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Hey Racker, well then I'm happy that I have shared that pic :) Those dimensions were already in origonal model description but that was easy to miss. As you say, it is actually quite big model, still easy to handle (hopefully even one hand). And that was the aim of the scale :) I'm hoping to finis the real build within few months so I can bring some live pics.

O well, that's quite a bit bigger then I expected! That does not matter, cause it's an very good design. I've actually been looking a venator this size, and did not realize I did already found it. It is a bit ashame too though, as you have mentioned, it makes it less probable to make into a set. I wish you good luck with the project, I see you have still some time left, but not all that much. I suggest if you plan to repost them, that you merge them into one ideas project, as I think that will yield more supporters.

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That's great that you like the scale as it is. It's not tiny but no giant though. Maybe I'll create another comparison next to ISD or Venator in ISD scale, which is twice as big as my midi scale. That could make another interesting pic :)

Honestly, I'm not quite sure about re-submitting at the moment. No shame to tell that it does not look very promissing for any of those two, yet even if it eventually got the support, recent Lego review results are showing that projects based on product line theme are not gladly accepted.

If this trend does not change till deadline comes on my projects, I probably won't re-submit them... let's see.

Merging into one set might possibely make the project more attractive but even less perspective for success in review at the same time.

  • 2 weeks later...
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Yay!!! In the new Speed Champions Mclaren Pit Stop set LEGO produced one of the last 3 non existing parts I have on Venator - Slope Brick 18 4 x 1 in Light Bluish Gray. From all missing parts this was the only one I'd struggle to substitute. Now nothing stands between me and real build... well, except me not having this part and most of others :D But at least there's a way.

Edited by krisandkris12

  • 6 months later...

A pity this project has expired on LEGO Ideas (but this was obvious, I can't image that LEGO would bring a license ideas set)...yet I would like to have this beautiful build in my collection, is there a chance now to get/buy the instructions/LXF file? I would much appreciate this!

Regards, Michael

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Hello Michael. As you say, it was rather unlikely that this would have ever made it into a real set even if it reached 10K eventually (still the support was a bit disappointing - insufficient promotion to blame perhaps). Right now, I'm considering several approaches - either to try BL MOC Shop or PleyWorld (both kind of like unofficial Ideas campaigns) or to create pro building instructions and distribute them for some little charge. Unfortunately, both plans require some modification to the design because current models contain some elements that aren't availabe in such colors. Right now im working on Venator to have that one done first. As I build it and test the design for rigidity and buildability (both can be quite insecure once you design in virtual cad), I'll proceed. Thank's for your interest and stay tuned, I'll post in this topic as soon as there is some news ;)

Hello krisandkris12,

that sounds really good ;) I'm only interested in the Venator, and only the instruction as I own a lot of parts to build this beauty! I'm sure you'll find all the currently available parts that fits into the modell. I'm looking forward to see this on my desk :P

Cheers, Michael

Edited by DocSnyder

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May I know why wouldn't you be interested in The Invisible Hand as well? Is there something awkward about the design or you just aren't big fan of that ship? I'm just curious - as a creator I might overlook some shortages :) Yet I always thought people might like these two together as much as I do.

  • 1 month later...

Hello Kris,

I saw your two LEGO models on LEGO Ideas and I fell in love with them, espacially with the Venator, as it is one of my favourite STAR WARS gunships.

You did a great job in terms of designing both of them! I really want to have these models and I am willing to pay for the instructions in order to support your work!

I read you're testing the design for rigidity and buildability, so I hope you're making progress! :)

Good luck and cheers,


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Hi Nik,

Both models are almost completed in real. I had to make several key modifications because (as i feared) the structure of the Venator wasnt sufficiently rigid and barely buildable, also I wasn't quite as happy with the design of the Invisible Hand. As soon as the models are built, I'll start making the instructions. As that might take some time to me (i need to learn all about these LDRaw programs from scratch) I'll probably re-submit both models on Ideas first - not that I'd expect them succeed (not even talking about review stage odds) but it's quite good showcase method so I might get more people to be interested in :)

Meanwhile thank you for your interest, I hope I can make these manuals ready as quickly as possible.

  • 4 weeks later...
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First I intended to wait until I can take better photos but several people asked me for pic so here is one :)


Both ships are actually completed - propper info comming... soon I hope.


How did I miss this?? The Venator is fantastic! The Invisible Hand not so much, but only because I don't care for the ship itself - your rendition looks spot-on, however.

Either way, I would certainly pay for instructions for the Venator, or both if they come as a pair. Very nice work.

Woah! It is finally done in actual bricks and it does look really nice!

Congrats on making it. :classic:

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Thank you guys!

The Invisible Hand not so much, but only because I don't care for the ship itself

I hear this quite commonly and I understand it pretty much. Venator is the no.1 here. It was also way more difficult and intricate to design (and build). Though I suggest you (all) to wait for pictures of both crafts together - I personally love it and think it would be shame only to have one of the pair:) I also re-designed some parts of the invisible hand during real build so it looks even more accurate now and(I hope) a bit less trivial next to Venator.

These MOCs might actually cause me to break my "no prequel stuff" rule when and if they're made available. Excellent work and looking forward to more pics!

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Even if you didn't like prequell movies (which I don't really understand :wink:), there are ton's of great vehicles and spaceships that are definitely worth recreating in lego. Thus I think you should break your rule, regardless my models :laugh:

But thanks, it's pleasing to hear that my creations might change such determined mind. I'll try to make the ships available for you - it might take some time but it will be done eventually.

I second the need for instructions, at least for the Venator, which is an exquisite build!

I agree. I'd literally pay you for both sets of instructions right now if I could!

Looks great! Thanks for uploading a picture of the real model, I can't wait to see it standing on my own desk ;)

  • 4 weeks later...

Bumping for progress updates

I'd have PMed you, but i seem to have no permissions for anything. I apologize if necro isn't allowed on this forum.

I don't want to sound demanding, but i'm highly interested in plans if they ever become available

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The thread is hopefully not that old to be considered dead so replying is all ok. You need to make 10 posts in order to unlock PM's (that's inevitable protection from spammers). I have to apologize for my progress pace, which seems to be approaching zero - I really got no time since I finished the builds to do anything about pictures and instructions.

I'm currently trying to get some guidance (from better educated community members) about LDraw and LPub - software necessary for creating good looking and useful instructions. I hope that I find someone willing to cooperate on those or at least give me some advices to start since both these programs are a bit counter intuitive on first approach.

I'm making no promisses on some release dates that I'd have to break eventually but I can tell you for sure that I'm going to make those. It may Just take some time. Thanks for your interest :)

I can't get the hang of LDraw either. Luckily, while LDD instructions can be counterintuitive and sometimes hilarious (I think I'm supposed to be an octopus with the power of telekinesis), they've always sufficed for me.

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There are four major issues for which I won't just share the LDD file or auto-generated instructions.

  • The interior (plus some exterior things) has changed a lot since I proved my initial LDD concept failing to be built in real and since certain moment I did not track the changes in LDD. Partially because I made a lot of iterations and experiments and simply didn't have time (or taste) to do these on my LDD file, also because LDD brick database is awfully outdated and some key parts weren't (stil arent) available and also some bciks connections (completely legal) were impossible to do. So my 3d model now looks similar to the final design, yet is quite different and hardly buildable.

  • This model is far to complex for generated guide. I tried to make that one and it's simply impossible to follow. You'd have better luck building just with the 3d model view. Generated instructions kinda works for Invisible Hand, yet still not perfectly by far. And again, there were changes made that aren't in the file.

  • I believe these models deserve propper instructions - as simple as that :)

  • I want to charge a little sum per instructions, therefore I feel responsible for it's quality. I would feel bad selling that auto-generated **** :)

For you who want to build the copies, sort of good news is that as for now, the models are quite expensive and hard to build due to some new and certainly very rare parts. Some of them seem to appear in 2016 sets so the availability on BrickLink should get better. Therefore some waiting for the instructions may save some costs eventually :D

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