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an interesting wave with a number of puzzling elements such as why the TIE pilot loses the printed legs the 2014 version had and why the droid carrier is £50 (twice the 2011 price! Seriously how can you absorb 500 bricks on such a set?)

All the sets are worth a look but it's a shame there wasn't a bit more effort shown - the microfig sets provide nothing but generic figures and it's disappointing the senate commando captain doesn't have the more elaborate helmet seen in the show

I think, in summary, every set is just one or two small changes from being awesome - and ironically being so close to greatness, and just falling short, just highlights what we aren't getting and overshadows how much we are getting

Edited by TheBrickHitHouse

The tie pilot is different, not only he loses his print leg, it has the same helmet design as the rebel stormies, call them rebel tie pilots :laugh:

That tie prototype sure looks the best tie lego has ever created (minifig), but the old tie fighter looks more "tie figter" maybe because of slopes they use. The old tie is more rounded.

Must buy for me:

Shadow Troopers - atleast 5, those stormies in grey outfit are just awesome! Even though they must be black

At-Dp - those yellows are eyesore imo, ill buy it but ill do a little modification. Will sell the rebel stormies! Has anyone got the close up look of those pilots?

T16 Skyhooper - im an OT fan, but i only collect rebel and imperial ships/vehicles and of course boba fett's slave 1.. so im thinking twice here.

Edited by irispen

I would not skip on this set man, yeah sure we don't get the helmet this time round but i doubt, at least any time soon that we'll get that hairpiece again...

Ugh, you're right! They sell the hair in one set, and the helmet in another.

Also guys.......Rebel Stormies are growing on me......as is the TV Show.......

The show itself is pretty good. I hope I can introduce my dad to the show. On the plus side he was raised on a New Hope, but on the negative side he doesn't really like animation.

I guess I'll just try to get him to try the first episode, and we can share some father son bonding time that he desperately wants, and if he doesn't care for it then that's it.

75087 Anakin's Custom Jedi Starfighter [The Azure Angel]

75085 Hailfire Droid

the pics aren't exactly new, but they are a bit clearer then the previous versions at least.

they still have the 'Confidential' stamp on them so I figured it would be safer to link them instead

of directly posting them.. my humblest apologies to your index fingers. Xb

|Tarfful, who can't believe he finally broke radio silence.. it's only been like 4 years in-between posts.. >///<


the clutter of banter not related to the actual sets in this thread makes it pretty irritating to read through, just sayin'.

this thread is supposed to be about LEGO sets, not TV shows or wishlists or what have you.. c'mon guys!

there are plenty of other threads for all that riff-raff:

Star Wars [Culture & Multimedia]

Star Wars Rebels [Culture & Multimedia]

Post Your General LEGO Star Wars Questions Here [LEGO Star Wars]

Future Star Wars Sets [LEGO Star Wars]

Most Wanted Star Wars Characters [LEGO Star Wars]

just to name a few..

my apologies if this is taken as micro-modding or whatnot, I don't mean to step on any toes.

Edited by Tarfful

Must buy for me:

Shadow Troopers - atleast 5, those stormies in grey outfit are just awesome! Even though they must be black

At-Dp - those yellows are eyesore imo, ill buy it but ill do a little modification. Will sell the rebel stormies! Has anyone got the close up look of those pilots?


the color of the troopers is fine, they are not suposed to be shadow stormtroopers like the ones we allready have , they resemble darktroopers, totally different corps.

as for why the battlepack is called shadowtroopers, well its the same reason why this years "death star troopers" is called liked that, we all know the red ones are imperial royal guards and the others are death star gunners but naming a set "imperial royal guards and death star gunners battlepack" is not as efficient as naming it death star troopers battlepack, in a way anyone who has seen atleast once the OT will recognize these minifigs as being related to the death star. Same goes for this new battlepack, shadowtroopers battlepack, sounds a lot better and more recognizable than "dark troopers and shadow royal guard battlepack" in a way they both are black ops specialized troopers , so, the former name is adecuate.

tl,dr; search in wookipedia darktroopers and you will see the resemblance, search shadow stormtroopers and you will see the minifigs we already got years ago. and shadow troopers have never ever been made by LEGO, as they use ligthsabers and force powers

its nice to see more old EU stuff, maybe just maybe a Kyle katarn official figure is possible someday as he is very closely related to the darktroopers program... i hope so

Edited by scorchfire

Am I the only one who find that the first AAT ws better then this one?

Also, in the droid carrier, the plates on witch the droids are standing look like the one in the MTT. It seems you could put them in the MTT. I don't like that the droids are standing and not folded like every trade federation vehicles normally carries them.

I like that we get a ton of droids so I can fill my MTT, moded to hold 16 droids, but at 550 pieces this will certainly reach 70$ in Canada and that is too much since the ship itself isn't that great.

Am I the only one who find that the first AAT ws better then this one?

Also, in the droid carrier, the plates on witch the droids are standing look like the one in the MTT. It seems you could put them in the MTT. I don't like that the droids are standing and not folded like every trade federation vehicles normally carries them.

I like that we get a ton of droids so I can fill my MTT, moded to hold 16 droids, but at 550 pieces this will certainly reach 70$ in Canada and that is too much since the ship itself isn't that great.

oh the very first AAT was amazing, blocky but it got the job done, the clone wars one(blue one) is far too big , altough very well built and imposing but this new one is well... chubby?? way to round on the front and very small. the carrier is fine but the price... well if you want to get those many droids you should probably buy the off bricklink, the carrier isnt that of an iconic craft to be at the 50$ orice range

Thanks for the updated CW pics. The Azure Angel, for me is a definate buy.

Also guys.......Rebel Stormies are growing on me......as is the TV Show.......

To be honest here, Lego could have improved the Stormtrooper design quite a bit. Fixing up the eyes and changing the toros would've been ideal. Maybe they were working from early material, maybe they weren't.

I'll most likely bricklink the new OT Stormtrooper in bulk this year, unless Lego can include a few in the Summer line, which is debatable.

I wonder how the Inquisitor looks with his helmet off. There are no pix of that, right?

Also, every year in mid december I'm in Germany, most of the times in Cologne where they have a LEGO store. Any chance they'll have these sets then?

oh the very first AAT was amazing, blocky but it got the job done, the clone wars one(blue one) is far too big , altough very well built and imposing but this new one is well... chubby?? way to round on the front and very small. the carrier is fine but the price... well if you want to get those many droids you should probably buy the off bricklink, the carrier isnt that of an iconic craft to be at the 50$ orice range

I never really looked at the scale of the AAT until reading your post. From what I'm seeing, the upcoming AAT may be more appropriate in scale. I'll have to rebuild my blue TCW AAT to see exactly how big it is but now that I'm focusing on scale it'll look very big. Despite the scale, I still like how it looks. At the price point of the Droid Carrier, I'll pass. You can army build battle droids very inexpensively.

Unlike some I welcome the new Tuskin, if I wanted standard printed heads I'd get the old version, just hope it's made out of hard plastic and not rubber.

In general the Rebel sets look good and the legacys uninspiring. Don't get me wrong most are great army builders but in terms of creativity get a big zero and someone must of been listening when yall were complaining about lack of battle droids in the MTT because now you get them in four sets lol

Hm, as of now i am a bit underwhelmed, none of the sets got me in "Gotta-have-it-on-Day-One"-mode.

It's like there's something off in every single set.

I guess i'll have to see those in person to make them grow on me...

Well, the good news is: Turns out i have a gigantic Womp-Rat collection from my castle-sets :grin: ... :wacko:

Does anybody know how the new shooters work ?

yes, theres a piece in the middle of the circle of studs, when you turn it around it pops out 1 stud after another.

Its fairly apparent in the senate comado images.

Edited by deskp

I wasn't going to get any of the Rebels sets, but seeing these pics has completely changed my mind!!! I'm so disappointed in the Geonosis troopers, why phase 2!!!!! Love the dark troopers battle pack.

I wasn't going to get any of the Rebels sets, but seeing these pics has completely changed my mind!!! I'm so disappointed in the Geonosis troopers, why phase 2!!!!! Love the dark troopers battle pack.

Why the Airborne trooper is what I ask myself??? :tongue:

But more variations of the Phase II clones are always welcome. :grin:

Its interesting that there is belt printing on the Geonosis troopers hip piece, but on none of the other battlepack figures.

I still think that there could've been better battlepacks than the Geonosis one, but then its nice to get a little variation here and there.

Why the Airborne trooper is what I ask myself??? :tongue:

But more variations of the Phase II clones are always welcome. :grin:

Exactly; there just aren't enough P2 clones. The only "movie" ones we got were the Kashyyyk ones and the lone one in the Turbo Tank.

Plus, the dark orange is very nice :wub: !

Thanks for the pics, Just2good! Does anyone know how much the Droid Carrier will cost? (12 BATTLE DROIDS!!!! FINALLY!!!) :classic:

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