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the official set names of the upcoming LEGO Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens sets that are scheduled to be released on Force Friday, September 4th. We already knew the set numbers, the pricing, and number of pieces for the sets which came from BZPower but it’s nice to get confirmation of the set names now.

Rey’s Speeder (75099) – 193 pieces

$19.99 USD / $24.99 CAD

First Order Snowspeeder (75100) – 444 pieces

$39.99 USD / $49.99 CAD

First Order Special Force TIE (75101) – 517 pieces

$69.99 USD / $89.99 CAD

Poe’s X-Wing Starfighter (75102) – 717 pieces

$79.99 USD / $99.99 CAD

First Order Transporter (75103) – 792 pieces

$89.99 USD / $109.99 CAD

Kylo Ren’s Command Shuttle (75104) – 1004 pieces

$119.99 USD / $149.99 CAD

Millennium Falcon (75105) – 1332 pieces

$149.99 USD / $179.99 CAD

- See more at: http://www.thebrickfan.com/#sthash.F4IzDNA3.dpuf

I have a feeling that the Falcon will be more or less the same as the 2011 one......but I also have a feeling that all the important/rare/exclusive minifigs will be in that set.

Also, using a euro-to-dollar converter, those prices are scary.

Dont worry usually the euro > dollar converter companies use for prices goes something like this 1 dollar = 1 euro. And probably the price in dollar is yet another -21% cause of Euro including tax in the price.

Star Wars is already dominated by male characters but Lego, with the exception of Leia for some reason has completely neglected just about every female character there is when there's an appropriate place for their inclusion in a set.

I agree Lego is somewhat dropping the ball on female figs, although I did point out to someone recently that there are 41 female characters in Star Wars with figs. They've still overlooked Beru, any of Padme's handmaidens, Yaddle, several variants of Padme, the female pilot from Bravo Squadron, Palpatine's bald assistant, and that's not even getting into the EU goldmine they ignored for 16 years.

I may have missed something previously posted, but are there any prelims of the Falcon or the new X Wing? I'm curious to see if we finally get the correct canopy piece for the X-Wing. I've had one done up for a 3D printer, but I'll likely have to get it done in black. I'm not aware of anyone printing in anything clear.

I agree Lego is somewhat dropping the ball on female figs, although I did point out to someone recently that there are 41 female characters in Star Wars with figs. They've still overlooked Beru, any of Padme's handmaidens, Yaddle, several variants of Padme, the female pilot from Bravo Squadron, Palpatine's bald assistant, and that's not even getting into the EU goldmine they ignored for 16 years.

Actually they are kind of improving. 3 years ago there was maybe one (non civillian) female figure per Lego City wave. Last year we got one Charakter appearing in several sets & this summer wave we'll get 2 females per theme (space & deep sea exporation).

With licenced sets the problem appears that movies strongly concentrated (& actually still concentrate) on conservative role models. Reading the first ten main actors from the movie "Jurassic World" you'll only see one female(!!!).

However with this summer wave they really missed the Chance to also improve the proportion of females within the Star Wars line. You can't expect from a mainstream company 2 produce charakters exepct for Padme & Leia. But yes there's no excuse to not produce Padme. When I read the names of the sets for the summer wave I was absolutly sure that we will get a new Naboo Padme in either one of the sets. & extremly disapointet that we'll only geht the same old *****. I can not imagine how much more attractive the Speeder Set would be - if they included a Padme version we never had before..

I agree Lego is somewhat dropping the ball on female figs, although I did point out to someone recently that there are 41 female characters in Star Wars with figs. They've still overlooked Beru, any of Padme's handmaidens, Yaddle, several variants of Padme, the female pilot from Bravo Squadron, Palpatine's bald assistant, and that's not even getting into the EU goldmine they ignored for 16 years.

I highly doubt they'll ever make EU sets again, especially since that's not canon

I agree Lego is somewhat dropping the ball on female figs, although I did point out to someone recently that there are 41 female characters in Star Wars with figs. They've still overlooked Beru, any of Padme's handmaidens, Yaddle, several variants of Padme, the female pilot from Bravo Squadron, Palpatine's bald assistant, and that's not even getting into the EU goldmine they ignored for 16 years.

Lego only dropped the ball last year. Over the past five years they've been much better at including female characters in the line:

2015: Endor Leia, Asajj Ventress and Sabine (x2) - with potentially Rey, Captain Phasma, Maz Kanada, TFA Leia and Hoth Leia still to come

2014: Ahsoka Tano and Hera Syndulla

2013: Ewok Village Leia, Slave Leia, Ahsoka Tano, Geonosis Padme, Stass Allie and Jedi Consular

2012: Ceremony Leia, Boussh Leia, Queen Amidala, TCW Padme, Oola, Barriss Offee and Satele Shan

2011: Classic Leia, Hoth Leia, Asajj Ventress, Aurra Sing, Tatooine Padme, Sugi, Shaak Ti and Luminara Unduli

Diversity in the line isn't really an issue. Its just certain characters getting constantly neglected thats disapointing as a fan. It took 12 years to get a new Padme minifigure after her first release. She did well for a while getting 4 variants over a 3 year period, but now she's back to being an afterthought despite a heavy focus on TPM in this year's line up. There's no reason why she couldn't have been included in any one of the Episode 1 sets. Same can be said for Beru and Shmi in the Sandcrawler and Infiltrator.

I may have missed something previously posted, but are there any prelims of the Falcon or the new X Wing? I'm curious to see if we finally get the correct canopy piece for the X-Wing. I've had one done up for a 3D printer, but I'll likely have to get it done in black. I'm not aware of anyone printing in anything clear.

No prelims. They've got everything under wraps... well, aside from the instruction manuals for Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle :grin:

I suppose we can maybe hold out in hope that the prices are high because they are gonna be LOADED with new minifigures. Here's hoping.

Great to see TIEs with lower piece counts. I can't stand those thick, bulky TIEs with too many pieces.

I suppose we can maybe hold out in hope that the prices are high because they are gonna be LOADED with new minifigures. Here's hoping.

Great to see TIEs with lower piece counts. I can't stand those thick, bulky TIEs with too many pieces.

How is 517 pieces a "lower piece count"?... 9492 had 413 pieces.

Edited by Vodnik

How is 517 pieces a "lower piece count"?... 9492 had 413 pieces.

Is exactly what I was thinking... Not to mention, I didn't feel it was too bulky at all, and looked pretty decent. Although I do hope those extra pieces aren't used to make some 'sideline' build thing that isn't part of the TIE, or I will struggle to justify buying it at anywhere near full price :hmpf_bad:

Edited by Fuppylodders

I do hope those extra pieces aren't used to make some 'sideline' build thing that isn't part of the TIE, or I will struggle to justify buying it at anywhere near full price :hmpf_bad:

Interesting, I feel the opposite. I like it when they include extra little structures or terrain pieces; they always enhance the set. For example, I loved the stand/fueling station included in the very first TIE Fighter. If there is to be something else included in the TFA TIE, it'd help justify the price, and I'd be far more likely to purchase it.

Edited by Nokturn

I'm surprised that there are more villain than hero sets, especially at the lower price points. It is not going to be easy to acquire even a majority of the heroes of the film with three key older characters, three key newer characters, and one incredibly popular new droid.

Is exactly what I was thinking... Not to mention, I didn't feel it was too bulky at all, and looked pretty decent. Although I do hope those extra pieces aren't used to make some 'sideline' build thing that isn't part of the TIE, or I will struggle to justify buying it at anywhere near full price :hmpf_bad:

Special forces TIE fighter probably means that it will be the new TIE with small window and that giant gun shooting the trailer. It's obvious that such a model requires more parts than the standard TIE.

I'm surprised that there are more villain than hero sets, especially at the lower price points. It is not going to be easy to acquire even a majority of the heroes of the film with three key older characters, three key newer characters, and one incredibly popular new droid.

It won't all be available in the first wave, especially since one of those key older characters (unless you meant Han/Chewie/Leia) is...

...rumored to only show up at the very end of the film, like the final scene

. Might we get a couple sets in the winter wave? Or is this meant to be SW's "winter wave" for 2015, with only some BPs and Microfighters perhaps showing up in January? In any case, they probably aren't gonna hit everyone at once. It was a miracle they managed to get all the dwarves into the first Hobbit wave! They still missed Azog and Radagast there, tho, who each figured prominently in the first film.

Special forces TIE fighter probably means that it will be the new TIE with small window and that giant gun shooting the trailer. It's obvious that such a model requires more parts than the standard TIE.

Yep, that's it. There are also big "wheels" or cogs inside the wings, surrounding the pylons connecting 'em to the cockpit. That small window is on the back of the TIE, too, and there's that belly-mounted turret, so it's easy enough to rack up the piece count on those alterations, even if it otherwise mostly resembles the last TIE build (which I wouldn't mind; I really like that one!)

I would assume that the 2nd wave of TFA sets will include some battlepacks. Also there is a chance Captain Phasma will be a promo figure given the nature of the character. Hopefully I'm wrong!

I would assume that the 2nd wave of TFA sets will include some battlepacks. Also there is a chance Captain Phasma will be a promo figure given the nature of the character. Hopefully I'm wrong!

I think it's more likely that we'll get a non-chrome Phasma in a main set (silver, pearl grey, whatever), with a chromed version as a promo figure.

I agree Lego is somewhat dropping the ball on female figs, although I did point out to someone recently that there are 41 female characters in Star Wars with figs. They've still overlooked Beru, any of Padme's handmaidens, Yaddle, several variants of Padme, the female pilot from Bravo Squadron, Palpatine's bald assistant, and that's not even getting into the EU goldmine they ignored for 16 years.

I may have missed something previously posted, but are there any prelims of the Falcon or the new X Wing? I'm curious to see if we finally get the correct canopy piece for the X-Wing. I've had one done up for a 3D printer, but I'll likely have to get it done in black. I'm not aware of anyone printing in anything clear.

Beru, a handful of Padmés (droid factory? theed? mustafar? etc.) and many of the peripheral characters you mentioned are the big ones for me. I was excited that Owen was finally getting a proper lego treatment in the sandcrawler, but equally disappointed that Beru was omitted. It just didn't make sense.

Unfortunately the only leaks we have so far are the factory snap of 75104 instructions. I'm holding out for a long overdue cockpit piece as well. Would you mind some show and tell? :)

I highly doubt they'll ever make EU sets again, especially since that's not canon

They just released a TFU battle pack in January plus the 2003 jedi starfighter as well. Maybe they're a final goodbye, who knows

Those sets were likely too far along before last April's "EU is now Legends" announcement to be scrapped & replaced (the BP would've been simple enough, as the speeder could be used with any troops). I'm hopeful they'll still be allowed to tap the potential of the EU for sets, tho with all the new films plus shows and old films there isn't a lot of room... but the sooner the Story Group starts injecting some classics into canon, the sooner we can get a MicroFighter Ebon Hawk with HK-47 as a pilot, dangit! :tongue:

I was excited that Owen was finally getting a proper lego treatment in the sandcrawler, but equally disappointed that Beru was omitted. It just didn't make sense.

(Actually, he also appeared in the original Sandcrawler in 2005).....But I agree with you 100%. There is no excuse for why Beru couldn't be included--I mean, she was just as important in the scene as Owen, just not directly. And really, when LEGO puts Bossk in the Slave 1, Ackbar in the A-Wing, Gunray in a Jedi Starfighter, etc., they really can't use the character's relevance to a scene in order to justify whether or not they're included in a set.

Also, I think this topic is spiraling off into speculation and wish-lists............

Edited by LN-01354

705$ CAD altogether before tax. Thats pretty steep, but compared to, say, the price of the Death Star playset (which I bought back a few years ago), its not so bad.

While its not surprising, part of me wishes that there is a location set. However, I'm guessing January will be chocked full of sets based on the more dramatic aspects of the story. I hope we see at least 2 location sets (Resistance base and Evil castle maybe?), And hopefully more of the secondary heroes and villains.

One thing I'm beginning to fear is that we won't see Luke and Leia in this first wave. It would seem a huge middle finger to all the fans who are expecting to get these new versions of their childhood heroes and add them to their collection. Hopefully that won't be the case.

Perhaps we'll see something at San Diego Comic-Con. That would be nice.

Edited by Fives

People obesses over the chrome nature of Phasma, It's not like c3po isn't chrome aswell in the movies and lego's non chrome fig is fiine.

Fives: I agree, I too would like at least one location set, the fact that we are getting a snowspeeder may just possible indicate that base is coming.

Puh, really expensive for french People.

The prices in Germany will ne better, at least about 5-20 EUR less with each Set.

Could it be that there is now a real Chance that the october exclusive "Hoth base" will indeed be something from E7 to match the snowspeeder?

We shouldn't forget that we'll get another half dozen TFA sets in January, so if anything gets missed from wave 1 we only have a few months to wait

But These sets will ne constraction sets from E7.

But I do believe that we will get a big E7 Wave in January 2016, a small mixed one (E7 and OT) in June and then the next "new film wave" for Rouge one.

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