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Got the Unicorn Girl, the Samurai, the Disco Diva and the Lady Cyclops today

The Samurai is ok, but her face doesn't match with her body. I mean, she is a warrior ............ with lipstick and flawless eyelashes. Looks weird


The Lady Cyclops is..... well..... Lady Cyclops. Enough said. :hmpf:

While I love the Unicorn Girl and Disco Diva, I must say this is the poorest wave of female minifigures in a CMF series. (Series 12 was the strongest, IMO)

Liking those goblins... 46 so far...


Still only the old series in Walgreen's and Target... :sceptic:

I have approx 2000 fantasy minifigures, those goblins are just the last newcomers. I love collecting minifigures.

Impressive, once again :wink:

I love collecting Minifigures too. Sadly have been away from the hobby for a very long period so I missed a lot of things. I have a Clone Army which will soon be close to 200 units I know it's not a lot compared to what we see around but it's a start :classic:

I wanted to begin a fantasy army too but with LOTR and The Hobbit themes soon to be discontinued it's not easy.

Btw 2000 fantasy figures are a truly impressive number. I suppose you built several armies. Which is your favorite? :classic:


Typo corrected.

Edited by BrickSev

The Samurai is ok, but her face doesn't match with her body. I mean, she is a warrior ............ with lipstick and flawless eyelashes. Looks weird

While I love the Unicorn Girl and Disco Diva, I must say this is the poorest wave of female minifigures in a CMF series. (Series 12 was the strongest, IMO)

I don't really want to start the lipstick/eyelashes debate again, but I did want to say that without them, she would look like a male figure. They may be a bit exaggerated, but her torso (the only other indicator) is rather androgynous to me, and is covered by armor anyway... So you can only tell by the face.

And while this series' ladies aren't amazing (Like S9, 10 or 12), I don't think their the weakest. I think S3, S8 and S11 had worse ladies.

Edited by telaruhn

Here: http://www.eurobrick...showtopic=89501 you can find a MOC I did with part of my army. I have an horde of orcish like creatures, those are my favourites.

Epic! Truly Epic! It's undeniable it can be defined horde :classic:

I don't really want to start the lipstick/eyelashes debate again, but I did want to say that without them, she would look like a male figure. They may be a bit exaggerated, but her torso (the only other indicator) is rather androgynous to me, and is covered by armor anyway... So you can only tell by the face.

And while this series' ladies aren't amazing (Like S9, 10 or 12), they aren't the worst. I think S3, S8 and S11 had worse ladies.

I don't want to start the debate too but I want to say I agree on her torso. They should have used a female torso.

Btw, there is nothing wrong in lipstick and warriors lol. I have a very special friend who wears costumes for work (she is a model) and she has lipstick even in the warrior attire lol without looking weird :laugh:

Just a little joke to prevent the debate to start again till the end of time lol :classic:

I noticed you can also try to feel her armor. It has what I call "an additional volume" compared to "unarmored" Minifigures.

Samurai - armor, less bulky + 2 easily recognizable swords

Well, for some reason I didn't have any problems in getting the samurai from series 3 (or actually, several versions), the katanas were easy to find. This time I was in front of a box which looked as if it had just been opened a while ago, and I tried all the bags, but I didn't feel any sword even once. As I said, I didn't spend much time on them though. But I also troubled to find the rockstar from series 12 while the rocker was no problem back then.

Anyway, I might try again and if I don't feel sure (I'm really not into the other minifigs this time, otherwise I would buy some randomly or a few that feel promising) I'm going to buy the samurai somewhere. Also got some minifigures relatively cheap at an Amazon shop (the skater girl, a second rocker girl, the motorcycle mechanic to complete my "Lego Underground" collection, it was up to 5 € per minifig as far as I remember).

Edited by Oederland

Well, for some reason I didn't have any problems in getting the samurai from series 3 (or actually, several versions), the katanas were easy to find. This time I was in front of a box which looked as if it had just been opened a while ago, and I tried all the bags, but I didn't feel any sword even once. As I said, I didn't spend much time on them though. But I also troubled to find the rockstar from series 12 while the rocker was no problem back then.

Anyway, I might try again and if I don't feel sure (I'm really not into the other minifigs this time, otherwise I would buy some randomly or a few that feel promising) I'm going to buy the samurai somewhere. Also got some minifigures relatively cheap at an Amazon shop (the skater girl, a second rocker girl, the motorcycle mechanic to complete my "Lego Underground" collection, it was up to 5 € per minifig as far as I remember).

Good luck with your search for the Samurai :classic:

If you have no interest in the other Minifigures you can indeed save a lot of money buying only the one you want from some store.

I'm thinking to do the same for the Goblin and the Alien ( just to have more of them in case I decide to build an army with them) :classic:

In the CMF bags swords, guitars, and even tiles sometimes get stuck inside the folded paper insert.

This was the series of the sword. There are five minifigs each with a different type of sword. What a series for fantasy and history LEGO fans.

This was the series of the sword. There are five minifigs each with a different type of sword. What a series for fantasy and history LEGO fans.

Indeed. Samurai and two Katanas, Egyptian warrior with sword and shield, Goblin with the sword from Middle Earth Orcs, the King with a nice golden long/great sword and the fencer (whose sword can be useful indeed for fantasy and historic scenarios) Anything from ancient Egypt to Eastern history, from Fantasy realms to medieval Europe has something useful to find in this series.

Let's not forget it's a good series for Sci-Fi Lego fans too. Both the Alien and Galaxy trooper are nice Minifigure with army building capabilities.

Long story short: I really like Series 13 :classic:

In this series I even liked the city minifigure.

If you include guns and the Evil Wizard's staff, I'd go as far as to say this is the most weapon-filled series.

I picked up a Samurai today - only to find stress marks on her armor :/ I tried my best not to feel for it either... For armor, it's quite a fragile piece.

Also got another Snake Charmer and Disco Diva - both whose accessories are neatly printed. Success! I'll also add that while I don't like the brown stick as the Snake Charmer's flute, the color and size makes it look like a great drumstick.

My new Paleontologist's hairpiece is interesting - it looks to have missed a coat of paint, as it is slightly lighter than the one I currently have. It still looks fine, and I can imagine that this was one of the harder hairpieces to paint.

Edited by telaruhn

This was the series of the sword. There are five minifigs each with a different type of sword. What a series for fantasy and history LEGO fans.

I think their names are

Goblin - scimitar

Classic King - sword

Samurai - katana

Egyptian Warrior - khopesh

Fencer - épée

My roommate put the Lady Cyclops in the Hot Dog Guy's suit...

Personally, I think it's hilarious. Try it out for yourself.

The Snake Charmer's turban also looks phenomenal on the Egyptian Warrior...

If you include guns and the Evil Wizard's staff, I'd go as far as to say this is the most weapon-filled series.

I picked up a Samurai today - only to find stress marks on her armor :/ I tried my best not to feel for it either... For armor, it's quite a fragile piece.

Also got another Snake Charmer and Disco Diva - both whose accessories are neatly printed. Success! I'll also add that while I don't like the brown stick as the Snake Charmer's flute, the color and size makes it look like a great drumstick.

My new Paleontologist's hairpiece is interesting - it looks to have missed a coat of paint, as it is slightly lighter than the one I currently have. It still looks fine, and I can imagine that this was one of the harder hairpieces to paint.

Even if we don't consider the Wizard's staff a weapon (which personally I think it's a weapon :wink: ) he is still another interesting addition to Fantasy collections.

I think I can easily display a "covenant of wizards": I have to count them again but I should have 5 or 6 of them :classic:

My roommate put the Lady Cyclops in the Hot Dog Guy's suit...

Personally, I think it's hilarious. Try it out for yourself.

The Snake Charmer's turban also looks phenomenal on the Egyptian Warrior...

I'll try it asap. I'm getting very curious: the Hot Dog Cyclops :classic:

I finally got the Hot Dog guy yesterday - it's a shame the plastic is so cheap on the new series. I'm starting to collect fewer of the figures in each series.

Well today I picked up an armor-less Samurai and a King with no crown or beard... :hmpf_bad:

Apparently, someone carefully cut a slit hidden at the bottom back of the bag, extracted the pieces, and then used tape to carefully cover it up. I've seen CMF's ripped open before (Although not at a Toys R Us, which is where I got these two--incidentally, I did not feel the bags for parts, since they were the only two I could find at the store, and I don't have many S13 others, so I knew they would be "new" figures to me).

Really upset about that--and frankly I'm even a little uncomfortable having these two minifigures around me. I'm for sure going to be checking every package of CMF I buy hereafter--and I won't be going back to that Toys R Us to get them either. Has this happened to anyone else?

Well today I picked up an armor-less Samurai and a King with no crown or beard... :hmpf_bad:

That's weird and I can imagine how you felt.

It shouldn't be easy to cover the trace of "theft of parts". Did you give a look a the bag to see if there were signs of such actions?

Personally I'd inform the staff about that, just in case :classic:


Typos corrected.

Edited by BrickSev

I never experienced that. I have frequently found opened bags at Walmart. For the first time, I looked in open bags to ensure they were complete and bought them. It was surprising that whomever did that did not want all those goblins.

What do you think? Does it look like an orc?10941250_10152749962753440_931585765_n.jpg?oh=b0c31d36859acbc7861b0e2d757f2f9e&oe=54C3E45B&__gda__=1422129519_7d17b053c078a7a52da6863b243733d5

I never experienced that. I have frequently found opened bags at Walmart. For the first time, I looked in open bags to ensure they were complete and bought them. It was surprising that whomever did that did not want all those goblins.

It is strange indeed. Well some persons are very strange :wink: They did that for just few parts. Like I said there are strange persons in this world :classic:

What do you think? Does it look like an orc?

Very cool. I didn't have the first cyclops. I have been away from Lego world for a long period and so I missed many things. The cyclops "headgear" looks good on the Goblin

Btw, I noticed you are Italian too. I'm often in hurry so I noticed just few seconds ago :classic:

Im not from around so please be gentle... :classic:

Are you seeing a frenzy of people hunting down Hot dog Guy in your country? In Australia it's ridiculous. It reminds me of the hunt for Mr.Gold.

HDG is the hottest ticket in town, with people going all out crazy trying to find him. Stores are starting the sell CMF's behind the counter now, or placing the packets in hard plastic cases. The worst part is that people are hunting down HDG and unicorn girl, buying 10 or so, then selling them for double or triple the price.

Is it just Australia, or is this pandemic a global phenomenon??

Im not from around so please be gentle... :classic:

Are you seeing a frenzy of people hunting down Hot dog Guy in your country? In Australia it's ridiculous. It reminds me of the hunt for Mr.Gold.

HDG is the hottest ticket in town, with people going all out crazy trying to find him. Stores are starting the sell CMF's behind the counter now, or placing the packets in hard plastic cases. The worst part is that people are hunting down HDG and unicorn girl, buying 10 or so, then selling them for double or triple the price.

Is it just Australia, or is this pandemic a global phenomenon??

There is a frenzy for them in Malaysia, and for Unicorn Girls too. I'm a Malaysian living in NZ, and I've actually had friends in Malaysia contacting me to help them buy minifigures here, because they disappear too fast over there. Things are pretty calm here; I walked into a Farmers the other day and found 6 open untouched boxes of minifigures. Just took what I needed (4 Unicorns and 2 Hot Dog Guys) for myself and friends, and left the rest to be pillaged. Went back a couple of days later and found that there were only 4 boxes left, so I guess they do go, just not as fast as everywhere else.

I got the Alien Trooper, the Hot Dog Man, the Carpenter and the Egyptian Warrior today :laugh:

Alien Trooper: The rubbery head is ok. Not as bad as I was expecting. Given that his bio stays that he has been "in cryogenic stasis for many long tons", I'd have liked to see a more primitive alien, with a more primitive weapon than a laser gun.

Carpenter: Kinda meh for my taste. The saw is a cool accessory, though. His face is kinda weird.

Hot Dog Man: Love it. No printing issues with this one. The lack of accessories makes him look kinda plain, but I like him anyway.

Egyptian Warrior: Pretty cool one. He looks better in the "flesh". The shield is wonderful.

And while this series' ladies aren't amazing (Like S9, 10 or 12), I don't think their the weakest. I think S3, S8 and S11 had worse ladies.

You changed my mind. You're right, S8 females were the worst. Only the Alien Villainess worth it.

Edited by Robert8

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