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    [MOC] The terrifying Charon's Chest

    Marooned Marin
    By Marooned Marin,

    A little while ago Eurobricks member Barbatos set the social networks on fire with his terrifying design. But what most LEGO fans don’t know is that he shared the same design over a year ago here, in the heart of the LEGO Pirates community.

    Come to the LEGO Pirates Forum and see this rediscovered shipbuilding gem for yourself. The Charon’s Chest awaits you!


    Click here to visit the topic for more images


    [MOC] "Adventurers of Bryckland" MOC series

    By Eurobricks,

    Eurobricks member Bryckland created the topic [MOC] "Adventurers of Bryckland" MOC series. Click on the link or on the image to visit this featured topic.

    [MOC] MOC - Pontiac Bonneville 1966

    By Eurobricks,

    Eurobricks member syzygy87 created the topic [MOC] MOC - Pontiac Bonneville 1966. Click on the link or on the image to visit this featured topic.

    42144 Cherry Picker

    By Eurobricks,

    Eurobricks member M_longer created the topic 42144 Cherry Picker. Click on the link or on the image to visit this featured topic.

    Island of the Lost

    Captain Braunsfeld
    By Captain Braunsfeld,

    What makes a great MOC? 

    The overall appearence? A clever use of building techniques?

    Yes!  And playability!

    CJTONIC has created a fine island with great features like a mysterious waterfall or a giant face carved into the mountain and he called it  "Island of the Lost".

    And above all he has built this as a present to his little daughter. I am sure she will have fun playing with this - as the MOC also comes with a monkey! :monkey:

    Feel free to check out more pictures of this fine creation in the Pirate Forum.  :pir-triumph:

    Click here to visit the topic for more pictures

    [MOC] Everhold Castle

    By Eurobricks,

    Eurobricks member kodlovag created the topic [MOC] Everhold Castle. Click on the link or on the image to visit this featured topic.

    [MOC] Hippocampus

    Marooned Marin
    By Marooned Marin,

    Not so long ago Eurobricks member Dreamweb got bitten by the DUPLO-bug! Oh dear... As you already know, once exposed to DUPLO the condition is incurable.

    Protect yourself, best you can, and come and see his Hippocampus creation, if ye dare, in the LEGO Pirates forum.


    Click here to visit the topic for more images

    [MOC] Microscale Le Mont Saint Michel - Normandy France

    By Eurobricks,

    Eurobricks member Guts 24 created the topic [MOC] Microscale Le Mont Saint Michel - Normandy France. Click on the link or on the image to visit this featured topic.

    [MOC] Volvo FH16 750 with large knuckle boom crane

    By Eurobricks,

    Eurobricks member blaz62 created the topic [MOC] Volvo FH16 750 with large knuckle boom crane. Click on the link or on the image to visit this featured topic.


    Robert8's 500 custom Minifigures

    Clone OPatra
    By Clone OPatra,

    Eurobricks member Robert8 has been posting tremendously cool and well-designed custom Minifigures Series for six years! We've missed Frontpaging many of them, and he has now brought the project to a close with Series Z and a milestone of 500 Minifigures.

    Check out Series Z below, and then go back to the beginning of his thread and pore over all of the fantastic details of each series. We'll miss seeing new ones!




    The Spanish Armada is back - better than ever before

    Captain Braunsfeld
    By Captain Braunsfeld,

    Thanks to Eurobricks member Master0889 the Spanish Armada now has a fantastic new outpost.

    Complete with exquisite architecture, lavish plants and cleverly composed minifigures this is a dream home for any upcoming Govenor.

    Check out more pictures of this fine creation in the Pirate Forum.

    Click here to visit the topic for more images


    [CONTEST] Create a Theme Contest Announcement

    Clone OPatra
    By Clone OPatra,




    In celebration of LEGO's 90th anniversary, and with so few new non-licensed themes these days, it's time for YOU to create the next best In-House Play Theme!

    Head on over to Special Themes to read about our latest Eurobricks-wide contest!

    Dwayne The Croc Johnson

    By Eurobricks,

    Eurobricks member Axelford created the topic Dwayne The Croc Johnson. Click on the link or on the image to visit this featured topic.

    [MOC] - HP Battle of Seven Potters

    By Eurobricks,

    Eurobricks member gilderoy_blockhart created the topic [MOC] - HP Battle of Seven Potters. Click on the link or on the image to visit this featured topic.

    [MOC] Scania R730

    By Eurobricks,

    Eurobricks member LegoV94 created the topic [MOC] Scania R730. Click on the link or on the image to visit this featured topic.

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