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No sorry!

I think the "best" version is the 2012 X-Wing!

Looks very original and the technique, details and colour are really good - but i must also say i`m not a big fan from the original Lego X-Wing Sets!


I like it better but that is based on the fact that it was my first one to own. I am sure you will get many other opinions on this topic.

Edited by neoconagenda

7140 was good for its time, and still looks pretty nice, but it's still the Lego equivalent of the original Kenner X-wing: too small with not the best proportions and a weird-looking R2 :grin: (I always hated the original way they printed the astromech heads, wondering why they didn't just print the heads over the whole piece instead of just that top section... and don't get me started on the oddball decision to have Luke's eyes be so tiny!)

The 2012 set is just so much nicer in about every respect... but 7140 has something the recent set doesn't: Biggs! :classic:

I believe your opinion is heavily based off of nostalgia, which isn't a bad thing. The sets I get nostalgic for give me the original trilogy feeling too, like the 2007 Y-Wing, despite the fact that many people do not consider it the best.

Now about the original X-Wing, like Venkefedo said, it was a good set for 1999. However it's aged rather poorly because of it's meager size and simple wing function. And every remake of the X-Wing is improved based off the flaws of the previous version. The design of the original version looked accurate to the movies, which is why they kept it that way but made minor changes over time to make it more detailed, explaining your idea that every X-Wing remake is a copy of the first.

The 2012 version is improved in almost every way, the guns are very detailed, the wing function is very adequate this time, and the model has been made in scale. But just because it resembles the movie more doesn't mean that everyone is going to like it for reasons that can't change, like nostalgia.

7190 was good for 1999, but I think the 2012 version just looks better. But to his his own.

I want the VERY FIRST X-WING (7140). Not later versions, even if more deatiled. That's all.

Well not to be rude, but it would have been a good idea if you mentioned that you wanted to buy it earlier. Anyways, there is nothing stopping you from buying the original version. Just go on bricklink and try to find a good deal. If you can't find any good deals there then you might want to consider looking on Ebay, although you might not get many good deals.

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A COLLECTION is more precious if made of VERY FIRST things. Don't u think so? What sense does it have to collect things that you can find on lego.com or in a supermarket of toys's market?

I hope u get what I wanna say, the meaning of my choice.

A COLLECTION is more precious if made of VERY FIRST things. Don't u think so? What sense does it have to collect things that you can find on lego.com or in a supermarket of toys's market?

I hope u get what I wanna say, the meaning of my choice.

It makes sense because most of the time, the new sets are better than the ones from 1999. Plus, the older sets are no longer available from S@H, thus quite expensive on Ebay. So it makes perfect sense to get the current sets.

If people want first editions of things then that's fine... Although I find it odd to state that they're the 'best' as most first edition sets seem vastly inferior to later sets due to new parts and better design as time goes on.

I'm putting this down to translation as I'm assuming English isn't your first language.

It's going to get very expensive very quickly though.

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Collectors collect first versions. Children play new versions. they don't care. What are we? Collectors or children??

Although I find it odd to state that they're the 'best' as most first edition sets seem vastly inferior to later sets due to new parts and better design as time goes on.

Yeah, just look at this comparison.



Collectors collect first versions. Children play new versions. they don't care. What are we? Collectors or children??

I'm not sure about anyone else, but I find that kind of insulting. Some people just choose to collect the newer versions of sets.

Edited by lego3364

Collectors collect first versions. Children play new versions. they don't care. What are we? Collectors or children??

How insulting! A large number of EB users buy new sets predominantly, and they are not children. Also, saying children don't care is also inaccurate. I'm pretty sure a child could figure out which is the best X-Wing.

Also, saying children don't care is also inaccurate. I'm pretty sure a child could figure out which is the best X-Wing.

Yeah I just asked my 8 year old brother and he said that the 2012 version is way more accurate to the movie.

Collectors collect first versions. Children play new versions. they don't care. What are we? Collectors or children??

Even though I have grey hairs: both.

A COLLECTION is more precious if made of VERY FIRST things. Don't u think so? What sense does it have to collect things that you can find on lego.com or in a supermarket of toys's market?

I hope u get what I wanna say, the meaning of my choice.

There was a time the very first versions were sold in every toystore......

Also, there will be a time The Ghost (the Rebels ship) won't be available anymore in stores and at Lego.com.

According to your logic it doesn't make any sense to collect it now (it can be found on Lego.com and in a toystore)......but it does make sense to collect it when it's not to be found in stores????

Sorry, I'd rather pay the $100+ for the Red V X-Wing than pay a similar amount for a less accurate one, just because it's old.

...and I'm 42, so I'm no kid.

There is really no argument in favour of the old sets when Lego does improve all the time. Even in the few years since my dark ages I saw notable improvements. And I am really glad I missed these old Star Wars sets when I see pics like these.

I respect the collector's mind, it is just not mine. While I am not a kid, I like the playfeatures of Lego. It is not that I would play like I did when I was a child, but still I like toying around a bit from time to time. I mean, if I want a screen accurate scale model then I buy, well, a scale model! Not a Lego model.

The 2012 X-wing is the first edition of a Porkins ship and figure. There!

Now the only "problem" is that it's still readily available... darn it, why don't I have to hunt for a good deal on it via BL or eBay and still risk paying much more than retail?! That's the only true measure of a toy's value!

Whoa, I accidentally turned on the Sarcasm option for a minute there. :tongue:

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Even the presence of mechanic's cart makes 7140 more 'original rebel hangar type'. In last version there isn't any cart. In UCS thereisn't even any minifigure!! And the original rebel's symbol is not in the last version of x-wing, even if it's still present in another version of x-wing.

The first sets are the ORIGINALS, they must be present in an O.T. collection. They breathe the real feeling of LEGO star wars, that went getting worst with years, until fully lost with UCS collection.

In UCS there isn't even any minifigure!! And the original rebel's symbol is not in the last version of x-wing, even if it's still present in another version of x-wing.

The only reason the UCS didn't have a figure is because it was larger for display and a minifigure wouldn't look right in it.

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There is really no argument in favour of the old sets when Lego does improve all the time. Even in the few years since my dark ages I saw notable improvements. And I am really glad I missed these old Star Wars sets when I see pics like these.

I respect the collector's mind, it is just not mine. While I am not a kid, I like the playfeatures of Lego. It is not that I would play like I did when I was a child, but still I like toying around a bit from time to time. I mean, if I want a screen accurate scale model then I buy, well, a scale model! Not a Lego model.

Yes, if u want an accurate scale model u can buy, but a model, not a lego ship. LEGO has a own feeling and breathing that comes up from first original sets. Unfortunately, for money reasons, this feeling went lost nowdays on new LEGO sets. But, thanks God, there are ebay and bricklink that allow us to buy first sets and breathe again LEGO original trilogy star wars meaning.

Edited by nokialover31

I don't think you can call out the latest X-wing for not having the Rebel Alliance crest on it as a flaw; 7140 may have had the crests behind the cockpit, but it shouldn't have. OT ships rarely, if ever, had emblems on them; pilot helmets and some uniforms, however, often did on both sides of the conflict.

Also, by your logic, the most recent Naboo fighter should be ignored in favor of the very first one... Yet it also has a technician's cart which your logic says is something fantastic that only old sets have.

If you want to collect the first version of any Lego SW ships, that's fine... but don't try to claim they are inherently superior to any later efforts or that we're no better than children (a strange insult) if we're more attracted to the look & feel of current ships. By your logic, AFOLs collecting Castle should only be after the 1978/79 castle, joust, and minifigure sets since those are the originals and everything after, from molded horses to gray walls is just poorly imitating those first sets.

I'm not much of a fan of X-Wings but the newer ones look a bit better along with MOC ones, in my opinion.

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I don't think you can call out the latest X-wing for not having the Rebel Alliance crest on it as a flaw; 7140 may have had the crests behind the cockpit, but it shouldn't have. OT ships rarely, if ever, had emblems on them; pilot helmets and some uniforms, however, often did on both sides of the conflict.

Also, by your logic, the most recent Naboo fighter should be ignored in favor of the very first one... Yet it also has a technician's cart which your logic says is something fantastic that only old sets have.

If you want to collect the first version of any Lego SW ships, that's fine... but don't try to claim they are inherently superior to any later efforts or that we're no better than children (a strange insult) if we're more attracted to the look & feel of current ships. By your logic, AFOLs collecting Castle should only be after the 1978/79 castle, joust, and minifigure sets since those are the originals and everything after, from molded horses to gray walls is just poorly imitating those first sets.

I'm not speaking about film-like-accuracy, I'm speaking about LEGO original trilogy 'feeling'. Lego ships are not meant to be exact models from the film, they have their LEGO taste inside, and this was progressively lost until the UCS, that are more exact models than LEGO constructions. From this extreme comparison between first X-wing and UCS one, you can see clearly how much the original LEGO feeling was lost, with all the shades between them.

Same thing for TIE fighter and Y-wing, in my opinion.

But it's only MY opinion, as I can see from your comments here.

I didn't want to insult anyone before, only raise your souls about this topic.

I don't want any new ship in my hangar, only original trilogy's, I don't collect exact accurate LEGO models from the film, I don't collect WAHAMMER's 40000 beautiful ships.

They are LEGO. Can you feel it?

Edited by nokialover31

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