August 1, 201410 yr While pondering how to best utilize her undead army to finish off the remaining aepyornises and rabbits Namyrra notices a lottery ticket had popped into existence nearby. Quickly to avoid losing focus she signs her name on it and watches it disappear again.
August 1, 201410 yr On her way out of the Hall to meet with Doc Daneeka, Nyx pauses to sign her name for the lottery.
August 1, 201410 yr As he sits around the hall, Benji realizes that there's loot to be won! Benji signs up for the lottery!
August 1, 201410 yr After hearing the rousing words from one of Heroica's veterans, Jeaux signs his name for the lottery.
August 1, 201410 yr Erik looks up from his drinking and applauds the Sand Queen's speech. Erik then signs up for the lottery.
August 2, 201410 yr Atramor stared as pink scraps of paper showered down around the party even as they discussed their next more, scribbling his name down on one of them and waving it out of existence before it caught aflame.
August 2, 201410 yr Feeling frustration at not taking out the undead as quickly as I would like and also wanting to see how the goods would be delivered underground, I sign up for the lottery.
August 2, 201410 yr Grimwald feels a small piece of crumpled paper materialise In his back pocket. Realising it was a lottery ticket, he signs his name and magics it away again.
August 2, 201410 yr Heckz notices another message in his bag. He thinks it's the same message as before, but it was something about a lottery. Heckz then signs up for the lottery, hoping he doesn't get that unfashionable First Aid Kit.
August 2, 201410 yr As Darksten stands questioning the undead before him, a z-mail letter pops into the air before him. It flutters down toward the ground and lands close to the decaying corpse of the person standing and talking to them. "damn" the ranger thinks to himself when he sees the letter is clearly addressed to him, and that he would have to move closer to the wretched smell to get it. Darksten quickly shuffles forward, and grasps the letter, all while feeling the confused gaze of the zombie on him. After quickly reading through everything, Darksten joins the lottery and sends the letter back.
August 2, 201410 yr After exposing his past to the party, Actaeon notices a letter in the grass. He picks it up, and upon reading it, he immediately signs his name. Maybe my luck will turn again.
August 2, 201410 yr Miderun seemed about as confused as one wearing a facemask could as she saw the bar's counter dotted with slips of pink paper. She initially suspected it was some kind of human ritual. Everyone present seemed to be signing their names onto them though, human or no, so maybe it was some sort of hero initiation? She scrawled her name onto the scrap and recoiled slightly as it vanished instantly. "Now that doesn't make any sense..."
August 2, 201410 yr Matthias, loading the Peashooter for another shot, is terribly confused as a pink envelope appears in front of him. He notices that similar envelopes have appeared in front of Fenral and Calmcacil. Following the paladin's lead, he plucks his envelope from the air - Time seems to be passing very slowly, he thinks to himself - and reads the invitation. Excited by the prospect of having his pockets a little less empty, he quickly signs his name on the reply slip with the included quill and the whole apparatus vanishes in a tiny puff. The moment passes, and the gnome thinks no more of the strange envelope or its contents as he finishes loading and goes back to the fight.
August 2, 201410 yr Johon notices the sand queen discussing another lottery, and decides to sign up before following her for his next quest.
August 2, 201410 yr On his quest, Warlen get a Zmail message. He reads it and whoops with joy, causing the other heroes to stare. He hastens to enter his name in the lottery.
August 3, 201410 yr Francis decides to try and get into the Heroica spirit, and signs up for the raffle
August 3, 201410 yr While Mizuki finishes up her cake, she decided to sign her name up for the lottery.
August 5, 201410 yr Alexis is walking down the road and sees a letter appear. "Is it that time of year again?" she thinks. Alexis sends her letter back with her name.
August 6, 201410 yr Annienal looks about awkwardly before noticing a sign up for a lottery. "I never did have good luck, but I might as well enter..." Annienal Anavir signs up for the Lottery!
August 7, 201410 yr As she signs up for her first quest, Polly sees the notice for the lottery. "Huh, free stuff. Why not?" Polly and Mr. Sanders sign up for the lottery.
August 7, 201410 yr Leofwein, walking around the Hall, realizes there's a raffle going on. Eager to win equipment for his first quest, Leofwein signs up for the raffle.
August 8, 201410 yr Amorith walks into the hall and notices that a raffle has started so he signs up for it.
August 8, 201410 yr Deus hears the announcement and quickly signs up for the raffle. "It's free, so why the heck not?" He says to himself, smiling.
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