January 25, 201510 yr Brick linking both sets. Coming off the excellent winter wave for both DC and Marvel, these sets are way below way below mediocre. It might cost more to bricklink the Carnage set than to actually buy it. Besides, the little jet thing really doesn't matter anyway. I agree these are super mediocre though. I'm really disappointed Lego decided to give us this mech. I get they just made a new mold for hulk and all so a bigfig rhino probably wasn't in the budget, but why couldn't they have just skipped Rhino for the time being and given us Mysterio and Vulture or Kraven instead of this bound-to-be disappointing build with a version none of us want. Sorry, rant over. I have strong feelings about mech rhino. Edited January 25, 201510 yr by Ultron
January 25, 201510 yr Nice that Thor has a new and (IMO) more accurate face print. I'll end up switching his legs out so that's not a big deal to me.
January 25, 201510 yr Thor looks ok, but his arms are way too dark. I like the old Thor better, when the old capes were still around... (hint hint, Lego).
January 25, 201510 yr People saying sets suck based off blurry unfinished prelim pictures...Really people? You know how many times I've seen people say they hate certain sets based off prelims, then the official pictures are released, and then they completely change their mind. I'm not saying they'll be great, but I am saying its pointless to fully judge blurry pelim pictures. Don't get why something that simple is so hard for certain people to understand. We're supposed to be adults here after all right?
January 25, 201510 yr People saying sets suck based off blurry unfinished prelim pictures...Really people? You know how many times I've seen people say they hate certain sets based off prelims, then the official pictures are released, and then they completely change their mind. I'm not saying they'll be great, but I am saying its pointless to fully judge blurry pelim pictures. Don't get why something that simple is so hard for certain people to understand. We're supposed to be adults here after all right? Yes, we are adults. And we have a right to be upset. We all said that we would wait until official pictures, but the PRELIMS suck. Not the real sets. We're just stating that the ground idea for the sets...sucks. Edited January 25, 201510 yr by mattdev25
January 25, 201510 yr People saying sets suck based off blurry unfinished prelim pictures...Really people? You know how many times I've seen people say they hate certain sets based off prelims, then the official pictures are released, and then they completely change their mind. I'm not saying they'll be great, but I am saying its pointless to fully judge blurry pelim pictures. Don't get why something that simple is so hard for certain people to understand. We're supposed to be adults here after all right? Which is precisely why those prelims have those nifty watermarks; some people are going to have kneejerk reactions wihtout regard to common sense. I think it's funny, personally. Do a google search of prelim images sometime; you'll find "old" pictures for sets that looked MUCH better once they were released. As for we're all adults... In theory, yes. But it was just a few weeks ago, on this very forum, that people were posting temper tantrums about not being able to find the new sets (before official release). So I think a call for maturity or sanity is at times lost. :) I'm with you. I look at prelims as a crumb. I don't judge the meal on them. They are interesting to see, but not worth getting worked up over (either negatively or positively).
January 25, 201510 yr As for we're all adults... In theory, yes. But it was just a few weeks ago, on this very forum, that people were posting temper tantrums about not being able to find the new sets (before official release). Pretty sure the temper tantrums were mainly in the DC thread
January 25, 201510 yr The chima piece being used for Sandman got me to thinking... When one theme requisitions a new mold (excluding licensed molds, obviously) do they send their prelims around to the designers for all the themes? Because, in this instance anyways, it almost seems too perfect how that looks like it'll work for sand when it was designed initially for ice. And if they had made it ever so slightly differently, it could have worked just as well for ice and not at all for sand. Which in turn causes me to question how long they've been planning this set :3 I for one am super psyched for both Spidey sets if only for the 'figs. The crane looks a bit lackluster, but it's prelim so who knows. Worst comes to worst I'll have to get a few city sets to make a proper construction site XD
January 25, 201510 yr Yes, we are adults. And we have a right to be upset. We all said that we would wait until official pictures, but the PRELIMS suck. Not the real sets. We're just stating that the ground idea for the sets...sucks. did you not post this??? " Hopefully official pics will look better....but for now, everything is a pass for me. Brick linking both sets. Coming off the excellent winter wave for both DC and Marvel, these sets are way below way below mediocre. That's how bad I think they are. Disappointed is an understatement. I'm just hoping the figures are worth it at all....really couldn't contain voicing my detest in these sets. " That whole entire quote by you is one big judgement. Everything after "but for now" makes no sense. Why even come to the conclusion of bricklinking both sets after only seeing prelims? That's ridiculous. How can you call the sets way below way below mediocre based off prelims? People saying they don't like how the prelims look and will wait for official pictures to judge is one thing, saying what you said is on a whole other ridiculous level. Sometimes people just need to chill. You're the same guy i called out who went on that ridiculous rant over in the DC thread not to long ago. You probably need to chill more than anyone. Which is precisely why those prelims have those nifty watermarks; some people are going to have kneejerk reactions wihtout regard to common sense. I think it's funny, personally. Do a google search of prelim images sometime; you'll find "old" pictures for sets that looked MUCH better once they were released. As for we're all adults... In theory, yes. But it was just a few weeks ago, on this very forum, that people were posting temper tantrums about not being able to find the new sets (before official release). So I think a call for maturity or sanity is at times lost. :) I'm with you. I look at prelims as a crumb. I don't judge the meal on them. They are interesting to see, but not worth getting worked up over (either negatively or positively). I think its funny also. Sometimes i"m thinking "are these people serious? How old are they?" haha. Same thought process as me. prelims are a sample to me, and think they're just interesting to see as well. I don't even begin to judge until i see a picture/video review, and even after that, sometimes I wont even judge until i can see them in person. Pretty sure the temper tantrums were mainly in the DC thread See the first guy i quoted. same guy haha. He's everywhere...
January 25, 201510 yr Can someone explain the difference between the old and new capes? the new ones are thick and soft, the old ones are thin and stiff (plasticy). (then theres the 3rd kind of cape, thats thin and soft. Galadriel, Vitruvius, Elsa)
January 25, 201510 yr Press release for the Helicarrier will be on Feb 1st, depending on where you live when you read it, it could be the 31st. Just my guess.
January 25, 201510 yr Press release for the Helicarrier will be on Feb 1st, depending on where you live when you read it, it could be the 31st. Just my guess. I'm thinking the same Benny, uh Piranha
January 25, 201510 yr Like that they've given Thor a new face, metallic arms and a new torso, a bit of leg printing wouldn't have gone amiss but it was the same with the other two thors we have had.
January 25, 201510 yr did you not post this??? " Hopefully official pics will look better....but for now, everything is a pass for me. Brick linking both sets. Coming off the excellent winter wave for both DC and Marvel, these sets are way below way below mediocre. That's how bad I think they are. Disappointed is an understatement. I'm just hoping the figures are worth it at all....really couldn't contain voicing my detest in these sets. " That whole entire quote by you is one big judgement. Everything after "but for now" makes no sense. Why even come to the conclusion of bricklinking both sets after only seeing prelims? That's ridiculous. How can you call the sets way below way below mediocre based off prelims? People saying they don't like how the prelims look and will wait for official pictures to judge is one thing, saying what you said is on a whole other ridiculous level. Sometimes people just need to chill. You're the same guy i called out who went on that ridiculous rant over in the DC thread not to long ago. You probably need to chill more than anyone. It's funny that you thought I was serious. I meant I would be Bricklinking both sets if they turned out as bad as the prelims, so maybe you're the one who needs to calm down and stop beating me up. After all, this is a forum for discussing sets and not trying to bully others every chance you get. Edited January 25, 201510 yr by mattdev25
January 25, 201510 yr Since we are only getting one Ant Man set, what if Marvel is trying out something new so that instead of getting a couple of sets for one movie a year, we get a couple sets based of one movie, Like the Avengers Movies and Guardians of the Galaxy, and then for another movie we just get one set with all the main characters and a small build that is important to the movie, that way we can collect new characters without Marvel having to order waves based off one movie year, causing us to miss out on some potentially awesome minifigures.
January 25, 201510 yr Just a general comment on the Mech builds (Sentinel and now Hulkbuster and Rhino) -- in a word: I'm not a fan. - Minifigures obviously the best. - Next bigfigs (in some cases can be good -- Hulk being the best example) ... ... - then Mechs (which are generally awful) but let me try and explain why: starting with the obvious fact that they don't really fit in seamlessly with other minifigs (esp for display purposes) but the biggest reason is simply that the designs have frankly been kind of crap -- there I said it. Edited January 25, 201510 yr by agoodfella
January 25, 201510 yr Since we are only getting one Ant Man set, what if Marvel is trying out something new so that instead of getting a couple of sets for one movie a year, we get a couple sets based of one movie, Like the Avengers Movies and Guardians of the Galaxy, and then for another movie we just get one set with all the main characters and a small build that is important to the movie, that way we can collect new characters without Marvel having to order waves based off one movie year, causing us to miss out on some potentially awesome minifigures. I was thinking the same, Civil war full wave and Black Panther one set? good thing for Lego to do
January 25, 201510 yr I was thinking the same, Civil war full wave and Black Panther one set? good thing for Lego to do yeah I agree I like this. But don't you mean Dr. strange? He's the second movie of 2016, BP's is 2017.
January 25, 201510 yr If we get Civil War sets then Black Panther will likely be included amongst them, as such we're more likely to get Doctor Strange as one set.
January 25, 201510 yr I tihnk it's a bit silly to judge this year's Mechs already. The Hulkbuster hasn't been released yet, we only have pictures from a couple angles, and one person who has seen it IRL spoke very highly of it. As he did of Rhino- a figure we've only seen in blurry photos of prelims that might not even be the finished article yet.
January 25, 201510 yr Thanks for all the pictures, lately, people! Can't say much about the summer prelims, 'cause I can't really see anything.. It's like I'm looking at regular pictures without my glasses So far they sound really cool, though. The generic S.H.I.E.L.D.-agent seems really useful, even thoug it probably won't be based on an MCU-appearance. Carnage might be cool to have, just like the new Spider-variants And Thor's new face is excellent. Finally a smilling face Here's waiting for definite Helicarrier news Regards, Mitch Edited January 25, 201510 yr by CF Mitch
January 25, 201510 yr yeah I agree I like this. But don't you mean Dr. strange? He's the second movie of 2016, BP's is 2017. I think he means it could be clever move from LEGO to do this, because they can sell one figure in two year (2016 CA:CW, 2017 Black Panther)..somethink like Hulk (Avengers, Avengers Assemble).
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