June 30, 201410 yr Nice to hear there is aother wonderful book coming soon. I've just checked and British Amazon has it available for pre-order too, with free shipping within UK:http://www.amazon.co...04137173&sr=8-2 Any chance of preorder on Amazon.de?
June 30, 201410 yr It's a honnour to stand in your and Nostarch new Incredible LEGO Technic book . Can't wait of the hard copy.
June 30, 201410 yr @Sariel - Congratulations to you for pulling all these great models together into one book. The renders by Blakbird look amazing, and should complement the other information and images quite nicely. I am honored that you have included one of my models in this collection.
June 30, 201410 yr Well, that was a book I was expecting. I just knew for sure something like that would come up one day or another I was, in fact, even thinking about making one myself, just for fun Well, I'm going to buy this book, like most of the other people here Btw, I see you got Mahjqa's Da Vinci machine in there. It has always been one of my favorite models. Although I got a LDraw file of it, I've never build it. It's great to also see the little less known models in the book. Great job Sariel, Blakbird and all the others who helped!
June 30, 201410 yr Awesome! Looks like there are some great builders being featured, and it's hard to beat Blakbird's renders!
July 1, 201410 yr Amazing! The book is a must-have for me - a good collection of amazing models from our hard-core Technic moccers - (and I'm honored that there are models where I've made the instructions ) I already see my money gone by buying parts if I want build some models Greetings Alex
July 2, 201410 yr Thanks for letting me be part of this book. The material in the video looks very good. I can't wait to get the book.
July 2, 201410 yr I was wondering: is the hardcover edition only available from NoStarch? Because the other links say it's a paperback. I would like to have the hardcover edition, but the shippings costs from the US to here are higher than the book itself...
July 2, 201410 yr Author There is no paperback edition, only hardcover edition. The other sellers are simply naming it wrong. Note that the cover is not traditional ultra-thick, ultra-heavy thing. It's thin, but hard. Edited July 2, 201410 yr by Sariel
July 3, 201410 yr Amazon US is also available for pre-ordering now. Wonder whether there will be a kindle version and when.
July 3, 201410 yr The book looks great. It is overloaded with great models. Really looking forward having the hard copy in hands. Thanks for letting me be a part of this and thanks to everyone making this book possible! On what I have seen so fare, I would like to make a small remark that in my opinion not all models are Technic, but only have a Technic inside structure. Looking at the mecha and the motorbike, they would fit better in the scale model or modelteam category. The Spitfire is also in a grey aria, although it has some interesting technic functions. Don't get me wrong, they are all very wonderful models, but I thing the term Technic models should stand for models made out of almost all Technic parts or are Modelteam models with a lot of (motorised / pneumatic) Technic functions in it. If the term Technic models has to be taken lightly, then I'm find with that, then you can take my text as non written ;)
July 3, 201410 yr On what I have seen so fare, I would like to make a small remark that in my opinion not all models are Technic, but only have a Technic inside structure. I can assure you that a lot of disagreement discussion went into coming up with that definition. What is a "Technic" model? Easy to ask the question, not so easy to answer. In the AFOL community there are models which are clearly Technic (i.e. Crowkillers' Vampire, 100% Technic parts) and models which are clearly not (insert random Star Wars model here). But if we want to actually define a metric which can delineate one side from the other, there is no way to do it objectively. Rest assured that everything in the book is really cool.
July 3, 201410 yr It's an honour to be a part of this amazing book and to have one of my MOC's on the cover, thanks !!
July 3, 201410 yr Author It's good to have you guys :) Part of the idea behind this book is to surprise people a bit, show them that not everything has to look like official Technic sets. Technic is still one part of an entire system and benefits from combining with other parts. Which is perhaps best expemplified by Mahj's "Girl Tank" which is Technic all the way, but has LEGO Friends parts in it - and looks awesome (sadly, we didn't have enough space to have it in the book). Consider that this book will be accessible by broader public, thanks to not being die-hard Technic. Who knows who we may lure into our hobby, perhaps even more women? ;) Edited July 3, 201410 yr by Sariel
July 3, 201410 yr @blakbird and Sariel, I agree with you on the matter. The models have been chosen and the book is ready for printing. All models are more that excellent and also in a high diversity on what you can do within Technic. Let just keep it at that. There will always be a discussion wether a model fits in that type of category... @jurgen krooshoop, congrats! Sariel already told me that you model had a high chance of ending up on the cover. Also a little bit nice for me, because I photographed your models ;) The model really fits the cover and contens of the book. Edited July 3, 201410 yr by barman
July 3, 201410 yr Just saw the preview. Is looking good. It's making me curious to the rest of the content!
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