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Everything posted by Jipay

  1. This is the first animated draft... I still need time to optimise the size, clean the AT-ST more, etc... Your ideas and opinions are welcomed the banner in progress
  2. And you ask for spoilers warnings :lol:
  3. I have to buy a video projector (y)
  4. Pommes frites, muahahaha, this word is making laugh every time. We are also using the chips for chips here. If I remember correctly crisps is the word for the UK who are always doing things differently from others. Chips is chips in the us, which is easier ;)
  5. Jipay


    I dunno, this seems to be another little contradiction in the stargate world : they nedd electricity to survive but they survived in a lake without electricity :huh:
  6. good it sounds really cool ! As doubleT I won't post any comment as I am part of the jury :mellow:
  7. You will know soon ;)
  8. Thx ! I wasn't sure it was a good idea to see it, but now with your advice, i'll go next week end (in France, movies are all out the same day : wednesday) Well I hope I will enjoy it as much as the second one :)
  9. Jipay

    I'm back!!!

    Welcome back ! I thought you left us with apophys ! I'm happy to see it's not the case :P ;)
  10. Excellent, we have the episode V banner. i'll work on it as soon as the endor one is finished ;)
  11. Jipay


    Yes but as for starwars, we can see contradictions. I know they need a small amount of electricity due to the episode where teelc is infected by an insect. they need to keep a goa uld alive to save him and they found electricty was a necessity for a symbiot to survive
  12. I forgot : where you drunk apo ? *tries to remember the TROPIC* :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. Ahhhh I was waiting for someone to release such a delicate and nice idea. Backstreetboys are the love of my life, I have all their albums and posters on my wall... Oh no well it's not backstreetboys it's nirvana, well erm... Anyway, I doubt the pink coulour could be foudn easely. T shirts are planned for next mounth on my timetable. The First wave will be realsed only for the Eurobricks team but I guess they will be sold (but don't worry, it will be cheap). I will also try to add a "eurobricks" shop where you will be able to buy directly some mugs, t-shirts and so on... I'm serious, and I'm working on it :)
  14. Well there is something like one month remaining. I will writte an e-mail to jake this week to explain him the contest and ask if he can help us in promoting this contest. And the 3rd price is... A T-16
  15. So ask, you lazy bear ! Contact jake and ask if there is any info concerning a release of those two new minis and also ask if there is a way to get the sets :) Everybody would be really thankfull.
  16. :D I'll stay in my house. Here we are used to freezing weather ! But it's nothing comparred to DOubleT in danemark I assume ;)
  17. I hope we can "plug" all the castles together to have a giant one, like old castle sets ! It could be good. I am still disappointed with those coloured knights :(
  18. Then you should date a girl ;)
  19. Okay, we'll ask
  20. Well I want it also ! And I also need time to finish it
  21. lolol, I keep an eye and work at the same time :P You should get a job in an informatical field :lol:
  22. Well good idea, I was also thinking of a dewback+storm on its back and the luke minifig
  23. You decided, I haven't confirmed anything yet !
  24. I mostly like the new troopers cause they look real, not like FX characters in ep I or 2. You can see dust on their armors and they all look different :) This is a good thing ! I also hope they have consider stopping all those abusive bluescreen everytwhere. It is good to sometimes see real stuff
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