truck (with the other of course) and fire your rotting corpses and let you only the less benefic I am allowed to *satis* *twisted*


arrrrrrrrrrrrrg, arrrrrrrrrrg *devil*

OK, then I change my character to a media journalist spreading rumors on your of extra marital sexual relationship with your secretay!!!!! and then you'll be force to resign :-D (and live in misery)

I might hire you to drive the ice cream truck though :-D

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