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I'd take that last 'update' with an amount of salt sufficient to drain a city in Utah...

If we don't get another UCS Falcon it won't be due to sale price - remember Lego already sold this set and it was a success. If Lego thought for a second they could alienate buyers with absurd costs they wouldn't have charged £350 for the SSD, possibly the most unfairly priced set Lego has ever released! Lego have seen sales rise as their prices have, they aren't worried about affordability.

We'll get a UCS Episode 7 Falcon - I don't need contacts to know that. Maybe not this year but next, it's the obvious 2016 UCS.

Edited by TheBrickHitHouse

But what if we got a System scale Falcon in 2015? Does this mean we can still get a UCS one year later? I mean there can't be two new Millennium Falcons on shelves at the same time; it's either this or that I suppose. I hope I'm wrong though.

Of course they can have two MF in the same time, it has already happened before. Otherwise I completely agree with TheBrickHitHouse, MF is a given sooner or later. They did it with X-Wing, they'll do it with MF, that is rock solid logic, no need for inside info there.

What I am puzzled about, is the timing. Looking at the facts, TLG releases two UCS (in the broadest possible meaning, old 10xxx sets) per year. Now, we know that they are about to hand in a verdict in January concerning Cavegod's Ideas (old Cusoo) project. The public outcry for a decent AT-AT is impossible to ignore, so I'd wager that they will downsize it a bit piece count-wise and put it through, as it's pretty much in their pipeline and sure as hell they had invested few good people months into that. My initial guess was it would be the second UCS of 2015. However, Echo Base has came out of nowhere to fill that spot now.

When it comes to 2016, that year will be all about Ep. 7 and most probably, they would want to cash in on Falcon while the hype beats its strongest which probably means a January 1st 2016 release for the MF. Which would get AT-AT postponed for a second slot of 2016, which again, in my humble opinion doesn't make sense. First, from marketing standpoint, you'd want AT-AT out there in the same time as Hoth base for obvious reasons. Second, I don't see Lucasfilm rehashing that many iconic vehicles for Ep. 7, they already did it with X-Wing and MF (had to do it for nostalgia but mostly retcon reasons); AT-AT would feel a little bit too much like a remake rather than a sequel. Ergo, no sense to have it occupy the slot in 2016.

Which brings us to the possibility that they either do an exception and try to cash in big time on the hype and release 3 UCSs in 2015 or... AT-AT is indeed going out under Ideas label.

I am aware that this is mostly speculation, just hope to have woven some logical thinking into it...

Its just to bad that all polybag figures are made from the cheap Chinese plastic, that really spoils it. :cry_sad:

I agree it could be more demanding compared to LEGO fans ....

I'll get to the bottom of it. I may have misheard but I thought it was in NYC. It wasn't the NYC toy fair because that has already past and the next one is in late February of 2015 I think? The event was a private function of some sort, and that I do know. I was more focused on the info at the time. It'll be interesting to find out exactly what show or event it was, and if it was private, I don't know how much I can talk about it. It's going to take time for a response though, toy shops are busy all the time during the holiday season and his is no exception.

Rather the NY Comic Con :wink:

Yes the system scale and the ucs xwing can be in the shelves at the same time but not the MF. The ucs xwing and the system scale xwing is very different, i mean you cant put a minifig inside the ucs xwing while you can in ucs MF. The ucs MF can be displayed with the system scale sets as well as the system scale falcon. Imagine if they release a system scale sand crawler this winter.. the same reason why i dont see a ucs at-at on 2015.

And we will get a system scale ep.7 MF not a ucs version. Kids first.

Edited by irispen

I think there are some vehicles which are special cases.

The MF is the biggest example of this as it's the single most iconic vessel in the SW Universe and therefore could actually get away with releases of differing scale within very close proximity to each other or even simultaneously.

An interesting point is that a UCS Falcon, especially one that might feature an interior, would be minifig compatible while the system scale version is also minifig compatible but smaller... They kind of compete with one another.

On a slightly related note I see the rectangular dish of the Ep VII Falcon is actually taken from a blockade runner similar to the Tantive IV. Cool.

If the UCS Falcon didn't have minifigs with it, then maybe it could exist on shelves alongside the System scale one, just like the X-wing, otherwise it might be confusing. Again I hope I'm completely wrong and we get the Falcon in all scales at the same time.

On another note; we got prelims of summer sets in January 1st this year; I don't remember who found them, but do you guys think we might be surprised again in a few days from now with 2015 pictures?

I myself believe joebiwankenobi's information, but think there may have been a misinterpretation, as joebiwankenobi said in a later post.

Okay, update on the rumored 10179 rerelease.

I sat there on the phone disappointed when the conversation took another turn. There was another model on display that lego was pitching as the next BIG UCS.

"It's a huge walker with for legs. The thing's giant."

"AT-AT, A T A T, Imperial Walker!?!"

"The last thing you said was it. Imperial Walker."

Now, my bud won't know if the lego group will be officially producing this as the UCS until February when the dealer catalog from lego arrives. As I was told, there are always things that are shown to people in the toy industry that never make it into production as is the case with the 10179 update. This could be the same situation with the UCS AT-AT. Will let you all know in Feb.

Additionally, I was informed that my informant was deeply disappointed because he won't be aloud to carry this set and a few others because Lego is only dictating certain stores to sell these exculsives and are continuing to produce "lego store only" exclusives.

I find the possibility of a UCS AT-AT intruiging considering Cavegod's AT-AT on cuusoo. Fits well with this reported Echo Base set. I didn't have time to talk with my informant on Echo Base but I'll see if I can get any info pertaining to that rumor. The Dealer catalog should be out around Feb and we'll get some verification for you all. :thumbup:


Nowhere does the informant say that the new UCS is an AT-AT. He merely says it is an "Imperial Walker". I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that does not refer to a specific walker like the AT-AT, but the Empire's walkers in general. Thus, it's possible this new UCS isn't a At-AT, but a new walker from SW7/8 or from Rebels.

Edited by Dragonlego27


Possibly, it could refer to another one. I remember back in the 2014 Rumours and Pictures thread someone said we would get a UCS Slave I and AT-AT, so it is probably the AT-AT.

Khaled Yousef: Maybe, prelims do not have an official release date and are not meant to be seen by the public, I believe they're only meant to be seen by shops so they get an idea of what is coming up. It really depends as to when someone finds them :classic:

I know, but prelims usually starts floating around the same time every year, and we've got some seriously good Bothan spies around here. I know, I know, many of them has died to bring us previous prelims, but there still remains one or two good ones. :classic:


Possibly, it could refer to another one. I remember back in the 2014 Rumours and Pictures thread someone said we would get a UCS Slave I and AT-AT, so it is probably the AT-AT.

I wrote about the system scale AT-AT back then, because I had actually seen it (along with the trains and the Chima Mammoth)

I am really curious as to how Echo Base is going to be done. I mean they can't set it out like the Death Star or the Ewok Village really, and it can't be just one big baseplate can it?

We could get a piece like this. I had one in tan from the Temple of the Crystal Skull set from the Indy line.

Terrible peice (and I do like my (raised) baseplates, mind you), too wobbly on the top

Also, the internet will implode if TLG tries to sell a UCS/D2C/10XXX set with junior piece like that :devil_laugh:

Well the only thing they can do without making it too wide or long to display anything is folding it together.

I'm a bit intrigued... There's been no AT-AT in Rebels, and in SW7, it seems that the only AT-AT(s) featured will be the decaying ones on Tattooine...

I'm definitely thinking we'll see a different walker.

But what if we got a System scale Falcon in 2015? Does this mean we can still get a UCS one year later? I mean there can't be two new Millennium Falcons on shelves at the same time; it's either this or that I suppose. I hope I'm wrong though.

A new SW7 2015 system-scale Falcon? Yes please! :)

I'd much prefer that version to a UCS-£500-behind comprehensionly big-Millenium Falcon.

Edited by Dragonlego27

It would be ridiculous to release an Imperial Walker that wasn't an AT-AT. They don't even know how big a success the new movie is going to be; to make a ~5,000 piece UCS set out of the gate for something with yet-unknown demand would be silly.

As for the falcon, they could release a UCS falcon at any point in time and it would probably sell about the same. I don't think episode 7 is what would drive Millennium Falcon sales; the thing is simply legendary, it doesn't need promotion. It's been promoted for almost 40 years now.

I'd say a TFA system scaled Falcon is guaranteed, along with the new X-Wing variant (or two if they do one of the coloured ones).

A UCS AT-AT seems like an odd choice for TLG at this point, as a new Hoth base in system scale will almost certainly be designed to accompany the AT-AT and Snowspeeder from this years system sets. The Falcon seems more likely, especially as TLG is well aware of the demand, as well as the fact that the ship will be getting increased marketing exposure due to it's appearance in TFA.

Would the Echo base set be considered UCS or just an expensive exclusive set? I don't know if the current Ewok Village is considered UCS, but I could see them making Echo Base the set to phase out the Ewok Village?

As far as prelims go I know that I can get info and possibly see pictures around late January/Early February. I have no idea if the big UCS set will be in the dealers catalogue or not but the summer wave will be. I'm curious as to whether the UCS TIE fighter will be in there.

Usually there are 1-2 USC sets a year, I believe? The TIE fighter has been discussed here and has been verified through other sources. So that's one. There is now the possibility of Echo Base so that's two (If it's considered a UCS). Then there's the potential for a larger UCS set, which makes the number come to three.

But then there's the slave 1 which releases in January. Although you have to take into account that there was only one UCS last year which was the sand crawler.

A new SW7 2015 system-scale Falcon? Yes please! :)

I'd much prefer that version to a UCS-£500-behind comprehensionly big-Millenium Falcon.

No, no, no. I definitely deserve a UCS Falcon and I hope you realise that you NEED one too... :wink:

Would the Echo base set be considered UCS or just an expensive exclusive set? I don't know if the current Ewok Village is considered UCS, but I could see them making Echo Base the set to phase out the Ewok Village?

As far as prelims go I know that I can get info and possibly see pictures around late January/Early February. I have no idea if the big UCS set will be in the dealers catalogue or not but the summer wave will be. I'm curious as to whether the UCS TIE fighter will be in there.

Usually there are 1-2 USC sets a year, I believe? The TIE fighter has been discussed here and has been verified through other sources. So that's one. There is now the possibility of Echo Base so that's two (If it's considered a UCS). Then there's the potential for a larger UCS set, which makes the number come to three.

But then there's the slave 1 which releases in January. Although you have to take into account that there was only one UCS last year which was the sand crawler.

Slave 1 UCS on January 1st - Tie Fighter announced around April - Hoth Echo Base for October...that would be 3 already :) Excluding the "larger ucs set"

Just think of it as this, a new d2c Star Wars sets released every other season( spring and typically fall-winter)

It would be ridiculous to release an Imperial Walker that wasn't an AT-AT. They don't even know how big a success the new movie is going to be; to make a ~5,000 piece UCS set out of the gate for something with yet-unknown demand would be silly.

As for the falcon, they could release a UCS falcon at any point in time and it would probably sell about the same. I don't think episode 7 is what would drive Millennium Falcon sales; the thing is simply legendary, it doesn't need promotion. It's been promoted for almost 40 years now.

Very much an understatement, the movie will be huge. The marketing for Star Wars merchandise will be kicking off next month and throughout the year to get the buzz going. Having said that, the business meeting the other gentlemen was talking about is one of many marketing meetings with companies and their distributors to show off what's new and prepare for releases. A UCS AT-AT from Lego Ideas could yet happen if their department has a separate budget.

Personally I'm inclined to agree that after the UCS TIE in May we will get an AT-AT. I'd love to have a UCS Millenium Falcon an I believe we will get either a system re-release or a new one based on Episode 7. The Falcon has just sold out completely on Lego S@H. I've been checking all this week and it seemed all was well until today. I'm guessing it will now be retired as other summer wave sets have also 'sold out' with price cuts. This is usually what Lego S@H does to clear out inventory for new sets to be released.

I think it's only a matter of time for a re-release of a UCS MF as it will be one of the pivotal ships in the movie. Logic would dictate this as a sensible move for the the Lego Group.

Saw most of the new sets at a local Target today, but resisted the temptation to buy any due to wife aggro after getting so many sets for Christmas :tongue:

The only new Micro Fighter missing was the AT-AT, of course... Nice to see the BPs up close. Still not a fan of the "sad" Stormies, and up close you can tell on the box art where the proper sculpted groove for the "mouth" should be, with the Rebels "mouth" above it. Gonna wait for some sorta sale to pick up some stormies, a pack or two of Shadow Troopers, and a set of Senate Commandos. I keep telling the "ooo, shiny new things!" part of my brain that these will be available for a year or more.

Saw that all the Series 1 Microfighters were being clearanced.

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