September 18, 201410 yr So far I’m only looking at: Shadow Troopers Sabine Wren Azure Angel T-16 (maybe) ITT (maybe) Hailfire slim maybe, but the prelim model doesn’t have the “wheels” on it yet, just 2 giant clear pieces.
September 18, 201410 yr I love how you didn't say Ezra's Speeder Bike, and just said "Sabine Wren". It's funny because it's true! And Lego is so smart, because now we will all buy that set.
September 18, 201410 yr Most likely I'm getting: Hailfire Geonosis troopers ITT Azure angel At dp Shadow troopers Possibly speeder bike if Sabine has helmet AAT if it's big enough for me other wise may buy TCW version on ebay. So kinda expensive for me. And I think people like Sabine more then the others do to her being a mando.
September 18, 201410 yr On 9/18/2014 at 1:53 PM, LN-01354 said: I love how you didn't say Ezra's Speeder Bike, and just said "Sabine Wren". It's funny because it's true! And Lego is so smart, because now we will all buy that set. True---and getting another Stormtrooper is quite nice as well. Also, while I understand that these speeder bikes are based on the McQuarrie concept art and I can see the similarities in the Rebels speeder bikes and the LEGO set, I still think they look way too bulky and big. It wouldn't surprise me if it was just the angle on the box. I still hold that the box art for this wave (at the moment) is horrendous.
September 18, 201410 yr On 9/18/2014 at 2:36 PM, montyofmusic said: Also, while I understand that these speeder bikes are based on the McQuarrie concept art and I can see the similarities in the Rebels speeder bikes and the LEGO set, I still think they look way too bulky and big. It wouldn't surprise me if it was just the angle on the box. I still hold that the box art for this wave (at the moment) is horrendous. I'm okay with the design for use in Rebels. They still look fairly OT-esque, and not everything in the galaxy can be as technologically advanced (and therefore more compact) as the Empire's tech such as the 74-Z. Which is not to say that I'm a fan of how the set turned out, because I agree that it does look rather unwieldy, but TLG's speeders have always been on the large side.
September 18, 201410 yr Not getting anything from the Winter wave, unless the UCS Slave 1 counts or if we're lucky enough to have OT stormies in the ITT.
September 18, 201410 yr On 9/18/2014 at 2:36 PM, ChiefPie said: people like Sabine more then the others do to her being a mando. sums it up nicely for me, and honestly I don't like her, I just want a Pink Mando armor . and she happens to be the one to bring it to us. (Pink is a great color, why it is relegated as feminine, I will never understand)
September 18, 201410 yr On 9/18/2014 at 3:27 PM, GallardoLU said: sums it up nicely for me, and honestly I don't like her, I just want a Pink Mando armor . and she happens to be the one to bring it to us. (Pink is a great color, why it is relegated as feminine, I will never understand) Yeah the armor is really the only reason I like her the most.
September 18, 201410 yr On 9/18/2014 at 2:36 PM, montyofmusic said: True---and getting another Stormtrooper is quite nice as well. Also, while I understand that these speeder bikes are based on the McQuarrie concept art and I can see the similarities in the Rebels speeder bikes and the LEGO set, I still think they look way too bulky and big. It wouldn't surprise me if it was just the angle on the box. I still hold that the box art for this wave (at the moment) is horrendous. The bikes are not based on McQuarrie art, they're based on Nilo Rodis-Jamero and Joe Johnston concepts as I noted earlier. McQuarrie's bikes looked VERY different.
September 18, 201410 yr I still don't get one the senate commando battlepack officially canceled or not??
September 18, 201410 yr I'll probably buy a couple ITT's and take the bodies of the storm troopers and use them on my stormies that don't have full body printing from the OT sets. I have stormies from the Ewok set and a bunch from the endor battle packs that could use full body printing. I'd imagine that the printing would be sharper and look really nice, too.
September 18, 201410 yr I'm definitely in the minority here, but I LIKE the rebels stormtroopers. So I'll probably pick up an itt. The only other set that interests me is the AAT. It doesn't look too bad, but I think it will look a little better with official pics.
September 18, 201410 yr On 9/18/2014 at 3:27 PM, GallardoLU said: sums it up nicely for me, and honestly I don't like her, I just want a Pink Mando armor . and she happens to be the one to bring it to us. (Pink is a great color, why it is relegated as feminine, I will never understand) It was changed around 1985. Up until then, it was mostly a male color. I don't have a problem with the new armor shade, I have a problem with the character herself. Mandalorians as a whole, not as a main part, but as a whole, are fanatical about strength. Mandalorian women and men don't worry about art or body image, they worry about if they are too weak or not, and how to overcome that. Which, when you think it over, is actually a pretty great thing to teach kids - the way you look isn't as important as how you act. I get that she's supposed to be independent, etc., etc., but couldn't that have been done even better by keeping her to traditional Mandalorian mores? We're supposed to teach kids that graffiti is a beautiful act of expression? We could have had a normal girl/woman, who's not strong by how she looks, but in that all she cares about is becoming stronger in her actions. And that would have been awesome. Instead...we get Pretty Space Guardian 'Dalorian Pro-Anti-Strong-Female Boon. Sound it out for a moment. (I admit that the pro-anti... was a bit strong, but boon was the best rhyming word I had...I should probably have worked on it a bit more, but I'm in a rush...)
September 19, 201410 yr On 9/18/2014 at 11:07 PM, Lind Whisperer said: Mandalorians as a whole, not as a main part, but as a whole, are fanatical about strength. Mandalorian women and men don't worry about art or body image, they worry about if they are too weak or not, and how to overcome that. Which, when you think it over, is actually a pretty great thing to teach kids - the way you look isn't as important as how you act. Mandalorians if they are to call themselves as such must follow the RESOL'NARE(below) and honestly i try to do just that myself, and honestly making it work in our world is much easier than you might initially think. I imagine that any place Mando is mentioned could be replaced with any other group who is important to you. 1. I will defend myself and my family. - something i believe we all strive to do 2. All my children will be raised as Mandalorians (or as i see it, in my own faith). - really to me its to teach them Honor and Respect, and heritage 3. I will take pride in wearing clothing that represents my Mandalorian status. - to me this is never be ashamed of who you are as a person, or as a people 4. I will always speak Mando'a to other Mandalorians. - speak your faith with those that share it, and honor your past 5. I will help my aliit to succeed and sustain itself. - plain and simple, aliit is your family and friends, help others to succeed and you succeed yourself 6. I will answer the call of the Mand'alor. - obviously this one can't be followed as written, but i use it as a rule to all ways answer the call for assistance of those i hold respect for. i don't view this as a religion but more as a conscious choice to try and be the best i can be, I'm not a strong man physically but i think this guideline could make a willfully strong person out of any physique. Sabine Wren, then, as i see her is a rogue, and does not appear to be adhering to the lifestyle a Mando should. I'll give her a few episodes to try and say that opinion though.
September 19, 201410 yr Graffiti can be a beautiful act of expression... and a tool of folks fighting the system, which is what the rebels of Lothal are doing. Not everything the heroes do needs to be "role model" material for the kiddies <coughHanSolocough> The Mandalorian society you describe sounds more like the EU version. In TCW, the only remaining canon glimpse at their society, there are different standards throughout the culture (if it can even be thought of as a single culture).
September 19, 201410 yr Wait, so I've seen some of the smaller SW sets, and it says "multi-stud shooter". I got how it looks like (six tubes) and how it may work, but what exactly does it mean for the SW world? And for the rest of the LEGO world?
September 19, 201410 yr On 9/19/2014 at 1:51 PM, XAxles said: Wait, so I've seen some of the smaller SW sets, and it says "multi-stud shooter". I got how it looks like (six tubes) and how it may work, but what exactly does it mean for the SW world? And for the rest of the LEGO world? well, the newer stud shooters with the 6 tubes are featured in the new bionicle sets. Haven't seen them anywhere else. (At least nor yet)
September 19, 201410 yr On 9/18/2014 at 3:27 PM, GallardoLU said: sums it up nicely for me, and honestly I don't like her, I just want a Pink Mando armor . and she happens to be the one to bring it to us. (Pink is a great color, why it is relegated as feminine, I will never understand) Personally I like her due to her feisty attitude and badass fighting moves. Judging by the trailer. Plus she seems genuinely a good person. I very much hope we get her helmet and all in the speeder set. At first I was sceptical about rebels and its sets but now I have seen more clips and heard some people who have seen it talk about it it looks very promising indeed.
September 19, 201410 yr Oooooo! These look great overall! Let me express my thoughts on each set: Microfighters: I like these, but there's nothing I need from them. ITT: Wow. Love this. I like the Rebels Stormie and the OT Stormie so I don't mind either figures are included. Shadow Troopers: :wub: Geonosis Troopers: Interesting. I don't know whether I like it or not. It may grow on me. Senate Commando Troopers: Like it. Love the Senate Commandos so I'll be getting this. T-16 Skyhopper: I really like this. It looks much better than the orig-OMG TUSKEN!!!! Ahem. AAT: I actually like this. Jar Jar looks good. Hailfire Droid: Definitely picking this up as I have been waiting for an update of this. TIE Advanced Prototype: Eh... Looks ok, I guess. Don't really want it though. AT-DP: May get it down the line eventually, but it is not a must have in my eyes. Ezra's Speeder Bike: This looks awesome. I'll be getting this. Custom Jedi Starfighter: I love this. So all in all a great wave!
September 19, 201410 yr On 9/19/2014 at 1:51 PM, XAxles said: Wait, so I've seen some of the smaller SW sets, and it says "multi-stud shooter". I got how it looks like (six tubes) and how it may work, but what exactly does it mean for the SW world? And for the rest of the LEGO world? It's just another shooting play feature, like the flick-fires and the blunt shooters before them. They shouldn't be too hard to mod out if you want to go with something that looks a bit more sophisticated.
September 19, 201410 yr On 9/18/2014 at 1:32 PM, LN-01354 said: For me: -T-16 -Shadowtroopers -Ezra's Speeder Bike (for Sabine) -Hailfire -ITT So that brings me to, what, like $100? Wow, that is still way too much...... Are you serious? I wish I could pay that little. I'm super 'lucky' and get to pay double cause I live in Australia -.-
September 19, 201410 yr On 9/19/2014 at 4:44 PM, legofreak86 said: I very much hope we get her helmet and all in the speeder set. I did not even think about that: Lego's going to cheap out on us! They'll give us Sabine, but not the helmet!! UGH!!!! On 9/19/2014 at 10:07 PM, hollisbrick said: Are you serious? I wish I could pay that little. I'm super 'lucky' and get to pay double cause I live in Australia -.- Well, I meant "Still too much, considering that I still want the UCS Slave I, the Cantina, AT-AT, AT-AP, and every Bionicle next year. Man.....winter alone, I'll be spending upwards of $300!! (I am praying that the exclusive next year is, like, a Jar Jar bust or something, because if I'm tempted to buy it:
September 19, 201410 yr Don't worry, Sabine will have her helmet... in the Summer 2015's $100+ REBELS set. The set will also feature a new mold/build for the Zeb/Kallus weapon, rather than just two regular SW blasters stuck onto a saber hilt, but an under-$30 set in the wave featuring Zeb or Kallus will still have the old build.
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