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Everything posted by Jipay

  1. my mum is also not supporting my hobby anymore, but Cl
  2. Hey great job ! I like your self improvised challenge ! It's sweet ! *satis* Your customs are really close to originals
  3. I think Jon and Apo will eb able to take care of this one. Just wait for their replys (shouldn't be too long ;) )
  4. Cello Collin ? Never heard about him :-D I'm glad you like our website ! I hope you will enjoy being part of our messy community.
  5. off topic again ? no way Apo, this cannot be you :P
  6. Lololol, this means you don't believe it will sell well ? So far, i'm happy we have some relatively small sets. This is what was missing for the previous episodes : good small sets with clones figs
  7. :D
  8. Jipay

    Santy Worm

    In what way is it hard to upgrade? I thought that there was just a cost.. nothing else. If it were just a cost then it would not be too hard for FBTB to do. At the old forums they managed to collect about $200 from members donations. Jon. and phpbb is a free product so there is absolutely no cost to upgrade John
  9. Jipay

    Santy Worm

    This is why we are not using phpBB ;)
  10. In France it's titled Benjamin Gates : the legacy of the temple knights.
  11. I went yesterday to the theater to watvh this movie and it was absolutely great ! Even Cl
  12. Ifind their weaponsmuch better than little armory ones :) Considering the new knight kindim, those are lookiing god damn good ! especially the big castle ! And new helmets *satis*
  13. Nice smooth sculpture ! I hope lego will release molds like yours in the future :)
  14. Damn, this is pretty accurate. But, what poor quality of pics is this ? Isn't the cam working anymore ? :o
  15. Erm you never know... Look at the girl, she is becoming a real woman lately :| :P :() They need childs to play the roles, not teenagers
  16. I want to set up a list of the smileys that are missing to our board *satis* I think we need : - a singing smiley - an angel smiley - a castle smiley - a yoda smiley - a darth vader smiley Your opinion is welcome !
  17. I think we all need money for Xmas now :-D
  18. Happy birthday tooo youuuuu :oD (we need a singing smiley...)
  19. Is the burned minfig skintoned ? :-D Have to do it sorry... *open an endless debate*
  20. Daniel is still my fav character. But why do you say "were my fav char" ? Daniel is still in the show
  21. Stargate SG-1 It's Jowood that is taking care of developpement. i've never been disappointed by their games so far !
  22. Hey have you noticed that you got twice the same news on the frontpage ? Once posted by Denise and once by Josh (the new tie fighter on lego.com) :P j/k
  23. other potter sets in sight ? I think they are in a hurry because the actors are becoming old :)
  24. I'm more waiting for the sg1 video game ! I hope it will include a multi player mode a la diablo
  25. Don't worry, we like fbtb a lot ! We just hope it will become an even more friendly place !
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