October 25, 201410 yr Author Thank you Rodion! Venator is leaning to 400, well, thats finally something off the ground :D Invisible hand is doing a bit worse, 189 so far.
October 26, 201410 yr These ships are real beauties. Looks like they might fit with that CW Malevolence. I would buy three of each just to have some nice background for a space battle diorama. I really like all the colors and detail.
October 26, 201410 yr Author Wow, thank you! I'm glad you like it and I wish you have an opportunity to buy them. Please spread the word and you maybe lure some supporters :)
November 2, 201410 yr Author I have updated the picture of both destroyers in the main post. Now it displays them in their lastest version!
November 2, 201410 yr Both look very good, great builds! Are you planning on doing other Star Wars capital ships in that scale? Because I'd love to see more. I'm wondering why bother with Lego Ideas with such a slim, almost non-existant chance of getting your builds out, and even a smaller chance of getting your exact builds out? I'd rather happily share building instructions, even just photographic ones, with others for free.
November 2, 201410 yr Author Hey Jackson, Yes, I'm planning to expand the fleet and build other scaled starships. In case you had any suggestion for exact one, I'd be glad to hear from you. You are right - the odds for my models to be succesfull on LEGO Ideas are rather low. Still, there is a hope. These creations were originally conceived as projects for LEGO Cuusoo - everything went according to that choice. Size, part choice, bulding methods, respect to rigidity etc. My main motivation was to point out the advantages of these MIDI-Scale starships (affordability, playability...) and to find out as if it makes good impression. I personally would love to inspire TLG to produce their very own product line. Even if they did without colaboration with me, I'd be happy enough. In these days, roughly 2 years ago, everything seemd different and I evaluated the odds as pretty promissing. Unfortunately, the design stage took way longer than I expected (especially for Venator, which I spent over a year on till I was finally sattisfied) - partially because of my desire to make really good creations with no werak points to maximize the chances in review, but also due to the lack of time during terms. All of this resulted in submiting my entries after Cuusoo rebirth to Ideas, unfortunately during it's most inactive/pending state. From the first day, both of my models suffer from lack of publicity since it has never featured on page with new ideas or in any other highlighting section. I still believe there are enough of SW fans to appreciate these builds and to support them. True, even if it reaches 10K, still nothing is granted. But I think it's worth a try. Sharing the building instruction is not conflict with my approach. As I stated above, I do count with releasing either building instructions or LXF file as soon as the support on Ideas is significant. I really expected it to be faster, kinda disappointed with current support growth. I'll wait till Chtistmas and if the support stays miserable, I'll release the instructions anyway. I hope you understand my points. If you think you could help the support a little bit, even just by telling few freinds about the ships, I'd be grateful. Kristof
January 18, 201510 yr Lovely creations, perfectly formed for midi scale, I would definately buy these, great job!
January 19, 201510 yr Author These are brilliant, supported Kristof! Thank you very much! Lovely creations, perfectly formed for midi scale, I would definately buy these, great job! Thanks, I hope you get chance to buy eventually :) Edited January 20, 201510 yr by krisandkris12
January 20, 201510 yr Author Any chance Of getting these instructions? They look awesome. Hello, I still haven't managed to create instructions. So far I'm collecting all the bricks to build this in real and seek for possible pitfalls and regarding improvement through the construction. From the LDD I'm not quite sure wtether all the reinforcements that I've put into are useful and necessary :) Anyway, I plan to release instructions for The Invisible Hand for free as soon as my models gets over 1k supports on Ideas. For Venator, I'm considering creating more professional instructions for further sale. Kristof
January 21, 201510 yr Outstanding work! I love the Venator class ships, so cool. Excellent job, I would totally buy both of these were they sets.
January 22, 201510 yr Author Outstanding work! I love the Venator class ships, so cool. Excellent job, I would totally buy both of these were they sets. Thanks Draco :)
January 23, 201510 yr Great job on these! I just supported. The builds look really nice, and have a very clean feel to them. I love how the Invisible Hand can split in half. That's a great way to sneak in play features. Personally, I don't see any reason to hold back the LDD file, but to each their own. I defiantly would like to see these as actual sets, however unlikely that may be.
January 23, 201510 yr Author Hello, Thank you for your support and kind words! About the LDD files, there's actually not much about to discuss with the Invisible Hand. That one is quite simple model, however, there was a lot of designing and proportional fixing beyond. Nevertheless, there are no miracles in it - few quite well known snot methods and some fancy part usage. Thus, I'm sure I'll eventually share the file, yet I'd like to finish the last two issues that makes the model not perfect. There is one discontinued hinge part and also the bottom triangular inverted tower is very fragile. I'm having a hard time trying to fix the second issue but I hope I can find some propper solution. However, it's quite different with Venator. It seems like small model, equal to the Invisible Hand, but the amount of work it has taken is completely out of the range. Perhaps I'm making it to magnificent... but I really feel I achieved something with this model and I'm not ashamed to say that I'd really like to get a litlle reward. If LEGO Ideas fail, as the succes seems quite unlikely there, I am about to try other ways (cuusoo brick, MOC shop) of making this model available for purchasing. Eventually I'm considering making some high quality instructions available for some small charge. Prhaps that is not the nicest approach, maybe I'll reconsider. But that's it for now. I admire everyone who share the instructions for high quality mocs for free (i.e Primus). Let's see what i end up with :) Kristof
February 10, 201510 yr Author Final Update to The Invisible Hand! Hello everyone, Recently I have finished my latest (and probably the last) update to my Invisible Hand project. The update is including stand (which required some structure changes on the ship) and few exterior improvements. For more pictures and details about the improvemets please visit the UPDATE LOG on LEGO® Ideas. Kristof
February 11, 201510 yr @krisandkris12: I have posted before about your ships and they are getting lovelier with each "upgrade"! Too bad I can't vote more than once on Ideas! :) Edited February 11, 201510 yr by Azrielsc
February 11, 201510 yr Author Thank you Azrielsc! Even one vote counts towards :) But if you wanted to help more, you can try to send a ling within your friends who might be interested in LEGO. Yet I understand if you don's since it's sort of unwanted propaganda :D Thanks for you comment and support anyway! Kris
February 11, 201510 yr These look GREAT! I was a fan of the midi-scale, too, and would like to get a chance to collect more LEGO ships in this small-shelf-friendly format. I don't have a lot of interest in mini-figs (I know I'm in the minority), but it seems like you can't sell a pop-culture LEGO set without them, anymore. I'd like to suggest that you add mini-figs to these proposals - Grievous for the Invisible Hand and Ahsoka for the Venator. Grievous is an expensive figure on the secondary market, and Ahsoka is a girl, and female mini-figs on LEGO Ideas are popular.
February 12, 201510 yr Author Thank you Spark! I'm glad you liike this scale, however I have to point out that as long as both of my ships are in perfect scale to each other, they are not in scale with previously releaser MIDI-Scale ISD (maybe you thought they would). That ISD is actually much smaller.. You are not the first to suggest including some minifigs, yet you are the first one to formulate it so clearly :) I Have the same feeling - not being desperate for figures I don't really like purposeless including in non-minifig scale sets. However, you are right that it might boost the set attractivity for many lego fans. Grievous sounds perfect for Invisible Hand, yet I'm not sure why Ashoka fits to Venator? Except of being female, which you are again right about. Perhaps she played some role in Clone Wars series which I haven't watched? Kris
February 12, 201510 yr Supported both ships. Great build and overall just perfect look and proportions. I love the midi scale...
February 19, 201510 yr Author ^^ Thank you guys! By the way, for anyone who wonder about the actual size, I made a pic comparing my Venator with #8039 set. Have you expected it to be bigger or smaller? :D Well I know that most of you figured the exact scale anyway. I have got a lot of feedback telling that the part count on Venator is to high regarding the size. I agree that over 1500 may seem like a lot and I tried to do some explanation of why is that in last update - if you are interested, check it out here: https://ideas.lego.com/projects/74229/updates
February 20, 201510 yr That's enormous! I thought it was going to be way smaller, I have a 30cm ruler next to me and thinking it is 10cm more than that is crazy! Much larger than I expected.
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