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Everything posted by Jipay

  1. Your english doesn't matter ;) the essential is to anderstand what you want to say ;) Anyway, Willkommen auf eurobricks mein Freund
  2. Yes we will. I guess I'll try to do it this week In fact we are working on a new version of the website with flash, this is why we are late in updates :P Oki for FBTB and bricklinks BUt what else do you suggest ? european lugs ? Just feel free to propose :rolleyes:
  3. Lol you are welcome my friend, we all laughed at that one ! :lol:
  4. I'll work on a brand new webpage for the incomming month. With also our famous contest :P
  5. Jipay

    Skin Tones

    SO I guess it was not such a problem after all then ^^^I will get my first skin-tonned box this saturday and I was quite relucant because I was thinkinf colors won't match. But now I guess I won't have any problem to buy it :P
  6. Jipay

    Bric'mania for AFOLs

    I hope to be able to get there... Why should I work bouhouhou ? :(
  7. Jipay

    Clone Wars

    thx a lot for the links ! I dont have cartoon network but those episodes are so cool ! ;)
  8. Jipay

    Skin Tones

    I was looking at the new potter sets yesterday and I wondered one thing : how can I use my yellow SW minifig with the new peach SW minifigs :D And I was also wandering if they will release all the old SW minifigs in peach, that is to say : leia, han, luke, luke, the emperor, luke, rebel pilots, luke, rebel trooper, luke, imperial officer, luke, luke, etc... :lol:
  9. A new header will come soon on the website. A pre-version is available at www.eurobricks.com/test3.swf You can give your opinion and suggestions about this new one ;)
  10. Those are good suggestions! ;) I will let doubleT taking care of those aspects. He is the dude in charge of communication (or he is supposed to be ? <_< just kidding) Thanks or your help, if you have any other suggestion, don't hesitate !
  11. Link is working fine for me !try again, the ebpage is a little bit long to display my friend ;)
  12. Link ;) The main stuff is at the end of the article : Y-Wing and a TIE pack :lol:
  13. The winner will get a new System snowspeeder... :lol: The sets are new sets, never opened. I hope the winner will enjoy his price ! The rules of the contest will be displayed next week. For all the people who have questions, I will answer don't worry. Just sign up to ask :D !
  14. Oh I forgot 6studs : if you want us to create "6studs" section in our forum, we will only to happy to do that for you. I like also your idea of us promoting new european websites and allow european people to express theirselves. This was the conceptual idea of our site (6 months ago lol :P )!
  15. Tsss sometimes I just wonder how we created this website together :lol: Well The contest will be launched in the mid-april.
  16. Japan is not european ^^ you can choose every country from the europe union (the 25)
  17. Another stormy is always a good deal ! I'm dreaming of an army of Stormies ! It could only be cool !
  18. It's easy but because it's easy maybe somebody else will win with something more complicated :D
  19. This is a shame they didn't put a plastic stuff on the storm shoulder. BUIt it's better than a melted helmet+backpack
  20. How to bring more members on this forum ? I thought of the Eurobricks contest, but I don't know if it will be enough. What else could we do ? Any ideas ? :huh:
  21. Well the last news. Here are the two most founded rumours : - A tie army builder pack - A Deathstar playset Since both are good possibilities, I hope Lego to release both sets :P
  22. Maybe with the survey... We never know my friend.
  23. Oki, so here is a preview of the rule. Every challenger has to built something from its own country in lego. It can be anything : famous building, historical event... You can also chose another country from your own one, as long as it is a european one !
  24. I know, you won't win either (evil laugh muahahahahahah). A LEGO sets will be given to then winner of the contest !
  25. I guess I will get some of those ! I can't wait to see the new peach heads ! :P
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