May 21, 20159 yr The planet series was definitely better than the microfighter line. The minifigs were better--we got Sebulba, Lobot, a Rebel trooper, R4-P17, and a Naboo pilot! With the Microfighters, the only unique minifigures were the Phase II clone and Theron Nett. And as a collector, it was much more satisfying to display a pretty decent model of a ship, rather than the worse-than-chibi microfighters. And really, who didn't have fun making displays with the planets? Edited May 21, 20159 yr by LN-01354
May 21, 20159 yr With the micro fighters we also got the imperial crew member in black, an updated tie fighter pilot, a unique and updated phase II Ep 3 clone pilot, a unique snow speeder pilot and a cheap way to get a second AT-AT pilot. I say both lineups delivered exceptional figures we wouldn't of otherwise received, so I don't care what the build is as long as we get new cool figs. Besides don't like displaying it? Use the bricks for something else. Easy.
May 21, 20159 yr I disagree completely. I think the MicroFighter line is superior to the Planets line without a doubt. I feel the Planets were more aimed towards us collectors and enthusiasts, which took away the 'WOW' factor that children want. What playability does the Planet line offer a child? The chance to throw a Planet bobble at each other? The MicroFighter line delievered what the Planet series couldn't; good, proper playability. Children like the opportunity to play with iconic crafts from the films, piloted by those in it. I should know, I bought a pile of them for my younger cousins at Christmas. They also add a nice variety to anyones Star Wars collection; my shelf mostly consists of action figures, statues, and die cast models of spacecraft, along with most of the Lego Star Wars models I haven't broken up. With the MicroFighter line displayed on my shelf, it splits it up nicely, which is more pleasing to the eye. Stores in my area (Toymaster, Tesco) still sell the 2012/13 wave of Planet sets on discount, with the MicroFighter waves sold out. My 'mini-rant' is done :)
May 21, 20159 yr Agreed. Microfighters don't do much for anyone above 10, but that doesn't matter because that's not their target audience I like both ranges equally for the cheap rare minifigures they've provided. Flesh Lobot? Yes please.
May 21, 20159 yr Microfighter AT-AT is totes adorbz. That's enough to justify the entire line (I'm just bummed that the black-clad Imp Crewman was in wave 1, just before they switched to the new hats! We still need the new Officer Cap in black, and I think the SD would've flown off the shelves if they had the new hat mold easily-accessible). The minifig choices could be better, but there have been some decent ones... I still really want a mini Sandcrawler with a Jawa! I think the eyebrowns are asymmetric and when I look at his goggles (frame) I can see two stripes but the old version has two dots next to his eyebrowns. The eyebrows are identical to Hoth Han's... and what you're seeing in the video are two dots, but blurry because the video isn't in pristine quality. It's the exact same head. No question about it. Edited May 21, 20159 yr by Venkefedo
May 21, 20159 yr Microfighter AT-AT is totes adorbz. That's enough to justify the entire line (I'm just bummed that the black-clad Imp Crewman was in wave 1, just before they switched to the new hats! We still need the new Officer Cap in black, and I think the SD would've flown off the shelves if they had the new hat mold easily-accessible). The minifig choices could be better, but there have been some decent ones... I still really want a mini Sandcrawler with a Jawa I agree with these sentiments entirely. I hope the microfighter line continues; it would be a great opportunity to introduce clone commanders (Cody, Fox, Wolffe etc.), non-droid Seperatists, or generally figures we may not get otherwise. The cute builds are a nice bonus, but I must admit I usally disassemble them quickly and reuse the parts...
May 21, 20159 yr I prefer microfighters over planets any day. If anything the quantity of bricks and fun builds are nice in the microfighters where the planets just had a big globe of plastic I couldn't really use.
May 21, 20159 yr The only good things about the Planet series were the Lobot minifig (the lack of Bespin stuff is a HUGE hole in the Lego SW line) and the Death Star globe (makes a good Christmas tree ornament).
May 21, 20159 yr I usually dont geek out to much on these types of debates and this is the perfect example of why. Both of these lines are great. I get annoyed when TLG pulls a line before they do it justice. I had to buy from overseas and pay three times retail for a couple of the last planet series... Now back to pictures and rumors... any word yet on the new UCS MF??? HAHA!!! <--- not a serious question Edited May 21, 20159 yr by neoconagenda
May 21, 20159 yr I usually dont geek out to much on these types of debates and this is the perfect example of why. Both of these lines are great. I get annoyed when TLG pulls a line before they do it justice. I had to buy from overseas and pay three times retail for a couple of the last planet series... Now back to pictures and rumors... any word yet on the new UCS MF??? HAHA!!! I'm guessing no new UCS MF anytime soon, if ever. My guess is a very good MF playset in 2016, possibly better/bigger than 7965. I'm wondering what the opening salvo of sets will be for TFA. X-wing? TIE Fighter? Rey's speeder? The new Stormtroopers? Hard to say given the limited previews thus far (I'm guessing there is a whole bunch of cool stuff in upcoming previews!).
May 21, 20159 yr Anyone know when BrickLink updates their catalog? Mostly because lots of places have the new summer Lego sets, and I want the official Sabine helmet, and Kallus's hair.
May 22, 20159 yr The planet sets were limited in that the build & minifig had to be relevant to the planet. We almost ran out of planets featured in the movies (and they aren't using material other than OT & PT for both types of set). What vehicle could they do for Dagobah? We already had an X-Wing. Utapau & Geonosis are the only others I can think of. They gave us the Endor planet AND the moon! The planet sets couldn't continue much further. I think you get more value for money with the microfighters, and the only limitation with those is that they come in opposing pairs. I would rather we didn't keep getting droid pilots & TIE pilots though...
May 22, 20159 yr I love the Microfighters. The AT-AT is hands down the best one IMO. A great alternative for parents on a budget to get Lego Star Wars ships without breaking the bank. For the price of 1 regular sized Lego SW ship, you can get 2-6 Microfighters! They should have a couple Rebels sets though to go along with the show since that's what's relevant at the moment. Personally, I would love a Sith Infiltrator vs. Naboo N1 Starfighter and a Twilight vs Asaaj Fanblade - there are a TON of possiblities. I just never saw that kind of playability with the Planets line.
May 23, 20159 yr Please can we keep this thread for 2015 Pictures & Rumours, thanks. Any discussions about possible future sets should be made in the dedicated thread (here); questions about availability can be made (here)
May 23, 20159 yr Really loving the new Luke and Leia minifigures the more I see of them. Hopefully Lego will keep these new designs for a while. Especially in Luke's case - its gotten annoying how his face keeps getting changed every year.
May 23, 20159 yr For those of you in the UK, Toymaster are doing a promotion, if you spend 12.99 on Star Wars Lego you get a free Stormtrooper Sergent Edit: Here are pictures Edited May 23, 20159 yr by Hulk_Smash
May 23, 20159 yr Hi Hulk_Smash. Which Toymaster did you go to? When I asked at me local stores (few and far between) they hadn't hear of this promotion. Another member of this Forum very kindly offered to send me a couple of spares that he had (for my two lads).
May 23, 20159 yr Hi Hulk_Smash. Which Toymaster did you go to? When I asked at me local stores (few and far between) they hadn't hear of this promotion. Another member of this Forum very kindly offered to send me a couple of spares that he had (for my two lads). Hi NNOPMOC, TRU also have it, free with a spend of £15 on SW LEGO. Alternatively you can buy it online for £4.99, although it's limited to 1 per order (link)
May 23, 20159 yr I've been in four branches of T"R"U this week and never once seen these items. I purchased over £30 of SW lego at a store in Bolton today and wasn't offered one either. It must be brand new on their site because when I looked online a couple od days ago, comparing prices against Tesco, I'd swear that it wasn't there then. I'm going to try another local(ish) one tomorrow and update whether I find any of the Summer sets there.
May 25, 20159 yr The thing about the Planet series is that it held the equivalent of a polybag ship, just with much fancier packaging, a minifigure, and a display platform. The Planet ships were approximately in the same scale as most poly-ships...and in one case (the X-Wing), actually duplicated a ship. To that extent, I miss the Planet series because it churned out poly-sized ships at a much faster rate than we normally get them (which is 2-3 per year). I haven't found the TIE Advanced yet, and who knows if the A-Wing will ever be released in the US. What we never got in the Planet series: - Geonosis (a Jango-colored Slave 1 to foil Obi-Wan's Starfighter would have been good) - Dagobah (the only option other than an X-Wing would be Yoda's escape pod from the deleted scene in Episode III with Yoda) - Utapau (Obi-Wan's Jedi Interceptor in his colors; throw in an Episode III clone or an Obi-Wan) - Kashyyk (lots of options here--I'd think a Wookiee craft with a Wookiee warrior) - Mustafar (Palpatine's landing craft with a Shock Trooper) - Death Star II (this one would be hard to do--maybe a painted version of the DSI planet. Ship could have been the Imperial Shuttle and an Imperial Officer). There were lots of planets we got glimpses of in Episode III as well: Cato Nemoidia, Felucia, Mygeeto, Selucemai, and Polis Massa. We saw so little of those worlds that I don't think they'd be worth a planet set compared to the "main" worlds of the films.
May 25, 20159 yr If planets were still going we could of gotten Lothal with the Ghost, and chopper. Edited May 25, 20159 yr by IronFish
May 25, 20159 yr When were the TFA sets slated for release again? September, correct? A bit strange we still haven't seen or heard anything else about those sets. Or have we?
May 25, 20159 yr September 4th. Set numbers, piece counts, prices, and generic code names have been revealed, which honestly is more than I'd have expected at this point. We'll probably get more specifics come Comic Con.
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