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My fellow Eurobricks members, the time has come for a whole new community build. A new Community Build that will get you all building. This is the Eurobricks Community Star Wars Build (EBCSWB). This build will take place on a Venator Class Star Destroyer.

This build will be in some ways different to the castle one and after about 5-8 months I might swap it round to a new place off the star wars map. Also at the end of the build, we will have a friendily vote to see whose module on the ship has been the best, but that is mostly just for fun, don't worry about it yet. Below are the rules, have a read through and if you are interested read on.

-Must be keen on building modular rooms of a ship as a team.

-Love to MOC (though this is a given) and give and take constructive criticism too.

-Follow the size restrictions per entry as per the star wars layout below.

-Be willing to build your modules within a few months of signing up for one of the choices (some people are busy, we understand that but try your best).

-Registration is open to any member, regardless of number of posts , etc.

-Images no larger than 800 x 600 please, and maximum of 5 images per MOC unless you post smaller images.

-If you have an idea of another room that would be good to have in the EBCSWB, let me know and I can add it to the list of ideas at the bottom of this post.

-Two people may build the same room but not the same slot.

-Please post your pictures in the build thread here.

-If you take a spot, say what you are planning to build on it(so you don't get annoyed when somebody else builds the same thing first).

-If you want to pull out of a spot or move to a new one shoot me a p.m. or reply in this thread.

-No LDD entries are allowed, this is a real lego challenge.

-Most importantly, have fun.

Map Layout


Venator 1

Main Floor

1.ACPin-Ion Drive Generators Done

2.ACPin-Reactor Monitor Station Done

3.ACPin-Hyperdrive Generator Done


5.CaptainRex110-Engine Room Done

6.CaptainRex110-Engine Room Done


8.Mraz 'Skintas-Armory Done

9.Mraz 'Skintas-Armory Done




13.ACPin-Reactor Control Done

14.ACPin-Iron Core Steam Generators Done



17.I Scream Clone-Bowling Alley Done

18.Millacol88-Armory Done

19.Millacol88-Firing Range




23.MeuLeu-Droid Repair Room Done


25.Meuleu-Gunner Placements











2nd Floor


37.Calanon-Strategy Room


39. Eskallon-Gun Control Room Done

3rd Floor


41.legorevolution-Comand Center

Venator 2

Main Floor

1.Oky Wan Kenobi-Engine Room

2.The Legonater-Engine Room Done

3.Commander Flash-Repair Room Done


5.Noodles140-architects office Done

6.ADHO15-Mess Hall Done

7.ADHO15-Mess Hall Done

8.Jammiedodger714-Bathrooms Done

9.Darth Yoda-Armory

10.ADHO15-Mess Hall Done

11.Foresto-Detention Block

12.Zapper Brick-Clone bunk

13.Admiral Woodhouse-Armory Done

14.Eskallon-Virtual Training Ground

15.Eskallon-Droid Interrogation Room Done

16.Oky Wan Kenobi-Hair Salon Done

17.Eskallon-Venator Weapon Control Room Done

18.Ratshot-Radar Room Done


20.Pedro-Turbolaser Battery

21.Masked Builder-Showers

22.Pellaeon-Racquetball Court Done

23.Brickme-Arcade Done

24.Jammiedodger714-Training Room 1 Done

25.Jammiedodger714-Medical Bay

26.Jammiedodger714-Training Room

27.Admiral Woodhouse-Artillary Station Done


29.legoman-Armor Research & Development room

30.Pedro-Turbolaser Battery


33.Oky Wan Kenobi-Droid Repair Bay Done

34.paintballa43-Escape Pod Room

35.Jammiedodger714-Munitions Depot Done

2nd Floor

36.Oky Wan Kenobi-Briefing/Strategy Room Done

37.Oky Wan Kenobi-Shield generator Room

38.Nulchking-Captains room

39.chris-Jedi Quarters

3rd Floor

40.Oky Wan Kenobi-Main Bridge

41.Destroydacre-Tactical Command Center

Wall Standard




Each wall that has a module next to it must have the technic brick holes in the same position as mine. This goes for all the sides that have this. The door may be done however you want. On the main floor all the walls with an outer wall next to them must have that wall in dark grey, the walls on the 2nd and 3rd floor must be light grey. You cannot overlap the module unless you are at the back of the ship in which you may add engines. Boards may be whatever you like as long as the walls are correct but the color must be suitable. Apart from this their must always be an open side, this can be anywhere but not next to another module where the clips should be or where the door should be. If you want to be really cool you can even use hinges so the wall opens up. Having a roof can be a pain so you can put it on if you want but It will not get you any extra credit. Their can be a window on the outside of the ship in the dark grey wall only on the main floor.

Image Thumbnails

Fully Sized Images


Virtual Training Ground

Command Centre

Medical Room

Mess Hall (Clones)


Briefing rooms

Munitions depots

Hangars (possibly large modules at least)

Bridge 37

Turbo lift between levels

Gunner placements

Radar room


Medical bay

Detention block

Escape pods room

Bowling alley

Games room

Training rooms

Droid repair room

Captains quarters

Jedi quarters

Communications room

Bathrooms and Showers (Although they could be another room)

Battle Strategy Room


Repair Hangar

Hangar for Seperate non-battle Starfighters

Design Team

Control Room

Engine Room

Any questions or comments, ask here or p.m. me.

Enter by posting here or p.m. me, make sure to say the module you are taking(i.e. 12) along with what you are planning to build on the module. If you don't know what to build yet you can just sign up but don't tell me what you are building, say you don't know yet. This thread is to be used to discuss the build and peoples moc's too. You can post at the most 3 pictures of the MOC here for people to discuss and at the most 7 pictures in the entry thread.

Any questions or comments, ask here or p.m. me.

A special thanks to I Scream Clone for general help and information, thanks to Thrash for working with me and creating layout plans. Also thanks to Stash2Sixx and KimT for approval and more general help.

Completed Entries:


Edited by KielDaMan

  • Author
Hmmm.... interesting! Tho' I'm not sure I have the spare parts.

Should there be a guideline as to what goes where, eg. rooms 1 to 5 should be engine rooms?

No anything can go wherever you want it to go(well try and make it sensible).

Nice to see we are up and running.

Perhaps members can help out with rooms to be added to the build.

I suggest a few of the following.

Mess Hall (Clones)


Briefing rooms

Munitions depots

Hangars (possibly large modules at least)

Bridge 37

Turbo lift between levels

Gunner placements

Radar room


Medical bay

Detention block

Escape pods room

Bowling alley

Games room

Training rooms

Droid repair room

Captains quarters

Jedi quarters

Communications room


Good luck to all the builders, I hope to be able to build a module or two as time dictates.

Remember to have fun. :classic:

I'll take room 41. I'll let you know what I'm going to build after I've had a little more time to think about it, but it will probably be a control section or something else bridge related.

Edited by Destroydacre

  • Author
Mess Hall (Clones)


Briefing rooms

Munitions depots

Hangars (possibly large modules at least)

Bridge 37

Turbo lift between levels

Gunner placements

Radar room


Medical bay

Detention block

Escape pods room

Bowling alley

Games room

Training rooms

Droid repair room

Captains quarters

Jedi quarters

Communications room


I'll take room 41. I'll let you know what I'm going to build after I've had a little more time to think about it, but it will probably be a control section or something else bridge related.

ISC I have added all those ideas and Destroydacre you have been added for 41.

ADHO15 is having 7 and is doing a mess hall.

Edited by Eskallon

ADHO15 is having 37 and is doing a mess hall.

It still says 37 a couple of posts above and I'm not listed in the other thread. :classic:

Neat idea. :thumbup:

If we can do multiple slots, I'll do the Bathrooms (8), Med Bay (25), Munitions Depot (35) and the Training Rooms (24, 26).

If not, I will just do the Training Rooms. :classic:

Edited by Jammiedodger714

  • Author
Neat idea. :thumbup:

If we can do multiple slots, I'll do the Bathrooms (8), Med Bay (25), Munitions Depot (35) and the Training Rooms (24, 26).

If not, I will just do the Training Rooms. :classic:

Yes, multiple slots are allowed and I have added all those to the list.

Good luck with your modules

I think you should make it a certain Jedi's cruiser so we don't have random jedi running all over the place. :tongue: Also is this a CW cruiser?

Nice to see we are up and running.

Perhaps members can help out with rooms to be added to the build.

I suggest a few of the following.

Mess Hall (Clones)


Briefing rooms

Munitions depots

Hangars (possibly large modules at least)

Bridge 37

Turbo lift between levels

Gunner placements

Radar room


Medical bay

Detention block

Escape pods room

Bowling alley

Games room

Training rooms

Droid repair room

Captains quarters

Jedi quarters

Communications room


Good luck to all the builders, I hope to be able to build a module or two as time dictates.

Remember to have fun. :classic:

All excellent suggestions. I thought I would add a few more.

Bathrooms and Showers (Although they could be another room)

Battle Strategy Room


Repair Hangar

Hangar for Seperate non-battle Starfighters

Design Team

Control Room

Engine Room

I wouldn't mind doing one. Perhaps the Battle Strategy room I suggested. Good luck with the rest of your project.

GREAT Idea Eskallon and everyone else who thought it up! :thumbup: wish I could join, but don't have the spare parts :sad:

Umm if you are wanting clones, why not ask mutley :laugh: he has TONS!! :oh:

Can't wait to see the progress. :sweet::thumbup:

And those plans look very good. :wub:


Neat idea. :thumbup:

If we can do multiple slots, I'll do the Bathrooms (8), Med Bay (25), Munitions Depot (35) and the Training Rooms (24, 26).

If not, I will just do the Training Rooms. :classic:

Yes, multiple slots are allowed and I have added all those to the list.

Good luck with your modules

I thought you had to complete a module before you were allowed to sign up for a second?

That's what you told me.

  • Author
I thought you had to complete a module before you were allowed to sign up for a second?

That's what you told me.

No, I said it is better to do one at a time but you don't have to. Sorry if that came out wrong in the p.m. :classic:

No, I said it is better to do one at a time but you don't have to. Sorry if that came out wrong in the p.m. :classic:

Alright then. I'll just see what comes along. :classic:

  • Author
I think you should make it a certain Jedi's cruiser so we don't have random jedi running all over the place. :tongue: Also is this a CW cruiser?

I don't want to make it a certain jedi as it means some people will be restricted to what they do, lets say someone has 1 jedi (ahsoka) and I made it yoda's cruiser, then they wouldn't be able to do a ship repair room with her ship. Also it is a CW cruiser as it is a Venator.

I wouldn't mind doing one. Perhaps the Battle Strategy room I suggested. Good luck with the rest of your project.

Cool, remember to join as soon as possible to get the space you want.

Also it is a CW cruiser as it is a Venator.

Venators were used by the Empire too. :wink:

  • Author

Yeah but they are then not called Venators, they are called imperial star destroyers. :hmpf: Please people do not try to test my knowledge of star wars as I am the master. :vader:

Yeah but they are then not called Venators, they are called imperial star destroyers. :hmpf: Please people do not try to test my knowledge of star wars as I am the master. :vader:

Funny how I was given the title Star Wars Specialist then. :sceptic:

They're always called Venator-class Star Destroyers.

What do you call these?


You see them at the end of ROTS being used by the Empire.

There are loads of different types of star destroyer: Victory-I, Victory-II, Acclamator, Imperator, Tector, etc.

It seems your knowledge needs expanding, master. :wink:

Edited by ADHO15

  • Author
Funny how I was given the title Star Wars Specialist then. :sceptic:

They're always called Venator-class Star Destroyers.

What do you call these?


You see them at the end of ROTS being used by the Empire.

There are loads of different types of star destroyer: Victory-I, Victory-II, Acclamator, Imperator, Tector, etc.

It seems your knowledge needs expanding, master. :wink:

Padawan it seems you are indeed learning well but they refer to them as Imperial star Destroyers when the empire is fully grown at it's extent. They don't want the people to remember the clone wars as it sparks the idea of people wanting to be a jedi.

It seems I am still the master :vader:

Padawan it seems you are indeed learning well but they refer to them as Imperial star Destroyers when the empire is fully grown at it's extent. They don't want the people to remember the clone wars as it sparks the idea of people wanting to be a jedi.

It seems I am still the master :vader:

What has that got to do with anything? :sceptic:

Are they or are they not Venators used by the Galactic Empire?

Imperial period and beyond

By the end of the Clone Wars, it had become the most popular capital ship of the Republic, although shortly after the formation of the New Order, it was eclipsed by designs inspired by the Victory-class. Despite this, Venators were used to great effect in the early years of the Empire. In the Empire, these ships were stripped of the colorful markings of the Republic models.

Venator-class Star Destroyers of the Galactic Empire.Eventually, more robust vessels such as the Imperator- and Tector-class became favored, and the Venator and its variants were phased out. This was partially due to its over-reliance on starfighters, as it went against the prevailing Tarkin Doctrine and due to its prominent position in the Republic Navy, which the Empire attempted to distance itself from.

After the end of the Clone Wars, many Republic Venators were abandoned and left to drift in space. Several of these vessels fell into the hands of the Mandalorians, the Zann Consortium, and various pirate groups. By this time, the vessel was considered obsolete, but was available to buy from several merchants who gained the ships after the Empire sold many of them as scrap metal. This led to even more fringe groups obtaining Venators, as well as several Imperial Moffs, who used them in their private defense fleets.

At least one Venator served in Admiral Daala's Maw Irregular Fleet in 40 ABY.

Argue your way out of that one.

Edited by ADHO15

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