Posted July 7, 201410 yr 164B image by captaingoldenhook, on Flickr ...the sloop of war is patrolling the carribean waters on the fateful day... image by captaingoldenhook, on Flickr "Captain! There is a ship on the horizon!" image by captaingoldenhook, on Flickr "Ahhh, we can take them"................ Or not image by captaingoldenhook, on Flickr Presenting the new and improved eclipse, 44 guns and chasers, fast enough to outrun any man of war and with enough firepower to take any ship smaller. For 90% of you out there, this ship will WREAK your flagships. Most of it was completed in a 11 day period. Now for photos. image by captaingoldenhook, on Flickr image by captaingoldenhook, on Flickr image by captaingoldenhook, on Flickr image by captaingoldenhook, on Flickr image by captaingoldenhook, on Flickr image by captaingoldenhook, on Flickr If you have a ship that you THINK could take this ship, please post and we will have a merry time arguing ;P
July 8, 201410 yr Indeed she is fast, with no sails. In sailor speak of the time "fast" would more likely refer to being secured or immobilized, as in, fastened, than speedy. So fast she must be! I kid, I kid. Mighty she clearly is and I've nothing like, in her class. That sloop however, would fetch a fine price as a prize for my brace of cutters or privateer's brig. In any case I'm sure it would be a dull battle as our respective fleets seem to share the same affliction, a lack of canvas. I do like what you've done in such a short time. Weather or not it is by intent, you clearly show an understanding of the make up of a ship, superficially at the least, and that's what I find so fascinating about your work. One thing in particular bugs me about her though. That last gun port on the lower deck, seems partially blocked by the gallery. Was there no way around it or is it perhaps an accident? Thanks for sharing and may your challenge be well met. With this one in sight, I'll likely be heading for the horizon with all dispatch.
July 8, 201410 yr Nicely done, you've raised your ship-building tempo over mine . I like the decorations, like the lion heads on the bow. I think there's too much tan in the color scheme but that's just my personal taste About all of my ships can outrun this one, I have one that can both outrun and outgun her Although, as the Flying Dutchman is a ghostship it probably doesn't count. Also, like kurigan said, a ship with no sails can sail no seas
July 8, 201410 yr Hi, Yeah, that's some firepower, well done, especially considering the short build time! I like the overall shape, the stern and side galleries are well built (they remind me of the HMS Prince of Wales). I think, however, you could improve her a lot by reworking the color scheme. As a suggestion leave the broadsides tan (change the line between the prefab hull and the lower gun deck to black, though), but use some popping colors (like yellow, red, blue) for the bow (headrails) and stern (windows, decoration). In addition I think you should also adjust the gunport pattern by going for a regular cross pattern, and reducing the space between two gunports to four studs. Here's a quick MS-Paint 'mastered' impression of what that could look like: The green gunport (matching your existing one) marks the starting point, then it's four studs spacing - two studs gunport (applying this pattern would require you using 1x1 and 1x3 tan bricks on the lower gun deck and the quarter deck). Neat little side effect would be to increase your ship's broadside firepower to 28 guns. Not that I would feel concerned, for I consider myself part of those 10% Anyway, great to see another ship of the line, yours is a very fine one, keep it up! Regards, KB
July 8, 201410 yr Author Thanks for all your comments, sails will be made soon. There was no way around the lower rear gun looking squashed. Also the stern side windows don't meet the hull as nice as I wished. image by captaingoldenhook, on Flickr Oh, and sebeus, your Flying Dutchman does not have all the guns in the gun decks, so mine has more guns, it think. And the Flying Dutchman is defiantly not seaworthy.
July 8, 201410 yr For 90% of you out there, this ship will WREAK your flagships. Guess I'm in the 10% then... Dread Pirate Wesley
July 8, 201410 yr Oh, and sebeus, your Flying Dutchman does not have all the guns in the gun decks, so mine has more guns, it think. And the Flying Dutchman is defiantly not seaworthy. I don't know if you've seen the POTC movies... I didn't fill my ship with the full arnament but she was designed to hold a total of 54 guns (not including the triple guns). And if you've seen the movie you'll know that there is no ship more seaworthy than the Flying Dutchman, infact that ship is related to the sea more than any other . But like I said earlier, we're talking about a ghostship here, magical characteristics and timber are intertwined so it doesn't really qualify for a comparison with a normal ship.
July 8, 201410 yr Author ;P..........Mine is faster though, so I would never vrs yours though........;P Edit: that is to sebeus and the dread pirate Wesley! And to koltabeamer, sorry, I will take your advice into consideration but for now I am to lazy to rip apart my beautiful ship to do what you are describing.
July 12, 201410 yr Really impressive advance in your naval construction . Definitely, I will need more cannons... How have you done for improve an small frigate into a ship of the line in so relatively little time? I need months only to get my first hull parts (via exchange in other forum) and convert my old ugly brig into a little corvette ... Commodore Ariel.
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