Well both parents have the responsabilities of children DoubleT. What a mess. Yesterday this thread was still clean -_- Anyway, new design should come when I have time. Let's say in september (I am reallistic).
But new content will come sooner.
Oki so you want new features ?
Yo will have some :D
First you will be able to use a new interface. It will allow you to writte articles and propose them. Then an admin will validate it. For this feature, Apo will join the admin rank (Apo 1 - Jon 0... couldn't resist :lol: )
After the validation the article will be display automatically on the frontpage.
Sam will have the power to submit directly articles but we must discuss about all of this before.
What do we gain ?
Me : a lot, I don't have to upload every single thing
You : a lot also since we will be more "reactive". IE for the 10131 thing, you would have been able to post it on the forntpage without me.
The future ?
All the rubricks (ah ah) will work the same way.
So you will help us in filling directly the website.
Is that new features ? I guess so