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  On 1/9/2015 at 2:03 AM, DarthR2-D2 said:

Interesting. Let me see:

  • 75099 Episode VII £19.99 = Rey's Speeder
  • 75100 Episode VII £39.99 = TIE Fighter
  • 75101 Episode VII £59.99 = X-wing
  • 75102 Episode VII £69.99 = Some Playset (Maybe a duel)
  • 75103 Episode VII £79.99 = Big Bad Ship
  • 75104 Episode VII £99.99 = Stormtrooper Transport
  • 75105 Episode VII £129.99 = Millennium Falcon

EDIT: Let me just say before someone runs with this, its my speculation.

That sounds....pretty dang accurate. You better be careful though or you might find your list scooped on the front page of Hoth Bricks...

That sounds glorious. But let me clarify and go into more detail on my speculation.

  • Rey's Speeder will be exactly that giant eyeglass container with a pointless windshield. It should include Daisy, BB-8, and Max von Sydow OR Old Luke
  • TIE Fighter looks to be the same old thing we know and love. That's it for now.
  • X-wing is slightly different looking from those back in the 80s. It ought to include Oscar Isaac and Adam Driver with their BB-8s (maybe I don't know)
  • I have no idea on a playset. Like I said, maybe a lightsaber duel or perhaps the downed AT-AT
  • I think the Big Bad ship could that Red TIE looking shuttle and includes the cross-saber individual and Andy Serkis with some royal guards and Stormtroopers.
  • Stormtrooper Transport ought to have four or five new Stormtroopers including John Boyega and Gwendoline Christie.
  • Millennium Falcon is the big obvious one. It has a $200 price point. It better fly. I suppose it will have Old Han, Old Chewbacca, Jogn Boyega, Daisy, maybe Old Leia and the droids?

  On 1/9/2015 at 3:17 AM, DarthR2-D2 said:

That sounds glorious. But let me clarify and go into more detail on my speculation.

  • Rey's Speeder will be exactly that giant eyeglass container with a pointless windshield. It should include Daisy, BB-8, and Max von Sydow OR Old Luke
  • TIE Fighter looks to be the same old thing we know and love. That's it for now.
  • X-wing is slightly different looking from those back in the 80s. It ought to include Oscar Isaac and Adam Driver with their BB-8s (maybe I don't know)
  • I have no idea on a playset. Like I said, maybe a lightsaber duel or perhaps the downed AT-AT
  • I think the Big Bad ship could that Red TIE looking shuttle and includes the cross-saber individual and Andy Serkis with some royal guards and Stormtroopers.
  • Stormtrooper Transport ought to have four or five new Stormtroopers including John Boyega and Gwendoline Christie.
  • Millennium Falcon is the big obvious one. It has a $200 price point. It better fly. I suppose it will have Old Han, Old Chewbacca, Jogn Boyega, Daisy, maybe Old Leia and the droids?

....*Spoiler Alert* :tongue: Anyway, I'd be careful about what you believe. I mean, a lot of the information is easily faked, and no one has any actual evidence (pictures, videos, etc); the photos we do have look like they could be some random fan art. Keep in mind that this movie was announced 3 years ago: in that time, someone could easily have painted a red TIE, or some robotic Sith or whatever, and just taken a grainy image of it.

Honestly, I think that most of the leaks are fake. For all I know, some are true. But some of them are just utterly ridiculous. And Disney (and JJ) have this under tight wraps. Like, this movie is more tightly guarded than any other movie right now.

Well that goes without saying. The conjecture that I speculated on come from the rumors of the past several weeks and that's it. But we've had some good ones from

Reveal hidden contents

.But those are exactly what they are: spoilers. And it's plain fun to speculate. I recently read an interview with Oscar Isaac that most of the rumors are bull**** anyway. Those at Jedi Council Forums have even conjectured that these fake rumors are being leaked by Lucasfilm itself so there's no repeat of the Star Trek Into Darkness fiasco (Cumberpatch is Khan)

  On 1/9/2015 at 2:52 AM, djmangunz said:

That sounds....pretty dang accurate. You better be careful though or you might find your list scooped on the front page of Hoth Bricks...

While i can believe the X-wing set at the £60 price point as the old one was 50, it would only take a few pieces of support equipment to make it up to 60, I cant believe that the 39.99 set would be the Tie fighter. Our previous one was also 49.99 rrp with 4 figs and just the ship itself. I really cant imagine they would reduce the price by a whole £10 for essentially the same ship, not even if they removed 2 minifigs... It has to be something else...

However, I do agree with the rest of the list!

  On 1/9/2015 at 2:52 AM, djmangunz said:

That sounds....pretty dang accurate. You better be careful though or you might find your list scooped on the front page of Hoth Bricks...

Yeah right, like we are not capable to make the difference between rumors with a reliable source and Eurobricks usual speculations and wish lists becoming reality....

  On 1/9/2015 at 12:22 PM, willybob said:

Yeah right, like we are not capable to make the difference between rumors with a reliable source and Eurobricks usual speculations and wish lists becoming reality....

I think you missed the sarcasm/jokiness of his post...

  On 1/9/2015 at 11:47 AM, Fuppylodders said:

While i can believe the X-wing set at the £60 price point as the old one was 50, it would only take a few pieces of support equipment to make it up to 60, I cant believe that the 39.99 set would be the Tie fighter. Our previous one was also 49.99 rrp with 4 figs and just the ship itself. I really cant imagine they would reduce the price by a whole £10 for essentially the same ship, not even if they removed 2 minifigs... It has to be something else...

However, I do agree with the rest of the list!

I was thinking to move the TIE up to the £60 mark, and then the X-Wing up to the £70 mark. Whatever playset or ship they have could fit in the £40 mark.

Simple fix. :wink:

  On 1/9/2015 at 4:36 AM, LN-01354 said:

^He really said that about the leaks? Well, either he's being 100% honest, or it's 100% a cover-up. Only time will tell, I guess.....But it would make sense to make fake leaks to throw people off of their track.

"...And also, the [plot theories] that get that formulated based on these things — they couldn’t be more far off-base."

Source: http://geeknation.com/oscar-isaac-talks-the-force-awakens-and-fan-theories

  On 1/9/2015 at 12:22 PM, willybob said:

Yeah right, like we are not capable to make the difference between rumors with a reliable source and Eurobricks usual speculations and wish lists becoming reality....

He was being facetious.

Though it does happen.

^In fact I remember it happening before. Years ago back when or before The Clone Wars sets were coming out. I had the strangest sense of deja vu when someone first mentioned it. Does anyone else remember that?

Ahem, well in the spirit of plot theories being off-base... a few observations and crazy theories:

First off - are we one hundred percent about the USC TIE being a OT TIE? Because what if... that USC TIE is the giant red one from upcoming Episode 7? See it makes a bit more sense (to me, anyway) that System-scale TIE kits like the Inquisitor's are coming out because if we are also getting the Gizinti carrier from Star Wars: Rebels, would it not be in their interest to make TIES at that scale to dock with the underside? If true, who wants a full load of 4 TIE underneath the Gizinti? That would be a striking display of Star Wars Lego.

There are rumors of a "crazy" looking, multiple-legged walker to appear in The Force Awakens. Does this mean it may be one of those sets? Lego loves making walkers. Oh yes.

Finally, agreed to those Rebels fans to think "Wolf" is a code name for Rebels. Some of the recent production art for Rebels has a large WOLF label on each of them. Dave Fioni. If there is any remainder of a glimpse of hope Cloud City this year it would be one of these Rebels sets - I can only provide 2 bits of evidence to support this argument:

  • An upcoming episode features Lando. Though it may all take place on Lothal (as usual) it puts forth a LOT of hope that we will be visiting everyone's favorite Tibanna gas mine in this series... I'm hoping this season.
  • Doesn't anyone think Tseebo's grey/white outfit somewhat resembles Lobot's, not to mention he's wearing the exact same style computer interface on his head? It just makes you think there's an intentional connection somehow.

When TLG issued The Death Star 10188 they cleverly included interior locations of Death Star I and II. A large or modular Cloud City could have the same approach - carbonite pit, elevators to hotel rooms, etc. while the 'Rebels' facing interiors may feature casinos, etc.

Would anyone appreciate a set based on Lothal somewhere in the mix? Call me crazy but I want to build some of those purple mounds... that and grassy plains are all the scenery Lothal appears to offer.

Speculative first full Rebels Wave (heavily influenced by Rebels S1 storylines):

75107 £14.99 - Tseebo's Escape - Tseebo, Sabine *with pink helmet, Stormtrooper x2

75108 £14.99 - Training Mission - Zare, Ezra, Camberlayne Arsko and Taskmaster Grint

75109 £19.99 - Ambush on Fort Anaxes - Hera, Sabine *with pink helmet, 2x Fyrnocks

75110 £19.99 - Sabotage on Empire Day - Minister Maketh Tua, Valen Rudor, Zeb, Stormtrooper

75111 £24.99 - Duel on Fort Anaxes - Ezra, Kanan, Inquisitor, Alpha Frynock

75112 £29.99 - Gamble at Cloud City - Modular casino location, Zeb, Hera, Lando, Chikatro Vizago

I was also thinking "Arrival on Fort Anaxes" could be that large imperial shuttle that the Inquisitor takes to Fort Anaxes when tracking The Phantom. You know... the cockpit is raised above the assembly area where the troopers are loaded, leaving room for the ramp in front. Probably way easier to play with than the design of the Tydirium.

  On 1/9/2015 at 3:14 PM, darththeling said:

I was also thinking "Arrival on Fort Anaxes" could be that large imperial shuttle that the Inquisitor takes to Fort Anaxes when tracking The Phantom. You know... the cockpit is raised above the assembly area where the troopers are loaded, leaving room for the ramp in front. Probably way easier to play with than the design of the Tydirium.

I think that's an Imperial Landing Craft. Which would be great since we haven't gotten one since 2007 and it would carry on the tradition of film vehicles that appear in television being remade for television-themed sets (like the Republic Gunship & AT-TE)

  On 1/9/2015 at 2:34 AM, LN-01354 said:

Max von Sydow Reveals Himself as the Big Bad and then Kills Luke Skywalker During the Duel on the Death Star III Right Before It Destroys Coruscant".



I hope they will change all the building of the Falcon. The 7965 was very good, but they can build something excellent with another concepts.

OK, couple of thoughts:

75106 sounds like it is an Ep2 or Ep3 Acclamator - which is rather strange, as we just got the Star Destroyer and they seem very similar. In the past the 3 System-scale destroyers were carefully placed with enough years between them, so this seems an odd move.

75093 Final Duel - sigh, I wanted this to be a 20-30€ set. And while I love the Cantina as a playset and would want more playsets in that size and quality, I seriously don't think that either location nor characters are interesting enough from the final duel to judge a 70-80€ set.

75094 Tyridium - so happy that this is in this price range. Since the CW shuttle I wanted a redesign from this and there is no doubt it has a rebels crew (name, 75093 and the fact that all 3 shuttles had an imperial crew so far). Here is hoping for Chewie, new Han, new Leia, 3PO and rebel scout

Apologies for not quoting as it wouldn't let me... Im probably not doing something quite right :laugh:

I think both the Flash Speeder and Naboo starfighter will have at least 4-5 minifigures in, including Guards, Padme and maybe Boss Nass as its definitely a possibility.

I'm still surprised for September being the release date as it would make more sense for them to come out right near the release date of the actual film as many would watch the film in cinemas then buy them straight after :laugh: I added all the sets and it would cost nearly £500 to complete The Force Awaken sets... wow! along with the other sets as-well....

I doubt the Imperial Shuttle will have the likes of Vader and Palpatine in as i expect them to be present in the Death Star duel. The shuttle will be either full of Stormtropers and Officer's or rebels e.g Han Solo, Chewbacca. Lego wouldn't include the same types of minifigure in two sets in the same wave.

  On 1/9/2015 at 6:57 PM, ArrowBricks said:

I'm still surprised for September being the release date as it would make more sense for them to come out right near the release date of the actual film as many would watch the film in cinemas then buy them straight after :laugh: I added all the sets and it would cost nearly £500 to complete The Force Awaken sets... wow! along with the other sets as-well....

2 factors to consider:

1) The toys build momentum for the movie both via purchases but also by having commercials for the toys in addition to the ones for the movie

2) They want this stuff to be bought for Xmas and if you drop it mid-December you can't easily do that. Parents don't want to be mobbing stores at the last minute and retailers don't want to deal with the logistical nightmare of having to try to keep up with stock as the tidal wave hits.

  On 1/9/2015 at 4:44 PM, Zzz said:

OK, couple of thoughts:

75106 sounds like it is an Ep2 or Ep3 Acclamator - which is rather strange, as we just got the Star Destroyer and they seem very similar. In the past the 3 System-scale destroyers were carefully placed with enough years between them, so this seems an odd move.

75106 is an Imperial Assault Carrier (Gozanti-Class Cruiser) from Star Wars Rebels. I think it's different enough from a Star Destroyer that it won't act as competition. http://starwars.wiki...i-class_cruiser

Edited by montyofmusic

  On 1/9/2015 at 3:17 AM, DarthR2-D2 said:

That sounds glorious. But let me clarify and go into more detail on my speculation.

  • Rey's Speeder will be exactly that giant eyeglass container with a pointless windshield. It should include Daisy, BB-8, and Max von Sydow OR Old Luke
  • TIE Fighter looks to be the same old thing we know and love. That's it for now.
  • X-wing is slightly different looking from those back in the 80s. It ought to include Oscar Isaac and Adam Driver with their BB-8s (maybe I don't know)
  • I have no idea on a playset. Like I said, maybe a lightsaber duel or perhaps the downed AT-AT
  • I think the Big Bad ship could that Red TIE looking shuttle and includes the cross-saber individual and Andy Serkis with some royal guards and Stormtroopers.
  • Stormtrooper Transport ought to have four or five new Stormtroopers including John Boyega and Gwendoline Christie.
  • Millennium Falcon is the big obvious one. It has a $200 price point. It better fly. I suppose it will have Old Han, Old Chewbacca, Jogn Boyega, Daisy, maybe Old Leia and the droids?

Again, warning for possible spoilers below:

I'm pretty sure Old Luke won't be on Tatooine (where Rey's Speeder is) as I get the feeling the new heroes will have to spend a large portion of the film trying to find, after some accurate-sounding rumours he's been in a Yoda-like exile for the past thirty years. Max von Sydow sounds like a good bet though. At first I thought 3 new SW7 minifigures sounded a bit unrealistic, then realised we probably won't get any minifigures which aren't new!

Anyway, I also disagree about the Red TIE Fighter's minifigures, as I don't think Kylo Ren (possibly Adam Driver's character, the sith with the cross-saber) will be included. I personally believe Gwendoline Christie's character will be the main focus of the set, with chrome Stormtroopers, those guards we saw in the picture and maybe Andy Serkis's character, I've no clue as to hims role in the film.

I think Kylo Ren will either be in: a playset based on the lightsaber duel on the ice planet, a set with the new Imperial Walker or the Millennium Falcon. If he was an X-Wing pilot before turning to the Dark Side, I guess we'll see a non evil version in the X-Wing set.

^Just remember the difference between the words spoiler and rumor. And what you and I have both posted are products of spoilers of the past several weeks. Like in the interview in the link I previously posted, Oscar Isaac has called the rumors "off mark"

  On 1/9/2015 at 3:14 PM, darththeling said:

Ahem, well in the spirit of plot theories being off-base... a few observations and crazy theories:

First off - are we one hundred percent about the USC TIE being a OT TIE? Because what if... that USC TIE is the giant red one from upcoming Episode 7?

We are 99% sure just based on some basic product and business analysis. The UCS line is a line targeted at aging boomers, gen X and Yers and older Milenials with high disposable income. This grouping goes for OT by an overwhelming margin. The few PT UCS sets they have done mainly fared poorly. (This is not to say that the OT loving core target group would turn up their noses at a UCS Venator mind you) but they will not risk a UCS product on an unseen new subject. The UCS line sells highly detailed nostalgia. The only exceptions might be a classic already done ship in an updated form, such as the MF or X Wing. Note they just opted to do the OT Slave 1 which has about 5 seconds of total on screen time, when the PT version has far more screen time and is actually seen in action. For UCS OT is the safe subject. The have not yet done a classic Tie. So classic Tie is what we will get. The new hot current stuff will be saved for the shorter shelf life mainstream retail system sets.

  On 1/9/2015 at 6:57 PM, ArrowBricks said:

Apologies for not quoting as it wouldn't let me... Im probably not doing something quite right :laugh:

I think both the Flash Speeder and Naboo starfighter will have at least 4-5 minifigures in, including Guards, Padme and maybe Boss Nass as its definitely a possibility.

I'm still surprised for September being the release date as it would make more sense for them to come out right near the release date of the actual film as many would watch the film in cinemas then buy them straight after :laugh: I added all the sets and it would cost nearly £500 to complete The Force Awaken sets... wow! along with the other sets as-well....

I doubt the Imperial Shuttle will have the likes of Vader and Palpatine in as i expect them to be present in the Death Star duel. The shuttle will be either full of Stormtropers and Officer's or rebels e.g Han Solo, Chewbacca. Lego wouldn't include the same types of minifigure in two sets in the same wave.

Be careful in speculating too many figs for the Flash Speeder. Most of them will probably be battle droids. With yet another brick built Droidecas thrown in.

If the rumors regarding name are correct and the shuttle is not simply "Imperial Shuttle" but "Tyderium" than that is pretty good confirmation of a Rebel crew of minifigs. The Tyderium was the specific shuttle that the rebels stole and flew to Endor. Not the name of the ship class or designation. That's why the previous Imperial driven shuttles were simply named "Imperial Shuttle" or "Imperial Inspection" etc.

Oh and a word of warning about reading too much into late in the game leaks and rumors being applied to Lego's first wave ep VII products. Take a lesson from the LotR and SuperHeroes movie based sets. Lego is working from early concept art and very rough very early scene descriptions with little to no context. Many of the sets and figs will have wild inaccuracies from the final released movie. Do not expect all characters to be in their proper settings, dress, name, etc. so let's all remember to keep our expectations realistic, at least for the first wave. The first wave will only be things that were set and finalized and revealed to partners two years ago.

  On 1/9/2015 at 12:22 PM, willybob said:

Yeah right, like we are not capable to make the difference between rumors with a reliable source and Eurobricks usual speculations and wish lists becoming reality....

Well....maybe. My comment was totally tongue in cheek but there is always some hint of truth in every joke. Your website can be entertaining to read but the majority of your front page "scoops" originate on Eurobricks' boards, some of which are simply rumors and have no truth behind them. It's hard to have much respect for a website which has no qualms about posting rumors as facts and consistently plagiarizes stories and information from reputable sites without giving the original authors' due credit. Just saying...

  On 1/9/2015 at 9:39 PM, djmangunz said:

Well....maybe. My comment was totally tongue in cheek but there is always some hint of truth in every joke. Your website can be entertaining to read but the majority of your front page "scoops" originate on Eurobricks' boards, some of which are simply rumors and have no truth behind them. It's hard to have much respect for a website which has no qualms about posting rumors as facts and consistently plagiarizes stories and information from reputable sites without giving the original authors' due credit. Just saying...

You're just lying about this or you don't even know how to use properly a translation tool. Everytime we relay something originating here, we mention it came from here,( as long as it is really the case, and not somebody who took it from somewhere else and playing the king of intel here without mentionning where he found it) including a link to original topic, as it is the case when it comes from somewhere else.

Secondly, we always tell clearly if it's a rumor or uncertified fact, and if the level of credibility of the source is too low we don't even bother to relay.

It never happened that we told something as a fact which then happened to be totally untrue.

But you already know all this anyway, and it took me only a few minutes to figure out why you started this ranting about us.... and honestly, I don't care so much now. Got used to it.

Edited by willybob

No ranting here, simply a summary of the poor reputation your website carries in the majority of AFOL circles. But I'm not interested I'm making this a thing, so I am going to drop the topic. Here's hoping the quality of your reporting increases.

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