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Egyptian Warrior: I love his head piece, that new shield is very useful for castle.

Alien Trooper: His head is really awesome, he looks like he belongs in the ADU because of the blue costume.

Hot Dog Guy: I'm getting him for sure, his costume looks really funny.

Paleontologist: i like her hat/hair combo, and that new fossil printed piece looks great.

Snake Charmer: That new turban piece looks better than the older one in my opinion. Love that new cobra piece.

Galaxy Trooper: He's really awesome, his armor has the same printing the galaxy squad soldiers had. That's really cool they did that and he does not have wings like we thought he did.

Sheriff: That tile piece is really cool with the bandit. I like that they're using the mustache piece again in a new color for it, brown.

Samurai Girl: She was quite a surprise. I thought it would be an evil samurai or like we all thought a man. Her armor in dark red is awesome.

Lady Cyclops: She's an okay minifigure, the sand blue looks good and she has the exact opposite colors of the Cyclops.

King: He's quite colorful, of course a favorite with that cape and new crown/hair combo piece.

Goblin: I really like this minifigure, i knew he would come with the Santa bag. Overall another favorite for me.

Fencer: It's a man for sure, the minifigure has no lipstick or eyelashes. I love the head piece.

Disco Diva: She's a very detailed minifigure. I like how they gave her the fro piece in brown.

Carpenter: He looks much better than i thought he would look. I like how they gave him the hard hat emmet piece in orange with light brown hair. That saw piece is going to be a popular piece.

Unicorn Girl: Nothing special, but her tail is purple which is a two color mold with the white.

Evil Wizard: I understand why they gave him no hat, because if we got a hat with him everyone would say he's just a repeat of the S12 wizard. He looks awesome bald and that cape is amazing.


Wow! Finally some clear pictures,

The king is great. Is the beard brown or dark brown? Either way, wonderful and useful.

I wish the Samurai had a helmet, but I can't complain, look at that printer armor! Wow!

Goblin isn't what I was hoping for (I wish he had normal eyes) but still looks pretty good.

Space Trooper is kinda boring, if you ask me. A cool concept, but I wish he had a bit more color.

Disco Diva is nice, but I'm not keen on that face.

That alien is really neat! The eyes look off in the picture, but I'm sure that's just the way the lighting is. Fantastic design.

Sheriff is cool, good to see that 'stache in more colors. One of my favorite parts from recent years.

Egyptian is perfect! By far the best Egyptian figure yet! I really love it!

Hot Dog suit guy is... Well, a guy dressed as a hot dog...

I really wish Lady Cyclops didn't have lipstick. I like the idea of a female cyclops, but man, that is poor execution (and I'm still bitter about it not working for Likho)

Snake Charmer is nice, but I wish he had the old turbin...

I rather like the Carpenter. Couldn't say what it is, but he has a nice look to him.

Evil Wizard is... Not that interesting.

Fencer, Paleontologist and Unicorn Girl look good, but they aren't really my thing.

Overall, an average series, not great, but certainly up to the normal standards. Well done again, LEGO, well done.


I need so many of that Galaxy Trooper it's not even funny. For me this is one of the better series Lego has done, any time I want at least half of the figures in a series it's a win in my book.


Unicorn Girl: MUST GET, SO CUTE!!!

Hot Dog Guy: Ewwww kill it with fire.

Paleontologist: Oki fig. Will get her.

Snake Charmer: Not for me.

Galaxy Trooper: No space for me.

Sheriff: Looks ok but ain't in my list.

Samurai Girl: Nya looks better. I don't know if I'll get her.

Lady Cyclops: I don't like both Cyclops.

King: Burger King? I'll get him for sure hahaha.

Goblin: Ain't that bad, might get 1 or 2.

Fencer: Hmm... No.

Evil Wizard: Huge cape, looks like the one in the Castle line. Probably gonna get it, it's a wizard!

Egyptian Warrior: Sadly I would if I had the Pharaoh et Cleo.

Disco Diva: Big no.

Carpenter: YES, awesome minifigure.

Alien Trooper: Alien, space, no.


Unicorn Girl: yes, more furries added to the party

Hot Dog Guy: this one will give out flyers in my town

Paleontologist: cool figure as is, will get at least 2

Snake Charmer: Need the turbans, the snakes can go in the pet shop.

Galaxy Trooper: no thanks

Sheriff: moustache will be useful, and maybe the poster

Samurai Girl: nice, but don't need it, maybe hair?

Lady Cyclops: I think this one is pretty nasty - will avoid.

King: I need the cape for my moc Elvis figure and the beard for the lumberjack.

Goblin: sorry i can't share the enthusiasm, I just have no use for it.

Fencer: Not sure what to do with it

Evil Wizard: I don't like it

Egyptian Warrior: good looking figure, but i can't use it.

Disco Diva: it's ok I guess, we'll probably get a male variant down the line.

Carpenter: This is my favourite.

Alien Trooper: no, thanks.


So I'll be the zillionth to say that the cyclops didn't need lipstick. I'm disappointed about it, it reduces the reusability of the part. I will get only 1.

Wizard is cool, would be a bit better to not be red & black again, but it's the best evil wizard so far. The King looks so different from the existing castle versions, strange how far from realistic they are compared to this.

Alien is okay, not bad new part. The space guy I will want a few of. And the goblin is fantastic. He even has a treasure sack... Diablo...

I personally disagree that barely over a third are "more than enough." Half of all people are female; why shouldn't half of minifigures?

Weeeellllll... 3 of 16 aren't "people" anyway. So, 5 out of 13 at the worst. 8 of the remaining 13 are strictly or primarily male roles. So, 4 out of 5 at best.

Posted (edited)

Mamma Mia!

Series 13 is here!

Overall thoughts:

More impressive than expected. Pretty strong series , but this is not the best one obviously. Glad to see less City minifigures than S10 and S11 and more mixing.

This time we are getting an indian, a japanese, an african and an european minifigure. Sadly, Pirates and Circus subthemes are absent.... again

I've been reading comments in facebook and forums and they are mostly positives. It's good to see LEGO still can make CMF series that everyone loves.

In my rank, S13 is in upper half for sure, but Series 6 still owns the first place:

S 6

S 9

S 11

S 7

S 12

S 13

S 4

S 2

S 1

S 5

S 8

S 3

S 10

And I don't see any rubber pieces, which is good. My bet for double faces: Lady Cyclops, Disco Diva and Space Trooper

I have some questions about the poster:

1. Why are gift boxes under the Hot Dog Man minifigure?

2. What's up with those random eyes next to the Hot Dog Man?

3. In the corner, it says they will be a new series in may. Is that Series 14 or the Simpsons 2? If it is the SS2, why did they use a regular minifigure to promote a series that won't have any?

Is there a minimal chance S14 and SS2 will be released simultaneously? Or the SS2 was pushed back? Or maybe I'm just reading too much in this minimal detail?

Edited by Robert8

this series looks great!! really loving, of course, hot dog guy and unicorn girl is a must for me. will likely try and get several carpenters for the wood pieces and saws. the paleontologist i would likely buy to resuse her face on another. i like the designs on the remainder, but can take or leave them. only use cmf in a winter village scene, and the majority dont quite fit.


Carpenter, all day, everyday, because the City badly needs Hardware Stores (do hardware stores exist in the 30's or 40's?).

Oh, and those random eyes, yeah. Maybe wall-camo guy with interchangeable/re-paintable bodies and head pieces?

Posted (edited)

And I'm pretty sure there were no female samurai

Actually, there were but many of the stories of fighting samurai women are blurred conflations of fact and fiction. The few female combatants from pre-Meiji Restoration Japan that we know anything about with certainty almost always used naginata (a kind of polearm) and bows, not swords like the S13 samurai.

Edited by AmperZand
8 of the remaining 13 are strictly or primarily male roles. So, 4 out of 5 at best.

I don't think that's really the case, though, particularly given the line includes all sorts of purely fantasy characters. If they're included for kids to play and dream with, there certainly ought to be no limitations saying "sorry, boys can fantasize about being monsters and aliens, but girls don't even get to hold regular real-life jobs." These toys can be aspirational. Why not?


I think the Evil Wizard is closest we'll get to a Satan/Devil minifigure: Black/red color scheme, the fire, the flames in the cape surrounding him, the skulls and red eyes. C'mon, even the upper flames in the cape make him look like he has horns.

He is the first minifigure without a headpiece since the S3 Mummy and that was a looooooooooot of time ago, and that makes him look odd, like unfinished. Anyway, I like him. His cape is awesome, but I got a bended cape with the S12 Hun Warrior and I'm afraid that could happen again with this one since it's a bigger than usual. The Wizard/Evil Wizard is my second favorite couple after the Battle Mech/Evil Mech.

And the Lady Cyclops....... :ugh: Really? This is a contender for worst CMF ever. This one could be even one of the worst LEGO minifigures ever made in all history. I know they needed to depicted her as a female, but lipstick? in a cyclops? That doesn't have any sense at all. I would like better CMF series with 12 minifigures rather than this silly ideas.

Wait, the complaint is that the samurai lady isn't historically accurate?

I think she is an Onna-bugeisha


Posted (edited)

Fencer is a lady and 6 are more than enough actually.

Is that confirmed? If so It's a good news. Not sure if it's the same case with Unicorn Suit.

Not sure what you mean by Nya, but a woman perfectly fits the role. Female samurai certainly existed - even if they weren't as common as male ones. They're called onna-bugeisha, although they used naginatas more than katanas.

I think this series is great, and I want the king, the onna-bugeisha, fencer, snake-charmeber, orc, builder, whoever the guy in red is and the Egyptian warrior.

As I replied before, as long as Ninjago is an ongoing theme that LEGO would like to keep on with, the generic characters of Japanese origin from other themes should be as different as possible. I don't think a ninja/samurai counterpart is a good choice at this point, unless their designs are identifiable enough.

I didn't really mean historical references and I don't refuse to see a female samurai when conditions permit. As an Asian I didn't come about Bugeisha when seeing her, maybe she needs a more accurate hairpiece or inner print. Hope that next time we could see a Shogun or Geisha.

And the Lady Cyclops....... :ugh: Really? This is a contender for worst CMF ever. This one could be even one of the worst LEGO minifigures ever made in all history. I know they needed to depicted her as a female, but lipstick? in a cyclops? That doesn't have any sense at all. I would like better CMF series with 12 minifigures rather than this silly ideas.
I'm really fine with her. Robot Lady is the worst gender swap case IMO. I think the lipstick could just brings out her wild look or her gender is not that identifiable.

Oh and last note: Does LEGO really remember purple???

Edited by Dorayaki

Ok, I have never made my own list but I thought I'd give it a run:

Fencer: creative reuse of the musketeer sword, I'll get one.

King: just great! The beard, the crown, a must get!

Hot dog vendor: really a fun design, maybe not practical, but fun! Worth getting one.

Goblin: not my cup of tea, but well designed. I'll pass.

Carpenter: a classic in my book, I love the board, I'll get one.

Unicorn: good enough, I enjoy the costumed characters so I'll get one.

Samari girl: I may get one, but not priority. There's not much that makes her stand out.

Cyclops: worst....figure...ever!

Space trooper: not what I'm in to, I'll pass.

Western thief: great pair with the sheriff, it takes me back to my childhood! Get one.

Evil wizard: seems a little soon after the good wizard, I may get around to getting him though.

Disco diva: not my favorite, but I do love the torso! Possibility.

Snake charmer: my number one in this series. Creative, unique, and great piece selection, a must!

Pantiolegist: funny face, but I'll likely pass. Seems to similar to former figures.

Egyptian warrior: another wildly awesome figure, and a great army builder, I'm all over this one!

Alien: fun design, but not my thing. I do like the head though.

Overall, I'm extremely enthusiastic after seeing these early images. It shows that TLG still has great ideas and great execution. Sure, there will always be duds (insert: cyclops) but overall, this series is stronger than any recent series in my book!


Samurai Girl (c'mon, that's going to be her name): She's meh. I love the decorated armor, but overall, it seems like an excuse to reuse the bun. Nya did it better.

I can't believe we are facing this question again but does the Samurai have the bun or the ponytail hairpiece?

I hope she has the bun because with the ponytail she would look like the S12 Dino Tracker just with a change of wardrobe


I can't believe we are facing this question again but does the Samurai have the bun or the ponytail hairpiece?

I hope she has the bun because with the ponytail she would look like the S12 Dino Tracker just with a change of wardrobe

Nah, it is definitely the bun. The Tracker hair has three indentions in the middle, and less thickness to the sides.

Liking the Hot Dog Man, Paleontologist (those glasses...), Snake Charmer, Sheriff, Fencer and Carpenter (only one this series I really want multiples of)

Maybe interested in the Galaxy Trooper, Classic King, Evil Wizard (the beard is interesting) and Disco Diva

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