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What are your 10 favourite and least favourite Comic Book films?

From what I've seen, I would say:


10. X-Men 2

9. The Wolverine

8. Superman 2

7. Hellboy

6. Days of Future Past

5. Avengers Assemble

4. Guardians of the galaxy

3. Captain America: TWS

2. The Dark Knight

1. V For Vendetta

Worst: (some of these I haven't fully seen)

10. Superman 3

9. Fantastic Four

8. Hulk

7. X3

6. Spider-Man 3

5. Ghost Rider

4. The Spirit

3. The Phantom

2. Batman and Robin

1. Superman IV

10, 4, 1, 8 and 3 I haven't seen fully, but have seen or heard a lot about them to make them qualify.

Edited by Godtshep

From what I've seen: Top 10

10. Superman 1

9. Kick As s

8. Scott Pilgrim

7. Batman


5. Iron Man

4. X-Men: First Class

3. Captain America TWS

2. Superman 2

1. The Crow

And the Worst - in no particular order:


Batman and Robin

Batman Forever


Superman 3

Spider-Man 3

Ghost Rider

Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Howard The Duck!

Edited by rosalind14

I really haven't seen that many superhero movies outside of the MCU, but I will say which ones worked for me, and which didn't.

Best (revised):

1. Avengers

2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

3. Guardians of the Galaxy

4. Thor: The Dark World

5. Iron Man

6. Iron Man 3 (I like this movie, it just doesn't feel like a comic book movie. Still good though, despite the Mandarin mess)

7. Captain America: The First Avenger

8. Thor

9. Iron Man 2

10. Incredible Hulk (Don't like it though)

Honorable Mentions: Xmen: First Class, X2, and Xmen: Days of Future Past. Wasn't exactly sure where to rank them so I just went with ranking the MCU movies instead but I definitely enjoy watching them, I just prefer movies in the MCU since they all connect.


1. Spider-man 3- They completely ruined my second favorite villain, Venom!

2. Hulk (2003)

3. Xmen Origins: Wolverine

4. Xmen: The Last Stand

5. Superman Returns

6. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer

7. Spider-man

8. Fantastic Four

9. The Dark Knight Rises (Sorry, snooze fest for me. Plus not a big Batman fan.)

What are your 10 favourite and least favourite Comic Book films?

From what I've seen, I would say:


10. Daredevil

9. The Wolverine

8. Superman 2

7. Hellboy

6. Days of Future Past

5. Avengers Assemble

4. Guardians of the galaxy

3. Captain America: TWS

2. The Dark Knight

1. V For Vendetta

Worst: (some of these I haven't fully seen)

10. Superman 3

9. Fantastic Four

8. Hulk

7. X3

6. Spider-Man 3

5. Ghost Rider

4. The Spirit

3. The Phantom

2. Batman and Robin

1. Superman IV

10, 4, 1, 8 and 3 I haven't seen fully, but have seen or heard a lot about them to make them qualify.

Of the ones you haven't seen, the Spirit is arguably the absolutely worst comic movie ever. No comparison to the rest of your list. It isn't just awful it is openly offensive in every way possible. The Phantom actually isn't that bad. It's certainly not good, but nowhere near the top of a worst list. Superman 3 and 4 are bad in much the same way as Batman and Robin. They are a fun kind of bad. We make fun of them, but there are much much worse. Some cases in point. Howard the Duck, Catwoman, Ghost Rider 2, the Shadow, Green Hornet, Green Lantern, the Dolph Lundgren Punisher, the 1990 Captain America, Supergirl (they actually shot two different scripts and edited them together after Christopher Reeve backed out. The only redeeming thing in it is the Jerry Goldsmith score)

Let's see for me


1. Captain America The Winter Soldier - not just a good comic movie, a great movie.

2. The Avengers - the culmination of childhood dreams. They nailed it.

3. Guardians of the Galaxy - just pure fun

4. The Dark Knight - a truly great movie. A so so Batman movie.

5. Iron Man - the beginning of the MCU and rDJ's wonderful Stark.

6. Batman - Michael Keaton v Jack Nicholson. The one that made all the rest possible.

7. Superman 2 - kneel before Zod!!!

8. The Rocketeer - if you like Captain America first Avenger, check this one out. Utterly charming and an amazing score.

9. Men in Black - forgot this was from a comic didn't yah?

10. Tied between Hellboy and Dredd

Honorable mentions; captain America First Avenger, Batman The Movie ( Adam West),

And Worst;

1. The Spirit - frank Miller directed. Oh dear gods words cannot describe just how bad and beyond the pale offensive this thing is.

2. Howard the Duck - words fail me for how bad it is on every level.

3. Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance - I'm not sure exactly how bad it is as I have only ever made it halfway through.

4. Barb Wire - if you don't know what this is, consider yourself lucky

5. Casper - "the Friendly Ghost". The movie is Casper's origin story, about how a small child died horribly. Not making this up.

6. Catwoman - the phrase "you'll never work in this town again" should apply to Halle Berry.

7. Supergirl - as I said above they were literally shooting different scripts. It makes no sense. None. I think half the cast is drunk. Music is worth a listen on YouTube. Some of Jerry Goldsmiths best.

8. Tank Girl - Lori Petty is just awful

9. Steel - Shaquille O'Neil in a rubber suit that is supposed to look like Iron Mans Armor. With a hammergun. The Roger Corman Fantastic Four is better than this.

10. Captain America (1990) - oh gods it's bad!

Honorable mentions; The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Man of Steel, Green Lantern, Green Hornet

And then we have "awful yet oddly entertaining for the wrong reasons"

1. Batman and Robin - bad, but not as bad as legend says. Pure campy cheese fest. Great to get drunk to.

2. Superman 3 - not that bad a movie. Just a bad Superman movie. It's a Richard Prior comedy.

3. Superman 4 - watch it in sequence with it's simultaneous brother "Masters of the Universe" to watch Cannon Pictures actually go bankrupt right there in screen. Good fun.

4. Captain America (1979 TV movie 1 and 2) - everything bad about the 70's in one place, and it is hilarious.

5. Judge Dredd - "I AM DA LAW!"

6. Doctor Strange (1978 TV movie. Same people as Captain America above) - strange is the word for it.

7. Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD (1990) - perhaps "The Hoff's" finest work. Friends I give you David Hasselhoff as Nick Fury. I suggest a robust alcohol with a fruity bouquet. Perhaps something stolen from a hobo and mixed with Sterno or aftershave.

Your mileage may vary. (And I am truly embarrassed to admit that yeah, I've seen all of these. Apparently I have seen a disturbingly large percentage of what are considered English language comic movies including "The Perils of Gwendoline in the Land of the Yik Yak" which only avoided this list by stint of being essentially soft core porn. )

I haven't really seen any DC, save for the Batman trilogy, But I have seen all the Marvel films, but I'm going to break them down a bit:

MCU / Spider-Man:

01. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (everything a great superhero film should be)

02. Guardians of the Galaxy (Like Star Wars meets Firefly, what's not to love)

03. Avengers: Assemble (The ballsiest idea in film for a while, plus Joss Whedon)

04. Iron Man 1 (Like Batman Begins, but interesting)

05. Thor (Vikings in SPACE!!, with Idris Elba)

06. Thor: The Dark World (As above, with more humour)

07. Iron Man 3 (Best plot twist in a superhero film ever, also Ben Kingsley)

08. Incredible Hulk (I loved the stuff with Blonsky (before the Abomination)

09. The Amazing Spider-Man (It was alright)

10. Captain America: The First Avenger (some good bits, mainly exposition for The Avengers)

11. Iron Man 2 (Meah on a stick)

12. The Amazing Spider-Man: The Rise of Electro (Dear lord, could they have ruined this film more? It's like they cut out half the plots to make a whole other film out of 'em).


01. Days of Future Past (How time travel should be done, plus that future was incredible)

02. X-Men: United (A proper X-Men story)

03. X-Men (THE superhero film)

04. The Wolverine (Some great character stuff here)

05. X-Men: First Class (I initially loved this, but there is something about seeing it 7 times that makes it less awesome, but still great)

06. That tiny Deadpool clip from the internet (why isn't this a film yet?)

07. X-Men: Last Stand (I like the Phoenix vapourising everything at the end)

08. X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Not too bad to be unwatchable, just not great)

Other Marvel:

01. Spider-Man II (It was fun)

02. Spider-Man I (My first superhero film, I grew up with it)

03. Daredevil (The directors cut)

04. The Punisher (Had a plot, fantastic actor, and brains) (Punisher: Dirty Laundry is right up here as well)

05. Ghost Rider (Bloody awesome design there)

06. Fantastic 4 (A bit disappointing to rewatch)

07. Punisher: Warzone (suffered from recasting, but that assault on the warehouse at the end made up for it)

08. Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (suffered from the directors, writers, crew, cast etc. apparently not having seen the last film, still it had Idris Elba head-butting Blackout)

09. Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer (Meah)

10. Spider-Man III (Any of the villain plots would have made a strong film, all of them, nope)

11. Elektra (dullness personified)

12. Hulk (dullness personified part the second)

13. Man-Thing (those accents)

Old Marvel:

Not including the Spider-Man or Hulk films, as they are TV series tie-ins)

01. Generation X (To ahead of its own time)

02. Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. ('Kinda fun)

03. The Punisher (Not as bad as I was expecting)

04. Power Pack (Had potential)

05. Dr. Strange (crap effects)

06. Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty (Cardboard on film)

07. Captain America: Death Too Soon (Cardboard on film)

08. Captain America (Crap on film)

09. The Fantastic Four (So funny it made me cry)

10. Howard the Duck ( :ugh: )


1. Guardians of the Galaxy

2. Days of Future Past

3. Avengers Assemble

4. Iron Man 3

5. The Dark Knight Rises

6. The Amazing Spider-Man

7. X-Men 2: X-Men United

8. Man Of Steel

9. The Incredible Hulk

10. X-Men 3: The Last Stand


1. Catwoman

2. Fantastic Four

3. X-Men Origins: Wolverine

4. Batman and Robin

5. Spider-Man III

6. Spider-Man II

7. Spider-Man

8. X-Men

And I can't think of two more. :blush:

Actually, just remembered the Fantastic Four film from 1994....that's gotta put in the middle somewhere. Not good but bad in a good way.

  • Author


1. Guardians of the Galaxy

2. Days of Future Past

3. Avengers Assemble

4. Iron Man 3

5. The Dark Knight Rises

6. The Amazing Spider-Man

7. X-Men 2: X-Men United

8. Man Of Steel

9. The Incredible Hulk

10. X-Men 3: The Last Stand


1. Catwoman

2. Fantastic Four

3. X-Men Origins: Wolverine

4. Batman and Robin

5. Spider-Man III

6. Spider-Man II

7. Spider-Man

8. X-Men

And I can't think of two more. :blush:

Interesting list. I personally liked Spider-Man 1 and 2, but the third one was mediocre at best.


1. Avengers Assemble

2. The Amazing Spider-Man 2

3. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

4. Captain America: The First Avenger

5. The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)

6. (Entire Original Spider-Man Trilogy)

7. Iron Man 3

8. Daredevil (Director's Cut)

9. The Amazing Spider-Man (1977)

10. X-Men: Days Of Future Past

Honourable Mentions: The Incredible Hulk (2008), X-Men: First Class, Lego Batman The Movie: DC Superheroes Unite!


1. Elektra

2. Catwoman

3. Batman And Robin

4. Superman III

5. Superman IV


1. GotG

2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

3. Avengers

4. Days of Future Past

5. Amazing Spider-Man 1

6. Iron Man

7. Thor: The Dark World


The Dark Knight Rises

Batman and Robin

The Dark Knight (not a bad movie but the writing was all over the place)

Iron Man 3

Ghost Rider

Iron Man 2

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

X-Men: First Class

Edited by Gremer

  • Author


1. GotG

2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

3. Avengers

4. Days of Future Past

5. Amazing Spider-Man 1

6. Iron Man

7. Thor: The Dark World


The Dark Knight Rises

Batman and Robin

The Dark Knight (not a bad movie but the writing was all over the place)

Iron Man 3

Ghost Rider

Iron Man 2

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

X-Men: First Class

Good list! I find it interesting how many people like CA:TWS better than The Avengers (myself included).


  1. Avengers
  2. GotG
  3. The Dark Knight
  4. CA: TWS
  5. Iron Man
  6. X-Men Days of Future Past
  7. Amazing Spider-Man 2 (I know I'm one of the few :blush:)
  8. Batman: Mask of Phantasm
  9. Man of Steel
  10. Thor: TDW

For me, the worst are the usual's. Batman & Robin (though it's fun to laugh at), Spider-Man 3 (In fact the whole Raimi trilogy is bad IMO, though they got Green Goblin and Doc Ock right at least). I also hate Iron Man 3. Not so much because of the Mandarin twist (even though Ben Kingsley would've been the perfect Mandarin :cry_sad:), but Pepper and Killian seemed shallow and boring (at least to me). :sceptic:

Why has anyone mentioned watchmen? is by far the best superhero movie ever made (in my humble opinion)..

  • Author

Why has anyone mentioned watchmen? is by far the best superhero movie ever made (in my humble opinion)..

I haven't seen the film, but my son is reading the book and he watched a couple of clips on YouTube and he loved how they were so true to the graphic novel. (He hasn't seen the film though because it's an 18)

Why has anyone mentioned watchmen? is by far the best superhero movie ever made (in my humble opinion)..

It's good....but it would - and did - miss out on my Top 10 simply because of what Synder added and the amount of filler in it. It's time wasted. Gilliam said once that the only way to do it any justice was to make a 12hr mini series from it. I don't agree to that extent but the three hours running time and what Synder put in it to make it that long didn't work for me. I still like the film but not enough to make it into a top 10.


1) The Dark Knight (Heath Ledger as the Joker is just glorious :thumbup: )

2) Hellboy II: The Golden Army (Great story and characters plus excellent designs, easily one of Guillermo del Toro's bests :wub: )

3) Iron Man (That's what I call an origin story)

4) The Avengers (I love crossovers in general and this is certainly no exception)

5) Captain America: The Winter Soldier/ Return of the First Avenger (Contains the biggest and best twist in the MCU so far + great action)

6) Watchmen (Unlike any other Comic adaption I've ever seen, in a good way :sweet:)

7) The Dark Knight Rises (Would've been higher on the list if it wasn't for the twist that involved Bane and his lame demise :angry:)

8) Thor: The Dark World/ Kingdom (Witty script and extremely fun climax, what's not to like?)

9) X-Men: Days of Future Past (Best. X-Men. Movie. Ever So Far. :grin:)

10) Batman Begins (Another great origin story and remarkable in that it dared to use two rather unknown villains rather than to go for the more obvious choices)

Honorable mentions: V for Vendetta, The Wolverine (especially loved the setting and the fact that Logan was vulnerable for once), X2, X-Men First Class, the rest of the MCU (Iron Man 3 in particular), Hellboy, The Amazing Spider-man 1 and 2. I haven't seen GotG yet since it won't be out for another two weeks, but from what I can tell, it will definitely land on my last somewhere :wub:


1) Green Hornet (Technically not a comic adaption, but I'm still including it since it annoyed the megablock out of me. Seth Rogen is so unfunny and annoying I wish I could punch him through the screen :angry: And what the Kre-o was up with that out-of-nowhere hyper-violent climax??)

2) X-Men Origins: Wolverine (They downright slaughtered Deadpool and the lack of consistency with the other movies just drives me nuts, I'm so glad this abomination recently got deleted from canon forever)

3) Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (Ludicrous plot, laughable special effects, countless rehashed scenes, what a mess. So bad it's good though :grin: And I love the review the Nostalgia Critic and Linkara made :laugh_hard:)

4) Catwoman (It's just silly. Really really silly.)

5) Hulk (2003) (The MCU Hulk should smash this one.)

6) Batman and Robin (If you look at it as a parody, it's actually not that bad. Too bad people expected a sequel that continued the story and not a silly over the top parody :tongue:)

7) Green Lantern (Also not that bad to be honest, but I can't help but laugh uncontrollably at Hector Hammond's screaming, it just cracks me up :grin:)

I can't think of more that I really didn't like. There are quite a few comic adaptions that I've enjoyed besides the ones I mentioned, but many of those have major problems: Superman II with the super-dumb memory-erasing kiss, Superman Returns where Lois Lane is so moronic it makes my head explode, Superman I where Superman defies all logic by traveling back in time by reversing the earth's rotation ( :hmpf: ), Spider-Man 1 to 3 where MJ is insufferable beyond measure, Man of Steel where Superman destroys Metropolis instead of saving it, X-Men 3 where Phoenix gets butchered and so on.


1. Guardians of the Galaxy - well played mix between fun and action.

2. Batman - Who knew Mr. Mom would be the best Batman of all time?

3. Superman II - The effects are dated now, but it was a good story and fun to watch.

4. The Avengers - Solid all the way around.

5. Spider-man - Good depiction of the origin story and the characters.

6. Iron Man - Good adaptation into today's world.

7. Batman Begins - I loved seeing the origin story being explored in depth like this.

8. Superman: The Movie - Good movie. Have always liked this one since childhood.

9. Captain America: The First Avenger

10. Batman Returns


1. Superman IV: The Quest for Peace - Nuclear Man??

2. Hulk - Weird, and couldn't get into this at all.

3. Batman and Robin - I like to forget that this movie ever happened

4. Man of Steel - Completely botched everything that a Superman movie should be.

5. X-Men: The Last Stand

6. Superman III

7. Batman Forever

8. The Incredible Hulk

9. The Amazing Spiderman

10. Green Lantern

Why has anyone mentioned watchmen? is by far the best superhero movie ever made (in my humble opinion)..

It's good but has its flaws. It sticks mostly to the story, although the end point is kind of the polar opposite of the original, and not in a good way. The acting runs the gamut from fantastic to almost as bad as Viper in The Wolverine. The overuse of color correction starts to grate on later watchings as do the matrixy time/speed shifts. The soundtrack would be fantastic if it in fact had anything to do with the movie. The director obviously dumped his favorite "period" music into it, but didn't really give much thought to "which period". (The movie is set in 1985, with major core sections in the 30's, the 50's and a very brief Vietnam scene. Yet all the music is from the Vietnam era. It doesn't work. Some actual 80's music would have really helped.) Overall a solid "B". A decent but not utterly fantastic movie. That tries just a bit to hard for a style that kind of horribly dates it on later viewings. It's much the same as Sin City. It was a really neat effect the first time you watched it, and something different. But different alone does not always stand the test of time or repeat viewings.

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