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Posted (edited)


"Well Met Traveller!"

"You are fortunate to have in your hands a copy of Hvar Icewinds' Travellers Guide to Mitgardia. In this land of soaring peaks, winding valleys and the deepest of mines you may find wealth and danger in equal measure. Fear not though good sir, for Hvar has seen it all, from the fiery summit of Mount Mitgard to the shores of the Frozen Beyond and everything inbetween, this topical volume will guide you safely through this ancient beautiful and deadly frozen land." - Hvar

Guide Includes

- A review of the 20 best meadhalls The North has to offer!

- 101 Barbarian greetings and goodbyes!

- Where to find the best Dwarven enchanted blades?

- Fantastic furs - is walrus the new seal?

- Stop frostbite today!

- Ancient Nordic Barrows. To dig or not to dig?

- Do noisy children really cause avalanches?

Chapter 1: An Overview of Mitgardia

Mitgardia is the northern-most realm of men in the world of Historia. It is a chilly, mountainous region covered from border to border by great mountain ranges, pine forests and frigid lakes. From the temperate climate of the Capitol City of Valholl, to the chilly Mountain Passes in its heart, all the way to the Frozen Tundra of its Northern Wastelands, Mitgardia is a beautiful and perilous place, inhabited by a multitude of settlers, indigenous tribes and creatures. This wonderland of frost is the home of the Great Guild of the North.


The History of Mitgardia

The Mitgardia Guild settled the Northlands in the last two centuries, following trade routes and seeking resources that were becoming scarce in the heartland of Historia. The first Guildsmen were pioneers and traders who bought and sold skins, timber and ore to the local Norsemen Clans. As they accumulated wealth, they founded small fishing villages along the coasts and rivers and soon the seeds of a mighty Nation were sown. Expansion brought territorial conflicts with the clans of the North, the cities of the Dwarves in the Mountains, and the Goblin and Orc tribes that scavenged the forests, but the well-funded and technologically superior Guildsmen managed to hold their own. Today the city of Valholl is major settlement, and well-fortified fortress of the Guild.

The Geography of Mitgardia.

Not all of Mitgardia is Mountains and Tundra as you southerlings may think. Beyond the Mitgardian Peaks that form the natural border of this land there lies a great fertile valley where colonists from all over Historica have come to settle and farm. At the center of this valley lies our capital Valholl. Well situated at an intersection of trade routes and a major fork of the Antler River, it has become a great hub of commerce between the production centres of the north and the markets of the south. Beyond that lie the Great Pine Forests and two grand valleys heading north east and north west. The eastern valley brings produce from the forges of Pikesteel Mt. and other wares from the Norsemen who live around the bay of Storms. The western valley brigns more dwarven crafts from Omurtag and Timber from Helgestorp. Both valleys open out to the frozen tundra of the far north and allow contact with the barbarian clans. Across the narrow channel of the Frigid Sea lies an unexlpored land of permanent ice and snow. Barbarians tell tales of towers made of ice and lost dwarven outposts but no adventurers have yet returned with proof (or their sanity).

Chapter Two: Locations in Mitgardia

Towns and Settlements

1. Vaholl - Capital of Mitgardia.The seat of our great ruler, Jarl Nibelung.

2. Erikson - Royal Port of Mitgardia

3. Omurtag - The Great Dwarven Citadel of the North.

4. Hykerbia - Cultural Jewel of the East.

5. Ondylion - Guardian of the South. The city of Ondylion is located at the southern borders of the mighty North and is ruled by Elon Chorian. He and his men are feared by their enemies and respected by all the citizens. They are known for their justice and fighting-skills.

Ondylion Houses by Ecclesiastes

6. Nordheim - Hometown of Hvar and The Worlds End Caravan Co.

7. Pikesteel Mountain - A Dwarven settlement located on the edge of the Barbarian Wastes. As well producing high quality steel it is home to Historica's only functioning Heavy Coal mine.

"We left Northridge and continued our jouney around the Bay of Storms. The quiet of the night was occasionally punctuated by the rattle of iron and steel as wagons laden with arms and armour hurled southwards through the darkness at breakneck speed. We turned off the main road and as the forests around the Bay of Storms began to thin, the clank of hammers and the hiss of steam could be heard eco-ing through the darkness, and a huge solitary mountain came into view..." - Hvar

8. Northridge -

9. Teridyan

10. Helgestorp

11. Stoneroda by Kabel

12. Village of Urk'cape by darkdragon


1. "The Mightiest Tower in Mitgardia" by On Stranger Tides

2. "Mitgardian Border Watchtower" by kabel

3. "Hot Springs Tower" by Viceroy

4. "Welcome to Mitgardia" by Busboy489

5. "Surprise Watchtower" by _dargor_

6. "Watch Tower at the Pass" by rucorder

7. "Guarding The Road To Valholl by Ecclesiastes

8. Penguinius's Inspection by The Penguin

9. "Mitgardia Outpost" by Man With Beard

10. Misty Mountain Top by Sirens-Of-Titan

11. "At The Frozen River" by Etzel

12. "Dwarven Tower" by FatTony

13. Syalir Peak Watch Tower by Dan Church

14. "Fangnorst Tower O'er On The Sea" by Tomcat Rio

15. The Hanging Tower by mcfarlandman

16. Mitgardian Watchtower by Legoman273

17. Clan of the Great Elk Watchtower(?) by Haltiamieli

Places of Special Interest

1. "Temple of Gyhnran" by Ecclesiastes

Chapter Three: Military of Mitgardia

Dwarven Mechano-Bow by FatTony

Mitgardian Catapult Battery by Ecclesiastes

Mitgardian Steam Tank by _dargor_

Chapter Four: Economy of Mitgardia

Trading with Kaliphlin by Viceroy

Mitgardia may lack the vast arable lands and exotic climates of the South but often one need not look further than under their boots for the nearest meal. The cold nutrient rich waters of the Mitgardian Seas are teaming with life and provide a strong base for many arms of the Mitgardian econmy. A fishermans catch could be salted and served in the banquet halls of Petraea or pickled with onions and eagerly consumed by drunken Northmen in the meadhalls of Valholl. - Hvar

Mitgardian Ice Fishermen by Ecclesiastes

Mitgardian Walrus Hunt by Viceroy

Please let me know if I've forgotten anyone or anything, I know theres a few more things to add.

Also please suggest any names for regions in Mitgardia, my imagination is running low!

Hvar Icewind

Merchant & Bard

Owner of Worlds End Caravan Co.

Edited by Viceroy

I love the map! and I look forward to future chapters and get to better know our friends from the north!

Though question concerning your map - is it hand draw? or did you use some sort of magical komptar machine ?


That's great, mate. I really like how the north & south maps have been thought out and drawn.

I think you have 10 towers listed but 11 on the map: there are two #5 towers. One below Mt Mitgard, one near Tradewind Bay.

Posted (edited)

that is a nice map! I do have a watchtower coming up situated at the tip of the peninsular east of Hykerbia, to watch over all naval and shipping over the frozen seas.

Edited by Tomcat RIO
Posted (edited)

@ Derfel Cadarn, Ecclesiastes, Kabel & Gabe: Thank you very much guys!

@ SI-Mocs: Yes, all the terrain was hand drawn and then I added symbols and text in photoshop.

@ Artanis 1: Yes theres two no. 5's but we had a lack of non-mountain towers so I thought its best to build another to cover both east and west approaches to Valholl. :classic: And yes, NiceMarmot has done a great job of mapping the South, he would get my vote for any project to map the entire continent!

@ Tomcat Rio: Sounds promising! I'll add it when you've posted it in the forum.

@ Etzel: A thousand appologies good sir! I shall add it to the guide right away and put your tower in a nice position when I next update the map.

Edited by Viceroy
  • 1 year later...
  • 7 months later...

Can we do it ourselves by editing the map he made? I have to admit I like the way Avalonia constantly changes borders and territories reflective of its membership.

Posted (edited)

Can we do it ourselves by editing the map he made? I have to admit I like the way Avalonia constantly changes borders and territories reflective of its membership.

Unlike Avalonians, Mitgardians (and the members of the other two guilds) do not claim land, so the map does not really need to be constantly updated, so I'm not quite sure what you mean by "it" in the first sentence. If you could clarify a bit it would be easier :grin: (If you mean the new locations that you mentioned in your last post, your best plan would probably be just to indicate its general location by mentioning places already on the map, e.g. under the winter lakes, straddling the Adeler river over Valholl, ect, instead of putting everyone's locations for everything there) :classic:

Edited by Garmadon

I just don't want to step on anyone's toes. For example, I want to base a small jarldom in the forests on the peninsula by Tradewind Bay. Is the assumption that there's enough territory to go around?

It's less a desire to "claim territory" and more just know where things are.

Posted (edited)

I just don't want to step on anyone's toes. For example, I want to base a small jarldom in the forests on the peninsula by Tradewind Bay. Is the assumption that there's enough territory to go around?

It's less a desire to "claim territory" and more just know where things are.

As you can see, Mitgardia is rather large and pretty much wherever you build is fine (unless you plan to blow up Valholl to put a small jarldom there :laugh: ). As far as the forest near Tradewind Bay, nothing of note has ever been built there, at least not that I know of, and if there has been and I missed it, I doubt it would bother that person to have some neighbors :wink::classic:

Edited by Garmadon

Sounds good. I may still mark it on a small section of the Mitgardia map so people know where it is as I build it up. I've been backreading all the threads since Historica began and I've been really inspired by so much. Especially the stuff where people try to come up with a home region and attendant builds and stories. I'm going to expand the characters I made for my AoM MOC into a larger regional thing.

Thanks for explaining this to me. I'm actually pretty content with how Mitgardia deals with territorial stuff because it is consistent with how Scandinavia "worked" before the modern kingdoms were unified and established.


Somewhere along the shores of tradewind bay lies thorshaven, but there can be more settlements of course

Sorry about that Kabel, I was wondering where Thorshaven was when I wrote that, I should probably have checked first :facepalm:

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