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Am I the only one who thinks these are adorable. I see potential for a new collection addiction...

ETA: After posting, I saw that some other people also like them.

The one thing this makes me wonder is, if they can put leg printing on Cap's microfig -- why not on the standard fig?

I prefer the minifigs without the curves. I don't mind the ones where it is slight and subtle shading, but the super-curvy, extra small-waisted ones annoy me.

I try my best not to think about it, It annoys me on a feminist perspective and a logical one. Are those empty spaces supposed to exist or not?

I try my best not to think about it, It annoys me on a feminist perspective and a logical one. Are those empty spaces supposed to exist or not?

What's the point of printing muscles, breasts or any feature that's three dimensional since the minifigure torso is flat? At the end of the day there's not a whole lot of logic at play here. It's ultimately just an artistic decision. If it looks good to the designers they just go with it.

I will say it's a bit harder for Black Widow to have no curves considering the lines on her costume in the movie do curve to fit her body. So even without the curves on the minifigure you'd still have the blue lines making similar curves. Realistically in these movies a lot of costumes tend to exaggerate or draw attention to form, so it's probably a little harder to not include that for licensed minifigures. Even Iron Man's waist is tapered.

Edited by strangely

i thought there are Falcon(movie ver) in Hellicarrier... i want to see Falcon.

Edited by davidchoi

It's a good movie, but wouldn't really make good sets...

I'm sure it could work, even if it was just one "Big Hero 6 vs Yokai" set or something like that.

That head looks less like ScarJo than Lego's.

I think Lego's looks okay, no cheekbones! I think the eyebrows throw people of they are arched when ScarJo's is normally flat, also her lips should be pink like HBC's Red from Lone Ranger or Padme's AotC version.

Also Lego's new hair mould is very accurate to the AoU version

I agree the hair is very accurate to the avengers 2 version as seen here: http://cdn3-www.supe...Black-Widow.jpg The torso and legs are also very accurate to the pictures and footage we have seen, this is an infinitely better version than the first one. The starlet hairpiece looks too rounded and curly at the top for her hair in the film, in both films its neater and flatter like lego's version. I think it resembles Scar Jo's hair better than any other i have seen, besides the hair bits to the sides are probably meant to represent her hair in motion. I'm happy to see they've fixed the belt so it has the iconic red symbol, the blue outlines are a part of Age of ultron as they glow as seen here: http://www.cinemable..._1414560494.jpg the detailing on both torso and legs looks pin point accurate to AOU unlike her avengers 1 counterpart which beared a passing resemblance to some concept art. I think the avengers 1 lego set gear my have been based on her Iron Man 2 gettup as probably in concept art she had that hairstyle planned for avengers 1

In fact: http://cdn.collider....t-johansson.jpg

Also Black widow smirks quite a bit in the films and that smirk looks very much like one of her's. Maybe rather than the confident teeth smile on the back a grimace or a determined look would have benifited but other than that this figure is a vast improvement to the concept art one of 2012.

Edited by legofreak86

Black Widow's hair here is actually an action hair. It looks just like the image I have in front of me; the Galaxy Note 4/Avengers AOU fold out poster ad in this month's Wired magazine. The blue lines on her outfit are also fairly accurate. It is hard to see, but Hawkeye has purple lines on his outfit that Lego seems to have changed to their dark red to be more visible on black.

Edited by gedren_y

i thought there are Falcon(movie ver) in Hellicarrier... i want to see Falcon.

Heard rumours that Falcon suits-up with a new suit in Civil War, so we will hopefully get him in a Civil War set... if those are made.

Heard rumours that Falcon suits-up with a new suit in Civil War, so we will hopefully get him in a Civil War set... if those are made.

That is very likely

I've not been online since the Helicarrier pictures have been released. But all I can say is that I will most defiantly not be picking up this Helicarrrier set. I just can't stand how the set does not have a minifigure scale interior. :cry_sad::angry:

I try my best not to think about it, It annoys me on a feminist perspective and a logical one. Are those empty spaces supposed to exist or not?

Have no fear, crusader! Lego heard your concerns and you'll get a special version of the set where Black Widow's gun has been swapped out for the printed diploma brick from the Collectible minifig series.

Bonus points for becoming enraged about the printing of a lego brick while seeing no issue with this being a set based on a paramilitary group who murder people without trial, using weaponry designed by an alcoholic who paid for this with money he diverted (stole) from US government contracts with Stark Industries.

Edited by TheBrickHitHouse

I've not been online since the Helicarrier pictures have been released. But all I can say is that I will most defiantly not be picking up this Helicarrrier set. I just can't stand how the set does not have a minifigure scale interior. :cry_sad::angry:

Then it would have either a) been out of scale with the rest of the ship or b) been even bigger, meaning more parts, meaning more money.

Edited by Neomars

Then it would have either a) been out of scale with the rest of the ship or b) been even bigger, meaning more parts, meaning more money.

I would have been fine with option A. Then it would just be like the small interior room from the Super Star Destroyer. Allows for some minifig scale, but still gets the rest of the model looking as good as it can be.

Heres an update with new lips and eyebrows:


Based on the fact that the Avengers game is based on the Marvel studios films, I've compiled a list of possible exclusive figures to come with the game:

Iron man Mk II-V (Mk I is unlikely due to new molds)

Ivan Vanko (first suit)



Red Skull

Either Cap 1 suit or the stealth suit

Coulson (Oh yay, just in time for the Helicarrier rumors to be squashed -_-)

Any Iron man 3 suit

War machine Mk I

Movie-accurate winter soldier

Falcon (unlikely due to wings)

a multitude of GotG figs (unlikely)

and, of course, any AoU figs that couldn't make it into sets due to spoilers or just not being important enough

This is just a prediction/wish list based on important characters who have appeared in the films. Feel free to inform me if I missed anyone important.

^ I think it would be from one of the 2 aveners movies. not the MCU overall. Considering thats the MAIN focus of the game.

Like Bruce Banner

A Thanos bigfig would be so incredibly unlikely, but certainly welcome.

^ I think it would be from one of the 2 aveners movies. not the MCU overall. Considering thats the MAIN focus of the game.

Like Bruce Banner

That's true, but it's likely many of the listed characters will be playable (otherwise, there wouldn't be many characters), so it's always possible

I am hoping we see a Bruce banner at some point. But in all honesty i thought he would have been included in the Helicarrier.

I don't get why everyone wants Bruce Banner, you can easily make him

I don't want Bruce as the exclusive. I want someone more interesting. I'd love a female minifig since those are few and far between.

Fire the hate cannons:

I'd want Quicksilver in civvies :laugh:

But if not, (and that's very likely) I'd wish for maybe Ulyses? orrr...

Nope i don't know, we basically got everything i wished for :grin:

I don't get why everyone wants Bruce Banner, you can easily make him

Easily but not accurately.

Easily but not accurately.

Accurately to what? You can make a very good MCU Banner using Kilians torso, dark tan pants and Supermans head.

Or the dark swept hair, (from the new Ariel set) a random torso, dark tan pants and Bilbo's head

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