March 11, 20168 yr Congratz - I wish I had that piece :) Though it would look inappropriately tiny next to this Venator - it's supoosed to be about 20% bigger right? I think the new minifig ISD playset is close to the right scale. Actually, the ISD is 1600m and the Venator is 1155m. So the ISD is 38.5% larger. Based on my calculations from my earlier post, the ISD would be right around 2 feet in length, or 60 cm. The ISD minifig set (I'm assuming you mean 75055) is 19", or 50cm, which is still significantly out of scale. I think Kris should have to design an ISD for this scale, since he invented it. :P
March 11, 20168 yr Author ^ That seems correct! Yeah I meant the latest rendition, though I didn't realize how subtle it it. Perhaps the older one would fit better, yet both are far from desirable accuracy in both dimensions and detail :) I'd believe that after a bit of search, we would discover some nice MOC in matching scale. ISD has been recreated to many times for this not to happen :D That's also why it is not on my short term to-do list. However, I admitt I'm tempted to try it one day ;)
March 11, 20168 yr I've begun picking up pieces for it! Mostly outside stuff that will take a lot of pieces but I've started. Do you have a date when you think this will be done?
March 14, 20168 yr Author Hello, I'll try to complete the LDraw model as fast as possible so I can hand over the parts list to you! The main issue is that in order to make the instructions, you need to respect the building order while making the digital model. Otherwise it makes nearly impossible to get some logic sequences of building steps for the instructions. I'm also trying to use the benefits of section assemblies which can then be put together. All this is required for having comprehensive instructions as a result. Unfortunately it also slows down the process. If nothing bad happens, I should have both models completed by the end of April. Then it shall take no longer than another month to complete the manual. Cherrs :)
March 14, 20168 yr Hello, I'll try to complete the LDraw model as fast as possible so I can hand over the parts list to you! The main issue is that in order to make the instructions, you need to respect the building order while making the digital model. Otherwise it makes nearly impossible to get some logic sequences of building steps for the instructions. I'm also trying to use the benefits of section assemblies which can then be put together. All this is required for having comprehensive instructions as a result. Unfortunately it also slows down the process. If nothing bad happens, I should have both models completed by the end of April. Then it shall take no longer than another month to complete the manual. Cherrs :) This is great news! I'll start bricklinking as soon as the parts list comes out, then start the build when you finish the manual. Very exciting!
March 15, 20168 yr The main issue is that in order to make the instructions, you need to respect the building order while making the digital model. Otherwise it makes nearly impossible to get some logic sequences of building steps for the instructions. I'm also trying to use the benefits of section assemblies which can then be put together. That is also what it seems like for LDD: if the model is being designed with reality in mind and some assemblies are grouped, the program will generate the sequences of the building guide according to that order. This would be likely, because during designing, the action of when a particular brick is placed and one(s) afterwards would be recorded in that sequence and stored for later to be recalled when generating the building guide. Logically, I realize the program wouldn't be at all clever to make a building guide in a reliable fashion if the bricks are not accordingly
March 17, 20168 yr @Kris I really appreciate you're effort. I'm so incredibly excited to build these.
March 22, 20168 yr Nice moc!! I supported on ideas btw. Especially like the Invisible hand as not a lot of people really build it . Anyway nicely done and keep up the good work
July 5, 20168 yr Hey Kris, how are you getting on with the instructions? I see it has been a long while since you have posted any news on the thread. Just wanted to take a look around and let you know that I'm still interested in your work ;)
August 20, 20168 yr This is all pretty awesome, except for the Invisible Hand's black forequarter. While it is indeed darker in the film, it's not that dark. Dark gray/blay would be much more appropriate.
December 16, 20177 yr Its been more than a year since anyone posted on this. IÂ was scrolling through the pages of comments holding my breath to see if there was instructions.... and no. So, will there be any more updates?
December 27, 20177 yr Made an account just to say: These models really look good, great job! And of course I must ask, is there any news or updates on the instructions? :)
February 18, 20187 yr Author Hey everyone! I'm so so sorry for me failing in providing you with a chance to build these. I should have informed you earlier but I forgot - I am currently in the US for univertity studies and obviously, I couldn't take my models with me. They are well packed in boxes back in Czech Republic, waiting for my return, which is scheduled in about 6 months. I honestly can't do anything without having my hands on the models. If you ask me to replicate either of them from scratch, I'd fail badly. Especially Venator, which is the peak of interest of most of you, is just way to complex to pull out of my head. It would be like designing it again from nothing. I was honestly considering having them shipped here but I didn't want to take the risk - they are one of a kind. Also, I was never 100% confident in this LDraw/LPub instruction making process. For once, it is farly difficult to build Venator in LDraw (I did the base of the spine and only that took me several sittings), then there will probably be a fair amount of very tricky assembly steps which has to be shown nicely in the instructions, and I haven't figured how to do that yet. Long story short, using these two robust but quite obsolete pieces of software probably result in very time costly process. There has been, however, nice development in the online building tool Mecabricks, and there is a promise of building guide generating tool coming up in near future, which I'd expect to be comparable regarding the outcome quality and quite more dynamic and user friendly, so that one might play well when I go back and get my hands on it. I am currently trying to learn Mecabricks so when the time comes I can flesh it out easy peasy (read: flesh it out in probably about 2 more years). I appreciate everyone's patience, I really didn't mean to tease you this bad :D BTW, as a master of shameless self promo - if you support my thing HERE I will release the instructions a day sooner*** for each new vote!!! ***Days sooner count from an exact but currenty unknown day in the future. Such day can be determined as a day of me actually relearing the instructions plus 'N' days, where N equals the number of received votes. Lazy Building Instructions s.r.o. reserves the right to (and most likely will) change or disregard this pledge.
February 21, 20187 yr On 2/18/2018 at 12:07 AM, krisandkris12 said: BTW, as a master of shameless self promo - if you support my thing HERE I will release the instructions a day sooner*** for each new vote!!! Of course you had to post this two days before the voting ends. Anyway, looking forward to it! Gotta set an alarm for 6 month from now.
February 22, 20187 yr Author Haha, Well I didn't expect to get many votes anyway so it doesn't matter ;) It was more for the sake of joke.
February 28, 20187 yr Have you considered putting the instructions (once they're done, or course) up for sale on Brickvault's website? Plenty of people would pay money for just the instructions.  Also, I've started to work on a Arquitens-class light cruiser, a republic frigate, and a few assorted ground vehicles to fit the scale. Waiting for 2 Bricklink orders to come in so I can finish them. I think the hanger should be 2 studs longer? A Consular-class crusier is about 6 studs long, but the hanger is only 4 long.  Â
February 28, 20187 yr Author Hey, to be honest I don't know how would one go around commercializing instructions via Brickvault. I suppose there is some deal you need to negotiate with them? Anyway, it has not crossed my mind. I might ask around once it's relevant, but all will depend on what is the conditions and pricing policy they demand. All in all I think Rebrickable would work just as well. Nice work on the cruisers, looking forward to seeing them. I am afraid you need to be more specific about what hanger (or hangar?) you refer to and what is the scaling mismatch you suggest, I am not sure right now.
February 28, 20187 yr 16 hours ago, krisandkris12 said: Nice work on the cruisers, looking forward to seeing them. I am afraid you need to be more specific about what hanger (or hangar?) you refer to and what is the scaling mismatch you suggest, I am not sure right now. Thanks! And I was referring to the lower hangar bay on the Venator. In season 1, Episode 13 "Jedi Crash" of Clone Wars, it's shown that a Consular-Class frigate (The same one as episode 1, the red one that's blown up inside the trade federation control ship) can dock into its lower hangar bay. Unless you've made some major changes, (or I messed up my calculations BAD) each stud is about 21 meters long. By that scale, the Frigate would be about 6 studs long, give or take a millimeter. However, on your design, the lower hangar is only 4 studs long. Now unless I've made a mistake, (Which is entirely possible) I think you need to make it 2 studs longer for it to be truly in scale.  *I would still buy it as is, I'm just a sucker for accuracy*
February 28, 20187 yr Author Things like this are sometimes misleading. I based my model of the most Ep3 movie accurate drawinngs I could possibly find at the time. These also matched most of the quality die cast models (i.e. Revell...) so I went witht that. Of course some all dimensions are rounded to the nearest plausible amount and some are distorted by the very nature or this scale, but overall it looks well proportioned to me if I had to say - making it 2 studs longer would, I think, be off. To be honest, I feel that CW sometimes take big liberties when it comes to design. Sometimes they have Venators that look nothing like the ‘real’ one from ep3. Thats also why I never take the animated series source as a reference. You might well be right with your math (I did not check) and consular cruiser simply shouldnt fit in the hangar. I’ll look into that more later but the bottom line is that I am happy with the proportions as they are (and thats with me being diehard perfectionist :D ). EDIT: I did quick sanity check. Consular in this scale would round down to 5 studs and really some reference images festure a bit elongated hangar which extends about 1/11th of the overal length, which would be 5.6 stud for me. In such case, it would squeeze in :D but then again, its reference vs. Reference. Unless I am given official ep3 studio blueprints that mismatch what I followed, I am keeping the thing as it is. Besides it would be nearly impossible to extend the hangar by a stud. Its all crammed in there. Edited February 28, 20187 yr by krisandkris12
March 1, 20187 yr 1 hour ago, krisandkris12 said: Consular in this scale would round down to 5 studs and really some reference images festure a bit elongated hangar which extends about 1/11th of the overal length, which would be 5.6 stud for me. In such case, it would squeeze in :D but then again, its reference vs. Reference. Unless I am given official ep3 studio blueprints that mismatch what I followed, I am keeping the thing as it is. Besides it would be nearly impossible to extend the hangar by a stud. Its all crammed in there. Well, that is a bit disappointing. When I build my own, I may tinker with it a bit. That's what I end up doing to most of my sets anyway, I'm always modifying and tinkering. I will keep my Frigate on the same size, but The way I display this may be changed a bit.  I realized earlier today that I used the wrong size for my Arquintens, and now I've redesigned it with the correct scale in mind. I no longer need the pieces I ordered (a bit disappointing, but I'll find a use for them later. The 1x1 studs with holes are EXTREMELY useful.), so I'll be posting picture of the ships later today.
March 1, 20187 yr Author Tinkering is highly endorsed :) There is now way anything is so perfect that it can't be improved if ever so slightly.
March 1, 20186 yr The Ships are done! I think I may edit the SPHA-T and Turbo tank, but I'm happy with everything else. The reason I'm editing them is I built some ships to the wrong scale and forgot to fix them.
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