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I'm one of the people that thinks that TLG has been phoning it in on CMFs (perhaps putting too much effort into the non-regular series ones), and I haven't really been thrilled about a series in a long time, but this one is definitely well above average, IMO, one of the best releases yet. I know it annoys me when it seems like 90% of the people say that about every new release - I haven't been this pleasantly surprised in a LONG time. In this case, it's easier to point out the ones I don't like.

The Cyclops, like the female robots, is too cartoony and over-the-top. I think they could represent female versions of things a lot better with a little thought put into it... and, of course, robots shouldn't be male or female, they should just be robots, but I digress...

Now there are figures I like, but still have a bit of criticism for. The alien looks a bit too cartoony, too. I can deal with that, though... another figure for my B-movie studio MOC (that is still currently just in my head). The king does indeed like the Burger King, but at the same time is fairly awesome. The paleontologist (I'm guessing) ... her eyes are just weird. I know she's wearing glasses, but it just gives bug eyes and looks crosseyed. I'm not really digging it.

Pleasantly surprised at the sheriff, evil wizard, and space marine - all of which I didn't think I'd like at all, but love.

About the only one I really called correctly, based on early descriptions, was that I would like the Egyptian warrior, and I really do.

And the Lady Cyclops....... :ugh: Really? This is a contender for worst CMF ever. This one could be even one of the worst LEGO minifigures ever made in all history. I know they needed to depicted her as a female, but lipstick? in a cyclops? That doesn't have any sense at all. I would like better CMF series with 12 minifigures rather than this silly ideas.

You're absolutely correct, everyone knows female cyclopses historically avoid lipstick.


Ahh simply amazing. It's funny that so many people hate on adorable Miss Cyclops. I absolutly love her as much as I loved original cyclops. I wish it came with brown purse or even pink club!

The king is outstandin, and as many I'm gratefull for new crown mold.

But for me the winner for this series are the goblins.

My Orc army needs them and I will mix and match them with my Cyclops to make some cool creatures.

I don't think the samurai has two tone arms, but the Paleontologist does.

Ah, you're right. It's the shadow from the shoulder guards... darn. Oh well.

Wait, the complaint is that the samurai lady isn't historically accurate? The one forming a point on a triangle consisting of her, a dual-wielding Galaxy Trooper and a malicious-looking Goblin?



Haha. My thoughts exactly. :thumbup:

Wow, hard not to love this series. The Hot Dog guy cracks me up, as I had a Halloween costume exactly like that a year ago. :laugh: The lady samurai looks amazing, and will fit in nicely with the rest of my samurai figuess. The goblin makes a great addition to any fantasy setting, as does the lady cyclops and that evil wizard (that cape!). The two sci-fi figures look splendid as well... this series looks like it's full of great army-building figures. May have to get a whole box of this one... haven't considered that since way back in series 7.

A vast improvement over series 12! Ming the Merciless and the Sheriff are must haves for me and I'm really keen on getting hold of that guys wood (insert Sid James style laugh), some nice printed wood tiles will come in handy for MOCs. The cobra also looks ace!

We'll have to wait for the first reviews to see what number of which minifig is in the box, but I do agree some of these minifigs are great army builders. :wink:

I'm very much looking forwards to WhiteFang's review. Hope it appears soon.

Hot Dog guy evil army.

Edited by Gongoro73

I haven't seen a link to the high-res pictures yet, so you might want to try this one. Just an average series IMO.

  • Sheriff: Nice. I like the different shades of brown, but also a little boring.
  • Snake charmer: Okay. I don't like the green colour of the body (orange would have been much better) and this chain printing, looks a little like sausages to me ;-)
  • Samurai: Great armour (also check this pic)! But I'm disappointed nonetheless. No helmet at all, just the sumo ringer hairpiece (or a similar looking one)? Come on.
  • King: Great. But what about the crown and the sword, are they pearl gold? I hope at least the crown is "shiny" gold.
  • Egyptian warrior: Great fig, great parts (not sure whether this shield is historically accurate, but it looks good).
  • Evil wizzard: Stupid. Sorry, I do get the idea of an evil wizzard, but all these flames are over the top IMO. I would prefer a more sinister version dressed up all in black or in dark colours. And they should have given him some sort of headpiece or hair at least.
  • Goblin: I'm just not into this stuff, I leave it up to those who are.
  • Female cyclops: Looks weird. Well, cyclops have to look weird, don't they. But the lipstick printing is just bad, as it seems to fly above the mouth.
  • Alien trooper: I have never been a fan of aliens of this type (as in Space Police III), but okay.
  • Space trooper: Okay. Different printing might have resulted in a much more exciting look. I would prefer a helmet with visor.
  • Disco queen: The different parts just don't go together IMO. Maybe they should have gone with a "sexy" version (miniskirt or short trousers plus coloured stockings), a version with leggings (something like the fitness trainer) or two more different colours for body and legs instead of two shades of purple.
  • Paleontologist: Okay. Nice headpiece, great "ammonite". The minifig as such (body, legs) is boring.
  • Carpenter: Okay. Nothing extraordinary, but nice details.
  • Hotdog guy: Nice.
  • Unicorn girl: I haven't been into these minifigs, but it looks nice.
  • Fencer: Not much to say, looks like a fencer. Could have been better though. Why didn't they use a different colour (black, dark grey) for the mesh?

I've just noticed the sheriff is holding an old school revolver but in a silver finish.....pity they didn't use the Lone Ranger's pistols. :wink:

Hot Dog Guy may just be the best minifig ever.

Oh yeah!!!, and maybe the most easy to find in the blind bags, haha

I am a little disappointed with the Sheriff. I would have rather had a Marshal. I am tired of the gold star badge, and would have prefered the silver circle star badge. (I also noticed several people calling him a thief, when he is clearly law enforcement. :tongue: ) As to why the Lone Ranger pistols weren't used, I am betting that the design is owned by Disney.

The nod to classic Flash Gordon makes me hopeful that we will see a Pulp Fiction Hero character.

As to the Lady Cyclops, I have a funny vig idea of her raiding one of the Princess' make-up vanity. I might use one of the mini-dolls for that.

I am glad that King has a pearl gold sword of that type. It is only currently available in the 70404 King's Castle. I might take him with me to Burger King, just to see how the employees react.

The Egyptian Warrior is my favorite of the bunch. I will probably try to get multiples of him (I rarely do this).

The Goblin is a bit disappointing, as I would have liked a Kobold better. He is usable, but for multiples I would have to get more different olive green heads.

I have a use for the Unicorn Girl head piece, but the torso print is pretty useless.

The Alien Trooper head is something I may use on it's own as a creature.

I will need three of the fencers, as I have a Highlander episode vig that I would like to do. Though I will probably not use the Lego fencing foil, replacing them with Brickarms rapiers.

Wow! These look great. Again, a very strong line-up in my opinion. I do get that people more into Town and stuff like that are perhaps being less served than those into Castle/Fantasy. Still, I'm very excited. I'll definitely try to get multiples of the Egyptian Guard and the Goblin. The King looks awesome, too. Way better crown than the classic "battle crown" we've only had until now.

I like how the Goblin looks cartoonish enough to be a "cousin" of the 2007 Castle Fantasy's orc. The LOTR Goblins/Orcs look very serious compared to that minifig, so this Goblin might be a better pairing. Nice to see a remake of the turban headpiece, as well. Looks more detailed than the old one and fits better with those from Prince of Persia.

The Palaeontologist pith will be great for steampunk, and purist printed wood grain!!!



2.(another)Space Marine(dispelling the myth he is evil, notice the GS symbol on his armour)


I am a little disappointed with the Sheriff. I would have rather had a Marshal. I am tired of the gold star badge, and would have prefered the silver circle star badge. (I also noticed several people calling him a thief, when he is clearly law enforcement. :tongue: )

Hey, no reason he can't be

. :tongue:


As always, I want them all, but some more than others, and some in greater quantities than others. My fiancée and I both are always fond of the people in costumes, and she's also something of a foodie and also just fond of silliness, so she's really looking forward to the Hot Dog Guy, while I as a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic am really jonesing for the Unicorn Girl. And speaking of jonesing, I'm also a huge fan of Indy, and I'm going to want to army-build the Snake Charmer just for the cobra alone (and the rest of the figure will do nicely in my LEGO cities). But again, really, I just want them all.

This is a strong wave.





Maybe Space Marine

Goblin is my favourite figure among all the series.

Impressive, most impressive.

I saw a lot of very interesting Minifigures in this "wave"

The "Space Trooper/ Gunslinger", "Samurai Woman", the alien etc. A good number of Minifigures for my projects :classic:

Now... if only luck would help me :wink:

With Series 12 I ended with a little army of Pizza guys and Gamers...and Goddess of War but the last one is welcomed.

I don't know how to make good use of all those gamers Minifigures :sceptic:

You're absolutely correct, everyone knows female cyclopses historically avoid lipstick.



What I meant is that lipstick is just too much. Totally over the top. I can't believe they couldn't find another way to depict her as a "female". She looks ridiculous, in a bad way

That thing looks like the S9 Cyclops in drag

And yet, Some people say she is a great minifigure. Go figure....

  • Evil wizzard: Stupid. Sorry, I do get the idea of an evil wizzard, but all these flames are over the top IMO.

I concur. The simpler, the better, IMO

Edited by Robert8

I find it a little confusing why people hate the fact the Lady Cyclops has lipstick, especially considering every other female figure in this series (and for that matter pretty much every female figure EVER, to my knowledge) has lipstick, as well. I get that she's a monster, but I don't think that should make a difference in the least. I don't army build, but I can see how it would limit a more diverse cyclops army (at least one without ladies). Look at it this way - at least she isn't pink... I'm more concerned about the fact her club is the same color as her mate's. Looks like I'll be switching it with the Cave Woman's if that's the case.

I feel like the flames on the Evil Wizard isn't as bad as the Wizard's stars and moons because stars and moons have been done before. The effect is lessened on the Wizard because the star design faces the back, while the opposite is true on the Evil Wizard. In any case, I hope the top and bottom parts of the Evil Wizard's cape are separate; the bottom part looks pretty suitable for an Evil/Demon Knight, or even a daredevil.

I think, as I pointed out in the voting thread, the problem with the cyclops is that we can take all the previous mythological creatures "seriously." If you're going to take a B-movie robot and make it pink, that's one thing, but a lot of us like mythology and take it "seriously." The lady cyclops just ruins it... makes no sense, doesn't fit in with the other mythological creatures. Line it up next to the other cyclops, the minotaur, the Medusa... even if you include the non-Greek mythology and add in the mermaid, merman, and genie... put them all together, and the lady cyclops just looks like a bad joke.

Put it this way - imagine they made the female samurai the same as the male one, but with pink armor and lipstick - then line up all the historic fighting figures we've gotten and see which one doesn't belong. They managed to do that one right.

I think, as I pointed out in the voting thread, the problem with the cyclops is that we can take all the previous mythological creatures "seriously." If you're going to take a B-movie robot and make it pink, that's one thing, but a lot of us like mythology and take it "seriously." The lady cyclops just ruins it... makes no sense, doesn't fit in with the other mythological creatures. Line it up next to the other cyclops, the minotaur, the Medusa... even if you include the non-Greek mythology and add in the mermaid, merman, and genie... put them all together, and the lady cyclops just looks like a bad joke.

Put it this way - imagine they made the female samurai the same as the male one, but with pink armor and lipstick - then line up all the historic fighting figures we've gotten and see which one doesn't belong. They managed to do that one right.

The female cyclops is certainly more light-hearted than earlier CMFs based on Greek mythology. I can see how that might annoy some people. A horde of the male cyclopes is a credible force, but a gaggle of the female cyclopes would look farcical.

If the lipstick and eyelashes bug you that much, you can always get rid of them. Removing print is pretty straightforward. Sans make-up, the female cyclops shouldn't look any less serious than the cave-woman and most AFOLs seem to agree that she isn't overly comical.

Put it this way - imagine they made the female samurai the same as the male one, but with pink armor and lipstick - then line up all the historic fighting figures we've gotten and see which one doesn't belong. They managed to do that one right.

Uh. The female samurai has lipstick. And the female cyclops isn't pink. I get that you feel it's ridiculous, and that seems a popular opinion, but your illustrative comparison doesn't make sense to me.

You guys know you can just not buy figures you don't like, right?

You guys know you can just not buy figures you don't like, right?

I was answering a question. That's what we do in threads like this, we talk about things.

And yes, the female Samurai has lipstick... that's the point. Compare how they did each one. They went for the cartoon effect on the cyclops, and the serious effect on the samurai... that was the point I was making.

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