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    By Jipay,

    LEGO 9V Train Communication III

    Dear all,

    As promised in the second communication from the 6th of December last year, we will give you the latest information and decisions regarding the development of the new train system based on LEGO Power Functions.

    We are still working on the final details and doing a lot of testing of the new Power Functions elements; however, we are again able to give you some more details.

    First - we will not change the gauge of the rails so there is no need to be afraid that the L gauge will disappear.

    On the rechargeable battery box we have been working to get the best compromise between size and power. It has been decided that we will use a powerful Lithium Polymer battery and the size of the box will be 4 studs wide, 8 studs long and 4 studs high - this should fit in most of the trains.

    The already existing standard LEGO transformer will be used to recharge and as the power supply.

    The existing Power Functions RC Receiver already has integrated speed control. To enable the use of this we will make a newly designed RC handset with speed control capability.

    All the above new Train related Power Functions items as well as the current battery train motor (with cross axles and wheels) will be available separately through LEGO Shop@Home before the Summer of 2009.

    As you know we arranged a train workshop in November 2007 where ten AFOLs from around the world: Denmark, USA, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, and United Kingdom participated, built with the prototype elements and also looked into ideas and possibilities for new train designs using the Power Function elements. Based on the outcome of this workshop and all the other fantastic input we got from the AFOL community over the last 6 months, our designers worked on the first train set using the new Power Functions system. This set will be truly aimed at the AFOL community to acknowledge the importance of the adult LEGO hobbyists in the LEGO train world.

    This communication will be the last one regarding the transition from the 9V train system into the new Power Functions train system. Due to all the very valuable AFOL feedback we are far down the road with the development of the new elements and also the new train set. We appreciate all your efforts through this transition which we expect to be fully executed in 2009.

    Stay tuned for the new LEGO train system coming in 2009.

    Tormod Askildsen, Head of LEGO Community Development

    Discuss here

    Fun stuff!

    By Hinckley,

    Looking for something fun to do while waiting for Sam to bring us more LEGO news? ;-)

    Check out Episode 2 of the EB Pirates comic:


    Or vote in the Create your own Impulse set contest-the highest number of entries in an EB contest!-80 entries to choose from!:


    New Server & Software

    By Hinckley,

    Hello Fellow Eurobrickers! As you may have noticed, we've moved to a new server, upgraded the board software and created some new skins.

    We will still be making some changes over the next couple of days so you might experience some slow speeds but it's nothing to worry about...

    Discuss here.

    -The Eurobricks Team

    UPDATE 1: The big work is done. The speed issues many of you have been reporting should be resolved now.

    UPDATE 2: If you are having trouble staying logged in, check this post for info on how to update your browser.

    UPDATE 3: We were running some final scripts on the database (you might have noticed the board responding a bit slow for about 10 minutes). These were the last actions we had to do related to the switchover to our new server.

    Thanks for your patience!

    10185 Green Grocer review

    By Hinckley,

    Our member Dunamis has posted a very thorough review of the Green Grocer here.


    New parts packs

    By Hinckley,

    Thanks to phoinix for the info, we'll be getting new parts packs this year:


    Discuss in this thread.

    Are the Elves coming?

    By Bonaparte,

    Pigbrick found an interesting picture in the newest Brickmaster magazine.

    Are the Elves coming? Discuss it here.


    New LEGO Collectors Catalog

    By Jipay,

    Dear all,

    I would like to inform you that the LEGO Company together with the Fantasia Verlag from Germany made a unique LEGO Collectors catalog.

    You can find attached to this mail a picture of the cover of the catalog and the press release in English and German. Please feel free to distribute these info on you LUG web pages and forums. The catalog will be out before summertime and you will be able to buy it at www.legoshop.com , in our LEGO Brand Stores and also on http://www.fantasiaverlag.de/.

    The Fantasia Verlag is also currently working on other distribution possibilities but those are not finally defined yet

    Indy Set Exclusive for Brickmaster Subscribers

    By Bonaparte,

    Credits to Gary Sabol and Gylman for finding this Indy Set Exclusive for Brickmaster Subscribers!


    Discuss it here.

    Fan designed Space sets coming in April!

    By sam89,

    LEGO will be releasing some fan designed Space sets in April under the Factory theme!


    Discuss the news here.

    Edit by Hinckley: There are teasers pics for the new sets and the designers are discussing the new set with us in this thread.



    Edited by Jipay

    Pimp Your IMTP Contest Winner

    Mister Phes
    By Mister Phes,

    The winner of the

    Pimp Your IMTP Ship Content




    trophy_small-gold.gif 1st prize goes to Benk, he shall receive some custom sails for his entry and he will become the new Pirate King - until the next winner. Yes, this comes with special abilities 8-|

    trophy_small-silver.gif 2nd prize goes to Bonaparte, ye shall receive the silver trophy!

    trophie_small-bronze.gif 3rd prize goes to Fat Tony, ye shall receive the bronze trophy!

    Click here to discuss the winners.

    Click here to view all the entries.

    Toy Fair Videos

    By sam89,

    Count Blockula's got some great videos from Toy Fair here:



    As usual you can discuss this news in our forums.

    Pics from 2008 Toyfair

    By Hinckley,

    Eurobricks Fellow Deinonychus has found the first set of pics from this year's Toy Fair:


    Check out the pics and discuss here

    EDIT by Sinner

    ....and more have been found by Nonpoint Fan!

    EDIT by Bonaparte

    Discuss the City advent calender 2008 here.


    Event Reminder

    By DoubleT,

    Just a quick reminder:

    If you want to be at the 2008 EuroBricks event i Billund, then the deadline is The 24th of febuary.

    To see who is comming Click Here , information Click Here and for more Event fun Cl

    Exo-Force discontinued in 2009

    By Bonaparte,

    Bad news for all the Exo-Force fans.

    Jan Beyer officially stated that Exo-Force is going to be discontinued in 2009.

    Discuss it here.

    New castle chess set!

    By Siegfried,

    Our member Whung found this new castle chess set. Discuss it here.


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