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    [MOC] KamAZ-5410

    By Eurobricks,

    Eurobricks member LegoV94 created the topic [MOC] KamAZ-5410. Click on the link or on the image to visit this featured topic.

    [MOC] Palm Island Outpost, Port Woodhouse

    By evancelt,

    Eurobricks member Ayrlego has created a compact jungle fort in his new build Palm Island Outpost, Port Woodhouse.

    Sail on over to the Brethren of the Brick Seas Forum to explore more of the Garma Keys!


    Galactic Plastics Volkite - digital rendition + instructions

    By Eurobricks,

    Eurobricks member BrickRandom created the topic Galactic Plastics Volkite - digital rendition + instructions. Click on the link or on the image to visit this featured topic.

    [MOC] Midi-scale Republic Gunship

    By Eurobricks,

    Eurobricks member mcphatty created the topic [MOC] Midi-scale Republic Gunship. Click on the link or on the image to visit this featured topic.

    [MOC] Defence of Spudkirk

    By evancelt,

    Redcoat forces battle samurai in the new build Defence of Spudkirk by Eurobricks member Justsomebrix.

    Join the adventure on the Brethren of the Brick Seas Forum.


    [CONTEST] Licensed Dynamic Action Contest NOW LIVE

    Clone OPatra
    By Clone OPatra,

    Dynamic Contest Header no logo.png

    Our new contest is now live and running until May 15th!

    Head on over to the contest topic in Licensed themes to read all about the contest and the prizes on offer.

    Happy building!

    Queen Bee Royal Viper Drone

    By Eurobricks,

    Eurobricks member Rubblemaker created the topic Queen Bee Royal Viper Drone. Click on the link or on the image to visit this featured topic.

    [CONTEST] Licensed Dynamic Action Contest

    Clone OPatra
    By Clone OPatra,

    We've got a new contest in Licensed Themes launching this Thursday April 14th! There will be fantastic prizes - up to 120 EUR for the winner and 60 EUR for the runner up.

    Look out for a full launch announcement on the Frontpage and the Licensed Themes forum this Thursday.

    Dynamic Contest Header no logo.png

    [MOC] Chevrolet Impala SS 1964

    By Eurobricks,

    Eurobricks member syzygy87 created the topic [MOC] Chevrolet Impala SS 1964. Click on the link or on the image to visit this featured topic.

    Deep Freeze Scavenger

    By Eurobricks,

    Eurobricks member Elephant Knight created the topic Deep Freeze Scavenger. Click on the link or on the image to visit this featured topic.

    Mysteries: A Star Wars Role-Playing Game

    By MKJoshA,
    SW RPG Mysteries

    We are live! Come check out Eurobricks' newest Star Wars RPG: Mysteries.

    From now till May 1st build for the game for a chance to win a 100EUR Lego set! Highest scoring build wins! Check out the contest here.

    AFOL Dissertation Participants Needed!

    By Eurobricks,

    Eurobricks member 1903093 created the topic AFOL Dissertation Participants Needed!. Click on the link or on the image to visit this featured topic.

    [MOC] A path to travel, a quest to complete...

    By Eurobricks,

    Eurobricks member the Inventor created the topic [MOC] A path to travel, a quest to complete.... Click on the link or on the image to visit this featured topic.

    Coming to a Galaxy Near You...

    By MKJoshA,

    The galaxy is a big place. Have you ever been to Rorgam? Most people haven't. When you leave Umbara tell your nav-computer to hang a right at Kashyyyk and a left at Pizilis.Go a little ways down the Dauntless Run and you'll end up at Rorgam. 


    Find out all about Eurobricks' newest Star Wars RPG this Friday! For those who join and build right away you'll have a chance to win up to 100 EUR in Lego prizes.

    • Mysteries is a story driven Lego SW RPG set during the time frame of The Mandalorian.
    • Players choose 1 of 3 teams to join as they seek to assert their influence over the galaxy and solve its mysteries.
    • Each team has access to different parts of the galaxy and different bonuses that can be applied to their member's builds.
    • Freebuilds can be any size and are allowed any anytime. Special challenges happen regularly and will have building requirements and provide bonuses. Episodes happen as teams meet the requirements for each episode. 

    [LAYOUT] "Caribbean Sea Showcase" by MarcoMak

    Mister Phes
    By Mister Phes,

    MarcoMak loves the sea, ships and LEGO too, which is why he built this showcase using lighting to simulate different times and environments of the sea.

    Head over to the LEGO Pirates Forum to see the showcase in dawn, dusk and even rainbow environments!

    More Photos!

    Click here for more images

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