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The premiere of Rebels was fantastic and has me even more excited for the winter 2015 wave. The AT-DP is a first day purchase, if only to get a figure of the deliciously evil Agent Kallus. I'm still not sold on the speeder bikes, but I guess I'll have to buy that set for Sabine. I'll probably be more inclined to get the Inquisitor's TIE Advanced once it makes an appearance in the show.

And also please ignore any of the desperate pleas of people across all threads whose lives seem to depend on seeing images TODAY TODAY TODAY!!!!

Wow, that was rude. Our lives don't depend on it; I'm just curious as to what they look like. I want to know how much money I will be spending, I would like to see how Lego handled this wave, and I would like a little pick-me-up for a long week.

Next time, think before you speak. I haven't even checked back on this thread for four days, so if my life depends on it, I must have been dead already.

Thanks for being one of the few who understand, Robianco. :classic:

Let me say I understand as well and appreciate the time and effort required to do this. So thank you.

People should realize that you have a relationship with your source to protect otherwise these previews will quickly go away.

I get that you are trying to build excitement and make people feel apart of the preview with your straw poll.

Unfortunately it ends up being more like chumming the waters when your boat is already surrounded by sharks. It seems to as always be contained to two themes where as we know a little hype tends to create a feeding frenzy.

I find it sometimes best not to give options as it simplifies the process and give less for people to fight about.

Edited by Darth Punk

Wow, that was rude. Our lives don't depend on it; I'm just curious as to what they look like. I want to know how much money I will be spending, I would like to see how Lego handled this wave, and I would like a little pick-me-up for a long week.

Next time, think before you speak. I haven't even checked back on this thread for four days, so if my life depends on it, I must have been dead already.

It wasn't meant to be rude. Just the truth. If you don't think people are being irrational take a look at some of the other threads. Not necessarily this one.

Just2Good has clearly said he can't post the images straight away as it may cause problems for the person that is 'leaking' them to him... yet people are on the verge of screaming to see them because they're 'doing stuff' later and they need to see them now.

If you didn't post a desperate cry for the images then it wasn't aimed at you.

I think the fact that Just2Good has actually replied and commented about 'one of the few who understands' means it's not just my imagination and maybe not such an over-reaction.

Edited by Robianco

I'm very thankful just for the images that we already have, much less the ones J2G hasn't released. Some people are never satisfied...

On the subject of Anakin's Custom JSF, it can't be a retail exclusive since it appeared in a retailer's catalogue, right?

Alright, thank y'all for the support. :classic:

On the subject of Anakin's Custom JSF, it can't be a retail exclusive since it appeared in a retailer's catalogue, right?

It depends. They've been putting more and more retail exclusives in catalogs. For example, in the second catalog I saw in Summer 2014, they had Cragger's Fire Striker in there, which is a Target exclusive. So I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Also, it seems like the Braniac DC set could be a retail exclusive, and that was in some catalogs (not in Hulk_Smash's but in an English one and on that retail site).

Also, the Inquister has a shoulder pad and a new helmet piece I think, with a red-visor like face. I'm out right now, but I took a look at it in the morning.

Edited by just2good

And also please ignore any of the desperate pleas of people across all threads whose lives seem to depend on seeing images TODAY TODAY TODAY!!!!

I was just curious ;)

I've been really enjoying this thread as well as some of the other threads here on EB a lot more the past few days. There a lot of good discussions going on right now as we're all waiting for the final photos of the Winter wave. People's true colors come out when their patience is tested. I'm enjoying soaking it all in and the 2-3 months or so I have before I have the opportunity to purchase sets. As much as I'm looking forward to final pictures, I'm more interested in what the official pricing will be.

Just hand it to TLG to ruin the perfect opportunity on cashing in bigtime on the stormies. They wouldn't be able to produce enough to cover the demand if they released the OT ones after what 6 years since the last BP?

But then again, it's exactly as I anicipated, they rarely miss out on a perfect opportunity to ruin a set with gigantic potential. Shame.

Alright, thank y'all for the support. :classic:

It depends. They've been putting more and more retail exclusives in catalogs. For example, in the second catalog I saw in Summer 2014, they had Cragger's Fire Striker in there, which is a Target exclusive. So I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Also, it seems like the Braniac DC set could be a retail exclusive, and that was in some catalogs (not in Hulk_Smash's but in an English one and on that retail site).

Also, the Inquister has a shoulder pad and a new helmet piece I think, with a red-visor like face. I'm out right now, but I took a look at it in the morning.

did you get to see the hail fire droid?

did you get to see the hail fire droid?

Yeah, I'm very curious to how the clone lieutenant will look. :)

How do people know he has the images? Why no keep it quiet until your ready to post them.

Sorry if I've missed part of the conversation and am getting the wrong end of the stick

How do people know he has the images? Why no keep it quiet until your ready to post them.

Sorry if I've missed part of the conversation and am getting the wrong end of the stick

he released some pictures for other themes, and knowing he had previously released pictures for this theme it was asked if he was going to do the same here. he didn't lie to us and due to that has been barraged with questions about what he has viewed and when we can see what he has seen. (EDIT: I personally would rather wait longer to see so I don't have to wait as long knowing till I can buy the sets I might want. but i'll look cause its far to tempting :tongue: )

Edited by GallardoLU

he released some pictures for other themes, and knowing he had previously released pictures for this theme it was asked if he was going to do the same here. he didn't lie to us and due to that has been barraged with questions about what he has viewed and when we can see what he has seen.

Ah ok. That's sounds fair enough. We all get excited it's just a case of being patient

The preliminary image had a label that was pretty clearly Jar Jar Binks. Pretty unlikely they'd sub a generic Gungan for a named character.

Just hand it to TLG to ruin the perfect opportunity on cashing in bigtime on the stormies. They wouldn't be able to produce enough to cover the demand if they released the OT ones after what 6 years since the last BP?

But then again, it's exactly as I anicipated, they rarely miss out on a perfect opportunity to ruin a set with gigantic potential. Shame.

Wow. fatalistic much? Just because YOU (and some others) feel this way, we have no way of knowing that Rebels will be a failure at this point. It could be huge and make millions for TLG, even though it isn't what you want today.

I agree all this angst over stormies, mod them if you're not happy with them or buy second hand ones, Lego has an obligation to make sets that are either a current or b in line with theirs and disney's plans.

Don't like them don't buy them. Pretty sure the sets will sell well if people do or do not buy them.

Happy to wait to see the new pics from just2good, thanks for being able to get a hand on them.

Wow. fatalistic much? Just because YOU (and some others) feel this way, we have no way of knowing that Rebels will be a failure at this point. It could be huge and make millions for TLG, even though it isn't what you want today.

Just because of me and 80% of this forum, but don't mind us, we are here to applaud... If these stormies make millions to TLG the other ones would then probably make billions by that logic. That's approximately the ratio of OT fans to Rebels' ones...

I mean it's a rather simple math: I am an AFOL and a collector. Which means that for an OT army buiding set, I'd probably go and buy around 10 of these, perhaps more (no more, I couldn't afford it, what with divorce fees and such... :tongue: ). And I am going to buy 0 of Rebels-based stormies because, well :sick:.

Now, on the other hand, no parent would buy to their kid more than 1, perhaps 2 Rebels stormies' set(s). But the point is that they would ALSO buy them OT-stormies, because kids are way less susceptible to make and mind the difference.

And now, as I want to believe that TLG is a company where some people are really, really good in math, there is only one explanation: we are not getting OT stormies because TLG doesn't want people to army-build as part of a wider policy. To what end, I guess time will tell...

Edited by Spyderlord

It depends. They've been putting more and more retail exclusives in catalogs. For example, in the second catalog I saw in Summer 2014, they had Cragger's Fire Striker in there, which is a Target exclusive. So I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Also, it seems like the Braniac DC set could be a retail exclusive, and that was in some catalogs (not in Hulk_Smash's but in an English one and on that retail site).

I see. That would explain it's huge price tag. Disappointing, though, since the prices of retail exclusives often end up being more inflated than the average retail sets when they're sold in other countries.

Edited by Lockon Stratos

Just because of me and 80% of this forum, but don't mind us, we are here to applaud... If these stormies make millions to TLG the other ones would then probably make billions by that logic. That's approximately the ratio of OT fans to Rebels' ones...

I mean it's a rather simple math: I am an AFOL and a collector. Which means that for an OT army buiding set, I'd probably go and buy around 10 of these, perhaps more (no more, I couldn't afford it, what with divorce fees and such... :tongue: ). And I am going to buy 0 of Rebels-based stormies because, well :sick:.

Now, on the other hand, no parent would buy to their kid more than 1, perhaps 2 Rebels stormies' set(s). But the point is that they would ALSO buy them OT-stormies, because kids are way less susceptible to make and mind the difference.

And now, as I want to believe that TLG is a company where some people are really, really good in math, there is only one explanation: we are not getting OT stormies because TLG doesn't want people to army-build as part of a wider policy. To what end, I guess time will tell...

Wasn't the troop transport just a Kenner toy? It wasn't ever actually in any program, film or computer game right??

I am guessing that it's going to be in Rebels and is therefore based on that. Which obviously means Rebels Stormtroopers.

I can't see where the confusion is here.

There is an argument that there should of been another OT Stormtrooper battlepack in the last 6 years but that is completely separate topic. This pack is based on Rebels and people will just have to deal with it. I am an OT fan who grew up in the 80s but I enjoyed the first episode of Rebels so will happily buy the sets.

It is not that I want to see Lego fail. Even though I cannot stand the Rebels stormtrooper, that does not mean I want Lego to lose money off of it. If kids like it, then great. What frustrates me as a huge fan of OT is that there is a better version of stormtrooper out there that for some reason Lego refuses to produce in a set less than $130. Now, we get a new wave, some having Rebels stormies, but not one OT type to be found. It is doubtful Lego would produce an OT stormtrooper BP alongside the ITT because it would be too redundant for them. The appearance of a rebel stormie battlepack pretty much says to fans of the OT that we can forget the hope of having the OT version in a battlepack. That is probably what causes a lot of the frustration. We get cheap imperial red guards, Death Star gunners, have different ways to get imperial officers, but it is impossible to get the most iconic and numerous faction of the Imperial force: the stormtrooper. The stormtrooper is as recognizable a symbol of Star Wars as Darth Vader. When I see Halloween costumes, Darth Vader and the stormies are always available. Judging by the posts, the demand on Bricklink, and the universal recognition of these guys in the movies, they are apparently highly sought after. It would be just as cheap for Lego to make an OT stormie as a rebel one. Why wont they do it?

If the only version of stormtrooper Lego ever made was the frownie in Ghost, I might be a little more interested in getting ITT, because in my mind that is as good as it gets. But knowing that every version of this guy produced by Lego is more movie accurate than the frownie, it is simply impossible to think of it as acceptable. I would have bought about 3 or 4 battlepacks if it had been OT, but will instead have to settle for the two I got in the ISD.

Edited by AFOLguy1970

Most of the problem is that of all the Rebels figures seen so far (which, admittedly, isn't many), only the stormtrooper is 'different' from movie-style figures, and it's a wildly unnecessary change. Someone got paid to design a new print for the helmet, torso, and legs of the Rebels Stormie... time, money, and effort that could've been applied to some other character! 99.9999% of Lego fans & kids would've been perfectly happy with the stormie currently in the ISD set being included in the Ghost and the ITT BP (thrilled, even, at being able to get 4 at a time in the ITT)... it's only a vocal minority slamming the Rebels-style troopers, sure... but that vocal minority would be singing the praises of the Rebels line if the troopers didn't have those deep frowns and rounded belts & all that.

I'm annoyed by the Rebels Stormies, but will still probably get a couple sets of the ITT regardless... it wouldn't take many to outnumber the handful of OT stormies I've currently got (only a couple with the modern torso print; I'm not sure any of mine have leg printing), and I can always swap helmets to have the more complete prints, but with OT helms, at the front of a squad of stormies in pictures or on my shelves... it's just a silly, needless difference when Kanan, Hera, Zeb, Ezra, Chopper, and the Wookiees can all rub plastic elbows with Han, Leia, Chewie, Ackbar, etc.

OTOH, the rate the prints have changed in the last few years, we'd practically have to be rebuying characters annually (or at least their latest heads) to keep everything in our SW minifig collections up to date. :tongue:

Edited by Venkefedo

I just hope there will be more OT sets that will include the new OT stormies, i mean, this could be the last chance of getting more OT stormies (but TLG blew it) because next 3 waves will surely focues on the rebels and episode 7... :(

How many new OT stormies do we have? 2 on isd, and 1 on ucs slave 1?

How many rebel stormies do we have? 1 on the ghost, 4 on bp, 1 on atdp, and surely more to come on the next wave...

Just sad. :(

Edited by irispen

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