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Origins of Historica

The bard’s song tells a tale of a world long forgotten,

Race against race, clan against clan, shields clashed with swords; long ago when Men of the Lion fought Men of the Falcon, and human armies succumbed to Orcs and undead. Each group clashed with its neighbor for power, unleashing upon the world a great scourge, and the arcane land was thrown into chaos. When it all seemed but lost, a council of wise men and sages was summoned. From all the lands they came to convene in the old world’s great city; the fortress of Cedrica.

To settle the grievance and end a millennium of bloodshed, the sages declined all the treaties of old and joined all the clans into one mighty Kingdom; Historica. They founded the Four Great Regions- each one a realm in itself; - Mitgardia in the North, Nocturnus in the East, Kaliphlin in the South and Avalonia in the West, so that trade routes would spring up and clans would meet in the markets and not in the theatre of war. The wise men chose a family of great honor, to uphold the truce and to keep the four guilds from dispute, and descendants of that mighty kin to this day rule the Central lands of Historica. So goes the legend. For ten decades the races of old have migrated and spread through the world, following the trade routes, establishing cultures and prospering towns.

Today, it is a world of wonder and natural beauty; a realm where a man and a woman may find peace. But peace is short lived…

Treacherous assassins have tried to murder the King! The capital is in shock and there will be repercussions; the Four Regions assemble their forces as the balance of power shifts, and blame is passed around. For the first time in a century, the guilds of Historica build up old defenses and prepare for the inevitable confrontation; everything hangs in the balance, and Historica is on the verge of chaos once more…

Guildsmen; this is the world you inhabit, this is the place where you will make your fortune, build a mighty empire and battle for the glory and honor of the banner…

Avalonia: The Western Paradise

Avalonia is the western-most realm of Historia. Often referred to as the 'Sacred Paradise'. From the rolling green fields and countryside of its capital, to the great lakes, hidden waterways and mystical islands of its heartland and all the way to the enchanted forest at its far western-most point, its beauty is one of a kind. Home to all kinds of life and treasures, it is a land full of myths & legends and stronghold of the mighty Guild Of The West.

History of Avalonia:

Avalonia has always been a sacred place. From its very beginnings it was home to a powerful race of Druids who settled there. Attracted by its beauty and mystique they lived in harmony with the land for many centuries and used their skills to protect the land, which flourished under their rule. As time moved on, their numbers started to decline and the last few remaining took it upon themselves to create one final enchantment. They gave all their power and their lives in one final spell, a treasure, that if found, would bring peace and protection to the land for all eternity. They hid the treasure in their sacred shine, and with their final task now complete, they vanished into dust, although many of their shrines and temples can be seen throughout the land. Days turned to months, months turned to years and years turned to centuries. During that time the land became inhabited by all sorts of mysterious life and became a very dangerous place. One group who settled there were a tribe of Elves who made their home in the forest. The Elves were drawn to the land's sacred power and vowed to watch over the land until the day came when a suitable ruler could be found. One who's people could bring peace and prosperity back to the land. And so they waited...

The Guild of Avalonia:

Avalonia's Guild is the youngest of the four great lands, having only been in power for a few years. From where they came, no-one knows. All that's known is that when Avalonia was at its darkest hour, a Guild led by men rode to its safety. Mounted on huge war horses, they thundered through the land and no enemy or evil could stand in their way. For two years now, the new Avalonian guild has ruled. In that time they have given protection and stability back to the land, secured peace with the other realms and trade has flourished. A warrior race, they are never ones to back down from a fight and have no fear in battle. For in battle lies their true calling, in battle they are free, and as the joy of battle takes over them, their minds are focused towards one thing, the slaughter and destruction of their enemies. Riding into battle, the sound of charging horses echo's that of the beating wings of a mighty dragon. Hence they are known throughout the land as 'The Flight Of Dragons'.


Artorious Rex


Artorious is a young ruler, at only the tender age of 25. Yet he leads and rules with all the authority of someone twice his age. Trained to fight with the sword from the first day he was strong enough to wield a weapon, he soon became an expect swordsmen. Short bladed or long, with any size sword he is a man to fear. An expert horsemen, he learned the value of a cavalry and how a well timed charge from a group of horsemen could break through any enemy shield wall. He will always fight side by side with his men at the front line of battle, as he believes a ruler who doesn't fight is a coward, "Never send your loyal subjects where you would not dare go yourself!" His most trusted men make up the famed 'Flight Of Dragons', and they would ride into Hell with him if he asked them to, such is their respect and loyalty.

The Flight Of Dragons

Character Bio's

Name: Trian Burress

Rank: Lord of Mesodraconem

Age: 51

Weapon of Choice: Javelin and shield (mounted) and Axe (on foot)



Sir Burress, an old friend to the Artorious Rex's father, helped free the Enchanted Forest from the clutches of the House of Baine during Avalonia's "wild period". It is said Burress’s well timed cavalry charge through the Enchanted Forest finally broke the House of Baine at the Battle of Eli’s Rock. As a reward for his service, Lord Rex awarded Sir Burress Lordship over Mesodraconem and a post in the capital city of Albion to help rebuild the Pearl City to its former glory.

Little is known Burress’s life before joining forces with Artorious’s father to free the Enchanted Forest from the terror of the House of Baine. Some say he was born to a Kaliphlin woman and Mitgardian man in a Nocturnus dungeon while others claim he is the secret heir and only surviving member of the House Greffin. The House of Burress may not rule Mesodraconem for long as Lord Burress, middle-aged at best, has never been married and has sired no children; though he has been linked in rumor to an Elven priestess named Mitress Greenclove.

Lord Burress’s first orders of business when named Lord of Mesodraconem was to rebuild all the public schools and commission a new garrison at River Run Watchtower. He has since been questing throughout all of Historica to track down the rumored surviving members of the House of Baine.

Name: de Gothia

Rank: Lord of Benoic

Age: 30

Weapon of Choice: Long sword



de Gothia has lived his whole life in Avalonia. Nobody knows his first name, and it will be a secret to his death. There were hard times in Avalonia before Artorious Rex and his men finally came to rid the land from evil. de Gothia was enlisted into Artorious' elite warriors, the famous "Flight of Dragons". Now de Gothia could finally bring justice to those who slaughtered his mother, father and brother. The only family member he has left alive is Quinn, his niece. He swore an oath to his dying brother that he would watch over and guard her and let her decide by herself whoever she would marry.

During the battles to rid Avalonia of evil and unite the land again, Artorious was able to take back de Gothia's captured land, and so de Gothia once again ruled his family's ancient estate. He chose to rename it Benoic, a beautiful stretch of countryside with villages and the mighty Gothia Castle.

He continues to fight as one of the Dragon Flight and is one of Artorious' most trusted and famous warriors.

Name: Kariny Rhiannon

Rank: Green Rider (elite messenger of Avalonia)

Age: 19

Weapon of Choice: Long sword



Kariny Rhiannon is the daughter of a wealthy merchant and an unknown noblewoman (her father keeps it a secret) who died at her birth. At age 15 she heard the Green Riders call. At first she tried to ignore it, her father wants her to become head of his trade company in the future. However Green Rider Magic is very strong and she couldn’t resist it any longer.

She started her 3 years apprenticeship at Arod Mearas and got her Green Rider horse Chestnut. Horseriding was something she learned before she could walk, however other skills required of Green Riders she had to learn just as the other apprentices. The second year when she went to the Forest outlaws to learn everything about tracking, wilderness survival and archery, she discovered her special magical ability when in danger from some evil drows. (maybe you’ll find out in later MOCs what it is, for know I keep it a secret). She has a talent for sword fighting and won the famous Sword Fighting tournament of Arod Mearas. After three years apprenticeship she earned her Green Rider title.

She is fiercely loyal to the Green Riders and Avalonia, a bit stubborn , can have a bit of a temper, but is loved by all her friends for her kind nature.

When she is not on a mission she has a room above the Armory at Arod Mearas. Her white cat ‘Ghost’ always sleeps on her bed. When Kariny is on a mission the Sword Master takes care of her cat.

Name: Reynold 'Hellboy' Fortes

Rank: Warlord, Duke of Fortes Isles

Age: 25

Weapons Of Choice: Long Sword & Gunpowder-weapons



Reynold has never met his parents , as he was adopted and raised by a wealthy aristocrat. It was clear from the start that a career in the royal army would beckon, so through out his early age he was put through military training. Thanks to his skill and the unintentional help of his father, he quickly climbed the career ladder to the top at the young age of only 20. During this time he gained his nickname "hellboy," in reason of his strategic skills and knowledge in topics of warfare. He has gained a lot of resentment due to other military ranks being jealous of such a young man in a powerful position. He has railied behind the development of gunpowder weapons and steam-powered tools for the military.

For his successful battles and leadership, Artorious granted him a small island in northwest of Avalonia in the Avalonian ocean, which he called Fortes Isles. There he has his domicile and two small towns which he governs. The town people love him for his low taxes.

Name: Arlindus

Rank: Lord of Circardia, Captain of the Phoenix Guard

Age: 35

Weapons of Choice: Sword, Bow and Pike



Lord Arlindus is the son of Orthus and Awhyn. Orthus settled Circardia several decades ago when he fled his homeland to avoid imprisonment. He and his companions founded a hamlet known as Circardia that soon became a prosperous trading point between elves of the Enchanted Forest and Men. Arlindus' mother, Awhyn, was an adventure that settled in Circardia and married Orthus. Sadly she died after giving birth to Arlindus leaving Orthus to raise his son on is own. When Arlindus was 15, Dywinlyn, High Chief of the Elven Oak Heart Clan, invited him to learn the ways of the elves. Arlindus stayed with the elves until after his 17 birthday, when he returned to Circardia. When Arlindus was 21, Orthus passes his Captaincy of the Phoenix Guard and rule of Circardia to his son, but remains an advisory to Circardia and an ambassador to the Elves.

Over the next ten years, Arlindus strengthens the Phoenix Guard and improves lands of Circardia, largely ridding the lands of evil beasts and outlaws providing a small vestige of safety from the evil House of Burress to Circardia's inhabitants.

Arlindus answered the call of Artorious Rex and pledged himself and the Phoenix Guard to the "Flight of the Dragons" Artorius Rex granted Arlindus the title of Lord of Circardia for his heroism during the Battle of Red Ford.

Name: Legonardo

Rank: Lord of Glevum

Age: 37

Weapons of choice: Elvish Long sword, Dwarfish shield



Legonardo, son of Gleruk and Maria was brought up in a very poor home in the forests of Glevum with his brother Gladia. he spent allot of time learning the way of the forest men and the elves. He and his brother whwere both exceptional fighters and joined the army of gruven at an early age. Legonardo, being very wise (unlike his reckless brother) quickly moved up the ranks until he was second in command. he and the commander became great friends and his passing away grieved Legonardo greatly. at the age of 22 he was appointed captain of the army of Gruven and is still today. he is a wise humble man and will always be at the front line of a battle. he is married to the beautiful Eo'gas and has three children, Gloria, Richard and Steven.

Name: Kelperth Darwyn

Rank: Lord Cartographer

Age: 28

Weapon of Choice: Iron Greatsword



Son of Lord Jarr and Lady Meldre Darwyn. Rumored to be romantically entagled with Lady Talisa Forkroot, caretaker of Dar' Kalil (Avalonia's Embassy in Kaliphlin.) He was trained since the age of 8 in swordplay, and insisted on serving in the Royal Army of Darwynia at age 14. After his parent's deaths, he assumed leadership of the province, and was quickly regarded as a fair, decisive, and forward-thinking leader. He resides by himself in a small apartment above the Blacksmith Shop in the town proper as opposed to the Royal Keep, a well guarded deception used as a decoy for potential assassins.

His steed, Rain, was a gift of his father's on his 21st birthday, and some have said the two share an almost telepathic connection.

Name: Varis of the Line of Dellaenus,

Rank: Lord of the Rustling Leaves Clan.

Age: 157 Years (human reckoning)

Weapons of Choice:

Mounted (Dragon) combat: Heavy Lance

Mounted (Horse) combat: Telnath (Weighted Elven sword designed to pierce Dragon Scales)

Melee combat: Dragon's Fang (double edged blade)



Varis' ancestor Dallaenus, led the first contingent of Elves to arrive in Historica. Their descendants are the modern day Elves of Avalonia. Following the Wars with the Drow, the Elves were scattered into isolated tribes throughout Avalonia. Adrava, of the line of Dallaenus, founded the Rustling Leaves Clan. His goal was to create a small Elven bastion where he could rebuild his strength and bide his time until the Drow once more became a threat. Since Adrava, it has always been the duty of the Lord of the clan to support and protect the Elves of Avalonia, and prepare for the eventual destruction of the Drow.

Varis is the 7th Lord of the Rustling Leaves Clan, 16th in the Line of Dallaenus and First of his Name. In his youth, Varis defeated the Orc Warlord Gudock Bloodfist and his horde when they ravaged the Avalonian mainland. He sailed on the Gel Fennan vessel "Sea Whisper" and helped capture two vessels of the Marauder fleet. Varis' father passed on when he was 72, at which point he became the Lord of the Rustling Leaves Clan.

As Lord, Varis has expanded the defenses of the Enchanted Forest, including the revival of the Elven Corsairs. He came to the aid of Gel Cidra when they were threatened by the Mitgardian Necromancer Grevelheim and his undead minions. Until recently Varis has remained aloof from humankind, not wanting to reveal his strength and gamble the safety of his clan. He worked behind the scenes during the "Time of Troubles" until Artorious Rex arrived.

As the Drow become more bold, and their numbers swell, Varis prepares his Elves to engage the Drow, and drive them back to the Hell from whence they spawned!

Name: Siercon and Coral

Rank: Keeper of Mystic Isles

Age: Unknown

Weapon of Choice: Siercon: Black Short Sword; Coral: Turquoise Katana



Siercon and Coral have lived on the Mystic Isles for as long as anyone has heard their name. As a territory shrouded deep in the country of Avalonia, little is known about them or the Mystic Isles. It is said that they are faerie lovers, or mages that found eachother after a long journey through other worlds. Now they wander the Mystic Isles together, nurturing all kinds of living magic and mythical beasts. Artorious was one of the few that often stepped upon the mystic shores before establishing the Avalonian order. Still, Siercon and Coral are rarely seen. They often use messengers and it is rare that one can take a look beyond the misty vale. Their loyalties and magic have been found to be dependable, though their presence sporadic. They are the Elvish Faerie rulers that one never counts in time for the battle, but will often brighten the sky in their late arrival.

And now they ride to join a select group of Avalonian Warriors known as the Dragon Flight, providing mystic compliments of magic to the battle ready leaders. This was a time of reuniting with old friends, and possibly a great war. In these troubled times with the Drow, Siercon and Coral ride under the flag of Avalonia. However with some strong ties among the Drow, it is not with bloodlust but with forbearance that may have to tend to their fallen elvish brethren.

Name: Nikutai Arfelan

Rank: Lord of Arfelan

Age: 24

Weapon of Choice: Bow, Elven sword, shield



Lord Nikutai is a young explorer, third son from Lord Hide Arfelan from Avalonia and Hanako, a wealthy merchant from Kaliphlin.

As a boy he was declared a swordman prodigy by his fencing master as well as a notorious student by his tutor of arithmetic.

He also learned other many sciences showing wit, on his few but long travels to Kaliphlin Universities.

Learning also a proper way to conduct on politics matters.

But his full exploits of abilities were on the forests.

Tracking easily the most difficult animals and creatures, even for veteran men, a simple game to Nikutai.

Therefore a logic choice was to send him to the Enchanted Forest, to train with the elves, wich at the moment rarely receive strangers.

But admitted a few from the House of Arfelan due to an old allegiance of honor and good relations with the rulers of the plains.

From that moment Nikutai was known as the half elf, for his abilities with the bow matched those of the elves.

He remember those years roaming in the forest as the best from his short life.

Before his father passed away, he had to return to the plains, leaving many friends and his heart at the Enchanted Forest,

He was then betrothed to a Kaliphlian, daughter of a prominent merchant.

Swearing an oath of service to his first brother, now the first Lord of Arfelan, Nikutai became first advisor, sadly a disease took his brother on his first year of rulership.

His other brother was nowhere to be found, even from Lord Hide last days.

So the weight of command passed to Nikutai. He is the commander of Avalonia most known rangers and scouts, Arfelan Explorer´s.

Forms part of the "Flight of Dragons" as a reward on its family last past efforts at the service of Lord Artorious Rex.

At the moment of his appointment swore loyalty to Lord Artorious Rex, as the previous members of the "Flight of Dragons", to protect Avalonia and his people to the last.

And he continues to do so on these days.

Name: Owlan

Rank: Friend of the Lord of Scalous, Burrium

Age: 24 (124+)



Owlan is a man who seeks his place in this new world. Having been in a deep sleep for years after living in a time that had just met peace, culture shock hits as the world has flourished since he can remember (which is very little). Being naive, he can be well taken advantage of. He will fight for what he is told is right. In his spare time he reads books in the Burrium hall of records, thanks to his friend Drinnian, the Lord of Scalous, who gave him access. He now lives in an abandoned Dragon den by the name of Scalous Mound, hoping that action will take, and that he would one day be recognized for the purpose of him being in Historica, whatever that is.

Warriors Of Mighty Avalonia......Heroes Of Historica!



Avalonia is made up of three regions.

The East Region: Countryside and Capital



This is where Avalonia's Capital is located. It is an area full of lush green fields mighty stone castles, quaint villages and shimmering lakes. The area has very rich farmland which gains much trade between the other great Guilds. We regularly supply farm produce to the other three corners of the world in exchange for oil and other resources. So you may often see a raised flag from another land when their emissary's come to barter goods. The area is primarily inhabited by the realm of men, but many other peaceful races have also made their homes and lives in this area, so it is not uncommon to see all walks of life in the busy Capital and its surrounding villages.

The West Region: Enchanted Forests


This whole area is engulfed by an ancient enchanted forest. According to legend, the forest sprung from the grave of a mighty Wizard. When the Wizard died, his followers plunged his staff upright into his grave, which then grew into a giant Oak and the rest of the forest grew up around it. No one has ever found the mythical Oak, but some claim its guarded by the Elves. The Forest can be a dangerous place for those who venture here without a guide, as its known to have a mind of its own and is constantly shifting and changing. It is home to the Elves who live deep in its heart. Not much is known about the Elves, but they are a proud race, and feared by all in battle. They are allied with the Guild but will only fight along side them if the cause is a just one and threatens the land. The forest is also home to many bands of Outlaws and other unknown groups who have taken shelter in its depths.

The Middle Region, Heart Of Avalonia: The Mystic Isles


This area is the most sacred of all Avalonia. It is here, where the legendary ancient Druid shrine is supposed to reside, with the mystical treasure hidden within. Many have lost their lives in search for it, and most now believe its simply a myth. The Isles are shrouded in a think mist, supposedly cast by an ancient Druid to keep the evils of the world at bay. Now it acts as a gloomy curtain, concealing the unknown within. The Isles are surrounded by mazes of twisty waterways, lakes, marshes and tidal estuaries . It is not known exactly how many Islands lie in this area, many say that you can never find the same island twice. The only way of travel through these waterways are by the 'Water Folk', dark figures who are the only ones who know the safe hidden routes across the Isles. Who knows what creatures and tribes have made their settlements deep in the center of the Isles and remain hidden. The thick mist makes visibility difficult and Will O' The Wisps have been known to frequently lead unfortunate souls to their doom. The main route across to the Enchanted Forest is on the outskirts of the Isles, and allows an easy passage to and from the Capital. What really does lie deep inside the heart of the Isles? That's for you to decide...


Avalonia's memberships is open for those who wish to pick up arms and fight to expand our land and extend our Capital with stone castles, villages, farms and anything else they can think of to help the land. Do you fancy yourself as a tradesmen and want to set up a business to increase our wealth? Or maybe you wish to cut out a life in the forest with the Elves and help strengthen the alliance we have. Or maybe, just maybe, you're brave enough to master the Mystic Isles, find the shrine and fortify the Islands with your own designs? We welcome all races, but on the agreement that you will be loyal to the land and fight for her when needs arise.

The royal colours of our land and our guild is based on the lands lush earthly feel.

The combination of two shades of green. Dark Green and Sand Green. The law states that you will need to represent at least one of these flags and colours within every thing you build for the land.

If you choose to be a member, there is lots in store for you, but your first task will be to create your mounted warrior sig-fig, for each one of you, shall make up our ruler's elite army, 'The Flight Of Dragons'. You can create any type of character you wish, maybe a heavy character with lots of amour to add more crushing weight to the horse, or maybe a light agile approach. The choice is yours.

Next, you will all have to discuss and design the look and feel for the rest of the Avalonian Army which can be comprised of many and varied races.

Ideally it should be made with relatively available parts so that everyone can build their own.

Our Capital also needs a name which you will have to choose, and then...its showtime! :wink:

Avalonia: Names & Places



Albion - Capital city of Avalonia.

Arfelan Plains - Village and Settlement.

Antyria No.24 - Village and Settlement.

Azgareth No.23 - Village and Settlement.

Basilita No.14 - Town and Settlement.

Benoic No.17 - Town and Settlement.

Burrium No.8 - Coastal Town and Settlement.

Brickdocton No.6 - Village and Settlement.

Circardia No.5 - Town and Settlement.

Dawynia No.16 - Village and Settlement.

Durnovaria No.15 - Avalonian Village.

Fuchal No.19 - Town and Settlement located at the far south east of the Countryside.

Glevum No.27 - Town and Settlement.

Greenmoss No.1 - Orc Village and Settlement.

Hemresa - Watchtowers and settlements.

Hybrasil No.20 - Elven City and Settlement.

Kydenon No.21 - Town and Settlement.

Panik No.12 - Village and Settlement.

Mesodraconem No.11 - Town and Settlement.

Tigeria No.18 - Town and Settlement.

Ynys Wydryn No.7 - Sacred Druid Watchtower of Avalonia.

Guild Members Of Avalonia:

Derfel Cadarn

Curator of Camelot

Architect of Durnovaria

Mystic Isle Recluse

Lord of the Electric Fiddle

Leader of Avalonia

Admiral Ron:


High Chief Of Agriculture

Siege Expert

Champion Of Avalonia

Lord High Executioner

High King Of The Elves

Chancellor Of Avalonia

Earl Of Basilita

Apple Pi

Prince of the Forest



Siege Expert

Lord Of Brickdocton


Champion Of Avalonia

Siege Expert


Lord High Executioner

Captain BeerBeard:

High Chief of Agriculture

Prince Of The Forest

High King Of The Elves

Lord High Executioner

King of the Castle

Heavy Metal Horseman

Lord Of Antyria

Chief Assassin

Sir Bors

Captain Blackmoor:

High Chief Of Agriculture

Lord High Executioner

Master Of Trade

Governor Of The A.T.C

Captain Donkey:

Captain Settle:

High Chief Of Agriculture

Sheriff of Avalonia

King of the Castle


High Chief Of Agriculture


de Gothia:

Sheriff of Avalonia

High Chief of Agriculture

Lord High Executioner

Siege Expert

Champion Of Avalonia

High King Of The Elves

Prince Of The Forest

Lord Of Benoic

First Knight

Sir Lancelot

De Sandman:

Siege Expert

High Chief Of Agriculture

Lord High Executioner


High King Of The Elves

High Chief Of Agriculture

Siege Expert

Champion Of Avalonia

The Green Rider






High King Of The Elves

Lord Of Hybrasil


High Chief Of Agriculture


Jason Cicchini:

Master Cartographer

High King Of The Elves

Sir Agravain



Earl Of Burrium


Kirk Monkey:


High Chief Of Agriculture



Legonardo Davidy:

High King Of The Elves

Siege Expert

Lord High Executioner

Sheriff of Avalonia

Champion of Avalonia

King of the Castle

Prince Of The Forest

Lord Of Glevum

Avalonian Assassin

Lord Of Dwarves



Lord High Executioner

High King Of The Elves

Sir Tristan


Vengeful Outlaw


Dragon Master

Prince Of The Forest


Champion Of Avalonia

Lord High Executioner

Prince Of The Forest

Siege Expert


High Chief Of Agriculture

Champion Of Avalonia

Prince Of The Forest

Siege Expert

High King Of The Elves

Lord High Executioner

Keeper Of Bees

Lord Of Circardia

Sir Galahad


Mystic Isle Gatekeeper


Siege Expert

High King Of The Elves

Prince of the Forest

Lord Of Arfelan




High Chief Of Agriculture


Embassy Champion

Siercon and Coral:

Enchanted Faerie

Merlin & Nimue



Lord High Executioner


High Chief Of Agriculture

Avalonian Orc Commander






Champion Of Avalonia

Siege Expert

Lord High Executioner

Prince Of The Forest

High King Of The Elves

Master Cartographer Assistant

Lord Of The Great Eastern Plains


Lord High Executioner

Siege Expert

Champion Of Avalonia

High King Of The Elves

Lord Of Panik



Lord Of Fuchal

Zach Mills:


Commander Of The Capital

Inventor Of The Spy Glass

King of the Castle

High King of the Elves

High Chief Of Agriculture

Siege Expert

Prince Of The Forest

Lord Of Mesodraconem

Watchtower Champion

Treasure Hunt Champion

Elemental Mayhem Champion

Mystical Sanctum Champion

"The End?" Champion

Sir Gawain

Secret Feasting Hall Challenge:

In the heart of Avalonia lies a huge hidden Temple and Feasting Hall. Built by the founders of our land and hidden by a spell of concealment it has lain in wait for centuries. Inside the feasting hall is a great table and a seat for all of you. Only a true hero who has proved his worth in all areas will be finally allowed to enter and take their seat. It is the ultimate privilege for a guildsmen of Avalonia.

To gain entry into this most sacred place, you will need to earn at least 6 of the 8 bonus titles below AND the title of "Chief Architect of Avalonia" by completing the task for the titles below.

Tasks And Titles:

Lord High Executioner:

We have no remorse for captured enemy soldiers who have spilled our peoples blood. The punishment is death. The first member who would like this title, has to create and executioner fig and dungeon scene.

High King Of The Elves:

The tribe of Elves who live in the Enchanted Forest are fearsome and resourceful warriors who defend Avalonia with their lives. The first member who would like this title will have to build an Elven scene. You don't have to use Lego's own Elf figs, you can create your own if you wish.

Lord High Chief of Agriculture:

Farming is an important aspect of Avalonia's daily life. Build a farming scene to achieve this title.

Champion Of Avalonia:

Avalonia needs a champion, one who will raise the morale of the land when he rides into battle.

To earn this title, create your own champion and show him defeating an opponent in a joust.

Siege Expert:

Every land needs its siege weapons! To earn this title, build an example of an Avalonian siege weapon.

Prince Of The Forest:

The forest outlaws are skilled in stealth and archery, 2nd only to the Elves when it comes to knowledge of the forest.

To earn this title, build a forest outlaw hideout.

Sheriff of Avalonia:

Avalonian has just emerged from its “wild” period and there are plenty of rogues and ruffians who haven’t heard the land is under new ownership. To earn this title, build a MOC of an Avalonian “evicting” a domestic enemy from the land.

King (or Queen) of the Castle:

They say a person’s home is their castle! To earn this title, build a MOC depicting your sigfig at his or her home.

Chief Architect Of Avalonia:

This final title will be handed out by myself and only to those who have proved their building skills in the main challenges with the other lands and produced some fine mocs for our land.

Bonus Titles:

For every main challenge, each moc will be able to score our guild points. The member who's moc scores the highest points in each different challenge will be awarded a bonus title which will refer to the challenge in question.

The first main challenge is to build a watchtower, so the member who has the highest scoring watchtower out of our guild will receive the title 'Guardian Of The Land'.

For each main challenge there will be a title for the member who scores the highest.

There will also be extra titles handed out along the way.

So what is the point of earning all these titles?

Well, there are 2 great prizes which will be awarded to the winner with the most titles and the runner-up.

More info on prizes will be added here at a later date.

So titles are important :wink: !

Build our mighty capital of Albion. Head over to this thread and choose a part to build!

Albion build sign-up thread

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Posted (edited)

I pledge my allegiance, my leige. My intentions are to defend our borders against any enemy with the best technology there is to offer.

I'll have a picture up soon.

Edited by volcanicpanik


Graugot- shaman and my little orc group are ready for.... Trade!

Yes we are the the group of kick offs, the group of traders and farmers who love to live in peace and close to nature. We hope you will welcome us with opened hands.

Posted (edited)

My name is Lord Whitetiger. I and my men are at the service of the great Avalonian Guild.

Here is my figure for our ruler elite army "The Flight Of Dragons";


Me and my heavy cavalary unit,


Her is my suggestion for the Avalonian Army uniforms:

The archer, swordsman/knight and the spearman - possibly most avilable part uzing dark green and sand green.


Edited by timura
Posted (edited)

Sir Henry Drake and his band of marauders at your service.


From Left to right

Anvar of the Flamebeard clan (Dwarven Rifleman), Sir Henry Drake (Human Warrior), Finrick Winterfire (Gnome Battle-Mage), Caedor Adveth (Night Elf Archer), Evelyn (Human Rogue)

(picture of the marauders to come tonight when I get back home from work)

(Also, are there any current sets that have the sand green flag included?)

Edited by Silver.Smith

de Gothia here my Lord! Me and my people will defend your lands with our lifes!


de Gothia by de Gothia, on Flickr

Your dragon flag is amazing!:wub: Would you mind sharing how you have made it or where you might have bought it from?

Posted (edited)

I pledge loyalty and honor my lord. FOR AVALONIA FOR VICTORY!!! (or something long those lines)

cant figure out how to post image a little burnt right now

Edited by legomonk

Some really excellent figs posted so far, great designs!

Sir Henry Drake and his band of marauders at your service.

(picture of the marauders to come tonight when I get back home from work)

(Also, are there any current sets that have the sand green flag included?)

The sand green flags mostly came with the troll sets, but don't worry if you can't get hold of any, Dark green is the main shade of the two colours and is readily availible in the current kingdoms line. If members have at least dark green then that will suffice.


Your dragon flag is amazing!:wub: Would you mind sharing how you have made it or where you might have bought it from?

Thanks! I made it myself :sweet: , the dragon head comes from Teabox here on EB and the flag design from fryslayer...

I will deeplink it from Brickshelf. Feel free to use but I would be happy if you give credit! :classic:


and another one


Posted (edited)

Niku taking the Oath for Land and Lord.


Nikutai Arfelan known better as Niku

Explorer of the Flight Of Dragons, serves as vanguard and scout, it is the eyes for his superiors and with his men provide a screen force when the whole army rides to battle.

Skilled swordman, better archer.

His unit is one of the many that patrols and secures the borders, ever vigilant.

Currently is far away from the capital. Last seen on the frontier with the Siccus Badlands from the Kaliphin Guild.

Edited by Niku

Thanks! I made it myself :sweet: , the dragon head comes from Teabox here on EB and the flag design from fryslayer...

I will deeplink it from Brickshelf. Feel free to use but I would be happy if you give credit! :classic:


and another one


Thank you! The flags are truly awesome. I was wondering what did you end up printing them on and with, as they seem to be cloth.


Thank you! The flags are truly awesome. I was wondering what did you end up printing them on and with, as they seem to be cloth.

I printed them on paper made for stick on to t-shirts. But I used sheets instead! :classic:

Posted (edited)

Hello again. I have question about colors. When i was looking to other guilds topics i saw that people are using minifigures with other colors than their guilds flags colors. Can we use minifigures with other colors than dark and sand green? I mean most of the castle theme factions has minifigures with torsos in red and/or blue.

Is it Okay (not ok-ey) to create a sig-fig and flags in guilds color sheme and the army in other colors like some people in other factions do? Availability of dark green/sand green is really limited i think.

Edited by timura

Yes we are the the group of kick offs, the group of traders and farmers who love to live in peace and close to nature. We hope you will welcome us with opened hands.

Farmers who love to live in peace? :) with so many large and scary looking weapons? :)

If these peaceful playing does not work out, and you find out that scrubbing dishes and cutting grass is not four you, there is a small mercenary group that is forming I can't tell where, but if you and your tribesmen are interested, put green lanterns somewhere near windows in your next moc ;)

Drow rule supreme! :)


Hello again. I have question about colors. When i was looking to other guilds topics i saw that people are using minifigures with other colors than their guilds flags colors. Can we use minifigures with other colors than dark and sand green? I mean most of the castle theme factions has minifigures with torsos in red and/or blue.

Is it Okay (not ok-ey) to create a sig-fig and flags in guilds color sheme and the army in other colors like some people in other factions do? Availability of dark green/sand green is really limited i think.

You can use whatever colours you wish for your figs. Just because our standard is Dark green and sand green it doesn't mean you figs have to dress in those colours. Our army is huge, we have the Dragon Flight who ride on horseback, but the rest of the army can be made up of any designs you wish. Once the guild sign ups are complete, we can start discussing how everything will work.

Farmers who love to live in peace? :) with so many large and scary looking weapons? :)

If these peaceful playing does not work out, and you find out that scrubbing dishes and cutting grass is not four you, there is a small mercenary group that is forming I can't tell where, but if you and your tribesmen are interested, put green lanterns somewhere near windows in your next moc ;)

Drow rule supreme! :)

Yes, the people of our land do love peace, but we soon get bored. We thrive in chaos and battle, feeding off the pure elation and adrenalin as our souls are set free and unleashed with hatred on the enemy. The only Green lanterns your tribe will see are the ones that signal a warning to your people that the might of our land is on the march. The Drow may think they reign supreme, but not in Avalonia they don't! :)



Bartholomew Docken and my band of Forestmen, pledging our service to you, my lord.

Wow, so original, you must've spent ages coming up with this character for this event. :laugh:


After much soul searching, Edgar the True, and his stalwart family and followers, pledge the allegiance to the banner of Avalonia. Determined and dependable, they will march in battle with the bull's head on their coat of arms to honour the lands of Avalonia.

I'll update the avatar shortly. I need do purchase some sand green penants and play around with the designs.


Wow, so original, you must've spent ages coming up with this character for this event. :laugh:

They are CLASSIC forestmen! We are more then happy to have these guys defending our forests. The've seen at all and done it all and so their experience is greatly welcomed!


They are CLASSIC forestmen! We are more then happy to have these guys defending our forests. The've seen at all and done it all and so their experience is greatly welcomed!

He says that because I used the same sig-fig as the one I use for the Heroica RPG. (currently Bartholomew Docken, Level 13 Ranger) :blush: I figure since I wouldn't want to have anything other than a Forestman for my sig-fig, there's no reason to think up a new name and look for the character. (and in the process, add another image to my signature which is getting pretty big)
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