October 21, 201410 yr with star wars rebels and a new movie every year on the horizon, there won't be any room for EU sets.
October 21, 201410 yr with star wars rebels and a new movie every year on the horizon, there won't be any room for EU sets. Except there is, because rebels will recicle and re-imagine a lot of galactic civil war expanded universe stuff, tough I doubt the old Republic era will ever be touched again
October 21, 201410 yr with star wars rebels and a new movie every year on the horizon, there won't be any room for EU sets. I don't think so. I'm sure there will always be some sets that are not related to current films. Disney is still interested in selling stuff that's not canon anymore. That's why they call it "legends" and not "uncanonical crap you will never again see in any product".
October 21, 201410 yr Hooray, looks like the Azure Angel set doesnt have the anime-esque, clone wars set, faces. An instant buy for me.
October 21, 201410 yr 2) I hope not.......keeping my fingers crossed for Cloud City! I'm hoping they do Cloud City in smaller modular parts. The duel scene, the carbonite room, etc. Unless they replace the Death Star with a really awesome Cloud City... multi-leveled, tons of minifigs, etc. Edited October 21, 201410 yr by Albus
October 21, 201410 yr Hooray, looks like the Azure Angel set doesnt have the anime-esque, clone wars set, faces. An instant buy for me. Me too, especially because of Asajj, I have waited so long for this version of her, and I think the figure looks awesome, as well as the ship, I was a bit doubtful, how they manage to do the stripes on it but the could maintain the sleek form. Instant buy along with the T-16.
October 21, 201410 yr The Azure Angel set looks like a good Lego interpretation of the source material, but I never really liked the ship itself. The whole aesthetic of it smacks of fan fiction/crappily written EU nonsense - like the designers took a regular Jedi fighter and said "Guns are cool - okay let's add A WHOLE BUNCH. Extra fins are awesome looking - let's add some of those too, YEAH! Oh, and let's add some GIANT ENGINES on the front, everyone loves BIG ENGINES." And eventually you end up with the Star Wars version of this:
October 21, 201410 yr Doh! Looks like its flying backwards. Edited October 21, 201410 yr by Darth Punk
October 21, 201410 yr The Azure Angel set looks like a good Lego interpretation of the source material, but I never really liked the ship itself. The whole aesthetic of it smacks of fan fiction/crappily written EU nonsense - like the designers took a regular Jedi fighter and said "Guns are cool - okay let's add A WHOLE BUNCH. Extra fins are awesome looking - let's add some of those too, YEAH! Oh, and let's add some GIANT ENGINES on the front, everyone loves BIG ENGINES." And eventually you end up with the Star Wars version of this: That's my view of it exactly! The only things I liked about the design were the color scheme and shifting the astromech to in front of the cockpit... only, I didn't really like that bit until TCW began where they adopted that design detail allowing an ENTIRE astromech to fit there, while the Azure Angel undoubtedly followed the AOTC model of "integrated astromechs", i.e. the droid is just a head, built into the ship. I know there's a deleted scene in AOTC of a Jedi hangar with full astromechs rolling around and some JSFs with empty sockets, but the scenes of Obi-Wan's ship that survived made it abundantly clear a full droid absolutely couldn't fit in the ship that way... nor the EU's attempt at making AOTC's R4-P17 a separate droid by saying "Oh, Anakin built a half-size body for her, so Obi-Wan's ship could have a droid". Ridiculous ideas born of a design cheat, unknowingly corrected by whoever designed the Azure Angel, and perfected by Filoni's Clone Wars team. Anyhoo... yeah, the Azure Angel otherwise looks like what so many wrongly dismiss the entire EU as: fanboy creations without any supervision... "Wouldn't it be cool if...?"-syndrome. And a lot of the EU does suffer from that, but there's still so much good in there that isn't just "let's make all the Sith tatted-up like Maul!" (which is actually a bit more forgivable now that Maul survived; when LEGACY began, he was still dead as a doornail at the bottom of a Theed shaft, and nothing much was known about him by anyone aside from Sidious) or "let's make a super weapon that doesn't just destroy planets, it destroys stars!" or "let's have Boba Fett train Han & Leia's daughter so she's got some new moves & attitudes to use against her evil twin brother!" Edited October 21, 201410 yr by Venkefedo
October 21, 201410 yr "let's make a super weapon that doesn't just destroy planets, it destroys stars!" or "let's have Boba Fett train Han & Leia's daughter so she's got some new moves & attitudes to use against her evil twin brother!" how can you hate on the Suncrusher! its a fighter sized ship that is impervious to all forms of energy and physical weapons while also being able to cause stars to go supernova destroying everything except the Suncrusher. and lets not forget its shaped like a party hat, how cool is that! in all seriousness though I am still a huge fan of EU, even if there are a few absolutely ridiculous creations stuck in there. lets not forget the good ones as well like Prince Xizor's Virago, or the vast list of EU troopers and actually well constructed characters, Thrawn and Bane. I get that EU isn't everyone's taste and I actually enjoy that most things in EU are not official sets, gives me freedom to build MOC's of those things without someone telling me how I should do it. (I just want more minifigs from EU as I don't like going to cloners/re-printers for anything) Edited October 21, 201410 yr by GallardoLU
October 21, 201410 yr I used to hate the Virago as a Star Wars ship... looked like something that had flown out of another property like Babylon 5 or something. But, after the Prequels, TCW, and more, I think it fits in better now... the most annoying thing about Xizor now is that TCW turned all of Black Sun into Falleen. But, it was great to see them all the same, and that Black Sun & Falleen are part of the canon, despite SOTE suffering the same fate as HTTE, NJO, and the rest. Perhaps the Virago will find its way into canon, too (there's always Rebels... if Black Sun recovered from Maul's brief takeover, maybe even Xizor might pop up!) I, too, am more interested in EU minifigs than builds, partly because SW minifigs have kinda replaced Hasbro figures in my collecting habits, partly because there's not quite as many EU vehicles that look really cool as there could/should be (I disliked most of LEGACY's smaller ships, aside from a few like the TIE Predators & Mynock; Chiss Clawcraft are also pretty neat). Too much is just derivative of the movie ships, and too many of those are just kinda so-so. ...doesn't mean I won't try modding the Inquisitor's TIE Advanced into a Clawcraft for fun... And I suspect we might see several more of the concept-art vehicles show up in Rebels. There's a particular small speeder I wanna take a stab at making, but with my rudimentary building skills I wouldn't mind an official set of it someday to tell me how to do it
October 22, 201410 yr let's make a super weapon that ... destroys stars! Never heard of the very much canon Star Destroyer?
October 22, 201410 yr Never heard of the very much canon Star Destroyer? ...you mean the ones named hyperbolically? That don't even have the firepower to destroy a measly planet when half the starfleet is assembled according to Han? That Star Destroyer? The Death Star wouldn't be very effective at scaring local systems into toeing the line if a measly Star Destroyer could wipe out entire star systems on its own.
October 22, 201410 yr I'm hoping they do Cloud City in smaller modular parts. The duel scene, the carbonite room, etc. Unless they replace the Death Star with a really awesome Cloud City... multi-leveled, tons of minifigs, etc. If Lego makes cloud city I hope that they make it in multiple sets so that it is easier to purchase. It makes it difficult to spend $400 on a lego set so hopefully they piece it out into multiple sets.
October 22, 201410 yr The prices in US dollars for the 2015 Rebels sets are: Imperial Troop Transport: $12.99 Ezra's Speeder Bike: $24.99 TIE advanced prototype: $39.99 AT-DP: $49.99 Wookie Gunship: $69.99
October 22, 201410 yr Speeder Bike set is overpriced. Oh well. Glad that the AT-DP is only $50 though!
October 22, 201410 yr Not sure if the joke flew over my head, but just in case... Star Destroyers aren't named as such because of their ability to destroy stars, even as an exaggeration.. they're named that way because they're "destroyers" (a class of ship) that go in space.. hence the whole Star Destroyer bit. :) Just like Star Wars isn't really about a war between angry stars.
October 22, 201410 yr Speeder Bike set is overpriced. Oh well. That's the Mandalorian surcharge. They know Sabine will drive the sales of that set, and it is priced accordingly.
October 22, 201410 yr BalrogJ, no one said Star Destroyer can destroy a star, but Sun Crasher definitely can That's where some EU lore comes in very handy
October 22, 201410 yr Those are okay prices. I guess that's what I should have expected. I'm guessing MFs-$10; BPs-$13; AAT, Hailfire, and T-16-$25; Angel-$30; BDTC-$50 to $60. I might get TIE Advanced and AT-DP later than I thought if those prices are true (which I think they are).
October 22, 201410 yr No, it is a Tie Jedi Bendu. A reliable source posted that info. It is somewhat unorthodox given how recent the very good (and minifigure scale) system Tie was released, but I cannot say I'm surprised TLG would opt for such commercial decision. Where and when was it posted the new UCS is a TIE? Also, the new UCS will be released mid-2015 I think? Isn't it way to early to know 'for sure'? I'm hoping they do Cloud City in smaller modular parts. The duel scene, the carbonite room, etc. Unless they replace the Death Star with a really awesome Cloud City... multi-leveled, tons of minifigs, etc. A big mofo set with everything (incl a Cloud Car) is a wet dream. I need Cloud City (and Dagobah, and a Bantha).
October 22, 201410 yr Where and when was it posted the new UCS is a TIE? Also, the new UCS will be released mid-2015 I think? Isn't it way to early to know 'for sure'? Here Jedi Bendu, sleeping much? May 2015 UCS Tie..... ;-)
October 22, 201410 yr Here Jedi Bendu, sleeping much? No...that's the price you pay for having 2 kids ;) . I was at FACTS/Ghent when it was posted. Thats why I missed it. Edited October 22, 201410 yr by Jedi-Bendu
October 23, 201410 yr 75082 is available for preorder at amazon.de. Article is listed as available by January 17th 2015.
October 23, 201410 yr 75082 is available for preorder at amazon.de. Article is listed as available by January 17th 2015. How much will it cost?
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