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Now is it okay to complain if/when future REBELS sets still have stylized stormies from the Ghost set instead of OT-style as they should be?


You have my blessing.....to quote Solo: "You're all clear kid!" ;)

Lets be honest other than BPs there aren't that many sets from the films that Lego could put Stormies in.

If they can put Leia in the Y-Wing set and Han & Ackbar in an A-Wing set I think they could they could put a Stormtrooper in pretty much any OT set they make! :laugh:

I honestly don't really care if the Troops are stylized like the Rebels ones ore like the OT ones. Lets be honest other than BPs there aren't that many sets from the films that Lego could put Stormies in. In ANH they were only in the Death Star and Tantive IV, no sets under $50 there. In ESB they were in the Super Stardestroyer and Cloud City, the only chance of a set under $50 would be small parts of Cloud City. And with RotJ the only place that they were in was Endor and the Death Star II, a set less than $50 could only be a set from Endor but I don't see them going back there for a while after the Ewak Vilage. So as you can see there really isn't any sets for them to put them in that would be less than $50 unless they were to put them in every set that was for the empire or make more BPs. So it is only natural that they would make more Rebels Stormies because that's what the show is all about.

Only the Death Star and Tantive IV? What about most of the Tattoine scenes? 'Look sir Droids' & These aren't the droids your looking for, plus the cantina, plus when they attack the falcon before it flies off.

Why is there a set coming based on the old Clone Wars? That stuff is non-canon..

Your guess is as good as mine at this point. We're thinking that it must be being brought back in Rebels, or it's the last remnant of someone's determined project from before the EU shutdown to give us something from the old series. I guess there's also the chance that it's not actually the Azure Angel and just looks really similar.

It's an odd choice, but maybe someone at Lego loves that ship, and/or Lucasfilm maybe isn't that concerned whether licensees make Legends merchandise. That could be a great thing, as Hasbro and Lego can still make cool EU characters/ships/etc for the fans!

I particularly like the Shadow Guards. My guess is they are going to show up in rebels at some point as the only time I've ever seen them in action is in the force unleashed videogame. They guard the way into the emperor's viewing room theres about 5 of them and they are very acrobatic and skilled. They look very cool though and will go well with the red ones.

Your guess is as good as mine at this point. We're thinking that it must be being brought back in Rebels, or it's the last remnant of someone's determined project from before the EU shutdown to give us something from the old series. I guess there's also the chance that it's not actually the Azure Angel and just looks really similar.

I'm confused? Which set is based on the old CW?

I'm confused? Which set is based on the old CW?

75087 Anakin's Custom Jedi Starfighter; in the (very tiny) prelim pic, it has the blue and white color scheme, big underwing engines, flared front wings, and Delta-7 basic form that make it look a lot like the Azure Angel from the old CW series.

75087 Anakin's Custom Jedi Starfighter; in the (very tiny) prelim pic, it has the blue and white color scheme, big underwing engines, flared front wings, and Delta-7 basic form that make it look a lot like the Azure Angel from the old CW series.

As I stated before, the hailfire could be from the old clone wars series as well.

Edited by Blackice200

Only the Death Star and Tantive IV? What about most of the Tattoine scenes? 'Look sir Droids' & These aren't the droids your looking for, plus the cantina, plus when they attack the falcon before it flies off.

The problem is, these are not your regular stormies but sandtroopers. They are distinctively different in Lego.

I'm hoping that the microfighters snowspeeder will give us an updated Wedge Antilles. Although the preliminary has Luke's helmet, the fact that it has orange markings and that we got the obscure Red 10 in the X-Wing gives me hope that it will be Wedge.

keep in mind we have received popular EU things in the past. The Old Republic (~3000 years BBY) and there was the Rouge Shadow, the TIE Tank, TIE Defender, Imperial V-Wing, and a few others. so EU/Legends always has a chance of making it to a set, though odds are greatly reduced. (I should note the Disney takeover may have changed that, though we don't know in what way)

If they can put Leia in the Y-Wing set and Han & Ackbar in an A-Wing set I think they could they could put a Stormtrooper in pretty much any OT set they make! :laugh:

Actually, that's not a bad idea. They can be a default character to be thrown in (at least, to the appropriate sets.)

Like my problem with the clones, I have way too many variants, and not enough generic soldiers.

Me too, I have 20 lieutenants and only 14 regulars. :cry_sad:

Thank goodness I have only 5 sgt. 5 cpt. en 5 com, but thats still 15 special clones, and only 14 regulars. :tongue:

The problem is, these are not your regular stormies but sandtroopers. They are distinctively different in Lego.

I have mixed feelings about the sandtrooper, in particular relating to the detail including "sand" on them to give them the weathered appearance. One one hand, it looks really great with the detail. On the other hand, the "sand" prevents them from being used in other settings such as Death Star, Cloud City, etc. Although it would be funny to set up an inspection scene in a Death Star hanger and plug one of these guys in with the "clean" troops. If they did not have the sand detailing on them, the capes would be easily removable to make them more generic.

As I stated before, the hailfire could be from the old clone wars series as well.

that's what I'm thinking, and as all of the clones from EPII have been done, the clone in that could be Fordo! (I really want a Fordo...)

OH YEAH! I remember that one. It got blown up about half way through the first part of the series by ventress. Odd choice to make a set out of. If I wanted anything from that CW it would be the arc trooper republic gunship complete with captain fordo.

I certainly would love to get that one but in the moment we have a LAAT/i on the shelf and as others assumed before, TLC might have a Jedi Starfighter for every year rule. It's possibly more a guideline than a rule, but they are running out of possible ones. After 2 Etas they want to have a Delta and since they made almost all of them, they are going EU now. So they can throw us an Anakin, which is probably the most loved E1-3 character for the kids.

I can see the Hailfire droid being based on the old series. If that is the case, I do hope that it's a Fordo minifigure!

keep in mind we have received popular EU things in the past. The Old Republic (~3000 years BBY) and there was the Rouge Shadow, the TIE Tank, TIE Defender, Imperial V-Wing, and a few others. so EU/Legends always has a chance of making it to a set, though odds are greatly reduced. (I should note the Disney takeover may have changed that, though we don't know in what way)

The V-Wing isn't EU, it's actually in ROTS. :wink:

The V-Wing isn't EU, it's actually in ROTS. :wink:

Barely! :grin: It's like Quinlan Vos, sorta... he's in the movie, but if you give him a saber suddenly he's the EU version. I'm not sure you can even see any Imperial insignia on the Imp V-wings at the end of ROTS, just an overall impression that they're gray. Both Quin and that V-wing are blink-and-miss types...

Edited by Venkefedo

Barely! :grin: It's like Quinlan Vos, sorta... he's in the movie, but if you give him a saber suddenly he's the EU version. I'm not sure you can even see any Imperial insignia on the Imp V-wings at the end of ROTS, just an overall impression that they're gray. Both Quin and that V-wing are blink-and-miss types...

Ehhh, I have to disagree. The V-Wing was very much purposely put in ROTS by George Lucas himself, and is canon. Quinlan Vos was just a nameless extra in a scene which was given a backstory by an EU author.

From wookiepedia (sorry for the formatting):

Rob Coleman originally considered showing TIE Fighters at the end of Revenge of the Sith, but Lucas decided to show V-wing starfighters instead, pointing out that the Empire would have nineteen years to build TIEs. As a reference to TIE fighters, however, they have very similar engine sounds, as can be heard towards the end of the film when two V-wings escorting Palpatine's shuttle fly to his medical center, or when several pairs of V-wings are seen patrolling the area where construction of the Death Star is beginning.

Quinlan Vos was based on a background character portrayed by an unknown actor in The Phantom Menace. His character was created by author [/background]John Ostrander and artist Jan Duursema, though Vos's first non-film appearance was actually a cameo in the Timothy Truman–penned Emissaries to Malastare.

Edited by Brickdoctor
Fixed the unreadable quoted text.

I can see the Hailfire droid being based on the old series. If that is the case, I do hope that it's a Fordo minifigure!

Fordo is basically a clone captain with ARC equipment, so its easy to make one yourself...

Fordo is basically a clone captain with ARC equipment, so its easy to make one yourself...

Season 2 Fordo's a bit trickier, as you need a Neyo/Saleucami clone helmet with Rex-style jaig-eyes and a unique torso print for his bandolier.

As I stated before, the hailfire could be from the old clone wars series as well.

It could also be from Clones though; the Azure Angel is the one that's definitely originating from the old CW series, so that's what I opted to use as the best example of an old CW set in this wave for my reply to legofreak86. :wink:

keep in mind we have received popular EU things in the past. The Old Republic (~3000 years BBY) and there was the Rouge Shadow, the TIE Tank, TIE Defender, Imperial V-Wing, and a few others. so EU/Legends always has a chance of making it to a set, though odds are greatly reduced. (I should note the Disney takeover may have changed that, though we don't know in what way)

Yeah, part of the Disney shutdown of the EU was that they decided that no one should continue making toys from the non-canon stuff. If you were working on it, I think it was okay (Hasbro had some action figures in the works that I remember were excepted.), but Legends stuff isn't supposed to be developed into toys going forwards. All the sets you mentioned are from before this happened.

OH YEAH! I remember that one. It got blown up about half way through the first part of the series by ventress. Odd choice to make a set out of. If I wanted anything from that CW it would be the arc trooper republic gunship complete with captain fordo.

I think that's the set we all wanted when we first saw the Hypori episode, but let's not let wishes into the rumors topic, right? :wink: As for the Azure Angel as a choice of set from the series, well, we know TLG loves their Anakin's Starfighter sets, right? :laugh:

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