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This has been brought up in the forum multiple times, but I don't think it has its own topic yet... we still have a lot of important characters from The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings who haven't gotten their own minifigures yet. The minifigures for the third Hobbit wave have already been revealed, and we're not sure if we're getting another LotR wave yet, so we have a pretty good idea of what we're missing.

Here are the minifigures I'd like to see in future sets, by order of least to greatest importance:

Pippin and Merry in Armor- So far, these hobbits have only appeared in casual Fellowship attire, but they both play major roles fighting for Gondor and Rohan in Return of the King. Pippin would fit right into a D2C Minas Tirith set, and Merry would be the perfect character to round out a Fell Beast set.

Old Bilbo- I actually have a custom-made Old Bilbo minifigure myself (I made it for a LEGO Ideas project), but I doubt that we'll get him in any future sets.

Gondor Soldier- Half of Return of the King basically revolved around these people. They deserve their own battle pack by now.

Faramir- He'd go into the Minas Tirith set along with Pippin and a few Gondor Soldiers.

Bolg- They made new hairpieces for the orcs in the upcoming Lake-Town set but they couldn't even make Bolg? How does that even make sense?

Random Mirkwood Elf- So far the elf soldiers we've gotten aren't very movie-accurate. They should have replaced Legolas with one of these in the Battle of Five Armies set.

Random Iron Hills Dwarf- They should release a $30 battle pack with just these guys.

Eowyn- We already have Arwen and Tauriel. Galadriel is coming soon. Why, then, has LEGO decided not to give us an Eowyn figure yet?

Balrog- A brick-built Balrog would be able to be an entire set in itself.

Tom Bombadil- Just kidding.

Witch-King- By now, LEGO simply has no excuse for not releasing a Witch-King minifigure. We even have the Mouth of Sauron already, for crying out loud! They can't end the LotR theme without this character appearing at least once; he's just too important.

What about you? Are there any other Tolkien characters who you think deserve their own figures?

Edited by Lancethecat

1. Eowyn

One of my favourite characters in both the books and films. It feels so wrong we haven't gotten her yet and her absense leaves a pretty big hole in the collection. We already have the rest of the Rohan clan with King Theoden, Eomer and Wormtongue - as well as every other female character in the films. Why have we still not gotten Eowyn yet?

2. Armoured Witch-King on Fell Beast

While its cool we're getting the twilight form, nothing beats the armoured look riding on a fell beast.

3. Faramir

Another very important character that is long overdue. While my preference would be for him to appear in his iconic ranger costume, I would be happy enough to see Faramir come in his Gondor armour from the third movie - which would not only cover his character but the generic Gondor Soldiers as well.

4. The Balrog

One of the most iconic scenes from the first movie was Gandalf's confrontation with the Balrog. You would think this would have been one of the first sets we would see in the line. Why has it still not happened yet?

5. Armoured Sauron

Seriously how can anyone not want this guy? He's the reason why everything happened in the first place.

6. Bolg

While his absense is understandable given the cluster**** of the whole Azog/Bolg situation in the films, its disapointing that we're going to be missing a key villain from the films once the line is over.

7. Old Bilbo

Even though we have plenty of minifigures based on the younger version, it would still be nice to have the classic one. This could easily be done as a promotional item in a DK book, DVD extra or S@H.

8. Gondor Soldiers

Another major hole in the LOTR line is one of the biggest factions of the film. With all the war machines we saw in the Fantasy Era line, I'm surprised Lego hasn't even touched the siege on Gondor. While one minifigure of Faramir in the armour (including helm) would be enough to cover them, I think most of us would rather have a couple generic ones for easier army building.

9. Denethor

Essential to completeting the Gondor clan.

10. Iron Hill Dwarf

Battle of Five Armies without a Dwarf army? Thankfully we've had plenty of dwarves over the years that customizing won't be a problem, but it still would've been nice to have some authentic generic ones in the line.

11. Armoured Merry and Pippin

Although we already got them as part of the fellowship, the armoured versions are where the characters really came into their own as heroes. Like the TC said - Minas Tirith and the Witch-King Battle would be the perfect sets for these two characters.

12. Gothmog

Second in command during the attack on Gondor. While no where near as important as the Witch-King, he would still be a nice character to have.

13. Haradrim

Another important faction that are essential if there was ever an Oliphant set.

14. Easterling

Would have been ranked a lot higher had they been more involved in the war. Their armour is just too awesome.

15. Armoured Elf (any faction)

While we've had a few variations of elf armour thanks to Haldir and Elrond, it would have been nice to get some generic ones complete with a proper helm.

16. Celeborn

He didn't do a lot in the films, but another Elvish leader is always good.

17. Armoured Lurtz

Another iconic moment is the climax of the first movie at Amon Hen and the breaking of the fellowship. Can't have that without an armoured Lurtz piercing Boromir full of arrows.

18. Armoured Thranduil

Although we've already gotten Thranduil previously, an armoured version would look fantastic and the hairpiece would simply require a recolour of Elrond/Galadriel's.

19. Bear Beorn

How can you have the Battle of Five Armies and not include Beorn in his bear form? The city bear is a good enough placeholder, but it still would have been nice to get a proper one.

20. Aragorn (Royal Armour)

Not an essential variant, but it would be nice to have the moment where Aragorn becomes king.


The must-haves have already been covered (and there are more than enough to fill a CMF wave if that was the only way to get ahold of them... aside from the Balrog and maybe Woody-limb Sauron), but I'd also like to see a good armored orc, preferably with the Moria orc torso print (tho perhaps the undershirt color could change) with a new sharp metal helmet... the BrickWarriors harpy helm would do in a pinch if it were available in steel. I like the center column of the six-pack shown in this link.

...and an armored BoFA orc as well with unique headgear and all.


An Mordor Troll with heavy armor like in lego game

A Black Mordor orc who came from Gorgoroth

Guardian of the tower ( gondor )

Haradrim soldier

Other nazgul ( because they are today very expensive)

Witch king of Angmar

The Ent who protect merry and Pippin ( sylvebarbe in french but in English i don't know his name)

The leader of orc during minas thirith battle : gothmog

The habitants of Gondor, who live in minas thirith

Ranger of Gondor



Since most of "must haves" are already covered i dont have much to add:



Dunedain ranger

An Mordor Troll with heavy armor like in lego game

I would really like to get this one.


*see list a few posts up*

Great list I almost exclusively agree with! I'd move Faramir to #1 with Eowyn and the Witch-king 2nd and 3rd. I'd have bear Beorn a bit further up and would include a generic Gondor ranger and Madril (since Damrod, Anborn and Mablung weren't in the movie).


Aside from all the minifigures mentioned I would also like to highlight the different beasts we didn't got (in no particular order):

Fellbeast: the winged creatures that ringwraiths use as mount must be one of the more recognizable beasts of Middle-Earth and are just too cool to not have. I would be very happy with a black/grey Smaug mold with another head and tail. Proportions don't matter to me in this case, because the Fellbeasts and Smaug will be never together in one scene.

Mûmakil: although I would be content with a brick-built Oliphaunt, I would like to see one like the LOTR game: a molded beast with a brick construction on it for Haradrim to sit on. I understand that it would be a lot smaller then the game version.

Balrog: this is a MUST HAVE. Seriously, everybody knows the Balrog. They already designed him for the video game, it's brick built. The Balrog is just too awesome. That plus the fact that he could come in a set with properly armored Moria Goblins (with spiky helmet) and a cool battle damaged Gandalf.

Treebeard: This is not so difficult to do for TLC as we already have an Ent, which makes it also quite easy for us to MOC so maybe not as important as the other beasts. Still cool enough to make a set out of it.

Shadowfax: Gandalf needs his horse, I'm not sure if we have a white variation of the moveable horse. If we have this becomes a little more redundant.

Beorn bear form: He plays a most crucial role in the BOTFA. I'm not content with the city bear. Orcs eat that bear for breakfast. We need a fierce bear mold, or at least new prints on the existing bear.

Armored Mordor troll: These guys are AWESOME. We already got two troll-like creatures (Moria cave troll, Goblin King) and they are done just perfectly. The molds are really really great, but alas not modable into an armored version. I would buy tons of armored trolls like the video game!

Great siege beasts: The creatures who pull Grond, the big ram that shatters the gate of Minas Tirith. Would be cool if included in a Grond set, but I'd rather have armored trolls push it to have more trolls :)

The Watcher in the Water: not as necessary as a lot of the other beasts, but very iconic and could come with the beautiful gates and trees of Moria. Would probably be brick built.

I think that's about it. What beast would you like to see in LEGO form? Molded or brick-built?


Shadowfax: Gandalf needs this horse, I'm not sure if we have a white variation of the moveable horse. If we have this becomes a little more redundant.

Yes we do.


For me the TOP3 would be:

1. Balrog

2. Fellbeast

3. Armored Troll


What I want to see is.

-Gondor soldier variants



-Witch king in black armor

-Sauron in armor

If we get those the most important lotr characters are represented.


I want two versions of Eowyn: one in full armor with a new helmet and one in the white dress to put in front of Thoeden's Hall.

I also want a Hama minifig though one of the Company of Dwarfs has a suitable hair to use.


My most wanted:

1. Gondor soldier with shield. The only new mold needed is the helmet. Yeah, a new shield mold is needed, but an old one with the tree printing is acceptable. As is the classic castle breastplate.

2. Faramir/Gondor ranger. Just a new torso printing needed.

3. Witchking & fellbeast. New helmet mold.

4. Eowyn/new rohan helmet. New helmet mold and torso printing. Make it with molded hair out the back, and reuse it for additional Rohan soldiers.

5. Armored elf. New helmet mold. We've seen armored, helmeted elves in 5 of the 6 middle earth movies (different styles & eras), and need a lego version.

Maybe Lego could do a Kickstarter for the Gondor soldier and see how it goes? If that works, they could try it on other characters as well.


Pretty much everyone missing has already been listed except maybe the Haradrim Leader (this guy), and Gamling.

My top three for each category would be as follow (main characters, factions, creatures):

Main Characters

Witch King




Gondor Soldier

Armored Elves (could serve as Mirkwood, Lothlorien, or first age I suppose, really any generic armored would be fine)

Iron Hill Dwarves (I actually would prefer Easterlings and then Haradrim before Iron Hill Dwarves because I feel they are much more distinct looking and we have NO representation for these factions, but I don't think they would be as big a hit with kids or AFOLs)


Fel Beast

Bear form Beorn

Mountain Troll

If we got even half of these I would be totally happy with the Middle-Earth themes. Sure there are a lot of other characters that probably could use a minifigure like Sauron, Gothmog, old Bilbo, Bolg, etc., but unless there were to be 5+ waves for each line I don't see a lot of those relatively minor characters being made.


Here's my list:

#1 Sauron

#2 Witchking (Black Wraith with armor)

#3 Balrog

#4 Fellbeast

#5 Bolg

#6 Moria Orc (with helmet)

#7 Armored Elfs

#8 Armored Troll

#9 Bear Beorn

#10 Gondor Soldier

#11 Oliphaunt

#12 New Armored Orc

#13 Morgoth

#14 Gothmog

#15 Watcher in the water

#16 Faramir

#17 Denethor

#18 Eowyn

#19 Isildor

# 20 Haradrim Soldier


Not many surprises on my list:

1) Witch King

2) Eowyn x2 (armour and dress)

3) Haradrim soldiers

4) Haradrim leader

5) armoured Elves (Helm's Deep)

6) Rohan armoured Merry

7) armoured Dwarves

I am a Rohan fan, so I need these figures to complete the Rohan scenes, except the Dwarves - I just think they are cool.


I am a Rohan fan, so I need these figures to complete the Rohan scenes, except the Dwarves - I just think they are cool.

In that case, I would expect Gamling and Hama on your list. I'm not sure whether LEGO would have the rights for Erkenbrand, Dunhere, Guthlaf or others not explicitly mentioned in the movies.


Gamling and Hama would be nice to have indeed, however not really crucial compared to Eowyn or the adversaries, especially the Haradrim. The slaying of the Black Serpent was my personal highlight of RotK. Although the movie did not directly show it, the battle between the southrons and the Rohirrim is still nice. Most of the scenes I would like to have (Helm's Deep, Rohan vs Harad, death of the Witch King) work without Gamling and Hama, although they would work better with them of course. But they don't work at all without the Witch King or the Haradrim or the elves for the movie version of the Battle of HD.


My list:

Lord of the Rings...

The Balrog - brick built

Treebeard - brick built

Sauron - brick built like X-men Sentinel or Guardians of the Galaxy Groot

Armored Witch King

Fell Beast (molded like in posters & game cover)

Faramir - either ranger or soldier

Eowyn - Rohan armor

Merry - Rohan armor

Pippin - Gondor Armor

Gothmog (just do an image search for "lego gothmog")


Gondor - either rangers or soldiers



Battle Troll


Iron Hill Dwarves

Armored Mirkwood Elves


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