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Posted (edited)

Okay, here's my next vig of a painting. This time it's 'Napoleon's Retreat From Moscow', by Adolph Northern.


Napoleon's Grande Armee has marched into Russia, intending to conquer it. The Russians however, have used the scorched earth policy, meaning they will destroy all of the food sources and shelters around Napoleon's army, stopping them from gaining any supplies. Napoleon finally arrives in Moscow, only to find the Russians have destroyed that too. With no food or shelter and the Russian Winter starting to kick in, Napoleon has no choice but to turn back. Many of his soldiers die on the way, either by the cold, starvation, exhaustion or by the Russian army picking off exposed groups. The Russian campaign was a disaster.

Here's the lego version:


Napoleon himself:


La Grande Armee:



.. And the fallen soldiers:


Who's painting in this cold? :-D


The painter shan't worry about the problems the French face: He has some food..:


.. And a fire to keep himself warm :-$ :


But who's that behind him?


Look out, brave painter, a Cossack!:



With lightning-fast reflexes, the painter grabs his canvas and smashes it over the Cossack's head!:



.. Then quickly runs off before the Cossack can get his revenge.. X-D



Edited by TinyPiesRUs
  • Eurobricks Emperor

There are 3 thumbs not working for me (1,2,4).

Also might I suggest you do some resizing of the images before uploading them to ImageShark?

These are eating my bandwidth....

By ApophisV: How to resize a large pic

By MisterPhes: How to perform a batch image resize

Now, that being said...

This looks like another excellent vignette based on a painting.

Maybe we have to consider the suggestion of Woody64 and make a separate spot for these somewhere.

What did you use to make the Cossacks hat? Something from a microphone? Looks good !!!

  • Governor

Yes, resize your images using our wonderful tutorials before uploading them. 800 pixels wide is usually sufficient for "landscaped" images.


Ummm, which torso is this? It looks kinda futuristic.

Posted (edited)

Thanks Bonaparte, I've fixed all of the images.

This looks like another excellent vignette based on a painting.

Maybe we have to consider the suggestion of Woody64 and make a separate spot for these somewhere.

What did you use to make the Cossacks hat? Something from a microphone? Looks good !!!

Thanks again *sweet* And yes, the hat is made from an old microphone head. I then stuck a bandana into the hollow part so that it can be properly worn. I think it's a little too big, but I'm still happy with it.

Ummm, which torso is this? It looks kinda futuristic.

Oh, that's a snowtrooper torso :-$ I didn't want to use a plain white torso, as I wanted to still show a kind of uniform beneath the snow. That's the closest torso I had to what I was looking for..

Edited by TinyPiesRUs
  • Eurobricks Emperor
Thanks Bonaparte, I've fixed all of the images.

You did great!

It is soo much better now the pictures are directly in the thread.

  • Governor

Much better unless someone is still using 28K dialup connection and a resolution of 800x600. X-D

Let's compare Bonapartes shall we? X-D



Which one is the most handsome?


Well I'm British... so both Napolean's smell :-P

Nice to see him on the run... Tiny Pies this one was really trumps. I understood what you were trying to achieve with the white torso and the addition of the little cosack-painter saga made it even more entertaining. Makes one consider that the microphone head could be used for Buckingham Palace guards now. The face of the star wars emperor was also an excellent touch because an ugly bugger like that must be half dead. X-D


Very nicely done. I'd say you have the best Napoleon head, but Bonaparte has you on the torso/hat.

I especially loved the cossack/painter action shots and would only have made one slight change. Fleshie heads for the dead/wounded. Nothing looks deader than a fleshie mixed in with normal yellow heads ;-)

Retreat On! *y*


Very well done!

I think the arranging of the figures surrounding Bonaparte is done in a way which reflects the idea of the original painting without copying it.

Want to see more vignettes of that quality ...



The Vig is very nice just one thing about the head is it look's to young for Napoleon as he was growing older now. Keep up the great vigs!

The Vig is very nice just one thing about the head is it look's to young for Napoleon as he was growing older now. Keep up the great vigs!

That's a fair point. The two Napoleans are appropriate indications of his age. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Bonaparte originally attempt to resist the French occupation of Corsica in the early days... One easily forgets his true Nationality-Ethnicity but these seems to be common... Hitler not being German, Stalin not being Russian etc.

Or more likely you have an evil identical twin and we'll never be able to tell which is which! X-O

Damnit! My master plan has been foiled... but how did you know? I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those pesky kids and their dog! X-D


I think this is your best painting look alike yet. The whole thing is perfect except for the star wars uniform. It doesn't fit in. Keep up the good work.


I love using the tires as the tall furry hats...did you come up with that, or have you seen others do it? It's the first time I've seen it. Love these painting-vignettes you're doing.

  • Governor
Damnit! My master plan has been foiled... but how did you know? I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those pesky kids and their dog! X-D

No! No! No! Don't thread, your master plan is safe, we've just revealed there's more to you than previously thought.

Posted (edited)

Wow I always love your vigs Tiny PiesRUs.

This one is no exception.

Only thing I woulda done different is put a few more soldiers to give it the crowded feeling that the painting has.

Edited by Johnny 5

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