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Thanks for the price. That's too bad! Way too steep for me also. I guess I'll just have to keep buying Battle Droids off Bricklink then! :hmpf_bad:

Currently on BL there a few sellers where you can get 12 Battle Droids for less than $1.25 per minifig. Not a bad deal, especially if you're not interested in the Carrier.

Could someone please describe the AAT, the droid transport, the t-16 skyhopper and the itt fore me? I can't see so my only idea of what they look like is what i can gleame from what you are saying. Thanks!

I hope LEGO decides to price the Battle Droid Transport at $40-45. There just isn't enough to justify the $50. Battle Droids cost much less to produce than a normal minifig, so of course we should always see them in higher numbers than a normal fig.

  On 10/5/2014 at 1:42 PM, The-Nexu said:

Could someone please describe the AAT, the droid transport, the t-16 skyhopper and the itt fore me? I can't see so my only idea of what they look like is what i can gleame from what you are saying. Thanks!

AAT: Round, tan, and chubby. 2 Battle droids and Jar Jar.

Battle Droid Transport: Long, brown, and overpriced. 12 Battle Droids, 2 pilot Battle Droids, and a Gungan.

T-16: Think Imperial Shuttle. Except gray with splotches of red. Tusken and Skyhopper Pilot.

ITT: Gray rectangle with four sad Stormtroopers.

Edited by Jacob_9821

  On 10/5/2014 at 8:19 AM, Jedi-Bendu said:

Also, every year in mid december I'm in Germany, most of the times in Cologne where they have a LEGO store. Any chance they'll have these sets then?


aat is a real disappointment. luckily I own the one that was released in 2000(i started collecting on '99), which looks way better than this. And I already own enough Jar jars, both the new one and the old one.

  On 10/5/2014 at 4:30 AM, scorchfire said:

the color of the troopers is fine, they are not suposed to be shadow stormtroopers like the ones we allready have , they resemble darktroopers, totally different corps.


tl,dr; search in wookipedia darktroopers and you will see the resemblance, search shadow stormtroopers and you will see the minifigs we already got years ago. and shadow troopers have never ever been made by LEGO, as they use ligthsabers and force powers

its nice to see more old EU stuff, maybe just maybe a Kyle katarn official figure is possible someday as he is very closely related to the darktroopers program... i hope so

These are not darktroopers, tho... they are Force Unleashed Shadow Stormtroopers, just as the guards are TFU Shadow Guards. Not typical shadow stormies, not Jedi Outcast Shadowtroopers, not cybernetic and totally-different-armor-style Darktroopers.

But if someone at TLG makes the same mistake internally and is able to justify a Kyle Katarn set based on it, and get it approved for release, I won't complain...

This is the first winter wave in a while that I'm actually considering getting most of the sets! :thumbup: AT-DP and the TIE Advanced look really cool, and the Inquisitor figure is to die for. :wub: Sabine looks good two, though it's a shame she doesn't have her Manda Armor to go with her. It's also really nice that they include at least one Storm Trooper in most of the sets. The T-16 looks okay, but I got the original a few years back and think I'll stick with it. Did the Tusken Raider really need a full on head mold, though? The print from the old one seemed fine to me.

Hidden audio recordings from the Danish Lego Thinktank:

HANS: Everyone loves Jar Jar, right?

FRITZ: Yeah dude, and you know what? Let's make an AAT, one of the few cool things in the prequels, and make him the centerpiece of the set. And make the set chibi.

HANS: Dude you read my mind.

FRITZ: I was being sarc-

HANS: Hey dude, people still want to armybuild battle droids, right? What if we made a set with FOURTEEN of em?!

FRITZ: That's.... higher than I can count, bro. But seriously, that would probably make the set prohibitively expensive.


HANS: You know which characters have generic, pretty-round heads where the face is the only iconic part?

FRITZ: Tusken Raiders.

HANS: Tusken Raiders, bro.

FRITZ: So we can easily use the existing standard lego head mold!

HANS: Nah man, I made a brand new mold. It's so awesome, I'm gonna pack it with a vehicle nobody gives a shit about that never even appears on-screen.

FRITZ: Fair enough, I suppose.

HANS: You know what was the [bleep], bro?

FRITZ: What?

HANS: Force Unleashed, bro.

FRITZ: Yeah man, that was pretty fun.

HANS: I'm making a battlepack of Imperials who specifically appear in that game. Shadow Guards and Shadow Troopers dawg. Light-staffs, man. So tight.

FRITZ: That game came out in 2008! AND IT ISN'T EVEN CANON ANYMORE!

HANS: Suck my light-staff, dawg.

HANS: Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro. BRO. Two words. AT-DP. DP. DP! Get it?

FRITZ: That's such an obscure vehicle, even I don't remember that off the top of my-

HANS: DP...hehehehehehehehehe

FRITZ: ...[bleep] off, Hans.

Edited by Darth Caedus

I'm really disappointed with T-16, I expected great new mould for womp-rat ... But I like Episode I sets though ...

Can the AT-DP actually be considered obscure if it appears in a TV series that hasn't aired past the pilot episode yet? And why would the fictitious members of the Lego team be trying to remember it off the top of their heads if it's part of the promotion for the previously mentioned TV series that is being heavily marketed and one of the main vehicles that's been shared with the Lego design team via various concept art stages from Disney?

Personally the Womp Rat mould doesn't bother me... If you asked me for a mould for the Tusken head or the Womp Rat I'd take the Tusken head... although I kind of agree with Caedus that it wasn't really necessary. The Womp Rat is a largish rodent... kind of like the mould we already have... and is only there as it was referenced as being something that could be hit from the T-16 if you're a half-decent shot.

The T-16 actually looks pretty good to me and it's one of the sets I'll be picking up... this wave is actually selling the Rebels wave to me... although I'm still not convinced by the Ghost.

The Tie Prototype is a lovely looking ship and looks like a good build... I also like that tan variation on the Imperial Officer. The AT-DP also looks nice and the yellow doesn't bother me at all... I'm sure they're there due to concept art also.

Nice to get a new rebel helmet design to add to the collection... I'll need two of those... one for Hoth and the other for Gold Squadron in the Battle of Yavin (although that means picking up another Microfighter X-Wing for the torso and leg print).

Shadow Troopers Battlepack is also a must buy... sod what's canon and what's not. They look good.

I think the Sabine figure looks pretty good... and her hair piece looks good also... but yes... it does mean that we'll probably be looking at a more expensive set to pick up her helmet though. We've got 2 Ezras and 2 Kanans now... we'll obviously have multiples of the other Rebels in future waves and with it will bring Sabine in her helmet.

Seeing as I'll have the AT-DP and TIE Advanced there's no point in hiding from the ITT either... those Stormies are actually not bothering me as much as some anyway.

The AT-AT Microfighter is monstrously cute and I like the idea of a second AT-AT pilot for 75054.

CW and PT thankfully isn't on my radar so I can pass those by!

Edited by Robianco

Looking at the pics of the sets, it makes me think about getting them. Especially at the rumoured price of 75086. Got plenty of droids currently, but 7929, at the moment compared to 75086 looks a lot better to me, same with the AAT. Might pass on most of this next wave.

  On 10/5/2014 at 2:35 PM, Jedi-Bendu said:


Last winter wave I saw in the lego store around 27 December in cologne.

I really find those yellow pieces look out of place on the AT-DP.

The geonosis battlepack looks like TLG wanted to get a bit more use out of the Airbourne trooper helmet mold so they just dreamed this one up to maximise its use longer.

Sabine needs her helmet. It's not beskar'gam if you don't have your buy'ce (or whatever it's going to be called in the new canon).

I am really quite excited about the new battle packs, since they mostly seem to be composed of figs that I've wanted to exist for a long time (Shadow Guards), never got enough of (I'm salivating over those Senate Commandos), or would want in a large quantity (We're finally getting an all-regular Stormtrooper battlepack for maximum army building). I'm eh on the Geonosis pack, but it at least looks to be a decent source of camo for military/sci-fi mocs.

Larger sets... I'm neutral towards them. They're not great, but at least most of them seem to be new (I'm glad we're finally exiting that phase of remaking sets from the prequels).

Edited by WarMoose

  On 10/5/2014 at 3:42 PM, Darth Caedus said:

Hidden audio recordings from the Danish Lego Thinktank:

HANS: Everyone loves Jar Jar, right?

FRITZ: Yeah dude, and you know what? Let's make an AAT, one of the few cool things in the prequels, and make him the centerpiece of the set. And make the set chibi.

HANS: Dude you read my mind.

FRITZ: I was being sarc-

HANS: Hey dude, people still want to armybuild battle droids, right? What if we made a set with FOURTEEN of em?!

FRITZ: That's.... higher than I can count, bro. But seriously, that would probably make the set prohibitively expensive.


HANS: You know which characters have generic, pretty-round heads where the face is the only iconic part?

FRITZ: Tusken Raiders.

HANS: Tusken Raiders, bro.

FRITZ: So we can easily use the existing standard lego head mold!

HANS: Nah man, I made a brand new mold. It's so awesome, I'm gonna pack it with a vehicle nobody gives a shit about that never even appears on-screen.

FRITZ: Fair enough, I suppose.

HANS: You know what was the [bleep], bro?

FRITZ: What?

HANS: Force Unleashed, bro.

FRITZ: Yeah man, that was pretty fun.

HANS: I'm making a battlepack of Imperials who specifically appear in that game. Shadow Guards and Shadow Troopers dawg. Light-staffs, man. So tight.

FRITZ: That game came out in 2008! AND IT ISN'T EVEN CANON ANYMORE!

HANS: Suck my light-staff, dawg.

HANS: Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro. BRO. Two words. AT-DP. DP. DP! Get it?

FRITZ: That's such an obscure vehicle, even I don't remember that off the top of my-

HANS: DP...hehehehehehehehehe

FRITZ: ...[bleep] off, Hans.

You, sir, just made my day

The only thing good about this wave is some of the army builders (Storm Troopers, Battle Droids, and Wookies) outside of that the sets overall are pretty awful. Probably get three of these sets for army builders.

Thanks Jacob_9821 for describing the photos and to anyone who does in the future. I would do that quoting thing but as this is my second post I haven't figured that out yet.

I'll probably end up getting the droid transport at a discount, Same with the aat. I'll get the t-16 skyhopper first chance I get because I like the sound of the tuskin. As for the itt, I'll probably end up getting that when I go in a lego store and don't want to leave without buying something.

Could someone please tell me what the tuskins gaffy stick looks like?

Thanks, again.

The T-16 did appear onscreen... Luke was swooshing a model of it around in the garage while hanging out with the droids, and you could see the back end of his actual T-16 thru the open door!

  On 10/5/2014 at 5:07 PM, The-Nexu said:

Thanks Jacob_9821 for describing the photos and to anyone who does in the future. I would do that quoting thing but as this is my second post I haven't figured that out yet.

I'll probably end up getting the droid transport at a discount, Same with the aat. I'll get the t-16 skyhopper first chance I get because I like the sound of the tuskin. As for the itt, I'll probably end up getting that when I go in a lego store and don't want to leave without buying something.

Could someone please tell me what the tuskins gaffy stick looks like?

Thanks, again.

Here's a link to pictures: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tormentalous/sets/72157648357337711/ The Gaffi stick is a black Lightsaber blade on a black hilt with a black ice cream cone clipped on to it. To quote, just press the quote button on the bottom of someone's post and it will place their post in your reply box as a quote. :classic:

The rat wasn't a stand-in, it's the actual rat we get.. Oh.. well..

  On 10/5/2014 at 2:35 PM, Jedi-Bendu said:


The stores in Germany put the new stuff on the shelves the first day after christmas usually.

  On 10/5/2014 at 4:56 PM, michaelozzie said:

Last winter wave I saw in the lego store around 27 December in cologne.

  On 10/5/2014 at 5:59 PM, Zzz said:

The stores in Germany put the new stuff on the shelves the first day after christmas usually.

Thanks for the replies.

I am wondering why this is? Wouldn't it be commercially better to release the sets before Christmas? That's the period when most presents are bought.

The Hobbit sets are released in november, why not Star Wars as well?

The rat may be a disappointment, but it might be a blessing in diskise. We've got a new lego star wars creature every year scince 2009, barring 2011. 2009 tauntaun, 2010 wampa, 2012 jabba, 2013 rancor, 2014 dewback. Even in 2011 a slight redesign of the tauntaun appeared. I, personally, didn't want this years animal to be a womp rat so the inclusion of a normal rat makes room for the new animal to be in summer 2015. I recken a bantha because disny wants people to like the OT for vii. As the bantha is the only normal sized creature left to do I think this is most likely. Or maybe they'll do a space slug to scale with the ucs falcon but, for some reason, I doubt that.

So don't be sad about the womp rat like those storm troopers obviously are!

  On 10/5/2014 at 6:14 PM, Jedi-Bendu said:

Thanks for the replies.

I am wondering why this is? Wouldn't it be commercially better to release the sets before Christmas? That's the period when most presents are bought.

The Hobbit sets are released in november, why not Star Wars as well?

Commercially better than the number 1 toy maker in the world?

The hobbit sets come out the time because the movies have been released in December. I'm sure we'll see a similar wave for Star Wars next year.

Thanks for the pics, Just2Good, the Rebels stormies are growing on me a bit. One question though, how do you get the pictures just2good?

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