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Well, to be fair to 7140, it's MSRP was $40.

$30, actually ($29.99 if you want to split hairs - that's the US price, of course).

I actually like 7140 quite a bit, myself. I do think the later editions are larger than they really need to be, and I also vastly prefer having Artoo be able to sit "properly" rather than "sideways," though of course the detailing is much better on later models.

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I see someone did coming out and admitted to prefer 7140 like me!

I also bought 4502 Star Wars LEGO X-wing Dagobah with Yoda's Hut for error because i thought it was the first LEGO x-wing! I have to sell it (even if it's very rare) or build a diorama with lake platform (actualy lake platform doesn't exist, so I should buy blue baseplate and then green pieces on his sides in circle to re-create the x-wing in the lake's water film scene!) but it would cost very much to buy al the pieces for the plants and grass and leafes... I don't want to spent so much! So I think I will sell it and hold only THE FIRST, THE ONE, THE ORIGINAL 7140!!! :classic:

Collectors collect first versions. Children play new versions. they don't care. What are we? Collectors or children??

A collector is someone who gathers items for the pleasure of doing so and allowing them to be viewed. A collector is not someone who passes down moral judgement against those with differing opinions, from atop an ivory throne.

I happen to be a collector of an old, less than popular theme myself. I collect Lego Space's Spyrius sets from the mid-1990's. And, I'm glad to expound on their virtues to anyone who cares to listen. But I have never insulted anyone for disliking my pet theme, or for preferring other sets to mine. That would be going to far. And that's what you're doing.

By setting yourself up on a pedestal, you make yourself a target for those who resent your arrogant demeanor, and you deter those who might also like these old sets from speaking up for fear of being associated in the minds of other Eurobricks users with your aggressiveness. Just changing your vocabulary would help, though I appreciate that this may be easier said than done since English is evidently not your first language. As I see it, your opinions are that [a] 7140 is better than the sets that followed it, because it better captures the "used universe" look of Star Wars and [c] it is the original Lego X-wing, a trait that carries some innate value of its own. If so, you could choose to say so in this way, rather than in the rather rude way you have done so up to this point. I do hope you will, otherwise I will have wasted a lot of time and words writing this post (I think I'm writing a post to rival an average SoNE comment by BEAVeR!). :laugh:

More broadly, to several people who have commented in this thread (including nokialover), Bob De Quatre has a great point, which is that trying to reach a public consensus on which sets are the "best" is about as productive as trying to decide which ones are UCS. We could decide which one is the most accurate, or which is the best engineered (referring to structural integrity, quality of any Technic functions, that sort of thing), or which offers the best value for money in terms of cost per piece, cost per kilogram, and the like. But "best" can be used to refer to any one of these, or any one of a million other traits; while nokialover wants THE first set, Nom Carver wants accuracy and Flieger is fond of play features. Defining "best" is not productive, nor is it a good thing since doing so removes room for personal opinion.

By the way, although I appreciate the battle-worn look of 7140, I personally prefer the newest model. It's not that hard to mod in battle damage, and white is closer to the official color than light bluish gray. Very light gray would be a nice touch in future X-wings, but since there are so very few pieces in that color available, it's not very likely to happen any time soon.

Edited by VK-318

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My now famous sentence 'what are we...' meant only that, in my opinion, the older is a SW model, the more is collectable and important for a very precious collection. I really didn't want to offend anyone.

I have this: http://www.brickshow...asp?setnum=6984 , are u interested in buying??

OK maybe my english is not perfect, but we are on an international forum, this is the only way to communicate each other, why do you have to point out my language-level? Is it a kind o defense mechanism against your supposed offence?! This is babyish :laugh:

Edited by nokialover31

Very light grey would definitely be better than either white or light grey for an X-Wing, but for whatever reason it is not a mainstream colour that they use very often and there are only a handful of parts available in this colour.

From what I read the colour is called platinum grey.

You are right the first x-wing was too dark but the last one was too white.

I'll buy a new one when they finally make it the right colour. :laugh:

Edited by duboismerci

If you think the new X-wings are too clean, then buy one and leave it in the sun. It'll go a nice bone white/off-white due to yellowing in time.

Okay, speaking as someone who has never had the money to buy a Lego X-Wing... the models have been steadily improving since the original.

Yes, the original model has the added value of being the original. However, the more recent X-Wings are much more impressive, simply because they look more accurate. As a child, I want the new one with the play features, and I would definitely care if I was handed the original instead... because it being the original would hold no value for me, and it would look less like what's in the film. As a collector, while the original would be nice, I'm only going to have limited display space, and I'd rather that I have the accurate one on show.

Looking at another example, we have the A-wings. There's the original, the upgrade, and the newest form. There's no argument that the original, while a decent set, pales next to the upgrades. The second version has that "all important cart", and the new one (Being the one that I own) is the most accurate, featuring the real fighter's functioning landing-gear, accurate guns, and bifurcated nose. The pilot looks like an actual A-wing pilot too.

Like the others said: What holds the most value is subjective. If you like the original because it's the original, and it has a random hover cart with it, fine. But you can't talk down to people who prefer a different set.

From what I read the colour is called platinum grey.

TLG calls it 'Light Stone Grey' (which has lead to plenty of confusion in LDD owing to the fact that what we usually call 'light grey/bley' is actually labeled 'Medium Stone Grey'), and as I understand it, it's a specialized color that was used for Mindstorms sets.

Ultimately, I think you have to remember that we're not the primary target audience, that TLG targets these sets towards kids first, and that if you go out and ask kids (and any casual Star Wars fan parents) what color an X-wing is, most of them are probably going to answer, 'white.'

OK maybe my english is not perfect, but we are on an international forum, this is the only way to communicate each other, why do you have to point out my language-level? Is it a kind o defense mechanism against your supposed offence?! This is babyish :laugh:

Quite the opposite; he's giving you some of the benefit of the doubt by saying that perhaps you didn't intend to sound as impolite as you were perceived due to a language barrier.

Not sure if the OP is trolling or not, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, and assume he's young and just isn't fluent in English.

Many people, such as myself, prefer the undeniably superior build and detail of the newer versions. You like the 7140? Go nuts, you can still buy it, and other people shouldn't diminish your enthusiasm for the original. That said, I find your attitude rather rude, insinuating others are 'children' for appreciating something different from yourself. You want to make your perfect 'original' rebel hangar? No one is stopping you, but stop attempting to frame alternative opinions as 'wrong' ones.

Also, by your logic, the most recent Naboo fighter should be ignored in favor of the very first one... Yet it also has a technician's cart which your logic says is something fantastic that only old sets have.

ACPin himself used the original in his Naboo MOCs, and I hardly think that anyone can argue that he isn't one of the greatest SW builders there are. It's a matter of choice, and that's how it should be treated. Some people like one thing, others like another.

If I was going for movie accuracy, the 2012 probably hits that mark the closest. But, I also appreciate a LEGO set that's a LEGO set. And, like many people here, I find that the blocky sides of the original set feel a lot more LEGO than the SNOTted near-MOC X-Wings that have been more recently released. (Not to mention all of the little cupboards and crannies to store things in - try to find the same amount of those on a modern set!)

Also, let's not forget that the original is still the only set to have Wedge Antilles in it. LEGO has consistently avoided placing two figs of the same Red Squadron pilot * in X-Wing sets, a choice I highly applaud.

*Obviously not counting Luke Skywalker.

Edited by Lind Whisperer

Also, let's not forget that the original is still the only set to have Wedge Antilles in it. LEGO has consistently avoided placing two figs of the same Red Squadron pilot * in X-Wing sets, a choice I highly applaud.

Biggs Darklighter is the minifig exclusive to 7140; Wedge is also exclusive to an X-wing, but to 6212. :wink:

Biggs Darklighter is the minifig exclusive to 7140; Wedge is also exclusive to an X-wing, but to 6212. :wink:


Edited by Lind Whisperer

Am I the only one who doesn't think the Biggs minifig is that special? The helmet is really the only unique part, and it goes for less then £2 on Bricklink. The head is just a generic printing, for which there's probably an adequate flesh-toned substitute on another set out there. Unless you really want the authentic one, then the Biggs minifig is fairly easy to "acquire."

LG calls it 'Light Stone Grey' (which has lead to plenty of confusion in LDD owing to the fact that what we usually call 'light grey/bley' is actually labeled 'Medium Stone Grey'), and as I understand it, it's a specialized color that was used for Mindstorms sets.

Ultimately, I think you have to remember that we're not the primary target audience, that TLG targets these sets towards kids first, and that if you go out and ask kids (and any casual Star Wars fan parents) what color an X-wing is, most of them are probably going to answer, 'white.'

Thanks for the info. There are so many Lego colours. It is hard to keep track.

Since I played the 1999 Star Wars Rogue Squadron on PC (best game ever btw) in which the X-Wing was rather grey, I always assumed it was grey and it was a widely accepted.

It seems it is just me and maybe a couple of "Rogue" who think that way? :laugh:

This convo made me want to buy the new X-Wing for the extra astromech (that I could us in my original Y-Wing since I lost the poor astro) and that extra pilots for my original Snowspeeder (I lost one of the pilots...)

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Thanks for the info. There are so many Lego colours. It is hard to keep track.

Since I played the 1999 Star Wars Rogue Squadron on PC (best game ever btw) in which the X-Wing was rather grey, I always assumed it was grey and it was a widely accepted.

It seems it is just me and maybe a couple of "Rogue" who think that way? :laugh:

This convo made me want to buy the new X-Wing for the extra astromech (that I could us in my original Y-Wing since I lost the poor astro) and that extra pilots for my original Snowspeeder (I lost one of the pilots...)

Ohhhh... another Star Wars Rogue Squadron fan like me!! Yes, best game ever... why they don't do an actual game for pc with x-wings an TIE-fighters and all that wonderful stuff? Problems with George Lucas copyright? I would like a new version of game. Not of 7140 :wink:

Edited by nokialover31

I don't get what this topic is about. It appears like you are preaching nostalgia, but it might be a language barrier. I can understand nostalgia, but I don't like preaching. At best, what the poster of this topic can take from it that there actually are opinions of other AFOLs that differ from his own. And that's a good thing.

I for myself also like the most recent system scale X-Wing best. You cannot put the label 'the best' on something because it was the first. When everything goes well, newer iterations of whatever was first get improved and better. If you only judge sets for nostalgic value, only the oldest and/or first incarnations can be 'the best'. If you, as most AFOLs do, go for building techniques, scale, accurazy and detail, then the latest version is 'the best' hands down.

Don't get me wrong, you are entitled to your opinion, but I don't get what this is about...

Collectors collect first versions. Children play new versions. they don't care. What are we? Collectors or children??

Your nostalgia goggles have made you narrow minded. You're not a better collector for hoarding old sets that are poorly designed compared to those of today.

By your logic, the first computer would be the best computer merely for being the original, but that makes no sense whatsoever.

Having your own opinion is one thing, forcing it upon others using insulting labels is another thing and shows how nostalgia has blinded you.

Edited by General Magma

The first version is GREAT if you like inferior and ugly stuff. If you want something amazingly inaccurate then it is AWESOME.

I feel that while the new one (obviously) is superior in terms of accuracy, they don't really have that LEGO Charm. The new models are essentially sloped pieces built on technic frames, with lots of specialized parts. The old one however is very blocky and has the total LEGO Charm going on, also very few specialized pieces.

The first version is GREAT if you like inferior and ugly stuff. If you want something amazingly inaccurate then it is AWESOME.


In all seriousness, I prefer the smoother aesthetic with the modern sets to blocky ones. I've got my A-Wing, V-Wings, and Actis right here, and they don't have too many specialised parts.

I, myself don't find 7140 the "best" X wing to date in the 15 years of Lego Star Wars, but definitely of a space saver, I think, to anyone who wants a X wing. Accurate it might not exactly be compared to later models (4502/6212/9493/7191/10240) especially being more blocky. I have to admit 7140 is set worth having if being a collector of classic Star Wars sets.

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I feel that while the new one (obviously) is superior in terms of accuracy, they don't really have that LEGO Charm. The new models are essentially sloped pieces built on technic frames, with lots of specialized parts. The old one however is very blocky and has the total LEGO Charm going on, also very few specialized pieces.

Yes, this is what I mean, 'that LEGO charm'! New models are accurate, we agree about that, but the newer is a model, the more it losts LEGO SW ORIGINAL SOUL, until the UCS models that are without soul and some are even without minifigures!!

For a real collector it's like a jazz, man! you feel it inside when you watch aN ORGINAL TRILOGY 1999-2001 model or a newer model, YOU CAN FEEL IT, inside, you know latest models are only frozen copies of REAL ORIGINAL 7140. They were made by LEGO to sell, because many people doesn't have this particular collector sensibility, so they are made for the MASS, to sell, because X-wing it's the most famous space ship in the world, and you can sell for ever 7140 model. It's a merchandising choice of LEGO, and it's right because LEGO has to survive. Because money comes from the mass. But, if you can feel that something like me, so don't be afraid to distinguish from the mass and agree with me, in this topic.

So according to your logic you should have picked the second AT ST because it's more blocky, I get what you mean but your on another topic you picked a "soulless" set over a very clever solution to slopes with simple bricks:


The new models are essentially sloped pieces built on technic frames, with lots of specialized parts. The old one however is very blocky and has the total LEGO Charm going on, also very few specialized pieces.

A specialised part to me would be one that would be difficult to use elsewhere. There isn't a single part like that on the latest X-Wing. The Lego system has always been more than just basic bricks and the vast array of parts available is part of what makes it interesting.

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