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Everything posted by Jipay

  1. Disclaimer : Next one who's trying to turn this topic into an argument (= "I find this offensive" or "You shouldn't find this offensive") will be banned for life. I'm dead serious. Now could we focus on the quality of the MOC please ? I do like the centurion a lot. Reminds me of the roman mafia game that ended up so abruptly
  2. Bienvenue ! I can see a lot of anime inspiration in your MOCs
  3. That was the said April fools joke. They switched back to star wars after a few days but intended to let power miners for a longer period. In the end, nobody really knows if they were serious or not
  4. Except from the really great sets (ie green grocer), I'm mainly buying sets for the minfigs and minifig accessories.
  5. Thanks everyone, it was a great day ! And ended up with a medieval market
  6. Technic sets have changed a lot since you've played with them. Now it all depends on what you're into. There's a wide collection of great sets. i'd recommand one ro 2 star wars sets, aswell as one or two indies. You definitly need a café corner and green grocer aswell. They're expensive but will set you up to date with the latest building techniques.
  7. Bienvenue ! Pour moi ce sera une fondue...
  8. Erm, I don't see how ending up 7th can make all his critics shut up
  9. In June Nice Lego creation. The stig looks the best as always
  10. They should sell them, I'm sure it'd be a pretty BIG hit !
  11. Happy Bday !
  12. Ras, my GF isn't a member and that's ok if there's only her real name as a badge. Also note that I'll take two 50€ packages, one for me and one for her !
  13. MMhhh, what was the word again ? Ah yeah, amazing ! The way you rendered the construction of the tower is plain great, the scenery seems to be alive !
  14. Cool new style ! I like it a lot. Seems like those batman sets weren't pointless after all ! Where does that sword come from ?
  15. Another comment like that, and you're out of here. Got it ? Also keep in mind that the notion of "being right" and "being wrong" is subjective and vary from culture to culture.
  16. Minifigs And rare bricks Is it normal for this thread to be closed though ?
  17. Nice review ! So now you're experimenting lego stuff with your kids. Seems like we might see co-builded moc soon
  18. I created it, and then decided to stay
  19. I dunno how much it was last year. I remember ordering the mugs and the T shirts though 30 euros seems ok for me, but I think that all in all it depends on what you get ! Extras on
  20. Stifler's mum ?
  21. I third this statement. The prices are ok for me too (still if you can get it cheaper, that's always better, there'll be more € for the bricks )
  22. Actually we said it'd be cool if the 3 of us could be alltogether I didn't book anything yet as I was off for the week.
  23. Actually Alex's answer comes from a discussion that we had after I posted here. We'll stay at the same hotel as you guys, it'll be much more fun this way
  24. K doc, I think I'll book a room at the village on my own then. I promessed my GF we'd go there so now I have to comply (we are really anthousiastic about the decorated room, and since we do go to the park often, that's the only place we haven't been yet). I shall be there from friday afternoon until sunday morning. Do you guys know if there's any place to eat nearby ? I know that some time ago, yoda and I did find a pizzeria around, but is there anything more ?
  25. I'm participating, but I have one question : why aren't we going to legoland village ? It's just some meters from the parc, and has every accomodation needed (ok, I admit, I really want so sleep in a pirate decorated room )
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