January 5, 201510 yr I think he means that since have of the justice league can fly unaided (Green Lantern, Superman, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter and Hawkman ) and most of those can survive in Space ( can Hawkman survive in Space?) that they wouldn't need to use the Javlin. To be honest though the Javlin is pretty pointless anyway. Unless the Justice League is travelling through space, as none of the Justice League really need it. If the threat is on Earth then all those leaguers previously mentioned can just fly there, Aquaman can swim at hundreds of miles an hour, run pretty fast and leap entire buildings due to his legs. Flash can run there and Batman can just use the Batwing. Green Arrow could hitch a ride with Batman or be carried by Green Lantern. SHAZAM can fly and Cyborg can teleport if he has one of Darksieds motherboxes in him like in the New 52. In fact they can all just teleport from the Watchtower anyway, so it really seems ineeded. I know that 2 of the leaguers are billionaires ( 3 if your going of New 52 where Lex Luthor is now a member of JL ) but still seems like a waste of money, plus the amount of fuel that thing uses must make it a nightmare to maintain. Well, knowing all that previously, I'm still happy to have the Javelin. It's the League's QuinJet. I also agree that it has much firepower. I still wish we had that New 52 Superman. Batman has had so many variant Lego costumes and Superman has had only 2.
January 5, 201510 yr Probably because Batman is only human. He needs a variety of different suits for different reasons or area such as a Scuba suit or an Arctic suit. Superman can survive all of those things so that's probably why he has kept the same suit for almost 75 years. The only variants I see Lego making for him are possibly his Kryptonite protection suit from TAS and the New 52. As well as the BVS suit but that would only have minor changes.
January 5, 201510 yr In Australia the prices are vamped up to like $50 Um...... I see you have not checked eBay recently! :p They go for as little as $20!!:)
January 5, 201510 yr I'm going to try to pick up all five sets today from my local store if I can. Fingers crossed they are stocking them and have the Braniac set.
January 5, 201510 yr Picked up the Gorrila Grodd Goes Bananas, Darkseid Invasion and Green Lantern vs Sinestro on day 1. The Tumbler was selling like hotcakes and was sold out completely only one hour after the store opened :( .The sets are really nice and I will buy a dark green hood on brick link when I get home for The Green Arrow.
January 5, 201510 yr one of the company's exclusive minifigure raffle items will feature an iconic DC Comics character.".So an iconic character is the exclusive... That's from last year
January 5, 201510 yr I think I might've found something great guys. I think I may have an idea where the trickster minifigure is from. Not 100% sure though I want to show you guys a picture I just have no idea how to play images can someone help
January 5, 201510 yr I think I might've found something great guys. I think I may have an idea where the trickster minifigure is from. Not 100% sure though I want to show you guys a picture I just have no idea how to play images can someone help You could link to a Flickr account
January 5, 201510 yr I don't have Flickr tho :/ You could just tell us It's not hard to make one, or imgur, or photo bucket or anything. Edited January 5, 201510 yr by Themadpatter
January 5, 201510 yr I don't have Flickr tho :/ You can attach an image by editing a post that you alreasdy made, then choosing the full editor. On the bottom, there will a thing to attach images under 100MB, i beleive. Edited January 5, 201510 yr by psqidexslizer248
January 5, 201510 yr You can attach an image by editing a post that you alreasdy made, then choosing the full editor. On the bottom, there will a thing to attach images under 100MB, i beleive. Could this be what it comes with? I'm not 100% sure if it's true or not (the website doesn't say), but I've never seen or heard about this in my life. Edited January 5, 201510 yr by BatZack
January 5, 201510 yr Sticker books are normally very thin books and never come with exclusive figures as they are paperback books. The minifigures normally come with a visual dictionary of some kind and are in hardback books with an extra thick cover to hold the minifigure depth. It's either that or a DC game or DVD. I agree with those that have said the shape of the blister packaging is very accurate to the shape of the figure including that specific hairpiece so it's not really a generic clamshell casing. Bain has a similar clamshell case to it's shape for a Hobbit release similar to the two previous Bilbo variations.
January 5, 201510 yr Could this be what it comes with? I'm not 100% sure if it's true or not (the website doesn't say), but I've never seen or heard about this in my life. If Trickster was included, I think there would be a place for him at the bottom right corner, but it could be a preliminary image. The last Super Heroes sticker book didn't come with a figure, but things do change. I really don't know, I've never heard of this book before, but I'm thinking no. Edited January 5, 201510 yr by psqidexslizer248
January 5, 201510 yr Sticker books are normally very thin books and never come with exclusive figures as they are paperback books. The minifigures normally come with a visual dictionary of some kind and are in hardback books with an extra thick cover to hold the minifigure depth. It's either that or a DC game or DVD. I agree with those that have said the shape of the blister packaging is very accurate to the shape of the figure including that specific hairpiece so it's not really a generic clamshell casing. Bain has a similar clamshell case to it's shape for a Hobbit release similar to the two previous Bilbo variations. Yeah I thought so too but when I saw it online I thought maybe it was the place for trickster. I still 100% believe it's flash season 1 but it could be anything. Maybe even the rumoured lego batman 3 movie. But even a new visual dictionary would be good If Trickster was included, I think there would be a place for him at the bottom right corner, but it could be a preliminary image. The last Super Heroes sticker book didn't come with a figure, but things do change. I really don't know, I've never heard of this book before, but I'm thinking no. When was there another super heroes sticker book? EDIT: never mind I remember, it was just the batman series though wasn't it Edited January 5, 201510 yr by BatZack
January 5, 201510 yr Could this be what it comes with? I'm not 100% sure if it's true or not (the website doesn't say), but I've never seen or heard about this in my life. Nope. I don't think any of those sticker books come with figures. And that one in particular is already for sale (released Dec 29), and at least in the U.S. market has no minifigure attached: http://www.amazon.com/Ultimate-Sticker-Collection-ULTIMATE-COLLECTIONS/dp/1465428461/ref=sr_1_11?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1420461231&sr=1-11&keywords=lego+sticker+book
January 5, 201510 yr I know one of the Lego Movie's coloring books came with one of the robot figures.
January 5, 201510 yr When there another super heroes sticker book? EDIT: never mind I remember, it was just the batman series though wasn't it Back in 2012. It was sort of a combination of Batman and Super Heroes if I'm not mistaken. I know one of the Lego Movie's coloring books came with one of the robot figures. Super Heroes seems to be aimed at a much higher age group than that so a coloring book doesn't make that much sense to me. Maybe Lego is trying to get (an increase in sales by getting) more younger kids interested? Edited January 5, 201510 yr by psqidexslizer248
January 5, 201510 yr Have we ever gotten a minifigure with something that wasn't Lego related? A few of you guys are talking about Trickster being in the Flash Season 1 DVD, but has anything like that ever happened before?
January 5, 201510 yr Have we ever gotten a minifigure with something that wasn't Lego related? A few of you guys are talking about Trickster being in the Flash Season 1 DVD, but has anything like that ever happened before? Sort of... In the U.S. Target's "exclusive" Hobbit Blu Ray movies; blue coat Bilbo, Legolas Polybag, and (it's presumed) Bain is coming with Battle of Five Armies.
January 5, 201510 yr Sort of... In the U.S. Target's "exclusive" Hobbit Blu Ray movies; blue coat Bilbo, Legolas Polybag, and (it's presumed) Bain is coming with Battle of Five Armies. Was the confirmed about Bain? Because some people think it might be another cube or something with the Trickster included. Edited January 5, 201510 yr by MODOCTORDOOM
January 5, 201510 yr Was the confirmed about Bain? Because some people think it might be another cube or something with the Trickster included. The superhero cube figure is already confirmed as Lightning Lad.
January 5, 201510 yr The superhero cube figure is already confirmed as Lightning Lad. Although ther could still be another cube/something similar which contains both Bain and trickster
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