Posted December 25, 201113 yr Origins of Historica The bard’s song tells a tale of a world long forgotten, Race against race, clan against clan, shields clashed with swords; long ago when Men of the Lion fought Men of the Falcon, and human armies succumbed to Orcs and undead. Each group clashed with its neighbor for power, unleashing upon the world a great scourge, and the arcane land was thrown into chaos. When it all seemed but lost, a council of wise men and sages was summoned. From all the lands they came to convene in the old world’s great city; the fortress of Cedrica. To settle the grievance and end a millennium of bloodshed, the sages declined all the treaties of old and joined all the clans into one mighty Kingdom; Historica. They founded the Four Great Regions- each one a realm in itself; - Mitgardia in the North, Nocturnus in the East, Kaliphlin in the South and Avalonia in the West, so that trade routes would spring up and clans would meet in the markets and not in the theatre of war. The wise men chose a family of great honor, to uphold the truce and to keep the four guilds from dispute, and descendants of that mighty kin to this day rule the Central lands of Historica. So goes the legend. For ten decades the races of old have migrated and spread through the world, following the trade routes, establishing cultures and prospering towns. Today, it is a world of wonder and natural beauty; a realm where a man and a woman may find peace. But peace is short lived… Treacherous assassins have tried to murder the King! The capital is in shock and there will be repercussions; the Four Regions assemble their forces as the balance of power shifts, and blame is passed around. For the first time in a century, the guilds of Historica build up old defenses and prepare for the inevitable confrontation; everything hangs in the balance, and Historica is on the verge of chaos once more… Guildsmen; this is the world you inhabit, this is the place where you will make your fortune, build a mighty empire and battle for the glory and honor of the banner… ROUND 1: Building watchtowers. this round is over and all watchtowers will be listed in the citylist. ROUND 2: Building embassies. as it is maybe usefull for builders of the embassies, I'll make a list of all current cities in Historica with some important aspects (colours, embassyspot availabe, ...). After second thoughts, I will try to put all important spots in the list as well. ===> THE GUILDMAP GUIDE: <=== {city name} - {city lord} - {pictures of the city with link to post} - {buildingmaterials} - {embassies already build for this city with link to post with pictures: (A: Avalion | N: Nocturnus | M: Mitgardia | K: Khaliphlin | {other} | NW: Not Wanted)} The Guild of Khaliphlin {Coast} ------ {Barqa} ---------------------------------------------- {...} ----------------------- {...} ---------------------------- {big port} --------------------------------------------------------------- {embassies welcome!} ------ {Berigora} ----------------------------------------- {Gabe} ------------------ {Tower | } -------------------- {port} -------------------------------------------------------------------- {embassies welcome!} ------ {Coastal Watchtower} -------------------------- {K-Nut} ----------------- {tower} ----------------------- {tan, white, sand, sea} --------------------------------------------- {tower} ------ {Marja-Rhytaville} ------------------------------- {NiceMarmot} -------- {Marketplace} -------------- {tan, white, brown, gold) ------------------------------------------- {too small to host embassies!} ------ {Messahmuk} ------------------------------------ {NiceMarmot} ------- {...} ----------------------------- {port, hills, wine trading, fading, plants and trees} --------- {welcome to embassies!} ------ {Mpya Stedor} ----------------------------------- {Damaximus} -------- {Mpya Stedor topic} ------- {mix of styles} --------------------------------------------------------- {Ximus | 5 embassyspots still available} ------ {Ras-el-Akhen} ---------------------------------- {...} ---------------------- {Bazaar} ---------------------- {port, on a river near the sea, swamps} ----------------------- {embassies welcome!} {Desert} ------ {Al'Derak} ----------------------------------------- {SkaForHire} --------- {citytopic} ---------------------- {tan, sand, tents, Kali roofs} ------------------------------------- {???} ------ {Burj Sina Watchtower} ----------------------- {Christoph} ------------ {Burj Sina} -------------------- {tan, sand} ----------------------------------------------------------- {forgotten place} ------ {Crossroad Tower of Petraea} -------------- {Erynlasgalen} ------- {Tower} ------------------------ {tan, grey stone, sand} -------------------------------------------- {tower} ------ {Greine Heulfryn} ------------------------------- {de Gothia (A)} ------- {Embassy} -------------------- {stone, desert} ------------------------------------------------------ {Avalonian Embassy} ------ {Heliotropic Glass Manufactory} ----------- {Robuka} -------------- {Manufactory} ----------------- {tan, desert} ---------------------------------------------------------- {Secret area} ------ {Heliotropic Tower at Legomandias} ----- {Robuka} -------------- {Legs of Legomandias} --- {Statuestone} -------------------------------------------------------- {Secret area} ------ {Jah-Kuh-Eh Watchtower} ------------------- {J4ke} ------------------ {tower | Workshop}---------- {stone, tan, sand} --------------------------------------------------- {tower} ------ {Jahi Khaldun's hide-out} ------------------- {Jorgevorg} ------------ {army} -------------------------- {pyramid} -------------------------------------------------------------- {Hide-out...} ------ {Kek'baan al thir Watchtower} ------------- {brickmaestro} -------- {Tower} ------------------------ {tan/sand/desert/oil} ------------------------------------------------ {tower} ------ {Lost Vega} ------------------------------------- {our ancestors} ------ {historybooks} --------------- {gold, marmer, silver, gems} -------------------------------------- {nobody knows where it is} ------ {Oasis} ------------------------------------------ {CptMugwash} -------- {Oasis} ------------------------ {sand, sand and even more sand} ------------------------------ {oasis...} ------ {Oil Drill} ---------------------------------------- {Waterbrick Down} --- {Oil Drill} ---------------------- {desert} ------------------------------------------------------------------ {Secret area} ------ {Petraea} --------------------------------------- {...} ------------------------ {...} ----------------------------- {desert, oasis} --------------------------------------------------------- {Welcome} ------ {Shrine of Aquz} ------------------------------- {Peppermint_M} ------ {shrine} ----------------------- {tan, wood} ------------------------------------------------------------- {restplace} ------ {T'wur Zagorth} -------------------------------- {NiceMarmot} --------- {T'wur ZaGorth} ------------- {tan, grey stone, sand} ---------------------------------------------- {desolated} ------ {Watchtower} ---------------------------------- {Kustig} ----------------- {tower} ------------------------- {wood, sand} ---------------------------------------------------------- {tower} ------ {Watchtower 2} -------------------------------- {Mikey} ------------------- {tower} ------------------------ {tan, sand, some wood} ------------------------------------------- {tower} ------ {White Tower (North-East)} ---------------- {Fonzy} ------------------- {Tower} ----------------------- {white, sand, mountatins} ----------------------------------------- {desolated area atm, maybe there will be a city soon} ------ {Zigar-an-Gifuzi Wathctower} -------------- {NiceMarmot} ---------- {tower} ------------------------ {white, tan, blue, gold} ---------------------------------------------- {forbidden area for civilians} {Gor} ------ {Na Ghitan} ------------------------------------- {CallMePieOrDie} -----{...} ------------------------------ {port, in the Spice Islands} --------------------------------------- {???} ------ {Ra'ad Twur} ----------------------------------- {Basiliscus} ------------ {Ra'ad Twur} ----------------- {red, tan, gold, cliffs} ----------------------------------------------- {isolated on an island} ------ {Samrd'Dha} ---------------------------------- {CptMugWash} -------- {...} ------------------------------ {tradecity near lake, tropical} ------------------------------------- {Embassies welcome!} ------ {Stone Town} --------------------------------- {robuko} ----------------- {...} ------------------------------ {port} -------------------------------------------------------------------- {???} {Rakath Mountains} ------ {Mt Agnathka Lookout} --------------------- {Nice Marmot} --------- {Lookout} --------------------- {wood, mountain, snow} ------------------------------------------- {isolated on top} ------ {Qarkyr} --------------------------------------- {Waterbrick Down} --- {Tower} ------------------------ {tan, darkblue, mountains, sand} -------------------------------- {embassies welcome!} ------ {Rakath Mountains Border Tower} ----- {CptMugWash} -------- {Tower} ------------------------ {black, grey, lava, mountains} ------------------------------------ {impossible} ------ {Rakath Mountains watchtower} -------- {J4ke} -------------------- {tower} ------------------------ {stone, snow, mountains} ----------------------------------------- {tower} {The Great Escarpment} ------ {Queens Cross} ----------------------------- {...} -------------------------- {...} ---------------------------- {big river port and trading center} ----------------------------- {embassies welcome!} ------ {The Great Escarpment Outpost} ------- {CptMugWash} --------- {Tower} ---------------------- {white, tan, gold, sand} ------------------------------------------- {tower} ------ {The Great Escarpment Outpost 2} ---- {Axel} ----------------------- {Tower} --------------------- {ruins, hills, sand} -------------------------------------------------- {probably not} ------ {Tower of Me're Dee} ----------------------- {SkaForHire} ------------- {Tower} --------------------- {white, desert hills} ------------------------------------------------- {=> go to Queens Cross a couple of miles from here} {The Withered Woods} ------ {Eastgate} ------------------------------------ {SkaForHire} ------------- {post} ------------------------ {<== look to link} ---------------------------------------------------- {Embassies welcome if they have tradefunction as well} no more information yet The Guild of Avalonia (temporary legend: My link) {The Country Side} ------ {Albion Innercity} ------------------------------- {Guild project} -------------------- {Albion topic} -------------------------------- {stone, wood, timber (light colours for stone)}------- {No embassies allowed in the city} ------ {Albion Outercity} ------------------------------ {Guild project} -------------------- {No official topic} --------------------------- {stone, wood, timber (light colours for stone)}------- { Nocturnus | all other available} ------ {Antyria} -------------------------------------------- {Captain BeerBeard} ----------- {Outpost} ------------------------------------- {rocks, forests} ----------------------------------------------- {impossible} ------ {Arfelan Plains} ---------------------------------- {Niku} ------------------------------- {Tower} ---------------------------------------- {wood, desert} ----------------------------------------------- {???} ------ {Arod Mearas} ----------------------------------- {Doornroosje} -------------------- {tower | Farm} ------------------------------- {wood, green, stone, nature} ---------------------------- {???} ------ {A.T.C. HQ} ---------------------------------------- {Captain Blackmoor} ----------- {tower | Sawmill | Farm } ----------------- {no specific colour, nature} ------------------------------- {???} ------ {Azgareth} ---------------------------------------- {JacksonRemus} ---------------- {Tower} --------------------------------------- {wood, stone} ------------------------------------------------- {???} ------ {Basilita} ------------------------------------------ {Andonii} --------------------------- {Tower | Hall | Farm | Joust | Inn} ------ {stone, wood} ------------------------------------------------- {???} ------ {Beldun} ------------------------------------------- {Silver.Smith} --------------------- {Tower} ---------------------------------------- {stone} ---------------------------------------------------------- {???} ------ {Benoic} ------------------------------------------- {de Gothia} ------------------------ {shop | Tower | Farm | Outpost } ------- {stone, wood} -------------------------------------------------- {???} ------ {Berlindorf} --------------------------------------- {Admiral Ron} -------------------- {tower} ---------------------------------------- {stone} ----------------------------------------------------------- {???} ------ {Border Wall Outpost} ------------------------ {captain BeerBeard} ------------ {Tower | housing } ------------------------- {stone, wood, grasland} ------------------------------------ {Embassies welcome!!!} ------ {Burrium} ----------------------------------------- {Kerntechniker} ------------------- {Tower} --------------------------------------- {stone, coast} -------------------------------------------------- {???} ------ {Dawynia} ---------------------------------------- {Jason Cicchini} ------------------ {tower} ---------------------------------------- {stone} ----------------------------------------------------------- {???} ------ {Dunum} ------------------------------------------ {Kongumster} --------------------- {Tower} --------------------------------------- {stone, mtn} ----------------------------------------------------- {???} ------ {Durnovaria} ------------------------------------ {Derfel Cadarn} ------------------- {Village} -------------------------------------- {nature, wood, stone} ----------------------------------------- {???} ------ {Edaho} ------------------------------------------- {C.J.Cutrone9} -------------------- {Edaho post} -------------------------------- {green landscape with river} ------------------------------- {Embassies welcome!!!} ------ {Fuchal} ------------------------------------------- {Xyver} ------------------------------- {tower | Stables | Farm} ----------------- {stone, green} --------------------------------------------------- {Embassies welcome!!!} ------ {Gruven}------------------------------------------- {Legonardo Davidy} ------------- {Glevum topic} ----------------------------- {Wood, white, light grey} -------------------------------------- { Mitgardia | Nocturnus | other embassies welcome} ------ {Mesodracomen} ------------------------------ {ZCerbus} -------------------------- {tower | Farm} ------------------------------ {Victorian style} ------------------------------------------------- {???} ------ {Moria} -------------------------------------------- {Rolli} -------------------------------- {post | tower} ------------------------------- {Stone, wood, green roofs} ---------------------------------- { Kaliphlin | Embassies more than welcome!} ------ {Panik} -------------------------------------------- {Volcanicpanik} -------------------- {Tower} -------------------------------------- {yellow} ------------------------------------------------------------ {???} ------ {Rexius} ------------------------------------------ {Capt.JohnPaulby} ---------------- {Outpost} ----------------------------------- {stone, wood, gold} --------------------------------------------- {???} ------ {Tigeria} ------------------------------------------ {timura} ------------------------------ {tower} --------------------------------------- {black, wood} ----------------------------------------------------- {???} ------ {Tigerius} ---------------------------------------- {Lightningtiger} -------------------- {tower} --------------------------------------- {lightgreen, grey} ------------------------------------------------- {???} {Enchantend Forest} ------ {Arcadoina} ------------------------------------ {Matn} --------------------------------- {Tower} --------------------------------------- {grey, green} ------------------------------------------------------ {???} ------ {Circardia} ------------------------------------- {MikeyB} ------------------------------ {Tower | Farm | Hut | House} -------- {wood, colourful} ------------------------------------------------- {???} ------ {Greenmoss} --------------------------------- {Lordofdragonss} ------------------ {tower} --------------------------------------- {wood} -------------------------------------------------------------- {???} ------ {Grodvek's Farmstead} -------------------- {Rogueang} ------------------------- {farm} ------------------------------------------ {wood with plantroofs} ------------------------------------------ {???} ------ {Halcwm} -------------------------------------- {Da Sandman} --------------------- {Farm | Tower} ------------------------------- {wood, stone, white and red roofs} -------------------------- {???} ------ {Hybrasil} -------------------------------------- {Fantu} -------------------------------- {...} ---------------------------------------------- {...} -------------------------------------------------------------------- {???} ------ {Kydenon} ------------------------------------- {K.Kreations} ------------------------ {Tower | Hall} ------------------------------- {stone} -------------------------------------------------------------- {???} ------ {Palace} -------------------------------------- {Doornroosje} ----------------------- {Palace} ------------------------------------- {marmer} ----------------------------------------------------------- {nope} ------ {watchtower 1} ----------------------------- {Maydayartist} --------------------- {tower} ---------------------------------------- {tree} ----------------------------------------------------------------- {tower} ------ {watchtower 2 / outpost} --------------- {Mattman} --------------------------- {Outpost} ------------------------------------- {tree} ---------------------------------------------------------------- {tower} {Mystic Isles} ------ {Brickdocton} ------------------------------- {Brickdocter} ------------------------- {Outpos} -------------------------------------- {stone, trees} ----------------------------------------------------- {???} ------ {Hemresa} ---------------------------------- {Narbilu} ------------------------------ {Gatehouse} --------------------------------- {stone, wood} ----------------------------------------------------- {???} ------ {Mystic Faerie Forest} -------------------- {Siercon and Coral} ---------------- {Festival | Caverns} ------------------------ {forest, stone} ---------------------------------------------------- {???} {Unnamed port} ----------------------- {Rogueyang} ----------- {post} ---------------------- {<<< view link} -------------------------------------------------- {Heavy fortified embassies welcome!} The Guild of Nocturnus {Butcher's Bay} ------ {Port Wrath} --------------------------------- {???} ---------------------- {...} ------------------------- {???} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {???} {Claw Breakers} ------ {Werewolves Area} ------------------------ {Hersbrucker} ---------- {Topic} -------------------- {wood, tents, swamps} ------------------------------------------------------------- {Kaliphlin | Embassies welcome: example} {Goolag Archipel} {Gza'Ar} ------ {Moorlight Tower} --------------------------- {Hex} ---------------------- {Tower} -------------------- {wood} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { Kaliphlin |embassies welcome : usefull link} {Harbringers Haven} ------ {Coastal Watchtower}---------------------- {Evil Stu} ------------------ {Tower} ------------------- {Wood, red, stone} ------------------------------------------------------------------- {None} {Keldra Labyrinth} ------ {Keldra Labyrinth} --------------------------- {I Scream Clone} ------ {Labyrinth} --------------- {Labyrinthic...} ------------------------------------------------------------------------- {None} {Moruth Swamplands} ------ {Abyssan} ------------------------------------- {I Scream Clone} ------ {...} ------------------------- {epic, dark buildings} ---------------------------------------------------------------- {None} ------ {The Great Walkway} ----------------------- {Zilcho} ------------------- {Walkway} --------------- {Swamps, wood} ---------------------------------------------------------------------- {None} {Rakath Mountains} ------ {Ashaba} -------------------------------------- {Angeli} -------------------- {Watchtower} ---------- {Black/Red/Lava} ---------------------------------------------------------------------- {None} ------ {Hell's Gate} ---------------------------------- {Tazmaniac} ------------- {Outpost} ---------------- {Stone, Lava} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- {None} ------ {Lith My'athar} ------------------------------- {Angeli} ------------------- {Lith My'athar} ---------- {Black/Red/Dark/Lava} -------------------------------------------------------------- {None} ------ {Mine} ------------------------------------------ {Zilcho} -------------------- {Mine} -------------------- {Rocky} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {None} ------ {Wyvern Nest} -------------------------------- {Tazmaniac} ------------- {Nest} -------------------- {Rocky and Hot (Lava)} -------------------------------------------------------------- {Only Wyvern Embassies Allowed I guess} {Rod's Peaks} ------ {Trading Post} -------------------------------- {Dr Rod} ----------------- {Watchtower} ----------- {rocky area} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- {embassies wanted} ------ {Haudh-En-Duath} -------------------------- {Cij Daoke} ------------- {Watchtower} ----------- {Tan, Grey} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {None} {Street of Cerberus} {Styx} ------ {Burning Snow Watchtower} ------------- {lisqr} --------------------- {Watchtower} ----------- {Black/Lava} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {None} {The Fallen Angel} {??????} ------ {Nesquick Outpost} -------------------------- {lorax} ------------------ {Tower} --------------------- {black with some red, stonehilss} ----------------------------------------------- {None} ------ {Border Outpost} ------------------------------ {Metalslime} --------- {Tower} --------------------- {Wood} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {None} ------ {Scarborough} -------------------------------- {Jareth} ---------------- {Farm} ---------------------- {Yellow} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {None} The Guild of Mitgardia {Valholl | C1} ------------------------------------------------------------------ {Jarl Nibelung} ------------------------------------- {...} ----------------------------------------- {Nordic feel} ------------------------------------------------------------- {embassies welcome} {At The Frozen River | T11} ------------------------------------------------ {Etzel} ------------------------------------------------- {tower} ----------------------------------- {wood, snow} ------------------------------------------------------------ {tower} {Clan of the Great Elk Watchtower | T17} ----------------------------- {Haltiamieli} ----------------------------------------- {tower} ----------------------------------- {stone, snow, hills} ----------------------------------------------------- {tower} {Dwarven Tower of Pikesteel Mnt | T12} ------------------------------ {FatTony} ---------------------------------------------- {Tower} ---------------------------------- {light grey, tan, snow, dwarves, mountain} ----------------------- {tower} {Erikson | C2} ---------------------------------------------------------------- {???} --------------------------------------------------- {...} ---------------------------------------- {Royal Port of Mitgardia} ----------------------------------------------- {???} {Fangnorst Tower O'er On The Sea | T14} --------------------------- {Tomcat Rio} ----------------------------------------- {Tower} ---------------------------------- {yellow, grey, brown, sea} --------------------------------------------- {impossible for embassy} {Guarding the Road to Valholl | T7} ------------------------------------ {Ecclesiastes} --------------------------------------- {Tower} ---------------------------------- {stone, wood, snow} --------------------------------------------------- {Hostile} {Helgestorp | C10} --------------------------------------------------------- {BricksandParts/Kabel} --------------------------- {citytopic} -------------------------------- {wood, forest} ------------------------------------------------------------ {embassies welcome} {Hot Springs Tower | R3} ------------------------------------------------- {Viceroy} ----------------------------------------------- {Tower} ---------------------------------- {wood, light grey, snow, mountains} ------------------------------- {tower} {Hykerbia | C4} -------------------------------------------------------------- {TomCatRio} ----------------------------------------- {...} ---------------------------------------- {Cultural Jewel of the East} ------------------------------------------ {Nocturnus | other Embassies welcome => read this} {Konugard} ------------------------------------------------------------------- {Jakon} ------------------------------------------------ {citytopic} -------------------------------- { stone, wood, snow } ------------------------------------------------- { Avalonia | Kaliphlin | Nocturnian not welcome, but spot available } {Misty Mountain Top | T10} ----------------------------------------------- {Sirens-Of-Titan} ------------------------------------ {Tower} ---------------------------------- {stone, mountain} ------------------------------------------------------- {tower} {Mitgardian Border Watchtower | T2} --------------------------------- {Kabel} ------------------------------------------------- {tower} ----------------------------------- {stone, snow} ------------------------------------------------------------ {tower} {Mitgardia Outpost | T9} -------------------------------------------------- {Man With Beard} ------------------------------------ {Outpost} ------------------------------- {stone, wood, snow} --------------------------------------------------- {tower} {Mitgardian Watchtower | T16} ----------------------------------------- {Legoman273} --------------------------------------- {tower} ---------------------------------- {stone, mountain, river, snow} --------------------------------------- {tower} {Nordheim | C6} ------------------------------------------------------------ {Viceroy} ----------------------------------------------- {...} ---------------------------------------- {Hvar-city, tradingcity, Skyrim} ---------------------------------------- {???} {Northridge | C8} ----------------------------------------------------------- {???} --------------------------------------------------- {...} ---------------------------------------- {...} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- {???} {Omurtag | C3} -------------------------------------------------------------- {???} --------------------------------------------------- {...} --------------------------------------- {Dwarven Citadel, North} ---------------------------------------------- {???} {Ondylion | C5} ------------------------------------------------------------- {Ecclesiastes} --------------------------------------- {Ondylion Housing} ------------------ {Wood} --------------------------------------------------------------------- {NO EMBASSIES ALLOWED} {Penguinius's Inspection | T8} ----------------------------------------- {The Penguin} --------------------------------------- {Tower} ---------------------------------- {white stone, snow} ----------------------------------------------------- {tower} {Pikesteel Mountain | C7} ---------------------------------------------- {???} ---------------------------------------------------- {...} ---------------------------------------- {Dwarven settlement, coalmine} ------------------------------------ {???} {Stoneroda | C11} --------------------------------------------------------- {Kabel} ------------------------------------------------- {Part 1 | Part 2} ------------------------ {Very colorfoul city!} ------------------------------------------------------ {???} {Surprise Watchtower | T5} --------------------------------------------- {_dargor_} --------------------------------------------- {tower} ---------------------------------- {stone, wood} ------------------------------------------------------------- {alonestanding tower} {Syalir Peak Watch Tower | T13} -------------------------------------- {Dan Church} ----------------------------------------- {Tower} ---------------------------------- {stone, snow, mountain} ---------------------------------------------- {tower} {Temple of Gyhnran} ----------------------------------------------------- {Ecclesiastes} ---------------------------------------- {Temple} -------------------------------- {wood, snow} ------------------------------------------------------------- {probably not} {Teridyan | C9} ------------------------------------------------------------- {???} ---------------------------------------------------- {...} ---------------------------------------- {...} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- {???} {The Drake's Head Inn} -------------------------------------------------- {Sirens-Of-Titan} ------------------------------------ {Inn} -------------------------------------- {tan, wood} ---------------------------------------------------------------- {would be stupid as it is an inn...} {The Hanging Tower | T15} --------------------------------------------- {mcfarlandman} -------------------------------------- {Tower} --------------------------------- {stone, sea} --------------------------------------------------------------- {impossible for embassy} {The Mightiest Tower in Mitgardia | T1} ------------------------------ {On Stranger Tides} --------------------------------- {Tower} --------------------------------- {stone, snow} ------------------------------------------------------------ {tower} {Village of Urk'cape | C12} --------------------------------------------- {darkdragon} ------------------------------------------ {Village} -------------------------------- {no snow, grey/tan/wood} --------------------------------------------- {???} {Watchtower at the Pass | T6} ------------------------------------------ {rucorder} ---------------------------------------------- {Tower} --------------------------------- {stone, snow} ------------------------------------------------------------ {tower} {Welcome to Mitgardia Tower | T4} ------------------------------------ {Busboy489} ------------------------------------------ {Tower} --------------------------------- {stone, mountains} ----------------------------------------------------- {impossible terrain for embassy} No more information yet Neutral Land ----- {Cedrica} ------------------------------------- {NOBODY} ------------------------------ {Big Mystery...} ----- {Crossroad} --------------------------------- {Tazmaniac} ---------------------------- {topic} ----- {Equatorius} -------------------------------- {Tazmaniac} ---------------------------- {Watchtower} Available Embassies Kaliphlin Embassy for Nocturnus: Mitgardian Embassy for Avalonia: Mitgardian Embassy for Nocturnus: {Viceroy => Rakath Mountain?) Nocturnus Embassy for Mitgardia: {Cij Daoke | Angeli (Rilauven Outpost)} Nocturnus Embassy for Kaliphlin: {Hexx} => I know I can find much information myself, but first I gonna take a sleep and enjoy Xmas tomorrow. So to everybody: please post all information you know about cities in your guild! And you will help me a lot if you put the links of posts with pictures of the city (not as working link, but like text) in the post too so I just need to copy paste them for making a working link => Villages, Oasises, lonely Castles/farms/buildings, Camps, Clanhouses, towers, ... may be given too as it are places where people come together and are characteristic for a Guild. Of course not all of them will be aible to host an embassy so I'll determine if it will be possible or not. Same remark: please post all your information here with link (as TEXT!) so I can put it in the list. => Those who are building an embassy or are interested in building one: post the name of the city in wich you wanna build the embassy so I can add it to the list here! It would be stupid to have for example 2 Avalonian embassies in a city of Kaliphlin, so first comes first served! But of course you can build embassies for somewhere outside a city as well (oasis/mountain/isle/forest/...). => To the cartographers of each guild: may I ask you to post the maps in this topic as well so I can put them in the list too. In this way, I can try to mark all important places on the maps (using paint, which rules ). I am sure I forgot thousands of things to tell, but let's start with this and I always can change some things to make it more clear Merry Xmas to you all and have fun building in the holidays!! Edited February 24, 201213 yr by DaMaximus
December 25, 201113 yr I'm building an Embassy in Albion, Avalonia, for the Mitgardia Guild. EDIT: actually, turns out that spot is closed, so, somewhere else... Edited December 25, 201113 yr by Jakon
December 25, 201113 yr I will be building a Nocturnus embassy in the South East of Mitgardia, not sure what cities they have there, something along a trade route I imagine... Any Mitgardians help me out here?? I think Nocturnus will be a bit difficult to build embassies in, there is a "capital" of sorts but not too many "cities". There is of course "Lith My'athar" (Lith My'athar), but you would be a brave soul to build an embassy there. ;) I am planning on developing the area in front of my watchtower (Dr Rod's Watchtower) as a trade centre over the next 4-6 weeks. A small embassy could fit in there perhaps, the area is very rocky like the rock areas in my watchtower. Dr Rod
December 25, 201113 yr On 12/25/2011 at 12:30 AM, DaMaximus said: => Those who are building an embassy or are interested in building one: post the name of the city in wich you wanna build the embassy so I can add it to the list here! It would be stupid to have for example 2 Avalonian embassies in a city of Kaliphlin, so first comes first served! But of course you can build embassies for somewhere outside a city as well (oasis/mountain/isle/forest/...). Merry Xmas to you all and have fun building in the holidays!! Altough it's a nice idea, an embassy doens'nt have to be in a city. For example, I'm building the city of Ondylion in Mitgardia. You're idea is that other builders could build an embassy in my city... Altough there is hospitality in my city, I don't appreciate other guilds buildings in the city. And with the rule first come first serve, there will probaly be not enough cities for the amount of entries. So it would be better to stick with, for example: A Mitgardian embassy in Avalonia or A mitgardia embassy in Kaliphlin On 12/25/2011 at 12:15 PM, Dr Rod said: I will be building a Nocturnus embassy in the South East of Mitgardia, not sure what cities they have there, something along a trade route I imagine... Any Mitgardians help me out here?? I think Nocturnus will be a bit difficult to build embassies in, there is a "capital" of sorts but not too many "cities". There is of course "Lith My'athar" (Lith My'athar), but you would be a brave soul to build an embassy there. ;) I am planning on developing the area in front of my watchtower (Dr Rod's Watchtower) as a trade centre over the next 4-6 weeks. A small embassy could fit in there perhaps, the area is very rocky like the rock areas in my watchtower. Dr Rod As pointed out, feel free to build an embassy anywere on the lands of Mitgardia. Don't forget to bring warm clothing, because you Nocturnus guys will not like the cold Edited December 25, 201113 yr by Ecclesiastes
December 25, 201113 yr I will be building an embassy for Nocturnus in Avalonia. I intend to build somewhere in the countryside, I won't be building a garison, just a market to trade some fine Nocturnian goods with the good people of Avalonia and a small tower of knowledge for all those interested in Nocturnian lore :) So if any Avaloninan Lord would be kind enough to spare a speck of land where a few humble Nocturnians may settle, I'll make sure he gets compensated (his avatar or troops will appear on the MOC ).
December 25, 201113 yr On 12/25/2011 at 2:36 PM, Hexx said: I will be building an embassy for Nocturnus in Avalonia. I intend to build somewhere in the countryside, I won't be building a garison, just a market to trade some fine Nocturnian goods with the good people of Avalonia and a small tower of knowledge for all those interested in Nocturnian lore :) So if any Avaloninan Lord would be kind enough to spare a speck of land where a few humble Nocturnians may settle, I'll make sure he gets compensated (his avatar or troops will appear on the MOC ). Glevum is free and is a good location, as it on a major trade route if you wish to build on my land comment on this topic so we can negotiate where your land will be
December 25, 201113 yr Here you can see the land from us {city name} There is no city name, but a name for this area: "Claw Breakers" {city lord} Darecold (Hersbrucker) For Nocturnus
December 25, 201113 yr Author On 12/25/2011 at 3:15 AM, Jakon said: I'm building an Embassy in Albion, Avalonia, for the Mitgardia Guild. EDIT: actually, turns out that spot is closed, so, somewhere else... That's why I openend this topic I put you in the list with available embassies, but maybe you can find a deal with Legonardo Davidy On 12/25/2011 at 12:15 PM, Dr Rod said: I will be building a Nocturnus embassy in the South East of Mitgardia, not sure what cities they have there, something along a trade route I imagine... Any Mitgardians help me out here?? I think Nocturnus will be a bit difficult to build embassies in, there is a "capital" of sorts but not too many "cities". There is of course "Lith My'athar" (Lith My'athar), but you would be a brave soul to build an embassy there. ;) I am planning on developing the area in front of my watchtower (Dr Rod's Watchtower) as a trade centre over the next 4-6 weeks. A small embassy could fit in there perhaps, the area is very rocky like the rock areas in my watchtower. Dr Rod Put you in the list with embassies looking for an home and updated the information about Lith My'athar and Raketh Mountain Watchtower Tradin Post (as I don't have a shorter name for your project xD On 12/25/2011 at 1:31 PM, Ecclesiastes said: Altough it's a nice idea, an embassy doens'nt have to be in a city. For example, I'm building the city of Ondylion in Mitgardia. You're idea is that other builders could build an embassy in my city... Altough there is hospitality in my city, I don't appreciate other guilds buildings in the city. And with the rule first come first serve, there will probaly be not enough cities for the amount of entries. So it would be better to stick with, for example: A Mitgardian embassy in Avalonia or A mitgardia embassy in Kaliphlin As pointed out, feel free to build an embassy anywere on the lands of Mitgardia. Don't forget to bring warm clothing, because you Nocturnus guys will not like the cold ==> That's why there is the possibility to put: No embassy wanted beside the city ;) So I put your city in the list with the information I found already ! :) ==> some lamps and fires are maybe smart too as my spies told me Nocturnus is a cold and dark place On 12/25/2011 at 2:36 PM, Hexx said: I will be building an embassy for Nocturnus in Avalonia. I intend to build somewhere in the countryside, I won't be building a garison, just a market to trade some fine Nocturnian goods with the good people of Avalonia and a small tower of knowledge for all those interested in Nocturnian lore :) So if any Avaloninan Lord would be kind enough to spare a speck of land where a few humble Nocturnians may settle, I'll make sure he gets compensated (his avatar or troops will appear on the MOC ). Well since Legonardo is looking for hosting an embassy, your embassy will be in Glevum!!! In addition: May Moorlight host embassies or is it an hostile area? On 12/25/2011 at 4:56 PM, Legonardo Davidy said: Glevum is free and is a good location, as it on a major trade route => picture <= if you wish to build on my land comment on this topic so we can negotiate where your land will be This is what I mean with putting information!!! :thumbup: So Hexx's embassy will be in Glevum! I guess other embassies are welcome as well? If so, you and Jakon can work something out for a Mitgardian Embassy in your fine city! On 12/25/2011 at 6:31 PM, Hersbrucker said: Here you can see the land from us => picture <= {city name} There is no city name, but a name for this area: "Claw Breakers" {city lord} Darecold (Hersbrucker) For Nocturnus Nice! As it is a more desolate place, you want some embassies or are they doomed to be abandonned real soon? Edited December 25, 201113 yr by DaMaximus
December 25, 201113 yr Hi. I have compiled as much information about Mitgardian cities as I could find in my Guide to Mitgardia. Also Ecclesiastes city of Ondylion is in Mitgardia not Avelonia. Hope that helps mate. I dont want to sound argumentative but in the spirit of the competition surely all 4 capitals should be open for embassy building? (Although I'm not saying the Avelonians have to incorporate every proposed build into their city plan, that would be a nightmare) Maybe our Cedrican overlords can clarify? @Dr Rod. The only city in the South East is Hykerbia, run by a Mr TomCatRio, he's quite a creative builder so I'm sure a nocturnus embassy would compliment his city well. Valholl is also great place to build a MOC. Its quite a cosmopolitan place with markets to rival Petrea and traders from every stretch of Historica, but with an obvious Nordic feel to the place. You're more than welcome in my coastal trading town of Nordheim (Dawnstar/Morthal from Skyrim meets Lonelywood from Icewind Dale). I would quite like the chance to try a Nocturnus style build, I will investigate the possibility of building a Mitgardian trade post near your tower, perhaps in some ruins of a smaller, older tower. I wont claim exclusivity over the spot though. Edited December 25, 201113 yr by Viceroy
December 25, 201113 yr Author On 12/25/2011 at 9:39 PM, Viceroy said: Hi. I have compiled as much information about Mitgardian cities as I could find in my Guide to Mitgardia. Also Ecclesiastes city of Ondylion is in Mitgardia not Avelonia. I dont want to sound argumentative but in the spirit of the competition surely all 4 capitals should be open for embassy building? (Although I'm not saying the Avelonians have to incorporate every proposed build into their city plan, that would be a nightmare) Maybe our Cedrican overlords can comment on this? Hmm, how the megabloks could I have misplaced Ondylion... ? I think it's normal that all 4 capitals have one embassy of each other Guild. But Jakon offered his embassy to Albion and the answer was: only Avalonia buildings will have a spot in Albion... But there are some cities really close to Albion like Glevum (if I am not wrong), so travellers will have to go to there I fear. Thx for the link! The Mitgardian list will be updated asap! :)
December 25, 201113 yr On 12/25/2011 at 8:10 PM, DaMaximus said: As it is a more desolate place, you want some embassies or are they doomed to be abandonned real soon? Oh, everybody is welcome here, at our place. But if somebody like to build a Embassy here, it should be not so luxury and big as some Watchtower here shown Maybe a type of this will be a good choice for our area
December 25, 201113 yr There is a port on the eastern edge if the Enchanted Forest (with my Guild Master's permission) that would welcome embassies within Avalonia. The colors would be black, light grey, dark green and sand green. White and brown/reddish brown buildings are not uncommon. Any embassies would likely be walled or heavily fortified in case relations deteriorated.
December 25, 201113 yr Author On 12/25/2011 at 9:39 PM, Viceroy said: @Dr Rod. The only city in the South East is Hykerbia, run by a Mr TomCatRio, he's quite a creative builder so I'm sure a nocturnus embassy would compliment his city well. Valholl is also great place to build a MOC. Its quite a cosmopolitan place with markets to rival Petrea and traders from every stretch of Historica, but with an obvious Nordic feel to the place. You're more than welcome in my coastal trading town of Nordheim (Dawnstar/Morthal from Skyrim meets Lonelywood from Icewind Dale). I would quite like the chance to try a Nocturnus style build, I will investigate the possibility of building a Mitgardian trade post near your tower, perhaps in some ruins of a smaller, older tower. I wont claim exclusivity over the spot though. Dr Rod will have to tell where he wants to place his embassy, but nice he has already some choice! I'll put you in the list then as well with Dr Rod beside it On 12/25/2011 at 10:04 PM, Hersbrucker said: Oh, everybody is welcome here, at our place. But if somebody like to build a Embassy here, it should be not so luxury and big as some Watchtower here shown Maybe a type of this will be a good choice for our area Ok, your lands are become available then! :) On 12/25/2011 at 10:06 PM, rogueang said: There is a port on the eastern edge if the Enchanted Forest (with my Guild Master's permission) that would welcome embassies within Avalonia. The colors would be black, light grey, dark green and sand green. White and brown/reddish brown buildings are not uncommon. Any embassies would likely be walled or heavily fortified in case relations deteriorated. Is it near Godvek's Harmstead?
December 25, 201113 yr On 12/25/2011 at 10:11 PM, DaMaximus said: Dr Rod will have to tell where he wants to place his embassy, but nice he has already some choice! I'll put you in the list then as well with Dr Rod beside it Ok, your lands are become available then! :) Is it near Godvek's Harmstead? It would be either there, or southeast of Circadia - tower 5 on the Avalonia map, at the point just southeast of the tower symbol. The exact location has not been determined yet. Edited December 26, 201113 yr by rogueang
December 25, 201113 yr Author On 12/25/2011 at 10:50 PM, rogueang said: It would be either there, or southeast of Circadia - tower 5 on the Avalonia map, right at that point. The exact location has not been determined yet. Ok, you already have a name for the port? On 12/25/2011 at 11:03 PM, C.J.Cutrone9 said: My land, Edaho, a land in Avalonia, is by a river outlet. Embassy is welcome. Great! Edaho will be added with the megaedit! :D
December 25, 201113 yr Author big edit made at first post! 2morrow in my study breaks, I'll improve the lay-out and add more stuff!
December 26, 201113 yr On 12/25/2011 at 9:59 PM, DaMaximus said: Hmm, how the megabloks could I have misplaced Ondylion... ? I think it's normal that all 4 capitals have one embassy of each other Guild. But Jakon offered his embassy to Albion and the answer was: only Avalonia buildings will have a spot in Albion... But there are some cities really close to Albion like Glevum (if I am not wrong), so travellers will have to go to there I fear. Ok I had a read, I can see where ZCerebus is coming from, he's got his city carefully planned out and doesnt want to see it carved up by other guilds as the ambiance/appearance would be affected greatly. There's only a limited supply of plots and plenty more rounds to go after all. My reasoning before was simply that embassys are usually located in Capital cities and it seemed a bit unfair for one guild to limit the range of building opportunities for the other 3. But now I am not sure what to think haha. Perhaps if you want to build in Albion or any city you should just do it, its up to the guild/land owner to include them in their official maps or not (obviously a bit of forward negotiation does help). No sweat. If I was to draw up a map for Valholl eventually, I wouldnt include every embassy, I would probably just pick the best one from each guild. Or maybe I'm the only one who has any issue with this lol. Edited December 26, 201113 yr by Viceroy
December 26, 201113 yr On 12/26/2011 at 12:41 AM, Viceroy said: Ok I had a read, I can see where ZCerebus is coming from, he's got his city carefully planned out and doesnt want to see it carved up by other guilds as the ambiance/appearance would be affected greatly. There's only a limited supply of plots and plenty more rounds to go after all. My reasoning before was simply that embassys are usually located in Capital cities and it seemed a bit unfair for one guild to limit the range of building opportunities for the other 3. But now I am not sure what to think haha. Perhaps if you want to build in Albion or any city you should just do it, its up to the guild/land owner to include them in their official maps or not (obviously a bit of forward negotiation does help). No sweat. If I was to draw up a map for Valholl eventually, I wouldnt include every embassy, I would probably just pick the best one from each guild. Or maybe I'm the only one who has any issue with this lol. I personally hadn't even considered any plots or such for my Embassy to be. I was just going to say Nocturnus Embassy, or maybe specify the city. I would agree that the guild could maybe pick one embassy from each other guild, or faction. There could be, say, a Mitgardian Embassy AND a Dwarven Embassy. I wouldn't be concerned with specific plots for your Embassy. I could see Embassies being in cities other than the Capitol, for example New York City or Los Angeles vs. Washington D.C. I think that intra-guild builds can be more plot specific, while inter-guild would be at the whim of the guild. My two cents.
December 26, 201113 yr On 12/25/2011 at 12:15 PM, Dr Rod said: I will be building a Nocturnus embassy in the South East of Mitgardia, not sure what cities they have there, something along a trade route I imagine... Any Mitgardians help me out here?? Dr Rod South Eastern Mitgardia?! That's where my port city of Hykerbia lies along the major sea and land trade route into Nocturnus and Kaliphin via the Eastern tradeways. Hykerbia welcomes all guilds , peoples and travellers to set up embassies and trade posts. Speak friend and you may enter our great walls, our planners will find a convenient spot and you can build your embassies anywhere in the trader's sector. Our climate is temperate with a sea port view on your porch, snow cap mountain in your backyard and expansive farmland just outside the walls. The city is a mix of old historical medieval style of wood,rock and mortar, Nordic and Dwarvish homesteads and a rapidly growing urbanised Victorian style with glass and bricks. In fact we welcome all architectural styles, the only law being that no building may be taller than 30 brick heights or 4 minifig storeys, because the Ranger's Towers and Priestess's Temple in my city are customary important to stand over the rest of the buildings ;) So I welcome you to build your embassy here Mr Rod! Baron Maude La Flaga, founder of Hykerbia city, of the House of Mitgardia and loyal knight of King Jarl Nibilung.
December 26, 201113 yr Albion is a guild project and because we have plots already staked out, I didn't want to allow anyone other than an Avalonian to build in the capital city on the pre-made plots. I hope you understand that if we all other guilds' members to build inside our great capital who knows what kind of foolishness will ensue! HOWEVER... Albion has two tiers and there is no guarantee we will ever develop the space between the Wall and the Inner Sanctum. I am fine with people saying they have built an embassy inside Albion (and therefore located between the two tiers), however, I will not allow it to have a plot number inside the Albion Inner Sanctum and may not link the embassy in the first post of the Albion thread. If we ever develop the outer tier we reserve the right to simply not link an embassy or any other building in the thread as official. I think that is reasonable. Once again, we will NOT be allowing any non-Avalonians to have a plot number in the Inner Sanctum. However, you may say your embassy is in Albion understanding that it may never be linked as an official part on the Albion thread. I would also appreciate any embassy that is listed as being in Albion NOT be posted in the Albion thread itself. Post the embassy in the regular Guild forum and if everything is reasonably completed and fits, I may choose to link them in the Albion thread as well. Thank you!!!
December 26, 201113 yr I don't know if you have this information yet, but I posted it a while back in Kaliphlin's thread. Eastgate - a safe harbor for ships traveling east from Avalonia into the coasts of the Badlands. (Also vice versa, but the winds are more favorable west to east.) Also the head of the Red River moving the great timber trade (live oak in large quantities, the finest in the world) and some river trade from upriver. It is a mix of styles, having some classic European architecture, mixed with Mediterranean and Arabian because it is a melting pot of cultures. The quarries to the east bring brown and tan rock, while the queries up river bring red rock, with Avalonia so close, rock grey in color is also sold in the city. The city walls are mostly tan / brown in color, but some of the newer structures are the now cheaper Avalonian grey. Not only is Eastgate a port, but it also has some of the best ship building facilities in the known world (due to the large live oak supply that comes through its port) with a natural bay that has been artificially expanded around four hundred years ago. Eastgate by princeofska, on Flickr Legend 1) GEAR CO. World Headquarters 2)Main Armory 3) Warehouse District 4) Great Bridge of Eastgate 5) Rose Tower 6) Pearl Tower 7) The Inner Bastion 8) The Great Keep 9) Expansion Town 10) New Town 11) GEAR Shipbuilding facilities 12)The South Gate 13) Lionsgate 14) Crown's Gate 15) The Guardians 16) The Neck Eastgate, roughly as it stands today. Lord Dugal MacLean welcomes all non-slavers to Eastgate. I hope that many trading companies will set up shop here. Edited December 26, 201113 yr by SkaForHire
December 26, 201113 yr Author On 12/25/2011 at 10:04 PM, Hersbrucker said: Oh, everybody is welcome here, at our place. But if somebody like to build a Embassy here, it should be not so luxury and big as some Watchtower here shown Maybe a type of this will be a good choice for our area Lord Damaximus decided to accept the terms and will build a guild for Kaliphlin in your area! That werewolves and traders from Kaliphlin may live in peace! Edited December 26, 201113 yr by DaMaximus
December 26, 201113 yr Author Lay-out changed withing half an hour! => hmm, hoped the result was better :( On 12/26/2011 at 12:41 AM, Viceroy said: Ok I had a read, I can see where ZCerebus is coming from, he's got his city carefully planned out and doesnt want to see it carved up by other guilds as the ambiance/appearance would be affected greatly. There's only a limited supply of plots and plenty more rounds to go after all. My reasoning before was simply that embassys are usually located in Capital cities and it seemed a bit unfair for one guild to limit the range of building opportunities for the other 3. But now I am not sure what to think haha. Perhaps if you want to build in Albion or any city you should just do it, its up to the guild/land owner to include them in their official maps or not (obviously a bit of forward negotiation does help). No sweat. If I was to draw up a map for Valholl eventually, I wouldnt include every embassy, I would probably just pick the best one from each guild. Or maybe I'm the only one who has any issue with this lol. I think we have to follow cities policies. If they don't want embassies, so be it. And when I drew the map for my Mpya Stedor, I gave 6 spots the function of embassy (3 for the Guilds of Historica, 1 for the Guild I am born in far far away and 2 for the first factions who want to put an embassy in my city) The main reason why I made this topic is because I think it's stupid that some cities (let's say Albion in Avalonia) will have 5 embassies of the same Guild (Kaliphlin for example), while cities at the other side of that Guild will have no embassies. This means that travellers with problems will have to walk hundreds of miles and a couple of days before they are safe in their embassy. So I prefer that every Guild can only have one embassy in every city outside their own Guild. On 12/26/2011 at 1:20 AM, rogueang said: I personally hadn't even considered any plots or such for my Embassy to be. I was just going to say Nocturnus Embassy, or maybe specify the city. I would agree that the guild could maybe pick one embassy from each other guild, or faction. There could be, say, a Mitgardian Embassy AND a Dwarven Embassy. I wouldn't be concerned with specific plots for your Embassy. I could see Embassies being in cities other than the Capitol, for example New York City or Los Angeles vs. Washington D.C. I think that intra-guild builds can be more plot specific, while inter-guild would be at the whim of the guild. My two cents. If I am right, almost everybody declared his loyalty with: I, ..., pledge my alliance to the Guild of blablabla. So they all declared that their city will help defending and developping that Guild. Looking to some maps, you sea that some Guilds are divided in areas or smaller factions. With this in mind, it's maybe better that travellers from an other Guild will have more than one place or city to go to if they are in danger Another thing I try to accomplish with this topic is the fact that due flickr, links and mapmaking, you can "see" your embassy in the specific city. For example, if someone is building an embassy for Mpya Stedor, his embassy will be linked to my list of building, as it is a real part of my city And if people who want to build an embassy knows in wich city it will be located, they can adapt some specific aspects from that city in their embassy! On 12/26/2011 at 2:00 AM, Tomcat RIO said: South Eastern Mitgardia?! That's where my port city of Hykerbia lies along the major sea and land trade route into Nocturnus and Kaliphin via the Eastern tradeways. Hykerbia welcomes all guilds , peoples and travellers to set up embassies and trade posts. Speak friend and you may enter our great walls, our planners will find a convenient spot and you can build your embassies anywhere in the trader's sector. Our climate is temperate with a sea port view on your porch, snow cap mountain in your backyard and expansive farmland just outside the walls. The city is a mix of old historical medieval style of wood,rock and mortar, Nordic and Dwarvish homesteads and a rapidly growing urbanised Victorian style with glass and bricks. In fact we welcome all architectural styles, the only law being that no building may be taller than 30 brick heights or 4 minifig storeys, because the Ranger's Towers and Priestess's Temple in my city are customary important to stand over the rest of the buildings ;) So I welcome you to build your embassy here Mr Rod! Baron Maude La Flaga, founder of Hykerbia city, of the House of Mitgardia and loyal knight of King Jarl Nibilung. Great, Dr Rod's embassy will be located in the city of Hykerbia then! :) On 12/26/2011 at 5:24 AM, Jakon said: Just secured a spot outside Albion's city walls for the Mitgardian Embassy Of course this is not forbidden, but if you want, you can build your embassy in Glevum, just a few hours walking from Albion :) Building an embassy in a city has the advantage that in times of war between 2 guilds, the enemies can't sabotage your embassy (as long it's not your Guild who is in war of course) On 12/26/2011 at 5:30 AM, ZCerberus said: Albion is a guild project and because we have plots already staked out, I didn't want to allow anyone other than an Avalonian to build in the capital city on the pre-made plots. I hope you understand that if we all other guilds' members to build inside our great capital who knows what kind of foolishness will ensue! HOWEVER... Albion has two tiers and there is no guarantee we will ever develop the space between the Wall and the Inner Sanctum. I am fine with people saying they have built an embassy inside Albion (and therefore located between the two tiers), however, I will not allow it to have a plot number inside the Albion Inner Sanctum and may not link the embassy in the first post of the Albion thread. If we ever develop the outer tier we reserve the right to simply not link an embassy or any other building in the thread as official. I think that is reasonable. Once again, we will NOT be allowing any non-Avalonians to have a plot number in the Inner Sanctum. However, you may say your embassy is in Albion understanding that it may never be linked as an official part on the Albion thread. I would also appreciate any embassy that is listed as being in Albion NOT be posted in the Albion thread itself. Post the embassy in the regular Guild forum and if everything is reasonably completed and fits, I may choose to link them in the Albion thread as well. Thank you!!! So translated for all embassybuilders: "Albion is ours, go to another city!" On 12/26/2011 at 7:29 AM, SkaForHire said: I don't know if you have this information yet, but I posted it a while back in Kaliphlin's thread. Eastgate - a safe harbor for ships traveling east from Avalonia into the coasts of the Badlands. (Also vice versa, but the winds are more favorable west to east.) Also the head of the Red River moving the great timber trade (live oak in large quantities, the finest in the world) and some river trade from upriver. It is a mix of styles, having some classic European architecture, mixed with Mediterranean and Arabian because it is a melting pot of cultures. The quarries to the east bring brown and tan rock, while the queries up river bring red rock, with Avalonia so close, rock grey in color is also sold in the city. The city walls are mostly tan / brown in color, but some of the newer structures are the now cheaper Avalonian grey. Not only is Eastgate a port, but it also has some of the best ship building facilities in the known world (due to the large live oak supply that comes through its port) with a natural bay that has been artificially expanded around four hundred years ago. Eastgate, roughly as it stands today. Lord Dugal MacLean welcomes all non-slavers to Eastgate. I hope that many trading companies will set up shop here. I saw the map at our great Guilds thread already, but haven't found the time to put all information in this topic Thx for posting this! Edited December 26, 201113 yr by DaMaximus
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