February 19, 201510 yr So in the UK it seems the Winter Soldier has been released early, those ordering the Helicarrier get it now as a promo gift. Those who dont cannot get it till later, presumeably March? In addition you get a few additional spare points for ordering the Helicarrier (If this remains it'll be a nice bonus for those getting it during double VIP points) I'm not sure. It's on the Lego Calendar but I'm not sure how many countries it applies to. The Calendar says it runs from March 14-29 but I'd call your Lego store and check just to be sure. Ok shall do that Edited February 19, 201510 yr by Scarilian
February 19, 201510 yr UK Site just updated... we get Winter Soldier now! No way?! That is going to be a very exciting bonus for me at my local Lego store when I pick this up tomorrow. Especially since I won't be able to build the actual set until the weekend.
February 19, 201510 yr No way?! That is going to be a very exciting bonus for me at my local Lego store when I pick this up tomorrow. Especially since I won't be able to build the actual set until the weekend. Not sure if its a glitch or not, as only can get it via ordering the Helicarrier. Might not work in store, though i suppose its because the ship date is in March which is when the promo bag is released i do wanna know tho, wich sets are you guys buying? Brought Attack On Avengers Tower In March will be getting the Hulkbuster Rescue Mission, Iron Man Vs Ultron and probably the Quinjet. If the double VIP points coincide with the Winter Soldier then will probably get the Hydra Fortress Smash also. Then later on in the year i'd probably get some spare Iron Man Vs Ultron for army building Edited February 19, 201510 yr by Scarilian
February 19, 201510 yr But basically everyone, including myself, is buying this set for Vision and Black Widow. I just feel like we're going to get a comic or Avengers Assemble Vision later, like how we got Cap, Thor, and Hulk.
February 19, 201510 yr I guess the Winter Soldier is coming in March. Now I'll have to get it in the first week of March, if the freebies from January show any indication of how fast they'll go
February 19, 201510 yr I guess the Winter Soldier is coming in March. Now I'll have to get it in the first week of March, if the freebies from January show any indication of how fast they'll go In the US, it's coming in June. Not sure if you live in the US though.
February 19, 201510 yr I just feel like we're going to get a comic or Avengers Assemble Vision later, like how we got Cap, Thor, and Hulk. First they'll need to introduce Ultron on the show. I was assuming they would considering the movie comes out soon and it would be a bit of promotion, but I don't know if that'll happen. A comic version of Ultron would be welcomed as well
February 19, 201510 yr I just feel like we're going to get a comic or Avengers Assemble Vision later, like how we got Cap, Thor, and Hulk. He is currently not featured on the show, however if he turns out to be popular, he might be written into the 3rd season. Also, The Movie versions of figures usually have way more detail than the TV versions.
February 19, 201510 yr *Snif* I know it's just so EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Flash... for real? i do wanna know tho, wich sets are you guys buying? I've already got IM vs. Ultron. Gonna get the Quinjet, Hulkbuster and Hydra Showdown sets, then bricklink Quicksilver to finish out the team. I will probably eBay the Tower, and possibly Strucker, somewhere down the line.
February 19, 201510 yr Hulkbuster, IM VS Ultron and HUDRA base. If I can gather the money, Quinjet, then Tower. Hydra chase or whatever it's called just isn't that great, and the Hellicarrier is out of my price range.
February 19, 201510 yr I'm gonna be super pissed if Winter Soldier only comes with the Helicarrier. Here's hoping it's just an early bonus for now, and'll be on regular release (hopefully without having to spend $75+ online) in June. Winter Soldier is just simply too cool to pass up for me.
February 19, 201510 yr Hulkbuster, IM VS Ultron and HUDRA base. If I can gather the money, Quinjet, then Tower. Hydra chase or whatever it's called just isn't that great, and the Hellicarrier is out of my price range. What are your plans for the second Hulk? Selling it seems like such a hastle if you don't have a Bricklink store.
February 19, 201510 yr What are your plans for the second Hulk? Selling it seems like such a hastle if you don't have a Bricklink store. I have a Brickfilm planned that includes a villian (Maybe Green Goblin) cloning hulk. After that, I might just pawn it off to my friend Mark. He loves Hulk but don't want to buy the set. Then again, he'll probably just buy it anyway. I might put it on Trade Me, or Amazon... who knows?
February 19, 201510 yr Are the winter DC-sets (Justice League) available in Wijnegem? Yes they are! saw a whole pack of them, i'm sure of it. Maybe call to believe me
February 19, 201510 yr Winter Soldier is officially part of 76042 Shield Helicarrier Early Access: http://shop.lego.com/de-DE/VIP-Fr%C3%BCher-Zugriff-76042
February 19, 201510 yr The store I went to only mentioned it as an exclusive *during VIP early access*. That could mean that it'll disappear for at least a while when early access is over or that it'll be available through other means straight after the early access period is over. Anyway I also did a review of my Winter Soldier minifigure too: The release morning at my local store was pretty uneventful, they were putting up the new display right up until the minute the store opened. Then myself, an man (mid thirties?), and a child (no more than 13) in the process of convincing his mother went in. I'm not sure whether the child ever did convince his mother though, I was in and out pretty fast. The display did seem to be a hit with just about every child that walked past. Maybe when they grow into AFOLs, they'll increase the resale value of the set since right now, not many of the parents seemed impressed at the thought of spending that much.
February 19, 201510 yr What are your plans for the second Hulk? Selling it seems like such a hastle if you don't have a Bricklink store. Why dont you just give your spare hulks to children? A cousin, neighbour, the kid of a friend.
February 19, 201510 yr So can you only get winter solider if you get the hellicarier You can get the Winter Soldier in March i believe, its just available now for those who order the Helicarrier because the delivery is in March. Does anybody know a way to get the new Aou sets in the UK or Germany? Official UK release is March... not sure about Germany Edited February 19, 201510 yr by Scarilian
February 19, 201510 yr You can get the Winter Soldier in March i believe, its just available now for those who order the Helicarrier because the delivery is in March. Official UK release is March... not sure about Germany Germany is April
February 19, 201510 yr So, do we have to order the Helicarrier to get Winter Soldier? Or can we get him with the regular sets? My birthday is on the 21st of next month, will he be available then? Edited February 19, 201510 yr by Rinzler
February 19, 201510 yr I just popped in to my local Lego store in Liverpool to have a look at the Helicarrier and the guy I spoke to seems to think Winter Soldier will ONLY be sold with the Helicarrier. He was under the impression that there is a different promo figure for other sales. Now I'm not saying this is fact but that was his impression of things and to be honest he wasn't that impressed with the the idea that it was just a carrot to dangle for the HC. He also thought the HC was £70 overpriced and should have been £199. The HC wasn't on my shopping list so I'd be disappointed if it was being kept solely for those who buy the HC rather than being the regular promo giveaway figure. I have to say the carrier was no more or less impressive in real life. Just what I expected it to look like really. It definitely didn't make me sit up and say 'Wow... I've got to have this!'. It's not something that strikes me as being worth the price of two Slave 1s.
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