September 9, 201410 yr I think you guys should really check this out. Edited September 9, 201410 yr by Cammo
September 9, 201410 yr I think you guys should really check this out. That was hilarious! best vid I've seen in a long time.
September 10, 201410 yr Author This thread is for 2015 SET discussion. Not posting links to funny videos. I'm sure there's a place in Culture and Multimedia for it but it's place isn't here.
September 10, 201410 yr Did anyone here get the 75th Anniversary Marvel magazine today? The giant two page LEGO spread featuring everyone from Sqirrel Girl (!!) to Professor X was glorious. :D
September 11, 201410 yr whatWhatWHAT? I'd like to see that. Where'd you get it? Comic shop? Yup. It was a free hand out today at the comic store. It featured a bunch of adverts from Marvel's partner companies. LEGO had a two page spread with a tonne of minifigs. It was fun. :D
September 11, 201410 yr Yup. It was a free hand out today at the comic store. It featured a bunch of adverts from Marvel's partner companies. LEGO had a two page spread with a tonne of minifigs. It was fun. :D What?! No way!?
September 11, 201410 yr Did anyone here get the 75th Anniversary Marvel magazine today? The giant two page LEGO spread featuring everyone from Sqirrel Girl (!!) to Professor X was glorious. :D Were they physical or renders? Was Phoneix there? Was it the con exclusive? Can we get a picture? This sounds interesting. I wonder what it has to do with future sets. Could be nothing. Or maybe everything... EDIT: 100 posts Edited September 11, 201410 yr by Borador
September 11, 201410 yr No Ultron but there's Tigra!? Why must you torture me, LEGO Whatever, it's an awesome picture and I'm glad Vision is on it I love seeing all of the xmen as well!
September 11, 201410 yr You can see the art on Reddit. Thank you! I was trying to take a picture, but my photo skills + glossy paper = fail. :p No Ultron but there's Tigra!? Why must you torture me, LEGO Whatever, it's an awesome picture and I'm glad Vision is on it I love seeing all of the xmen as well! I'd kill for a LEGO Tigra! Come on...:D It makes me sad to see a comics acurate Vision and Wanda. Hopefully they see production along side the movie versions (or even instead of!). We got movie Cap and Thor, and then comics accurate versions you never know! :D Edited September 11, 201410 yr by klinton
September 11, 201410 yr Angels and Beasts and Goblins. Oh my! Hmmm...carefully considering which body part I'd be willing to sell to get each of the these characters in Minifigure (and maxi figure) form!
September 11, 201410 yr Rogue, Nightcrawler and Angel look amazing! Plus 90s Cyclops and Phoenix Jean! Comic versions of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch! I hate the way Lego teases us with all those X-Men characters.
September 11, 201410 yr OMFG ERMAHGHERD! SUPER SKRULL, CLASSIC HAWKEYE, SILVER SAMURAI, DR STRANGE AND MOON KNIGHT! I CAN'T HANDLE OH MY Realistically, I can see this picture actually slowly having sets made after it within the next 5 years. The amount of bigfigs is outrageous though in my opinion. Edited September 11, 201410 yr by Kire
September 11, 201410 yr At first I thought "bigfig Colossus? No, minifig would be better!" but between Nightcrawler sitting on his shoulder and the idea of how ridiculous a Fastball Special would look with minifig Pete tossing minifig Logan, the bigfig version won me over. Also, Agent Coulson needs to be in a set ASAP. As do all the other unproduced or SDCC-only characters.
September 11, 201410 yr And Namor. I missed that guy in the game too. However, i just don't see these happen for real. So i'm most definitely not getting my hopes up.
September 11, 201410 yr Thanks for the poster pic! Looks awesome, filled with possibilities. Also The Star Wars Prelims have been leaked, hopefully Marvel prelims wont be too long
September 11, 201410 yr This is AMAZING! I love that Thanos! Awwwww look at little Antman in the front. Is it just me or does that War Machine look darker, maybe the one we'll get with A:AOU sets! Edited September 11, 201410 yr by MODOCTORDOOM
September 11, 201410 yr That Squirrelgirl Quicksilver tho, hope that hair stays with his comic version Edited September 11, 201410 yr by kevkipo
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