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The London toy fair doesn't allow anyone to take pictures, but we'll still likely get some descriptions of what people see. Nuremberg and NYC allow pictures pretty openly, especially NYC. By that time, we'll hopefully already have a full set list.

EDIT: demitri, is that a full list or something? Whats with all the wolf stuff?

i don't know SW Story. maybe they still have no name??


75091 Flash Speederâ„¢

75092 Naboo Starfighterâ„¢

75093 Death Starâ„¢ Final Duel

75094 Imperial Shuttle Tydiriumâ„¢

If it's just these, it'll hopefully be a cheap year.

i don't know SW Story. maybe they still have no name??

Thank's for the list Dimitri!, but theres no name over the "wolf" sets?, any idea about the names?

Glad to hear we're getting another Imperial Shuttle. Endor Luke is long overdue for an upgrade and it would be nice to finally add Endor Han to our collections. It will be interesting to see if Leia gets a new face or not since both Han and Luke did this past year.

Not too excited for another Naboo Fighter, but its nice to finally have another Flash Speeder. Hope we see Boss Nass, Theed Battle Padme and plenty of Naboo security and palace guards.

Don't really need a Final Duel set since I have the Death Star, but it should provide a nice parts pack and some updated minifigures.

Shame there's no Bounty Hunter Pursuit. We still need a flesh coloured Zam Wesell.

If it's just these, it'll hopefully be a cheap year.

Maybe LEGO decided to make the summer wave smaller so they can release a more full wave for The Force Awakens. Either way, I'm glad there is only one set in this list that I need to have. The Tydirium I'll likely pick up at a later time.

Shame there's no Bounty Hunter Pursuit. We still need a flesh coloured Zam Wesell.

We don't know the "wolf" names yet. It could be anything since the wolf name also lands on the rebels sets

So glad we're getting another Flash Speeder! The first one was adorable!

So glad we're getting another Flash Speeder! The first one was adorable!

I bet we'll get a new Padme, and hopefully Boss Nass. Probably a Droideka or two.

Flash Speeder sounds good, I like speeders... Naboo Starfighter, meh, already got the 2011 one. Maybe it'll have a full Ric Olie with both hair and helmet.

The Imp Assault Carrier sounds interesting, but strange to be linked to Classics as nothing really fits that description aside from the Landing Craft--which is unlikely in the same wave as the shuttle. I would've pegged it as the Rebels carriers seen in several episodes, or the craft carrying the stormies in TFA's teaser, as a preview set or something.

Glad to see the shuttle, I agree that Endor Luke is long overdue. I updated mine with a non-chrome saber, flesh hand, a post-2008 Luke head, and dark tan hair (just like the Ewok Village Luke) when he's not wearing a helmet. Han with printed trenchcoat would be nice, too; made my own with a 3rd party coat, but looking forward to an official one with it printed on like Star Lord or Aragorn.

Final Duel as a DS2 set could be nice; we need a "flap-up" version of Ewok Village Luke for the actual duel, and it'd be a great place to debut the new Vader helmet (especially if it's in two pieces!), along with a non-gray head for him.

Flash speeder and shuttle are interesting. Hopefully we'll get a battle padme that I've been waiting for.

Thanks for the Info demitri! Here are my predictions as to how the four titled sets will appear...

75091 Flash Speeder: Padme(Theed Battle Outfit), Captain Panaka, Nute Gunray-$24.99

75092 Naboo Starfighter: Anakin Skywalker, R2-D2, Ric Olie, Daulty Dofine-$39.99

75093 Death Star Final Duel: Luke Skywalker(Same one in Ewok Village), Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, Sim Aloo-$49.99

75094 Imperial Shuttle Tydirium: Han Solo(Endor Coat), Leia Organa(Endor Landing), Orrimaarko, Rebel Commando-$59.99

By the way, what does the "Wolf" title of most of the sets mean?

Hey guys. Long time lurker but just couldn't resist jumping into the discussion with all this exciting new info making the rounds.

Super stoked for the Flash Speeder as I loved the first one and have always wanted to see a newer version, beyond that I don't think i'll care for another Naboo Starfighter but the Imperial Shuttle and Final Dual is definitely going to be something to keep an eye on.

As for the "Star Wars Wolf" sets (particularly the ones listed under classic), I wouldn't be surprised if these were episode 7 based, its very plausible that Disney is going to want these on the market prior to the film's holiday release next year and I expect we will be seeing much more of Episode 7 come toy fair in February.

Lucasfilm is keeping a tight lid on The Force Awakens. There's no way they'd allow sets to be released more than 4 months ahead of time.

Lucasfilm is keeping a tight lid on The Force Awakens. There's no way they'd allow sets to be released more than 4 months ahead of time.

Still, by the sound of it, we're getting another star wars wave in November/December, like the Hobbit, as Lego just wants to kill our wallets (and cash in on TFA).

I really want a Flash Speeder now. And the Final Duel set means I don't have to get that DK book for the Emperor.

Really hoping there's a couple of EU sets in that list. The Flash Speeder better not be £20, thats where the Speeder Battle set with Durge is meant to go! And hopefully Bounty Hunter Pursuit is in that space where the Jek-14 sets were in the past two years.

I'm really looking foward for the Final Duel set(possible we'll get the new vader helm-mold in this set??),also I want miss this time the Imperial Shuttle Tydirium.

Thanks alot j2g!!!

Edited by LOTR343

Flash Speeder definitely deserves a remake. Hopefully it comes with some cool figures too, maybe another Captain Panaka, a Boss Nass, or a Battle Padme?

Death Star duel will be interesting, I have 10188 Death Star, so I may not need to get it! The Shuttle Tyridium will be cool though!

I hope that the new Flash Speeder comes with a Naboo Royal Gaurd or two. I found those guys pretty cool, and their design is quite simple as well!

This 'Imperial Assault Carrier' has me really thinking. I'm more than positive that it is supposed to be a Rebels set, and if so I will miss it. Since its labled under classic, what could it be?

LEGO house magazine:

"...Development of the LEGO Star Wars products that are based directly on the movie is well under way - but they will not be launched until September...".

Sooner than we think?

LEGO house magazine:

"...Development of the LEGO Star Wars products that are based directly on the movie is well under way - but they will not be launched until September...".

Sooner than we think?

Definitely, wow. Could launched mean actually put on shelves or the stage of the process where the final design is approved, when we usually see the finalised product? Because september seems really early for merchandise from a top secret film being released in December.

Still, I hope its true, it'll give me time to collect the entire wave for Christmas!

Good to hear about the new sets. The Flash Speeder and Imperial Shuttle sound exciting. The final duel sounds interesting so I'm looking forward to hearing more on that.

Can't say another Naboo fighter thrills me. I assume the Naboo fighter is a consistent massive seller (for some reason) as this is the 4th? 5th? release.

After the UCS shuttle a system one can only be a step down.

The death star duel must be where the new Vader mould crops up and the Palptine (released with the book) gets his set debut.

Only system scale tie variants can excite me...

Tie bomber, advanced, interceptor please!

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