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Those geonosis trooper look awesome but don't remember seeing them before.

And is it me or the senate commandos look weird? (the helmet)

The Tie prototype looks awesome compare to the prelim (obviously) Now I think I'll pick it up because of the ship and that awesome Inquisitor fig

Can't wait to see the hailfire and the jedi starfighter!

And many thanks for the pics just2good!

Edited by duboismerci

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually disappointed at the LACK of stickers on the front of the AAT. Doesn't look right without them.

However, I quite like the itt. Don't really mind rebels stormtroopers.

And the battle droid transport came out of nowhere, but it's awesome! Definitely makes up for the lackluster mtt.

Those are the only sets I'm interested besides maybe the Hailfire droid.

And I'm sorry, but that Tusken looks ridiculous. :grin:

Edited by arc

I cant believe how they flooded this wave with rebel stormies.. haha..

Those shadow troopers are so awesome!!!! Grey OT stormies!!!!!


Any close up look of those pilots at atdp?

Edited by irispen

AMAZING! Gotta say, the Rebels sets look amazing! Sabine is an awesome fig, as are Kallus and the Inquisitor. The Tusken is also stunning. I was surprised by the Droid Carrier, but its nice to see an easy Droid army builder and counterpart to the MTT.

The Speeder Bike set may need to be my first buy from this wave. That and the TIE Advanced Prototype.

Definitely liking the look of all of these. I'll most assuredly get at least one of every small set (microfighter and BP), the real question is how many past the first one.

The ITT doesn't bother me since my first and only Stormie was the one that came with the Ghost, so the blue lines are fine for me. My imperial army is pretty eclectic already, considering I've incorporated both the Old Republic troopers (as a militia) and the Sith troopers (as Elite Guard type stuff) to boost my forces. I'll probably get five of these at the very least, maybe more.

The Geonosian Troopers are fine for me, Swelling the size of my Republic army is never bad. Only will get one or two though.

The Shadow Troopers look great. I hope they look good next to the Death Star Troopers from this year.

Battle Droid Carrier is a must buy obviously.

It's a shame that none of the Microfighters are really good for army building; guess I'll have to get a few more of the TIE fighters Pilots and Imperial Officers.

By the way, is anyone else immensely pleased that the terrible stud shooters are only in the battle packs? They may be fun and cool, but the actual molded guns are leagues ahead of them. I'm glad to have built up a supply of them to equip my Stormies.

Hahaha, this is ridiculous! :laugh: No offense just2good, fantasting job with providing us with these, many thanks! But ONCE AGAIN, I was right and should have more believed in my instincts. TLG never misses to ruin a set with outstanding potential. Call it spite, call it policy, call it whatever but the simple fact of the matter is: TLG doesn't give a womp rat's (the real one, not the Jerry they put in T-16 set) f**t what their loyal fan base wants. Boy, oh boy, when I think how afraid I was this wave was going to ruin me, what a silly thinking... So let's start:

1) Shadow troopers: Are these brooms the badass black Imperial Guards are holding? Monoculars? I mean people might fall like flies from the sheer amount of intimidation. Of laughter. The normal stormtroopers are nice, they are just the wrong color.

2) ITT: Can we just skip the set that made me 120€ in economies? I am little to sensitive to talk right now.

3) Geonosian troopers: Only 15€ spent on this wave. Perhaps 30€.

4) Senate Commandos: Hahahaha, ok Lego, this is not even China level. Next. Btw, I'd like to hear TCW figures basher or two...

5) Ezra's speeder bike: I was going to pass on that anyway, but was curious about Sabine. Fail.

6) T-16: Meet Jerry's little cousin in galaxy far, far away. It really takes a spaceship to kill one of these. But, to moderate a rant: Tusken is an instant BL. Although I might wait, they'll *probably* release a Tusken attack set soon enough.

7) AAT: Decent execution, but then again, I'd rather take my blue CW ones any time of the day...

8) Very nice set, nice minifigs, but not appealing enough and ridiculously priced.

9) Battle Droid Troop Carrier: Well, this is a nice surprise, a true army builder for the Seppies, shame that battle droids are ridiculously cheap off BL anyway, so pass...

10) AT-DP: Dali strormtrooper with somewhat overly cheerful Agent Kallus and a god-awful whatever trooper that is, so pass. Although, credit where it's due, very good looking vehicle.

11) Indian Jones gunship: It is a fantastic set but sadly its negative power coupling got scre*ed and it accidentaly burst into a SW studio from Egypt filming of Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark.

12) Chibis: Decent spare parts as usual, I *might* even fetch the Vulture droid.

All in all, I'm off the hook. I might finally be able to save enough and buy Imperial Shuttle off BL, these babies are now hitting 400+ prices and I missed out on it :facepalm:

Edit: So, I'm so glad I took anothe 9489 Endor Rebel Trooper BP today with a real stormtrooper...

Edit 2: Let's see the redemption potential of this wave: I'm still missing Asajj Ventress minifig and a hailfire droid...

Edited by Spyderlord

Thanks Just2good. I'm extremley impressed with the new wave. I'm certainly looking forward to the Battle Packs and Rebels sets.

The battle droid set is amazing! A m brilliant army builder. And that Sandtrooper is a brilliant mold.

Edited by Tariq j

All in all, I'm off the hook.

Yeah, that was kinda obvious from the start now was it?

Anyway, I really like this wave. The Rebels sets are good and I like we get a nice stormie battlepack even if they're rebels. But I'm not familiar with those dark imperial troopers/guards, can anyone enlighten me on those?

Edited by Brickviller

Yeah, that was kinda obvious from the start now was it?

No, not really, that's the point. I was really thinking: Ok, I hated the guts of 2014 winter wave (except the DS gunners), now I like (almost) everything! If TLG put 75055 ISD stormtroopers in ITT, I would have ruined myself to build an army of these. I thought 2 BPs of Shadow Troopers, Geonosians, AT-DP (if the stormie was real) and a Vulture droid. Now it's just the Geonosians and I might get the Shadow troopers and then quickly mod the Imerial Guards weapons... + I'm still hesitating between the big Vulture droid and the chibi one.

Edited by Spyderlord

But I'm not familiar with those dark imperial troopers/guards, can anyone enlighten me on those?

I beleive they are Shadow Troopers. They too, are slightly alien to me but according to Wookipedia they are described as "Stormtrooper Dark Jedi hybrid Soldiers".

Wow, thanks for these Just2Good, you really are just too good!

Yeah, you've probably heard that one before. Bad joke I know.

Here's a few of the sets I have minor complaints and concerns with.

Ezra's Speeder Bike: Don't exactly care for Ezra's Lightsaber, but hey, it's the closest piece LEGO has, why wouldn't they use it?

T-16 Skyhopper: Only complaint would be the Womp Rat. No printing, at all? I do hope the trans-clear pieces are prints and not stickers.

AAT & Battle Droid Carrier: Okay, here's the problem I see right off the bat... Why do we get the army builder in the more expensive set? I'm planning on 3 AATs and I'll have extra Jar Jars that I won't have anything to do with. Would have preferred for a swap of the two figs. However the sets themselves look fine, but the AAT could be slightly larger. Since they're like this I think I'll only get the one AAT.

AT-DP: The yellow would preferably have been of a lighter shade.

Wookie Gunship: No baby Wookie? :cry_sad:

ITT: Don't care for the Rebels Stormies. For those who like them, get the set.

Won't be getting the ITT in bulk, nor the AAT. However as I now plan to get the Battle Droid Carrier, it somewhat evens what I will spend out, but still lessor than planned.

No helmet for Sabine? Skip.......

Only buying the Battle Packs, T16, and AT-DP. Maybe the Hailfire, but I need pics.

Overall, kind of a disappointing wave. I actually like the Microfighters more than I do the TIE prototype.

Thanks for updating the pics, will keep us going for a while. Love the geonosian troopers, but strange to see 2 airborne guys in there, thought they were going to be scout type troopers. I actually like the tusken, pity there is only 1 with the set. Its also great to get a surprise like the droid carrier.

I think the aat looks well in the tan colour, but its just going to look odd next to the bigger 2009 version.

I might get the Shadow troopers and then quickly mod the Imerial Guards weapons...

To each their own, But i do feel i need to point out that the Saber Staffs the Shadow Guards have are accurate to what they wield. should be a a weapon equal in length to a double saber, but with one end being a staff, and the other a saber.

The AAT is way too angular, and incredibly tiny. The Droid Carrier is a retail exclusive, is overpriced, and the Battle Droids are not new. TIE Advanced is too small and ugly. And Sabine. Has. No. Helmet.

2015, you have let me down. At least I now have money for the Slave I, and Bionicle.

I'm on board with many of you over all this way is a miss fire. Shadow Guards are still a must have for me (though i only really need maybe 2 packs of those) leaving plenty for Slave I which I've had budgeted since midsummer anyway. and this now leaves spare cash to finish my goal of getting all the other Slave I sets that I'm still missing

May as well add a little more.

One of the more 'poorer' winter waves in the past few years. My opinion for this reason is due to the Rebels tv series launching. A very cheap wave for me and others I suppose.

I beleive they are Shadow Troopers. They too, are slightly alien to me but according to Wookipedia they are described as "Stormtrooper Dark Jedi hybrid Soldiers".

But I'm not familiar with those dark imperial troopers/guards, can anyone enlighten me on those?

well let me enligthen you then, there were many type of "shadowtroopers" in the old star wars EU . First, there were the dark troopers(which these minifigs resemble a lot) they were a special kind of stormtroopers that had cyborg implants and enhacements to aid them in the battlefield, of those, there were 3 levels, every subsequent level had more and more cyborg implants up to the point of level 3 being a full droid-esque trooper. They first appeared on the Dark forces game and most were taken down by Kyle Katarn, they also appeared on the star wars battlefront games.

then there was the SHADOWtrooper, those were dark jedi trooper hybrid imbued with force powers artificially, they have appeared on one of the sequels of dark forces called Jedi knigth II: jedi outcast(considered the best jedi combat based star wars game, also sarring kyle katarn ) , they used ligthsabers and could cloak, predator style.

another kind, shadow stormtroopers , these were just stormtroopers fashioned with black ops gear, such as invisibility cloaks , specialized weaponry etc. a special garrison of these were called blackhole stormtroopers

And finally, the shadow guards, these were a special garrison of royal guards that had acces to force based abilities, they were used sparringly and most in assasination missions , pursuing jedi etc. were theorized to be fallen jedi with minds wiped out, used ligthsaber tiped staff. altough they appeared before, its most recognizable appearance is the force unleashed series of games.

i hope this are meant to be the dark troopers and shadow guards and that they somehow appear on REBELS so they can be recanonized, gonna get a bunch of these as well as the ITT. im gonna pass on the wookie gunship, not that it isnt great but it doesnt suit my collection; that TIE is great and finally a beige officer; atdp looks good too, kallus has obviously a 2 sided face; a little dissapointed with the T16, tusken raider is a must with BL; ezra speeder is good, sabine has her ligth armor but no helment?? the battlepacks are great armybuilders, weird choice on geonosis but i think senate commandos will rot in shelves, were these ever any popular??? ATT is pretty meh , the front side is way to round and chibi looking, hell even the original looks ten times better!!!! that carrier tho. aside from the clone pilot, not a decent selection of minifigs for the micro figthers.

well nice wave, still have to see the other micros and my personal favorite the Anakin custom, so we can finally have Assaj ventress without clone wars horrible eyes.

Guess we will have to wait for a fully armored Sabine, another Zeb and Hera for the summer 2015 wave and we wont be seeing those in 8 months!!!

Edited by scorchfire

Shadow Troopers

Very nice minifigures. The Stormtroopers look amazing in that metalic black colour. I like the design of the speeder too.

Imperial Troop Transport

Might pick up one, but don't see the point in army building the Rebels Stormtroopers when the movie figure has a superior design.

Geonosis Troopers

Nice walker. The minifigures look good but aren't really that exciting when they aren't based on an official source.

Senate Commandos

Nice to have some minifigures that only appeared in TCW updated to fit in with the movie figures. Hopefully this paves the way for other characters from the show to be released without the stylized printing. The turret looks good as well. Shame they missed the chance at including a robed Senate Guard from the movies.

Ezra's Speeder Bike

I like the colours of Ezra's bike, but the set as a whole seems a bit underwelming for the price. Sabine looks good but I wish her lipstick was a bit darker though. It kind of defeats the purpose of having it if it blends into the skin tone too much. The last Padme figure had this same problem.

T-16 Skyhopper

Huge improvement over the original set. The Tusken Raider looks fantastic! Hopefully the head will be hard plastic. The pilot looks nice too.


Looks a bit better in the second picture, but still a bit too small for my liking.

TIE Advanced Prototype

One of the best designed TIE Fighters yet! I love how round it looks as well as the new windshield. Makes me want to see the other TIEs from the films updated in this style. Inquisitor looks awesome and its nice to have another Imperial Officer variant. Bit strange the TIE Pilot doesn't have leg printing though considering the Micro Fighter one did.

Battle Droid Troop Carrier

Unexpected but a VERY welcome surprise. 14 Battle Droids is an awesome deal and the carrier itself looks fantastic! The new Gungan Soldier is awesome - even better that its based on a different Gungan uniform rather than a remake of the 2011 minifigure so both versions are compatable.


Kallas and the pilots both look awesome. Very nice helmet designs. The walker itself looks pretty similar to the prelim pics.

Micro Fighters

Can't say this year's line up is very appealling aside from the Snowspeeder. A bit disapointed they changed the colour of the helmet.

Thanks just2good!

Well this wave is interesting... positives and negatives

Imperial Troop Transport: Slightly different trooper designs which look decent and the set itself looks pretty good! I wonder if this will push to £15 with the amount of pieces it has. I hope not, i'll still get the set though :classic:

Shadow Troopers: The minifigures are good and so is the speeder to my surprise! Probably get this set also.

Geonosis Troopers: Slightly disappointed with the minifigures in this one. Why on earth have they put in the same troopers as the ones in the Utapau Troopers is beyond me! The set looks alright so I will probably get it because it's based on Geonosis! :wink:

Senate Commando Troopers: Still unsure whether this will be an actual set :laugh: However I take back what I said about this set a while back! I haven't got any of these troopers so I think I will get this one. The cannon looks nice as well :classic:

Ezra's Speeder Bike: Well this is a set I have mixed feelings about. I really like the speeders and the extra trooper however Sabine would have been my favourite minifigure of the wave along with the Inquisitor, if she had the pink helmet! I guess it's still a good minifigure because of the hairpiece. The lightsaber hilt is laughable but I can live with it. Probably get it because of the set being based on Rebels.

T-16 Skyhopper: I never really had an interest in this set and to be honest I still don't. The pilot is neat but i'm not totally sure on the Tusken. The head seems slightly too big and round for my liking. The ship looks okay.

Aat: Yes it's small but I quite like it. The shape is still pretty good :classic: Where is the new arms in the prelims!? :sceptic: Should be getting this one.

Tie Advanced Prototype: Really complete set! Minifigures are very good and I really like the ship! :classic: Already know i was getting this one :laugh:

Battle Droid Troop Carrier: Wow this was a surprise! It puts the MTT to shame. 14 droids, that's more like it. Goes well with the Aat and is tempting me to get the MTT at some point :classic: Another buy if i have enough money! :laugh:

AT-DP: Great set and great minifigures. Enough said. I will be getting this one.

Wookie Gunship: Still not sure on this set. It's probably going to be one of those sets i'll get at a discount if i decide to get it.

Microfighters: Look good. But i have always questioned the price of these.

Missing sets: Can't wait to see these. I will be patient though.

Thanks for reading :classic:

I love the many Rebels sets. The premiere was great, so if nothing else in the wave, I'll get those. Any chance you could put these images in a gallery, just2good? I would really appreciate it!

Edited by Puffle Pal26

One thing I'm hoping for is for LEGO to use the Inquisitor armour style used on an update for Vader. Sure, we just got a nice new version this summer, but the Vader figure could use some sprucing up to make him more menacing. It's awkward when Sandtroopers stand taller than Lord Vader.

Also, it's strange that we don't get Sabine's helmet. It's not like it would require a new piece, just new printing. A dark grey Mandalorian helmet with the appropriate printing would look great.

I also like how both the Inquisitor's helmet and the helmets of the Royal Guards look very similar. Makes it easy to choose where the Inquisitor commands within an army.

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