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Rh.... |-/

Dont call aayla blue gal :-P

I like how George Lucas threw in references to Timothy Zahn's novels. In the re-release of Jedi there's a red haired dancer in Jabba's Palace (Mara Jade?) and now in Episode III where blue girl aayla gets shot, there's an AT-PT which Luke first finds aboard one of the dreadnaughts in Dark Force Rising. Timothy Zahn describes it as a pre-cursor to the AT-ST that was used during the clone wars. George Lucas is nice.

Although, I wonder who will get the royalties for the set...

WOW!!! Yes they sound amazing!!!! can not wait!!! :-D :-D :'-) :'-) I never have seen that AT-PT thing in any of the films called someone help? battlepacks look amazing! yay! I wonder what real battle damage Vader will look like?

They may put more stormtroopers in the dropship and I actually want more a Plo Koon or other jedi in the Starfighter instead of another Anakin, but It could be worse. I always like new battle packs.

Battle packs on!

Edited by Wout

WOW!!! Yes they sound amazing!!!! can not wait!!! :-D :-D :'-) :'-) I never have seen that AT-PT thing in any of the films called someone help? battlepacks look amazing! yay! I wonder what real battle damage Vader will look like?

Sure, cw, look back about 4 posts and you'll see a screen-shot of the AT-PT...

Excuse me for my immense lack of knowledge of the Star Wars universe, but by "battle damaged" Vader do they mean burnt Anakin after falling in the lava towards the end of ROTS? If so that would make an excellent zombie minifig. *skull*


I like how George Lucas threw in references to Timothy Zahn's novels. In the re-release of Jedi there's a red haired dancer in Jabba's Palace (Mara Jade?) and now in Episode III where blue girl aayla gets shot, there's an AT-PT which Luke first finds aboard one of the dreadnaughts in Dark Force Rising. Timothy Zahn describes it as a pre-cursor to the AT-ST that was used during the clone wars. George Lucas is nice.

Although, I wonder who will get the royalties for the set...

No that ain't mara jade... mara jade is after the VI Episode!... I made her as moc ...:-)

Ehr.. i know wich blue thing you mean in jabbas palast but i dont remember the name ..:-(

No that ain't mara jade... mara jade is after the VI Episode!... I made her as moc ...:-)

Ehr.. i know wich blue thing you mean in jabbas palast but i dont remember the name ..:-(

Yes, but it could be. Mara says she went undercover as a dancer in Jabba's Palace and she was supposed to deliver Luke to the emperor the day he escaped from the sail barge...look it up. X-D That's why she hates him. The emperor canned her after she couldn't deliver him. I always wondered if they're leaving the door open to make movies out of Timothy Zahn's trilogy...

I don't say anything about a blue thing in jabba's palace. Please re-read my post. Thanks. :-)

Excuse me for my immense lack of knowledge of the Star Wars universe, but by "battle damaged" Vader do they mean burnt Anakin after falling in the lava towards the end of ROTS? If so that would make an excellent zombie minifig. *skull*


No i believe it will be a lego fig based on this hasbro force unleashed fig:


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! this is sooooooo stupid.lego is stupid.how could they do this to me.this might be the end of lego for me.sorry lego but GET YOUR ACT TOGEATHER.EU lego ? whats lego on.i'm very mad.this might cause me to stop collecting sw lego. >:-( >:-( >:-( >:-( :'-( :'-(

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! this is sooooooo stupid.lego is stupid.how could they do this to me.this might be the end of lego for me.sorry lego but GET YOUR ACT TOGEATHER.EU lego ? whats lego on.i'm very mad.this might cause me to stop collecting sw lego. >:-( >:-( >:-( >:-( :'-( :'-(

Take a deeeep breath mate :-D

SW fans are really weird: they change the colour of figs, they complain, TLC releases another re-re-release, they complain... Its like a never ending rant :-P

ON the principle, I don't think this is stupid because they need to renew themselves, and venture into another "sub theme" of the SW Universe is quite clever IMO.

I would agree with your rant on one aspect Legoman: there is not enough OT/PT sets: 1 OT & 1 PT on a 4 set line up is really short, way to short for me, but its stilll good to have novelty on that line after soo many years ;-)

Now Legoman, you do understand your old title, revived so strongly by this new line up :-D :-P

And *vader* I do have a question for you (and all the SW nerds out here :-P ): what exactly is that Force Unleashed line ?? I thought it was just a line by Hasbro and not a SW sub theme per se |-/ Tks for explenations ;-)


Actually, Aayla, in EU, like Hinckley said, Mara Jade went undercover in Jabba's Palace as the dancer Arica. I didn't take notice of that particular scene in the new version, but it still is possible.

And *vader* I do have a question for you (and all the SW nerds out here :-P ): what exactly is that Force Unleashed line ?? I thought it was just a line by Hasbro and not a SW sub theme per se |-/ Tks for explenations ;-)


The Force Unleashed is a new game developed by LucasArts. It is slated for realease Spring 2008. Here's the IGN page. Be sure to check out some of the movies *sweet* !
The Force Unleashed is a new game developed by LucasArts. It is slated for realease Spring 2008. Here's the IGN page. Be sure to check out some of the movies *sweet* !

Tks a lot my Belgian Padawan, you are nearly ready to face the trials :-P I will definitly have a look at those vids !! Tks a lot ;-)

So there is a chance that TLC will release sets from the LSW franchise 8-

And *vader* I do have a question for you (and all the SW nerds out here :-P ): what exactly is that Force Unleashed line ?? I thought it was just a line by Hasbro and not a SW sub theme per se |-/ Tks for explenations ;-)


You calling me a nerd is like a pot calling a kettle black X-D :-P

I see KhoRne has posted a link so that should answer some if not all questions, i will add however that Shaak Ti is in the new game so lets hope lego makees a fig of here soon.

Tks a lot my Belgian Padawan, you are nearly ready to face the trials :-P I will definitly have a look at those vids !! Tks a lot ;-)


I've been here for over 2 years now and I'm still not ready?! What to I need to do to please you, d*mnit :-P ?!!

The Force Unleashed is a new game developed by LucasArts. It is slated for realease Spring 2008. Here's the IGN page. Be sure to check out some of the movies *sweet* !

I read here that it

Indeed Lucas seems to be really throwing alot of weight behind the launch of this game.

Its just a damn shame that its been moved back to next year.

No i believe it will be a lego fig based on this hasbro force unleashed fig:


Argh! It would have been awesome if Lego made that destroyed, burnt version of him. Imagine about 15-20 of them walking mindlessly, killing minifigs and eating their plastic brains...


. Wow a imperial battle pack pretty cool please ep 2 clone battle pack thats very interesting AT-PT and more minifigs from the force unleashed and ducked up vader WOOT. Please ep 2 clone battle packs>< (plus a gunship :D)

EDIT: The force unleashed will be what obi wan said in episode 4 "the dark times" the battle between episode 3 and 4.

Edited by Order66

I am very dissapointed, i hoped for more OT Sets, because there is so much to do, like the PT too..There are only 4 Years to make all complete, like a Queen Amidala Fig or a TaunTaun.. and now they start EU... Maybe I am too old, but the OT Star Wars is the real Star Wars for me.. PT ?? ok ok..BUt EU? No!! :(

Does anyone else think that the stormtrooper "battle pack" will be cheaper than (US) $9.99, unlike the current ones? I think that the dropship will be a tiny pod, and it will sell for no more than $6.99, possibly $4.99.


What's the betting this thread will reach 100+ pages?

I'm a fan of the novels part of the EU, but haven't caught any of the series so some of this will be lost on me. I'll still get the sets and research them on-line.

I'll reserve judgement until I see pics, but so far... interesting.

P.S. EU-wise, what I really want are either Darth Vader's Jedi Interceptor or a Stealth-X

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