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Well I have the Pet Shop and Palace Cinema just waiting in the basement to be assembled. Can't wait to do it, but I don't have the time at the moment. Probably won't be able to do it until next year, and by then I will most likely have gotten the Parisian Restaurant and Detective's office as well.

Well I have the Pet Shop and Palace Cinema just waiting in the basement to be assembled. Can't wait to do it, but I don't have the time at the moment. Probably won't be able to do it until next year, and by then I will most likely have gotten the Parisian Restaurant and Detective's office as well.

That is a pity....not having time to build with Lego for the next 3 months..... :cry_sad:

My re seller inventory:

(0) Market Street 10190

(0) Cafe Corner 10182 including one unopened set

(0) Green Grocer 10185 including one unopened set

(18) Fire Brigade 10197

(28) Grand Emporium 10211

(4) Town Hall 10224

(16) Pet Shop 10218

(0) Palace Cinema 10232 and

(0) Parisian Restaurant 10243

(0) Detective Agency

My personal inventory:

(1) Market Street 10190

(1) Cafe Corner 10182 including one unopened set

(1) Green Grocer 10185 including one unopened set

(2) Fire Brigade 10197

(3) Grand Emporium 10211

(1) Town Hall 10224

(2) Pet Shop 10218

(1) Palace Cinema 10232 and

(1) Parisian Restaurant 10243

(1) Detective Agency

One of each, except for the Detective's Office, which I don't own yet.

^Wow at Follows Closely. Niiice

I have one of each for personal display except Market Street (none) and Grand Emporium and Town Home (two). We just got CC and GG; really looking forward to building them. (We have spares of Town Hall, Fire Brigade, Pet Shop+Town Home, and Grand Emporium to sell/trade.) Why?

  • Market Street is expensive and doesn't look great. We want it but it was the lowest on our priority list and is still below VW Bakery and Post Office, and Emerald Night.
  • We bought a second Pet Shop set and kept the Town Home because it looks soo much better with a mirror. We created custom furniture and had our minifigure representatives (and dogs) "move in" to the spare : )
  • GG looks even better from pictures I've seen but it's so expensive.
  • The Pet Shop's second and third floors just looked like they were dragging on/repeating too long relative to the other modulars. We'd have to double (or more!) all the others to retain scale, so we sold the Pet Shop mirror.
  • Grand Emporium is the modular you could have infinite of and it would still look good because department stores come in all sizes. I'm limiting myself to two (for now?) just because cost lol All of the corner modulars would look good as a 2-of though.
  • imo DO and PR are best as 1-ofs (unless everything is scaled up).
  • Cafe Corner and Town Hall are probably the ones in my mind that benefit most from an extra floor but will consider "improvements" after we check everything off our wanted list. One thing I haven't seen yet is a PC with an extra floor. Maybe instead of the arches, those windows go straight and continue to lead upward to the next floor with the curved ones.
  • Fire Brigade would be nice as a 3-or-4-of because the numbers but scale. I think it'd look silly having it that long compared to a standard PR. Perhaps a mod to have just the 3-4 fire truck entrances in the middle of the side doors on a 32x64 setup.

So yeah, that's my logic for 1-of each except Town Home and GE... for now.

Edited by Pedilego

I have one each of FB, TH, PR, PC, DA, GE, and just bought a second set of the PS to mirror the house and expand the pet shop... Would love to have bought GG, CC and MS, but came into them a couple of years too late...

Just got into the modulars this week, with the Palace Cinema. Got it for myself as a birthday present :laugh: Hope to get the Pet Shop as well next month, before it gets discontinued. A bit bummed I missed out on the FB, and I don't even want to think about the GG and CC right now... the prices are ridiculous! :hmpf_bad:

Out of original 3, I ony enjoy GG. In fact, all of the current ones are great. No reason to buy backwards..

I took my eye off the ball with the modular buildings in recent years and missed out on Town Hall. I have MISB copies of all the previous years models. Really need to ensure that I buy PC, PR, DO and BB. I'd like a second copy of PS to put two town houses together and a second copy of GE to add an additional floor.

I have 3 Pet Shops (1 MISB) and 1 each of all the rest, the Market Street is a BL with alternate colors.

Just got into the modulars this week, with the Palace Cinema. Got it for myself as a birthday present :laugh: Hope to get the Pet Shop as well next month, before it gets discontinued. A bit bummed I missed out on the FB, and I don't even want to think about the GG and CC right now... the prices are ridiculous! :hmpf_bad:

Nice; crossing my fingers for you for PS to last to the Gingerbread promotion.

But yeah, CC and GG... I was buying/selling Lego lots in order to afford those. We bought one lot with GG TH FB GE PS + VW Cottage for $1400 even though we already had four of the modulars. We're selling the rest and if it goes according to plan, GG + VWC shouldn't set us back more than $500. OFC It takes some savings, risk, and some work to pull it off. Great finds afforded us some others.

I got into modulars a little less than 2 years ago. Now I own almost all of them, except the green grocer and the market street. I bricklinked the cafe corner, and I hope to do the same with green grocer if the sand green 1x2 brick with groove ever becomes available in a new set. If not, touch luck. I don't intent to get the market street at all. One of each modular is enough for me, I'd like to leave some space for the train track as well.

Nice; crossing my fingers for you for PS to last to the Gingerbread promotion.

But yeah, CC and GG... I was buying/selling Lego lots in order to afford those. We bought one lot with GG TH FB GE PS + VW Cottage for $1400 even though we already had four of the modulars. We're selling the rest and if it goes according to plan, GG + VWC shouldn't set us back more than $500. OFC It takes some savings, risk, and some work to pull it off. Great finds afforded us some others.

Is the thinking that the PS is going extinct ASAP? Or is there any indication when it might be discontinued?

Is the thinking that the PS is going extinct ASAP? Or is there any indication when it might be discontinued?

Speculators that I've been borrowing insight from during my effort to recover from my dark age (just a Market Street and a couple WV sets away!) are thinking that it's out the door ASAP. I remember somebody posting a lifetime chart on the modulars and, besides the Town Hall, they've typically lasted four years... which is how long the Pet Shop has been out. I've also read the PC received the new box treatment while PS hasn't. It appears as though there's a decent amount of PS still in stock though so it may be "on shelves" a bit longer than the GE and TH were last year (which apparently largely disappeared in September/October and is why I said I was crossing my fingers for you about late November).

I'm not claiming anything; just posting observations/speculations mostly made by others to provide some context on the concern.

Speculators that I've been borrowing insight from during my effort to recover from my dark age (just a Market Street and a couple WV sets away!) are thinking that it's out the door ASAP. I remember somebody posting a lifetime chart on the modulars and, besides the Town Hall, they've typically lasted four years... which is how long the Pet Shop has been out. I've also read the PC received the new box treatment while PS hasn't. It appears as though there's a decent amount of PS still in stock though so it may be "on shelves" a bit longer than the GE and TH were last year (which apparently largely disappeared in September/October and is why I said I was crossing my fingers for you about late November).

I'm not claiming anything; just posting observations/speculations mostly made by others to provide some context on the concern.

Ooh, okay, that seems to make sense. I appreciate your explanation, that's exactly what I was curious about in regards to the general shelf-life of the modulars. Might have to go pick one up sooner than I thought! Thanks for the observations!

Plus, Pet Shop and Palace Cinema are of the "old" price range. TLG might want to remove them from the line-up since the new sets are of a higher price. It might hurt sales of the new sets seeing a $150 modular next to a $170 modular. Just my opinion. But time available, one would think some of those would be on their way out anyway.

Now have:

1x Green Grocer, 1x Fire Brigade, 2x Grand Emporium, 2x Pet Shop, 1x Town Hall, 1x Palace Cinema, 1x Parisian Restaurant, 1x Detective Office

Still need to find a Cafe Corner

My re seller inventory:

(0) Market Street 10190

(0) Cafe Corner 10182 including one unopened set

(0) Green Grocer 10185 including one unopened set

(18) Fire Brigade 10197

(28) Grand Emporium 10211

(4) Town Hall 10224

(16) Pet Shop 10218

(0) Palace Cinema 10232 and

(0) Parisian Restaurant 10243

(0) Detective Agency

My personal inventory:

(1) Market Street 10190

(1) Cafe Corner 10182 including one unopened set

(1) Green Grocer 10185 including one unopened set

(2) Fire Brigade 10197

(3) Grand Emporium 10211

(1) Town Hall 10224

(2) Pet Shop 10218

(1) Palace Cinema 10232 and

(1) Parisian Restaurant 10243

(1) Detective Agency

Follows Closely - Do you have a Bricklink store? If so could you PM me so I could browse as I am looking to get some of the older Modular sets

Everyone here has a lot of Modulars and then there's me with two Modulars.

1 Grand Emporium,

1 Parisian Restaurant

Luckily I will be catching up within a few months.

I have one of each, including a bricklinked MS which I actually really like. CC I got secondhand, others were new.

Got 5 Pet shops though! Two are on my street, one as original, 2nd one I changed to a toy shop in bright light yellow. Still deciding what to do with my other 3 - estate agent, butcher, fishmonger, florist are all possible. I like changing little colours here and there on the townhouse. Delighted that the purple door came out in Scooby Doo - that's going on my next townhouse...

1 Pet shop (modded)

1 Detective Office (modded)

1 Grand Emporium

1 Palace Cinema (soon to be looted for dark tan bricks)

1 Parisian Restaurant

I am not a collector, but I can appreciate some of the sets. The PR is well thought out and I can not find anything I want to change. The GE I want to make changes on the exterior like Erol has done, and the inside needs a fix. The PC I didn't like to begin with, but it is growing on me. I Intent to loot it for parts, but I may rebuild it or take it apart and use some of it to build a drive in cinema.

I am working on the DO to make it fit my city. I have already ripped it for the brick profile flesh bricks, but I am planning on making an outside staircase for both buildings (and maybe a few MOCs while I'm at it). The Pet shop is now red (because I need the colors to make a MOC) and will be converted to a fishmonger (placed next tp the PR).

Edited by Sir Stig

I have one of each except Market Street. All bought new when they were still available from LEGO. My significant other asked me if I wanted it when it was still easy to get but I passed on it because I didn't really like it. Probably the decision I regret the most about the modulars. For now, they are all stock but I intend to tweak most of them starting wit PC. Love the building but I was never fond of the interior that isn't as grandiose as it should be. I've reworked it in LDraw based on a design by Missing Brick http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=78620&hl=+missing%20+brick%20+palace#entry1497706 I hope to get it done in 2016.


I have one of each except for Grand Emporium, of which I have three copies. Two of those three copies are still sealed. All of my modulars were bought as brand new and sealed sets.

I too came late to the Modular party but have attempted to make up for it in short time. GE/PS x 2/PC/PR x 2/DO x 2 have been added to the collection. As well I am in awaiting a Bricks n Pieces order to compete a Bricklinked FB that my son really wanted. All sets have yet to be built but they will be shortly.

Since I sold my spare Fire Brigade, I now have this inventory:

1 Fire Brigade

2 Grand Emporium (MISB)

1 Town Hall

3 Pet Shop (a fourth one is on its way)

2 Palace Cinema

2 Parisian Restaurant

2 Detective's Office

I also own bricklinked, modified versions of Cafe Corner and Green Grocer (done in sand blue)

Edited by RogerSmith

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