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They may go with minifigs to try and attract the male audience as well and make optimum profits

They may go with minifigs to try and attract the male audience as well and make optimum profits

Only if in the TV programs, books and video games they include Batman, Superman, etc., if it's girl power then I doubt minifig......I hope I'm wrong.

I think there's still a chance that they'll be minifigs. The majority of the characters are wearing pants... do they even have female pants sculpts in the minidoll form?

Yes, they do.

I'm still banking on there being no direct DC Girls sets. The press release just said TLG will help promote it or whatever, but like it didn't mention there being specific sets with a launch date. I dunno, maybe I'm just a skeptic. I think they just mean TLG will include these girls in more and more sets.

I really hope you're right as usual.

Edited by psqidexslizer248

I really hope you're right as usual.

I'm totally guessing, this time it isn't backed up by any insider or anything, but I believe I'm right.

New sets look good, but I can't say the same for some of the figs. Reused ones piss me off, but the Titans look fabulous. Deathstroke REALLY should have had a black head with orange print, the amount of orange is gaudy and I'm afraid he'll have terrible back print like movie Bane. Robin's torso is God awful.

My biggest complaint is why does Batman have boot print in one set but not the other!? It's ridiculous!

It's not print, it's molding, but the point still stands. They seem to be really proud of the new boots, so why give them to Batman in only one set?

It's not print, it's molding, but the point still stands. They seem to be really proud of the new boots, so why give them to Batman in only one set?

To serve as an incentive to buy the $120 set?

I'm thinking the promo image is for the Mattel products or WB animation.

I'm thinking the promo image is for the Mattel products or WB animation.

I'm leaning towards animation, although those characters designs will probably be used for the products, both the Mattel ones and the Lego ones, so I guess it could technically be for all three?

I'm still banking on there being no direct DC Girls sets. The press release just said TLG will help promote it or whatever, but like it didn't mention there being specific sets with a launch date. I dunno, maybe I'm just a skeptic. I think they just mean TLG will include these girls in more and more sets.

I'm thinking the same thing. They'll probably have a DC Girls inspired set, but it will be a comic based set. Almost like what they did for the GG and Electro sets for Marvel- comic/TV show sets, but chosen because of the movie.

If I'm wrong, watch how they make Raven a mini-doll and fail to release her as a minifigure... :hmpf_bad:

I'm thinking the same thing. They'll probably have a DC Girls inspired set, but it will be a comic based set. Almost like what they did for the GG and Electro sets for Marvel- comic/TV show sets, but chosen because of the movie.

If I'm wrong, watch how they make Raven a mini-doll and fail to release her as a minifigure... :hmpf_bad:

*oh2* If that last part happens my tears will flood the forums - ALL the forums.

Edited by psqidexslizer248

I feel like LEGO's target audience (children) doesn't quite work with "DC Girls". DC is definitely a teen-adult audience, so a minidoll theme would be too girly and kid-oriented (in my mind, at least). Who are LEGO trying to draw in by making sets for this? Teenage girls?

Well, they already have the minifigure lines drawing in boys; why not draw girls, too?

The minidolls aren't inherently any more kid-oriented than the minifigures; they're just principally targeted at a different sex / gender. Minifigures themselves, despite the fact some adults such as ourselves like them, are similarly targeted at kids; the minidolls are targeted at kids in the same broad age range as minifigures.

As for who LEGO is trying to draw in, it's not just LEGO - this is a big thing DC is doing, and you can bet that all DC's licensees will be a part of it, from LEGO to Mattel to Hasbro to anyone and everyone else.

And frankly, I think it's a good thing. DC has screwed up and done an awful lot to turn girls and women away in recent years, and this kind of deliberate outreach to girls and women is honestly something they could really use to try and set things right, and make female comics fans feel welcome again.

I also think it's great from a LEGO point of view, too - it'll just bring that much more variety to the minidoll world, and bring us a greater variety of set designs, etc. It's not going to take the place of the minifigure DC Super Heroes line, any more than the DUPLO DC sets have done; it'll just be another part of their overall DC output, just as the DUPLO sets are.

Even if they do decide to go with minidolls for the new theme, the hairpieces are still compatible with regular Lego minifigures! This means that we, most likely, will be getting Harley Quinn hair, as the Harley Quinn in the promo image has her hair out, not that hat.

Perhaps that's what they're saving the pigtails piece for. But I think that's just as cheap as giving Batman boots in one set only.

Perhaps that's what they're saving the pigtails piece for. But I think that's just as cheap as giving Batman boots in one set only.

I'm sure we'll be seeing him in future sets, you know, just as soon as we've had some time to buy the $120 set.

Even if they do decide to go with minidolls for the new theme, the hairpieces are still compatible with regular Lego minifigures! This means that we, most likely, will be getting Harley Quinn hair, as the Harley Quinn in the promo image has her hair out, not that hat.

That still doesn't really help if we get any new characters exclusively as minidolls. I'm really hoping Lego will just promote DC's whole girl-thing with a wave of Birds of Prey sets or something.

Edited by psqidexslizer248

If Lego went with Minidolls for this DC female oriented line, I think it would defeat the purpose of "getting more females" into the line and DC. By alienating this line with minidolls, and therefore making it non-compatible with the existing DC line, you are not incorporating girls into the Lego DC line/world, they are keeping them separate from it. A, DC minidoll line would be this weird hybrid of elements that would NOT attract the targeted audience they are looking to capture.

If you want to get more females involved, don't make them feel different, bring them into the fold with cool, awesome, fun sets, WITH mini-figures of great FEMALE DC characters that we ALL enjoy, and can play with TOGETHER.

If Lego went with Minidolls for this DC female oriented line, I think it would defeat the purpose of "getting more females" into the line and DC. By alienating this line with minidolls, and therefore making it non-compatible with the existing DC line, you are not incorporating girls into the Lego DC line/world, they are keeping them separate from it. A, DC minidoll line would be this weird hybrid of elements that would NOT attract the targeted audience they are looking to capture.

If you want to get more females involved, don't make them feel different, bring them into the fold with cool, awesome, fun sets, WITH mini-figures of great FEMALE DC characters that we ALL enjoy, and can play with TOGETHER.

Except that the minidolls were created in the first place because a lot of girls (no, not all, but a very significant number) just don't respond to minifigures the way we do. If this DC initiative is to bring more girls to DC, then LEGO's part isn't going to be about using DC characters to bring them to minifigures; that's the exact opposite of it. They'll use the minidolls (or minifigures; we don't actually know for sure which yet, though minidolls certainly seem likely) to bring girls to DC. The minidolls are already bringing more girls to LEGO than the minifigures did/do, after all; this is just another step.

Blondie-wan, I completely agree with you that the mini's were created to bring in girls. However, I think the difference here is that the mini's typically bring in YOUNG girls. Pink and cute and little mini dolls, and all that stuff, is typically about the younger female demo, and that's fine. However, with the DC female demo, that they are looking to get, I feel its typically going to appeal to, YES, a younger female demo, but ALSO a slightly older female demo too. With that being said, I still feel, if done right, making sets with mini-figures female based, will "marry" it ALL together DC wise, and appeal to a much broader female AND male range. This would be a homerun, financially speaking, if done right and grabbing BOTH a male and female audience, and I feel mini-figures , not mini-dolls, is the way to do it.

What if Lego were to do a wave of minidoll sets as well as some minifigure ones? If DC wanted to reach the most females possible, that'd be the way to do it.

Edited by psqidexslizer248

I think what Lego wants to do now with DC is completely exclude female superheroes from regular sets. If they go with Minidoll figures for female superheroes then they probably won't put any more females in regular sets. They probably just want male minifigures in every set now and exclude females. I don't know how well a DC girls theme would do, but if they do minidoll figures then it probaly won't sell well.

Blondie-wan, I completely agree with you that the mini's were created to bring in girls. However, I think the difference here is that the mini's typically bring in YOUNG girls. Pink and cute and little mini dolls, and all that stuff, is typically about the younger female demo, and that's fine. However, with the DC female demo, that they are looking to get, I feel its typically going to appeal to, YES, a younger female demo, but ALSO a slightly older female demo too. With that being said, I still feel, if done right, making sets with mini-figures female based, will "marry" it ALL together DC wise, and appeal to a much broader female AND male range. This would be a homerun, financially speaking, if done right and grabbing BOTH a male and female audience, and I feel mini-figures , not mini-dolls, is the way to do it.

The minidoll sets aren't all aimed at the same ages, though. The Disney Princess sets skew a little younger than Friends, for example; DP sets have simpler, easier builds, while the Friends sets are designed - and age-rated - like comparable City sets.

Moreover, doing all these new DC Girls sets as minifigure sets would mean no real new initiative - they'd be just part of the standard, existing DC Superheroes series, while the whole point of the branding is to make clear this is a new outreach toward girls / women. Just continuing the same line they've been doing the last three years wouldn't communicate that idea.

Anyway, I don't think fans of DC characters as traditional minifigures need worry - they'll surely keep on with the existing DC minifigures line, and the minidoll sets won't eclipse them, any more than the already-existing Duplo sets do.

I think what Lego wants to do now with DC is completely exclude female superheroes from regular sets. If they go with Minidoll figures for female superheroes then they probably won't put any more females in regular sets. They probably just want male minifigures in every set now and exclude females. I don't know how well a DC girls theme would do, but if they do minidoll figures then it probaly won't sell well.

I don't think that's going to happen at all. Look at the Duplo sets - did they stop putting Batman and Superman in minifigure sets just because those characters are now also appearing in Duplo sets? Of course not. So why should we think they'll stop putting Wonder Woman and Batgirl in minifigure sets just because they'll also appear as minidolls?

The minidolls will just be a fourth type of LEGO figure used for DC Comics characters (after minifigures, constraction figures and Duplo figures).

Edited by Blondie-Wan

The minidolls will just be a fourth type of LEGO figure used for DC Comics characters (after minifigures, constraction figures and Duplo figures).

Fifth, you forgot microfigures.

Edited by psqidexslizer248

@ Aanchir

> I don't get why so many people are worrying about female characters disappearing from the regular DC Super Heroes range because of this.

> they question how many of those girls will ever move onto other themes, as if they consider Friends nothing more than a stepping stone to "real LEGO", rather than "real LEGO" in its own right

I agree with these points alot. Just based on the franchise itself, the main concern I have is that, Super Heroes Girls to Superheroes could be similiar with Disney Princess to major Disney/Pixar themes. I don't doubt that girls would be initially attracted to these heroine characters, but the question is whether girls would be redirected to the whole universes of these franchises. As for me, I'd also like to see girls do teamwork with guys in more major films beside a series specifically for girls

As for the figure type issue, suppose we'll really get Super Heroes Girls minidolls, the difference for this case is that, unlike Disney series, we already get some of the minifigures from DC franchise, and luckily some of them have been represnted in major LEGO product lines and media works like TLM/Dimensions. But the reason could be very contradictory at the same time. If SH minifigure line couldn't attract girls so LEGO introduce SH minidoll line, why don't they also do Friends/Disney minifigure line to attract other consumers in the reverse way? If LEGO could notice this, the alternative figure idea should be applied to more licensed/non-licensed themes. This may also add diversities to the minidoll lineup.

Also, suppose that LEGO wouldn't get all these characters available in both minidoll and minifigure range, girls' would be unable to call some of their favorite male heroes into the minidoll world for help (duh, unless the targeted girls are all radical feminists). And I'm not sure if the huge LEGO DC fanbase would accept to get the exclusive characters as minidolls.

An interesting point could be that whether minidoll supervillains would be eventually introduced, considering that Disney sets failed to do it in the two waves so far.

Edited by Dorayaki

I just seem like the current debate shows signs of a future controversy if minidolls are used. The basic thing I have a problem with is that using minidolls for the DC line, no matter what the target group prefers, seems to single out girls even more, since they would be spinoffs of a minifig-oriented theme. It would seem even more "girl-targeted" than usual, since DC sets have used minifigures otherwise. And I don't know about the tone or approach of the DC Girls comics, but dollhouse or scenery sets with few play features doesn't seem right for a comic-book theme, so I hope there's an action element somewhere in the sets.

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