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You do see Luke playing with the studio model at the beginning of the oil bath scene, and in the same scene, the half-completed full-sized skyhopper can be seen in the right garage, just behind and to the right of Threepio.

I guess many of the more serious Star Wars fan my age know that, perhaps even the majority. The Skyhopper always had a strangely large fan base and there have been many toys of the ship although it was never seen flying until the special edition...

It is still a rather odd choice and maybe aimed at afols, for the younger kids - grown up with the PT and CW - probably could not care less about the Skyhopper. Due to my age I am entirely sympathic to the OT sets, and even I care little.

If anything I'd take this as a sign that Lego prefers vehicle sets over scenery sets like the Cantina. I mean we are lacking a lot of sceneries, both OT and PT (or at least have not seen remakes in many years), but missing vehicles? Now even the Skyhopper is remade, a mere toy/seen once briefly flying vehicle. I don't want to sound bitter about it though, as I know vehicles are easier to make and perhaps sell better.

The helmets look like they got updated by Apple :grin:

Nah, they need more chamfered edges. :tongue:

If anything I'd take this as a sign that Lego prefers vehicle sets over scenery sets like the Cantina. I mean we are lacking a lot of sceneries, both OT and PT (or at least have not seen remakes in many years), but missing vehicles?

They definitely do. I remember back in '07 I read somewhere an article about the Indiana Jones sets, and the designer(s) mentioned that Indy was a lot harder to design sets for compared to Star Wars because so many of the iconic scenes and set possibilities were focused around locations and individuals rather than around vehicles. It doesn't really surprise me; it's a lot easier to sell a set and make it look complete* if it's a vehicle rather than a location, and I'm sure kids (and many of us AFOLs...) have a lot more fun swooshing with the vehicles.

*By which I mean, if you want a vehicular set at a certain price point, you simply select a vehicle that you think will sell well at the right size, build it, test it, etc. But if you want to do a location, you have to figure out how big you have to make the set to make the location recognizable, and you have to figure out where are good places to cut the location off, and you have to figure out what elements of the location are essential to the look, and you have to figure out how to disguise fun (read: launching, shooting, or throwing) play features...

It doesn't really surprise me; it's a lot easier to sell a set and make it look complete* if it's a vehicle rather than a location, and I'm sure kids (and many of us AFOLs...) have a lot more fun swooshing with the vehicles.

You are right I guess. Completeness and swooshability (if that is a word...) are important, and I am no exception in that. I like having a complete vehicle on my desk that I can (ab)use to toy around a little when I am bored... Sceneries can never be complete and integrating play features is also a pain - just think about Palpatine's Arrest.

Skyhopper with Luke or a simple pilot = easy pass.

Skyhopper with Bantha+Tusken Raider = instant buy.


And would a skyhopper with Biggs/Luke and Walrusman and Hammerhead be an instant buy for you?

Edited by Borex

The helmets have a few rounded corners. This infringes on Apple's patent. I smell a lawsuit.

The new T-16 is an amazing chance to give us little Womp rats, I see no excuse.

What I'm looking forward to the most is the EP I AAT, I will definitely get a few of them if I like the design!

Good choice TLG! :classic:

What I'm looking forward to the most is the EP I AAT, I will definitely get a few of them if I like the design!

Could be clone wars?

Or even rebels if Dave decides to throw them into the mix.

Could be clone wars?

Or even rebels if Dave decides to throw them into the mix.

I doubt it would it be clone wars seeing as the line has appeared to have ended. Nevertheless I'm looking forward to this set as well as the Skyhopper.

What I'm looking forward to the most is the EP I AAT, I will definitely get a few of them if I like the design!

Good choice TLG! :classic:

same here, it's the only thing that interests me from this wave. Really hope it's the tan version. Didn't care for the blue one that much.

And would a skyhopper with Biggs/Luke and Walrusman and Hammerhead be an instant buy for you?


The scene with Luke swooshing the skyhopper pretty much says it all in terms of vehicle popularity. What would be cooler for a young child to watch A New Hope while swooshing their very own skyhopper while watching Luke do the same? The only thing I could think of is Yoda in your living room levitating furniture.

same here, it's the only thing that interests me from this wave. Really hope it's the tan version. Didn't care for the blue one that much.

Same here, hopefully we will see some new tan pieces along with it! :laugh:

I guess many of the more serious Star Wars fan my age know that, perhaps even the majority. The Skyhopper always had a strangely large fan base and there have been many toys of the ship although it was never seen flying until the special edition...


Now even the Skyhopper is remade, a mere toy/seen once briefly flying vehicle. (...)

If the rumors are true, there won't be a special edition anymore in the future, as Disney is releasing the movies again next fall in it's original version, without the 90s scenes. So it might make sense to throw that now on the Cantina set, as in the future no one might remember that "thing" from Luke's garage no more, that's not flying around. Also, you are right about the playsets vs. vehicles. Lego has no huge love for playsets, they have proven to be difficult to create and sell. I guess the late Jabba's Palace and Mos Eisley Cantina are very well designed and somehow cash in, but in the earlier years playsets have proven not to sell easily (which is why 10123 Cloud City is so rare, cause no one bought it). Playsets / buildings sell better with older customers, hence we rarely see CW or E1-3 playsets, but a couple of OT ones. As an OT fan you are in the privileged position to get an Ewok Village or Death Star, with the fans of CW or PT not getting almost any playsets at all. So having said all this, I think there might be some slots in 2015 for exclusive / limited edition OT playsets, Bespin or Dagobah for example.

The helmets have a few rounded corners. This infringes on Apple's patent. I smell a lawsuit.

Unleash... the lawyers. :wink:

This is kind of off topic but can anybody tell me or send me a link about what's the difference between Special edition and original edition?

Skyhopper with Luke or a simple pilot = easy pass.

Skyhopper with Bantha+Tusken Raider = instant buy.

"Skyhoppers do not concern me....I want that Bantha, not excuses"no2on-yahoo-emoticon.gif

And would a skyhopper with Biggs/Luke and Walrusman and Hammerhead be an instant buy for you?

Throw in an extra Kabe and Muftak and I'm in.

Edited by Jedi-Bendu

I doubt it would it be clone wars seeing as the line has appeared to have ended.

Unless it hasn't. The Geonosis troopers will almost definitely be clone wars in my eyes, unless once again, it's in rebels

Could be clone wars?

Or even rebels if Dave decides to throw them into the mix.

You never know. The Rebels scenes we have seen have a lot of reused TCW CGI vehicle models in them. Heck if Ezra's Speederbike is the one we saw in Rebels Pilot clips then it is the same bike Asohka used a few times in TCW. Most notably in the Brother/Sister force weirdness story arc.

If the rumors are true, there won't be a special edition anymore in the future, as Disney is releasing the movies again next fall in it's original version, without the 90s scenes. So it might make sense to throw that now on the Cantina set, as in the future no one might remember that "thing" from Luke's garage no more, that's not flying around. Also, you are right about the playsets vs. vehicles. Lego has no huge love for playsets, they have proven to be difficult to create and sell. I guess the late Jabba's Palace and Mos Eisley Cantina are very well designed and somehow cash in, but in the earlier years playsets have proven not to sell easily (which is why 10123 Cloud City is so rare, cause no one bought it). Playsets / buildings sell better with older customers, hence we rarely see CW or E1-3 playsets, but a couple of OT ones. As an OT fan you are in the privileged position to get an Ewok Village or Death Star, with the fans of CW or PT not getting almost any playsets at all. So having said all this, I think there might be some slots in 2015 for exclusive / limited edition OT playsets, Bespin or Dagobah for example.

Unleash... the lawyers. :wink:

I don't think they are "retconing" the Special Editions out. Just giving an original theatrical release version.

My gut suspicion on the T-16 is we are getting it in part because the vehicle design will probably show up at some point again. Either in Rebels or Ep VII. Which gives it good cross play potential. Both projects seem to be favoring the old barely touched on designs. Plus it could give us some long neglected characters. Aunt Beru, Biggs, Luke's other mangy hippy friends from that deleted scene. (That never got Special Editioned back in amazingly). Maybe one or two Tusken Raiders? Maybe a small piece of the Lar's homestead like the entrance (with and without black skeleton). It fits nicely between the Sandcrawler and the Cantina.

What I'm looking forward to the most is the EP I AAT, I will definitely get a few of them if I like the design!

Good choice TLG! :classic:

Hopefully the build will be similar to the Clone Wars version that came out in 2009. I thought Lego nailed the design with that set. Only this time the colours should be based on Episode I. :classic:

This is kind of off topic but can anybody tell me or send me a link about what's the difference between Special edition and original edition?

The orginal editions were the original versions shown in cinemas form 1977-1983.

The special editions were released in cinemas in the late 90s with additional scenes and special effects (including some rather wonky early CGI and stupid retconning like Greedo shooting first to make Han look less unscrupulous than he did in the original releases).

When the films were later released on DVD, Lucas couldn't help but do some extra tinkering so that suddenly Anakin's force ghost at the end of ROTJ suddenly transformed into a youthful Haden Christensen and the holographic emperor in TESB being replaced by the actor who played the role in the prequels and ROTJ).

So basically there are three versions of each of the original trilogy films - the orignal theatrical releases, the theatrical special editions and the DVD special editions. I believe the Blu Rays are the same as the later vesions but could be wrong.

You never know. The Rebels scenes we have seen have a lot of reused TCW CGI vehicle models in them. Heck if Ezra's Speederbike is the one we saw in Rebels Pilot clips then it is the same bike Asohka used a few times in TCW. Most notably in the Brother/Sister force weirdness story arc.

The bikes used in the Mortis episodes are definitely not the bikes Zeb, Kanan, and Ezra hijack in the Rebels preview (which is the same bike style, albeit in different colors, in the book that Ezra uses). The Mortis bikes are fold-up numbers based on, I think, entirely different OT concept art images. The REBELS bikes are based on art that is clearly more a precursor to the ROTJ bikes, simply with more relaxed seating for the riders.

The orginal editions were the original versions shown in cinemas form 1977-1983.

The special editions were released in cinemas in the late 90s with additional scenes and special effects (including some rather wonky early CGI and stupid retconning like Greedo shooting first to make Han look less unscrupulous than he did in the original releases).

When the films were later released on DVD, Lucas couldn't help but do some extra tinkering so that suddenly Anakin's force ghost at the end of ROTJ suddenly transformed into a youthful Haden Christensen and the holographic emperor in TESB being replaced by the actor who played the role in the prequels and ROTJ).

So basically there are three versions of each of the original trilogy films - the orignal theatrical releases, the theatrical special editions and the DVD special editions. I believe the Blu Rays are the same as the later vesions but could be wrong.

The Blu-rays were tinkered with again unfortunately! In ROTJ when Vader throws the Emporer to save Luke, you hear Vader shout Nooooooooooo which was cut straight from Revenge of the Sith when Vader is told that he killed Padme.

Not to mention all three films having a very faint blueness to them most noticeable in the Hoth scenes. If you search online you can find the blu-ray changes as there are many more than I have mentioned.

So basically there are three versions of each of the original trilogy films - the orignal theatrical releases, the theatrical special editions and the DVD special editions. I believe the Blu Rays are the same as the later vesions but could be wrong.

Well, there are more than 4 versions.......for instance: the re-release of the first movie in 1981 had some changes: the opening crawl for instance (back in 77 the movie didn't have A New Hope in the crawl...it was added in 81)

here's some info: http://www.thegeektwins.com/2011/09/want-to-see-full-list-of-changes-to.html#.U_MRMmP1aZS

Even the theatrical and TV versions are different.

I must admit I hadn't really considered the possibility of more Tatooine-ness with the T-16. I really thought the Sandcrawler was the last real chance of picking up anything to do with the Lars Homestead but seeing as it was parked there there's now the faint whiff of a possibility of Beru... or at least Tuskens. Biggs from the deleted scene would be a bit special too... There seems to be a bit of a mirror between some of the things were seeing now and Kenner releases.

The Transporter being one of them... Zeb as the original concept Chewie... I just like the idea of that version of Biggs.

Well, there are more than 4 versions.......for instance: the re-release of the first movie in 1981 had some changes: the opening crawl for instance (back in 77 the movie didn't have A New Hope in the crawl...it was added in 81)

here's some info: http://www.thegeektw...ml#.U_MRMmP1aZS

Even the theatrical and TV versions are different.

Disney binning those versions of the films actually goes a long way to them reaffirming my thoughts that it's a good thing that they're looking after SW now.

Pretty brave of them to just say the original versions are what matters... anything else can be forgotten. Puts Lucas in his place a little... despite him being $4billion richer for it.

I guess the late Jabba's Palace and Mos Eisley Cantina are very well designed and somehow cash in, but in the earlier years playsets have proven not to sell easily (which is why 10123 Cloud City is so rare, cause no one bought it). Playsets / buildings sell better with older customers, hence we rarely see CW or E1-3 playsets, but a couple of OT ones. As an OT fan you are in the privileged position to get an Ewok Village or Death Star, with the fans of CW or PT not getting almost any playsets at all. So having said all this, I think there might be some slots in 2015 for exclusive / limited edition OT playsets, Bespin or Dagobah for example.

That is why I got Palpatine's arrest! And it also seems to have sold badly, didn't it?

Anyway I could think of easily selling playsets for the PT, like the Duel between Yoda and Palpatine: two very popular minifigs and a small platform (similar to the Wizard Battle of LotR; only that the platform is not a part but complete!). Instand buy for so many people, I am sure.

Unless it hasn't. The Geonosis troopers will almost definitely be clone wars in my eyes, unless once again, it's in rebels

I am a fan of camouflaged Star Wars characters and Lego's printing is finally up to the level as to represent them well, but... CW is dead, it was not just cancelled; it was murdered by Disney. I really don't think we will see another CW set, at least not any time soon. It would be very odd timing to release a CW set now, much less a season 2 set. If anything Yoda's season 6 mini-starfighter would be my first guess, as it perfectly fits Lego's sizing.

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