February 15, 201510 yr Actually that's not Han's face - that one over there is Han, as mentioned by Jedi-Bendu That makes him a nearly perfect Blade Runner Hurrison Ford
February 15, 201510 yr The Sith Infiltrator [75096] is likely a retailer/S@H exclusive set because those are never shown at Toy Fairs. How timely! Thanks for this great news, Sir von Lego. I was just going to buy the MTT (75058) today, mainly for the new Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. However, maybe it's better to buy the Naboo Fighter (75092) and this rumored Sith Infiltrator instead? Does anyone know someone currently at Toy Fair that could consult with a Lego representative, and ask about the Sith Infiltrator? I'd love to know if the set includes Qui-Gon. Thanks!
February 15, 201510 yr It took us 16 years but we finally got Captain Tarpals. Now all we need is Boss Nass but we'll probably have to wait another 16 years before we get him.
February 15, 201510 yr Re; The constructor sets - I don't think they look that bad although I'll probably pass (unless there is a boba fett one). I think people forget that kids like Lego as well. I can see plenty of kids playing with them.
February 15, 201510 yr None of those sets really make excited to waste my money on them,so it's a pass for me.I hope the "The Force Awakens" sets will change my mind.
February 15, 201510 yr I'd like to know if the Shuttle has an interior it looks like the sides might open up but so far no one has posted a picture if there is anything in there
February 15, 201510 yr Where did all of Luke's cheekbones go? But these minifigures are impressing me more and more. The Endor crew looks great. Vader with the neckpiece looks awesome. So glad I never the Droid gunship just for Chewbacca. Edited February 15, 201510 yr by addemlit
February 15, 201510 yr I wonder will there be new big figure torch? I'd love to see a new darth vader one and stormtrooper in Ep7.
February 15, 201510 yr Where did all of Luke's cheekbones go? But these minifigures are impressing me more and more. The Endor crew looks great. Vader with the neckpiece looks awesome. So glad I never the Droid gunship just for Chewbacca. My thoughts exactly. My BrickLink trigger finger was getting itchy looking at the latest Chewie and Vader, pleased I waited now as I'll be picking up Tydirium and Final Duel. Love that they've based at least one on a character from the film, and just hope they compliment my existing little army. Edited February 15, 201510 yr by markw
February 15, 201510 yr Hi. Has anyone complied a list showing the months each set is being released in? I need to update my cool stuff calendar.
February 15, 201510 yr http://www.fbtb.net/2015/02/14/toy-fair-2015-lego-star-wars/#more-31557 They've updated the website with videos of the sets along with pictures. Shuttle Tydirum has 2 seats in the cockpit, and 2 seats on one side for the rebel commandos, 1 more seat on the left side of it for Leia as well as some storage for the thermal detonators. I'm currently watching the rest right now. I hope this helps for viewing the sets, and making your decision on what and what not to buy! I myself cannot wait until Shuttle Tydirium comes out. I'm just SO happy with it.
February 15, 201510 yr The shuttle looks pretty cool. I don't see you guys talking over those Constraction/Battle Figures much... http://photos-d.ak.instagram.com/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t51.2885-15/10979725_338671049677331_485221243_n.jpg I think it looks pretty neat :o WAAY better than the old TECHNIC sets...
February 15, 201510 yr I liked the old technic sets, actually. The only one I ever got my hands on was the Battle Droid, it is cool. I can say, the technic ones looked like Lego, these new battle figures are garbage.
February 15, 201510 yr I don't get why they are wearing Cline/stormtrooper armour Empire has budget cuts, reuse, reduce & recycle
February 15, 201510 yr The shuttle looks pretty cool. I don't see you guys talking over those Constraction/Battle Figures much... http://photos-d.ak.i...485221243_n.jpg I think it looks pretty neat :o WAAY better than the old TECHNIC sets... Definitively not 30$ awesome. And that is the US price witch is always the cheapest one with UK price. I could see children wanting this but will the parent be willing to pay 30$ (in the best case) for one action figure? You can get bionicle that look cooler for less and actually look like Lego. And if you absolutely want Star Wars you can get real action figure also for less. I personally don't like them but I can see why other would. The real problem I have with these is the price.
February 15, 201510 yr Yep that shuttle is first on the to buy list. Nice play features as well. No idea where I'm going to display it though!
February 15, 201510 yr The shuttle just keeps getting better and looks to have a good interior too. Lego have knocked this one out of the park and surely bought some respite from moans about 'reissues'
February 15, 201510 yr The more I look at Shuttle Tydirium, the more I get in a ROTJ crave mood. I know right! I'm going to try to watch ROTJ tonight, just to get in the mood even more. Can't wait until these sets come out. I'm going to try to make a review of one of the June sets when they come out.
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