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If the Summer wave is the last wave, what IS the summer wave? More Fire vs Ice?


Bladvic's Rumble Bear, the Mammoth base, and Cragger's Croc Copter

We already have pics as well, on the Lego catalog

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Oh well. I kinda wished for an underwater part.


If the Summer wave is the last wave, what IS the summer wave? More Fire vs Ice?


The summer wave is the three sets that we have already seen images of! The ones being released in May!!

Final hope for news battlepacks crushed. :cry_sad:

And the chima magazine, over too ?

Final hope for news battlepacks crushed. :cry_sad:

And the chima magazine, over too ?

I would assume so, now that the line is over...

Ah, Chima. You had so much potential to be the next Bionicle. I will miss you. (Goes back to watching Ninjago after pausing in silence for 3 seconds :grin: )

Did the line sell well? I'm curious...

Did the line sell well? I'm curious...

Speedorz certainly weren't as popular as predicted...

Speedorz certainly weren't as popular as predicted...

Oh okay, so did the System sets do the same thing?

For the moment , there is nothing to confirm and since many years, Lego don't make reveals on London Toy Fair .. Just waiting the New York Toy Fair in February .

I have look at the Lego community , and the creator of the series ( john Derevlany ) have confirm a new season in process via Twitter .

Did Lego change since this ?

Is there any Lego licence who fall after just 2 years ?

I'm not sure , the Chima sets have problem to be sold .

For the moment , there is nothing to confirm and since many years, Lego don't make reveals on London Toy Fair .. Just waiting the New York Toy Fair in February .

I have look at the Lego community , and the creator of the series ( john Derevlany ) have confirm a new season in process via Twitter .

Did Lego change since this ?

Is there any Lego licence who fall after just 2 years ?

I'm not sure , the Chima sets have problem to be sold .

Lego reveals their entire Summer line-up to retailers at London Toy Fair. Therefore, technically, Lego did make a reveal

When was the date of that tweet? If it was recent, there is a chance that Lego officially scrapped it.

Most Lego-created licenses last between 1 to 2 years, unless that series is backed by a large piece of media (a TV show).

Chima is finishing it's three year run with two waves each year since 2013. This is what they planned. This was also implied in the TV series. I forget if it was Brickset or Brick Fanatics, but one of them said that, they were told at the London Toy Fair, that after 2015, Chima will end.

Indeed, Chima's sets have been having issues of reaching the scale of Ninjago's success, however, they still didn't do bad. It still sold enough to be compared to the average Lego "in-house" theme, like the original Agents series, or Pharaoh's Quest.

Edited by Penkid11

I can't help feeling that in some ways LEGO mishandled Chima. The idea of animal tribes with distinctive styles for each tribe could have been done very well, but instead after the first couple waves that were confined to the original six tribes (which was a lot to start with) it just got out of hand. Nearly all of the sets have the same formula no matter what faction they belong to - animal faces, little rolling vehicles that detach and look crappy on their own, flyer after flyer after flyer, lackluster land sets with very little interior. The animal head builds are always very creative and well done, but in many sets the face build seems to eat all of the parts and the rest of the vehicle is just some barebones Technic.

There got to be way too many tribes as well with no main focus. Sure, they're cool, but it makes everything very scattershot. Chima would have been better if LEGO picked some strong focuses and made tighter waves. If they'd kept adding on to the original six tribes instead of constantly adding new ones, people could have amassed nice matching armies for each faction. As it is, since the third wave I don't want to imagine what all of these sets look like displayed together since I'm sure it's just a big mess of different color schemes. The longest-lasting in-house themes have always had a clear group of characters to work with - Adventurers, Exo-Force, and Ninjago all had/have many repeating characters put in new situations.

Chima gave us a lot of cool stuff, but I can't help feeling that if they'd stuck primarily to six tribes to work with (even if those tribes moved into different settings like Jungle/Ice/whatever), the theme might have done better and could still be going.

It probably hinges on the fact that the game mechanic didn't take off as well as hoped, not to mention the constraction figures. LEGO developed franchises always have to compete with licensed properties and each other.

Maybe if Chima had been lined up to replace Ninjago after it's eventual retirement then the market split wouldn't have been an issue. As it is, between Superheroes and Star Wars and the return of Bionicle it probably isn't economical to keep Chima going.

Sad but true locally the only 'action' theme sets still on shelves of the mostly (cleared-of) LEGO area are the Chima sets.

It probably hinges on the fact that the game mechanic didn't take off as well as hoped...

If LEGO Universe were still online, a Chima world would almost certainly have been a huge success. Six tribes - three good, three evil - fighting each other over the uber-powerful Chi Imagination Orbs, the Maelstrom trying to corrupt Mount Cavora/Planet Shard Cavora...

The adaptation writes itself.

It probably hinges on the fact that the game mechanic didn't take off as well as hoped

Speaking of which, I wasn't able to access the site when I tried recently. Is the game gone for good?

If LEGO Universe were still online, a Chima world would almost certainly have been a huge success. Six tribes - three good, three evil - fighting each other over the uber-powerful Chi Imagination Orbs, the Maelstrom trying to corrupt Mount Cavora/Planet Shard Cavora...

The adaptation writes itself.

I have re-read this holy post five times now.

I cry every time...

Sad but true locally the only 'action' theme sets still on shelves of the mostly (cleared-of) LEGO area are the Chima sets.

This cannot be more true in the US. The local Lego Store is no longer carrying, Vardy's Ice Vulture Glider, Eris' Fire Eagle Flyer, and Laval's Fire Lion, simply because they don't sell. Anywhere. Literally every store I go to has a surplus of these sets specifically.

But how could Ninjago have more success than Chima.

They made just buggy , van , jet plane ans the Anacondrax vehicules don't have the look of a Snake , idem for the nindroid look.

Wenn you look the Tiger command or the Ice bar mecha on Chima , it's the day and the night with the ninjago samourai mecha.

I hope it's a joke from Mattel .

For info , i could found all the ninjago set , but you have very luck if you found the Lion Temple of Chima or the Croco swamp hide , is this not the reason of a success ?

And this year , the Tiger command and Ice bear mecha are sold out by all the store in France , Netherland and Germany and more stock coming end month.

Lego is a european firm.. How could they stop a licence who sell all the first stock in 3 big market in just 3 weeks

Edited by NLL77rock

Though I only have Flinx's phoenix from the recent wave, I think some of the others (Bear Mech, Tiger Command, and the Ice Mammoth Stomper) are a big step up from earlier sets. I think they improved the designs a bit too late, however. Earlier Chima sets were a bit hit-or-miss, with some gems like Eris' Eagle Interceptor, but then some duds like Laval's Royal Fighter. As a result, people may have been turned off from the line completely, so as newer, improved designs come out they are met with a shrug and "Meh, more of that weird Chima stuff, move along."

But how could Ninjago have more success than Chima.

They made just buggy , van , jet plane ans the Anacondrax vehicules don't have the look of a Snake , idem for the nindroid look.

Wenn you look the Tiger command or the Ice bar mecha on Chima , it's the day and the night with the ninjago samourai mecha.

I hope it's a joke from Mattel .

For info , i could found all the ninjago set , but you have very luck if you found the Lion Temple of Chima or the Croco swamp hide , is this not the reason of a success ?

And this year , the Tiger command and Ice bear mecha are sold out by all the store in France , Netherland and Germany and more stock coming end month.

Lego is a european firm.. How could they stop a licence who sell all the first stock in 3 big market in just 3 weeks

That's because new Lego sets normally do not stay on shelves within the first three weeks of release. My local Lego Store ran out of nearly every new Chima set on the day that they released due to a combination of children having Christmas money, and the fact that they were brand new! Now, three weeks after their release, they've received more stock, waiting on shelves for parents to buy them on impulse.

I also would like to point out that Mattel doesn't own Lego. They are their own company. (You aren't the only one to make that mistake. :grin: )

I think sales for Chima might be different in your region... Ninjago can be found at some stores in the US, but Chima can be found pretty much anywhere Lego provides stock.

The other possibility ( for all the optimist Chima fans ) is that Lego make the same thing that with Ninjago , no Chima this year but they're back in 2016 and replace Ninjago.

For info Ninjago have allways a breack in 2013 and are back in 2014...

At the moment , nothing confirm by Lego ( or not ? ) , so hoping good things ..

The other possibility ( for all the optimist Chima fans ) is that Lego make the same thing that with Ninjago , no Chima this year but they're back in 2016 and replace Ninjago.

For info Ninjago have allways a breack in 2013 and are back in 2014...

At the moment , nothing confirm by Lego ( or not ? ) , so hoping good things ..

Except that Ninjago gets its own feature film in 2016, so the theme certainly won't be going anywhere. Also, Ninjago didn't "take a break," it was supposed to be discontinued after 2013, but due to overwhelmingly successful sales of the 2013 sets, (not to mention a strong cry of fans) LEGO decided to continue the theme, (hence "Rebooted"). While Chima has sold fairly well, it wasn't the kind of success LEGO was hoping for. Just look at the TV viewership numbers. Rebooted premieres had an average of 2 million viewers while even the most highest viewed Chima episode had only a little over one and a half million.

The Polish Legends of Chima wiki did an interview with John Derevlany (the writer of Chima) a few months ago and he stated that while they did have future things planned, LEGO hadn't given him the greenlight that they were going to continue the theme. Given that the officials said at the toy fair that this was the last wave, I guess that LEGO decided to let Chima go.

One more thing to note is that the LEGO shop still has the 2013 sets in stock while the 2013 (and some of the early 2014) sets of Chima are on clearance, so it's rather easy to tell which one is doing better.

Edited by Vector Prime

I don't know if someone have see the first episode of the 4th season of Ninjago , but it's a shame if Chima stopped for this .

No humours, no good history and the new ennemies are pathetic.

My son showing the new Lego Ninjago toys and just saying if this is a joke .

I agree the season with the Skeleton army and the Snake ( 1 and 2 ) are the best but since this ... nothing .

Nindroids better than Chima ?

GO Lego don't make this big mistake to stop Chima.

I don't know if someone have see the first episode of the 4th season of Ninjago , but it's a shame if Chima stopped for this .

No humours, no good history and the new ennemies are pathetic.

My son showing the new Lego Ninjago toys and just saying if this is a joke .

I agree the season with the Skeleton army and the Snake ( 1 and 2 ) are the best but since this ... nothing .

Nindroids better than Chima ?

GO Lego don't make this big mistake to stop Chima.

Why in the world are you blaming Ninjago for Chima coming to an end? Whether a theme gets bigger, gets smaller, or ends completely is based on their sales potential. If this year's Legends of Chima sales figures surpass expectations, then maybe it will come back just like Ninjago did. But if it turns out that its popularity has run its course, then its end is inevitable, regardless of how Ninjago performs.

Personally, I really liked last year's Ninjago story arc, and I have a feeling this year's is also going to be amazing. The theme has definitely been successful for a reason. But that's not to say Legends of Chima hasn't been popular or successful. Three years is very good run for a LEGO theme, and in fact was what the designers of Legends of Chima had planned for it from the beginning. The fact that its sales didn't surpass those initial expectations does not mean that it failed or was unfairly cut short.

Edited by Aanchir

As I noted above, the game mechanic and action figures seemed to perform really poorly if by what I saw sticking on the shelves (from toy shop, supermarket and official LEGO Store). It had a good run and a TV series, that is a lot more than plenty of other Action Themes.

Chima has lasted a few years with a number of waves, it isn't "evergreen" like City and even some of the other so called evergreen themes have gaps and off years (Pirates, Space and Castle), so it has got better than expected.

I don't know if someone have see the first episode of the 4th season of Ninjago , but it's a shame if Chima stopped for this .

No humours, no good history and the new ennemies are pathetic.

My son showing the new Lego Ninjago toys and just saying if this is a joke .

I agree the season with the Skeleton army and the Snake ( 1 and 2 ) are the best but since this ... nothing .

Nindroids better than Chima ?

GO Lego don't make this big mistake to stop Chima.

Please... Ninjago and Chima were designed for different audiences. Chima, for a younger generation, and Ninjago for older kids/tweens (especially this season, and the upcoming season by the looks of it). Obviously, everyone has different tastes, but personally I find Ninjago to be better than the awful Chima episodes (I've only seen Season 1 + A few of season 3.....so maybe I'm a bit biased.....)

And nindroids have nothing to do with chima. Comparing them is as silly as comparing apples and oranges... I suggest you see the upcoming sets. Maybe they will appeal to you better than the current ones :)

Also, no offence intended, but I'd suggest that you work on you grammar and spelling. Bad grammar/spelling often comes across as childish and defeats your point.

I have watched some chima episodes lately, and I have to admit too that Ninjago's better. It's more funny.


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